Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.






































































































O you who declare to have accepted!

[Similar injunction in 3:32,132;4:59;5:92;8:01,20,46;24:54;47:33;58:13;64:12]

You people listen and affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the words of Allah and listen and accept the word of the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam told by him from Grand Qur'aan]

and accept the word of the people holding the authority from amongst you.

Then/for reason if you people wrangle in some matter stated by the men of authority/rulers then revert that to Allah and the Messenger [evaluate that according to dictate of Grand Qur'aan] if you people truly believe in Allah and the Last Day.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:35]

This is the better course and in ultimate analysis/outcome it is most appropriate and balanced. [4:59]

Have you marked the conduct of those who falsely declare that they have accepted what is sent to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and what was sent in the times before you

they intend/wish that they should refer their matters to the defiant/refractory/wanderer  for resolving those matters while indeed they have been commanded that they should reject/avoid such defiant/refractory/wanderer. [earliest Muna'fi'qeen were from Jews and in time and space. This command has always been the primary injunction-16:36;39:17]

And the Satan has the intention that he strays them to the far destructive end of neglectfulness. [4:60]   [, see 4:116,136,167;14:03,18;22:12;34:08;42:18;50:27]

[Same information in same words 5:104;63:05]

And when it is said [for] to them, "You people come to self-elevation

[Same invitation in same words in 5:104]

towards what Allah has since sent and towards the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]"

[such response also told in 63:05]

you may see/note the Muna'fi'qeen turn/avoid/divert from you [your mention], the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] quite irritated/feeling pyric [puffed up with pride]. [4:61]

Then how would it be [their response/attitude] when affliction falls upon them for what their hands have sent forward/the conduct/actions

thereafter they come to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and say swearing by Allah that "We had only the intention of settlement/reconciliation between the parties" [4:62]

They are the people about whom Allah knows [the disease] what is in their [Muna'fi'qeen] hearts, therefore overlook [these tactics]/abstain from them

and politely advise them and say for them a statement that may penetrate and suffice for their selves. [4:63]

And We did not send a single Messenger except that indeed his word be accepted with the permission of Allah,

and if, when they people did wrong themselves,

they had come to you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] then sought forgiveness of Allah and for them The Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] sought forgiveness for them

surely they would have found Allah paying attention mercifully. [4:64]

  • [they have not come to you] Therefore; Your Sustainer Lord swears, they will not believe in the manner acceptable to Allah the Exalted until and unless they might consider and make you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] judge-authority to decide in matters that have become hardened belief like entrenched tree amongst them: the people of Book.

  • Afterwards; they would not have felt contraction in their selves what you the Messenger had ruled-decided in accordance with the Grand Qur'aan [2:213;3:23;4:105;5:48-49;6:114].

  • And they will not be considered as believers unless they pay you obeisance and salutations; respectfully dignifying. [4:65]

And had We prescribed/made mandatory upon them [Jews from whom belonged the Muna'fi'qeen] that "slay your selves" or had ordained "leave out from your places of abode", they would not have acted once except a few from them. [Read Allah's verdict carefully and then ponder about those hypothetical assertions which say that in obedience to one command the Jews murdered their own 70000/45000 brothers and sisters, it will help you to discard such oft-repeated myths fabricated to contradict this information of Grand Qur'aan about Jews]

And had they acted for the first time what they are being advised [to accept what has since been sent, Grand Qur'aan] indeed it would have been far better for them and stronger to hold them from what they keep doing; [4:66]

and in that case/at that time We would have given them a great reward from Our Grace

 and surely We would have guided them to the Straight Path leading to destination. [4:67-68]

And whoever willingly/affectionately accepts the words of Allah and His Messenger [contained and recited by him from Grand Qur'aan],

[Read also19:58]

for this reason/then they are the people who are with those ones upon whom Allah bestowed grace

the people who were bestowed grace are the Elevated and Chosen Servants of Allah, the truthful people who proved their word of belief by physical conduct and the people selected to be Witnesses and the people who conducted with perfection.

And what a beautiful happening to get mentioned in their company/group.  [4:69]

This is the Grace/Elegance from Allah;

and it suffices that Allah is eternally the knower of everyone. [4:70]

