Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              007

Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.






























































And the magicians were brought to the presence of Fir'aoun/Pharaoh.

[Same hope expressed in 26:41]o

They said to him, "Indeed for us will certainly be reward if we are the dominants/victors" [7:113]

[Same promise in 26:42]

He replied, "Off course, and you people will certainly be amongst made near-ones/confidants". [7:114]


[Same query in 20:65]

The magicians [after being reassured that they were in competition with two magicians-20:63] said, "O Musa! Whether it will be you that throws/demonstrates or should we be the first demonstrators?" [7:115]

[His response also in 20:66;26:43]

He replied, "you people throw/demonstrate [to people whatever you demonstrate]"

Therefore/in response when they threw [their ropes and sticks in such manner/equation and timing] they made the eyes of people illusory and they made them terrified;


and they came out/demonstrated great show of illusionary skill. [7:116]

[Same information in 20:69]

And We communicated to Musa that, "you throw on ground your stick"

[It was made known to him 20:69]o

The moment he threw then it swallowed what deception/illusion they had created. [7:117]

Resultantly the fact became evident/apparent/visible [for people] and what they/the illusionists used to do faded away/proved scum. [7:118]

For reason/in consequence [of fact becoming apparent to them] they instantly became overwhelmed and turned back as humbled ones;

[Same information in 20:70; 26:46]

and the illusionists demonstratively went down as prostrating ones. [7:120]

[Replica/Mirror 26:47]

[after prostration] They pronounced, "We have accepted/believed in the Sustainer Lord of the known and existing worlds;

[Replica/Mirror 26:48; similar pronouncement in 20:70]

The Sustainer Lord of Musa and Haroon [alai'him'slaam]". [7:122]

[Same assertion in 20:71;26:49]

[in utter frustration and to indirectly threaten the gathering of people] Fir'aoun/Pharaoh shouted, "Have you believed with him before that I granted permission for you people.

Indeed this is certainly a strategy which you people have designed in the city so that you may expel  its people out of it.

[Same pronouncement in same words 6:135;11:39;16:55;30:34;39:39]o

Its consequence you will soon know. [7:123]

[Same threat in 20:71;26:49]

I will surely cut off your hands and feet from opposite sides and afterwards I will surely crucify you all collectively". [7:124]

[Same pronouncement in 26:50]

They replied, "Indeed We are reversers towards our Sustainer Lord. [7:125]

And you are retaliating and revengeful against us for and retaliatory for nothing except that we have believed in the demonstrative signs of our Sustainer Lord when they came to us"


[they prayed] "Our Sustainer Lord! Shower upon us perseverance and segregate us [on day of judgment] with Muslims" [7:126]

