Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              019

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          












































"And we [the Angels] do not descend except with the command of your Sustainer Lord.

The encompassment of that whatever was destined in time-line in front of us [past] and that whatever is destined in time-line on our back [future] and that whatever is destined in-between it [present] is for Him alone.


Take note that the Sustainer Lord of you is never ever forgetful. [19:64]

[Ar'Reh'maan is the] Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth and whatever is between the two, therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] continue [calling/inviting people] to be subservient/subject/allegiant to Him/Ar'Reh'maan and you remain coolly perseverant/steadfast in demonstrating servitude for Him.  


Do you know for Him any parallel by distinction of Name?" [O Sustainer Lord! certainly not; Your name is the Unique] [19:65]

And the man says questioningly, "Is it that when I am dead will indeed I shall be brought out alive?" [19:66]

Is it that the living Man does not recall/remember this fact that We had created him in earlier time-line while he was not in state of an existing tangible object [which is mentioned/remembered]. [19:67]

The response is, by your Sustainer Lord, of course We will gather them and the Shiyateen/devils [on resurrection], afterwards they will be brought in the boundary of Hell-Prison, bounded together. [19:68]

Afterwards We will certainly drag out from each and every group such of them who were staunchly rebellious to an extreme against Ar'Reh'maan. [19:69]

Afterwards [in response to demands of people] We certainly know the best about those who are most deserving to be parched. [19:70]

And there is none amongst you people who will not reach her [place of hell] [It may please be noted and remembered here that the words made from the Root of underlined word do not prescribe entering into a place but its meanings are restricted to reaching a point where the limit of a place start. This meanings have immediately been clarified in the very next verse]


This is what your Sustainer Lord has inevitably concluded. [19:71]

Afterwards [having arrived thereat] We will save those who remained mindful and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah and We will leave the distorters/unjust/evil mongers in that bounded together. [19:72]

