Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          


































































































And they people ask you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] about Zil-Qarnain; You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "I will recite to you people from that [Grand Qur'aan] orally/recalling from memory". [18:83]

It is a fact that We had established a stronghold for him in the Earth and We had given him all sorts of things as means/technology. [18:84]

[Same information in 18:89,92]

For reason he pursued an expedition, [18:85]


until when he crossed over into a territory at the setting place of the Sun [extreme West] he found it/Sun setting in a spring of darkened mud and he found near by that place a nation.

We said, "O Zil-Qarnain! [you are at liberty] if you decide that you may punish them and if you decide that you may adopt about them an equitable and generous attitude" [18:86]

He said, "As for the one who acted wrongly/disturbing equation and justice thereby we will soon punish him; thereafter [on the Day of Judgment] he will be presented towards his Sustainer Lord whereby He will punish him with terrible unfamiliar infliction. [18:87]

And as for the one who accepted/believed and he perfected his conduct/performed righteous acts thereby for him is the appropriate and proportioned reward.


And we will order for him from our affairs in manner of convenience". [18:88]

[Replica/Mirror 18:92]

Afterwards he pursued another expedition, [18:89]

until when he crossed over into a territory at the rising place of the Sun [extreme East] he found it rising upon a nation for whom We had not made a shield/shelter from it. [18:90]

That is what he found; and indeed We encompassed what information was with him. [18:91]

[Replica/Mirror 18:89]

Afterwards he pursued another expedition, [18:92]

until when he crossed over into a territory between two mountains he found besides those two mountains one nation who were almost near not understanding oral speech [language] [18:93]

They said, "O Zil-Qarnain! Indeed Yajooj and Majooj [this is the quote of those people and are the names in their language-let us not try find its Root in Arabic]  trouble/makers/cause adverse effect in the land,


therefore [for reason to protect their intrusion] may we settle for you a toll that you may make between us and between them a barrier" [in the intrusion point between two mountains] [18:94]

He replied, "That state in which my Sustainer Lord has established me is much better [than your offer-I will not fix toll], therefore you people assist me with manpower, I will make the barrier between you people and between them in the manner of filling the gap. [18:95]

You bring to me the rods/pieces of iron".

[Iron pieces were brought] Until such time that he completed structure leveled/equated between the two cliffs when he said, "Blow [fire]".


[blowing fire continued] Until when he had had made the iron structure/frame incandescent he said, "you people bring to me, I will pour molten copper over it". [18:96]

[the ground passage between the two cliffs got closed on completion of the structure] Thereby they/Yajooj and Majooj were not capable that they ascended/climbed to its top and neither was possible for them to make a hole in it. [18:97]

He/Zil-Qarnain said, "This is the Mercy from my Sustainer Lord.

Therefore when the Promise [promised moment] of my Sustainer Lord would have reached/arrived He will make it scattered atoms [as will be done with mountains]

And the Promise of my Sustainer Lord is an absolute fact" [18:98]

And we left some of them the Day when they will surge in others [This is the happening of the Last Day]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 23:101;36:51;39:68;50:20;69:13]

and the [second] sound is blown in the Trumpet,


 thereby we gathered them all collectively. [18:99]

And that is the Day We presented Hell displaying for the persistent rejecters, [18:100]

[Read with 11:20;50:22]

those whose eyes were in veil from My Reminder/Book and also they did not acquire it by way of listening. [18:101]

