Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

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     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.     



















































































































These women for you people have been forbidden/declared sanctified; your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your parental aunts [sisters of your fathers], and sisters of your mothers,

and daughters of your brothers, and daughters of your sisters, and your foster mothers from whom you sucked milk in childhood, and your foster sisters,

 and mothers of your wives,

and the daughters who were brought up in your care, of your such wives [from their previous husbands] with whom you have performed matrimonial relationship/sexual intercourse.

For the reason if you had not done matrimonial act/intercourse penetration [and divorced before sexual intercourse, as is permissible] then there is nothing objectionable for you in marrying their daughters born from previous husbands.

and are sanctified the spouses of your sons who were born of your lions;

and this is also prohibited that you join/simultaneously collect two sisters in your Nikah,

but what has happened in the past that is a past/retrospective matter.

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:106;33:24]

 Indeed Allah is repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, the Merciful. [4:23]

Moreover, amongst women those are also forbidden/sanctified who are protected/are already a wedded pearl except such married believing women [emigrant-60:10 in wed fold of disbeliever] who have since become under your control and authority. This is the Mandatory prescription of Allah, the Exalted for you people to follow in letter and spirit.

And women other than identified ones have been made permissible-knot/restriction removed for you

[they are made permissible for the purpose] so that you sincerely seek them with your wealth in the manner of those who seek women to take them in the protective fold [of Nikah]/to make them a pearl of their life/home; and not for seeking them with wealth in the manner of debauch men for sexual lust/merely for flowing out the "water".

 Then for reason of having established matrimonial relation/association [unlike those wives whom you divorce without having intercourse], you people discharge your obligation/commitment with such wives, in full.

   And there is nothing objectionable/embarrassing for you if after having struck the obligation you amend it with mutual consent/understanding.

[Same information in same words in 4:11;33:01 and 76:30]

Indeed Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [4:24]

And whoever amongst you has not the means/wealth sufficient enough that he may seek for Nikah the believing women having protection of families,

for reason [of distress due to inability of suppressing the desire] he may marry from amongst those who are under your guardianship as believing maid servants [not being women of known family].

And Allah is well aware of your faith. Those believing maid servants are from amongst you.

 Therefore you [the independent but with insufficient resources men] take them into Nikah with the permission of their folk [guardians, with whom she is maid servant]

 and pay them the obligation/commitment in the well known manner as is paid to a women taken in the protective fold of Nikah/made as pearl of  life/home which is opposite the style and manner of payment to debauch/professional women [who act for the occasional "outflow of water/satisfying sexual lust"]. And nor in the manner of payment as is made to such women who maintain secret intimate relationship [act as keeps/concubine].

Therefore when maid servants are given in wedlock then for reason of having committed some "fahishatin" i.e. some illicit sexual activity [other than Zina, illicit intercourse] the punishment awarded should be half of what is prescribed [by the society in penal code] for such offence by independent family women.

This is indeed a convenience/remedy for such man of poor resources [not apparently financially capable of affording a family] who apprehend distress [danger or difficulty in holding chastity, though sexual desire becoming manifest is something natural]

  And if you remain firm to your resolve of chastity with coolly perseverance it is far better.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 2:218; 3:31,129;5:74;8:70;9:27, 91;24:22;49:05;57:28;60:07;66:01]

And Allah is repeatedly the Forgiving/Overlooking, The Merciful. [4:25]

Allah intends to make evidently distinct for you and guide you people about the procedure/course of action in varying situations which was also followed by people before your times. And Allah intends attention for mercy upon you.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,58,59;49:08;60:10]

And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [4:26]

[To expand upon you, it is reiterated] And Allah repeatedly intends to turn to you people mercifully

 and those people, who physically follow their lusts, strongly and persistently desire that you too get deeply inclined towards such lustful pursuits. [4:27]

Allah intends to lighten things for making you agile

 since someone has mingled/molded the man as weakened [by inclining him to lustiness which deteriorate the strength]. [4:28]

