Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
ٱلدُّنْيَا: means low, near, earthly, worldly.
ٱلْعُلَى means high, elevated, higher in place, ascended, lofty, The Sky was converted into seven firmaments/layers one above the other, Sky of the Earth and above it six skies ascending above/higher.
Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, "[I do not consider except myself as lord] Then who is the Sustainer Lord of you both, O Musa". [20:49] Musa [علیہ السلام] said, "Our Sustainer Lord is The One who gave shape/dimensions to each and every thing of His creation and/afterwards He guided it. [20:50]
Fir'aoun/Pharaoh said, [Referring to statement that infliction is upon the one who contradicted and turned away from the Guidance-20:48] "Then what is the fate of earlier generations?" [20:51] Musa [علیہ السلام] said, "The knowledge about that is with my Sustainer Lord, put in writing in the Book; o my Sustainer Lord is neither ever unmindful/neglectful and nor He ever forgets" [20:52] [Similar information in 43:10]
He is the One Who has spread out the Earth like a carpet for you people and for you people had run within it paths/passages for travel
[Also exact these words are in 2:22;
14:32] And He sent water from the Sky then/for reason with it [him-water] We sprouted/produced various species/couples of herbs/plants. [20:53] Eat yourselves and you people pasture your cattle/herbivore mammals. [Same pronouncement in same words in
20:128]o Indeed in it are certainly demonstrative intelligent signs for people of intellect and wisdom. [20:54] From her/Earth did We create you people and We shall return you people in her; o And from her/Earth We will bring you out, the last/final outflow/life. [20:55]
And indeed We had shown him Our unprecedented demonstrative signs, all [nine] of them, whereupon/for reason he/Fir'aoun/Pharaoh contradicted and he demurred [through self pride] [20:56]
He said, [supporting the opinion of his confidants] "Have you come to us with the motive to drive us out from our country with your illusory tricks/magic, O Musa. [20:57] In response certainly we will come to you with illusory tricks/magic similar to this/yours. o Therefore you appoint between us and between you a time and place, nor we will deviate from it and nor you, an equal place". [20:58] [Read with
26:38] Musa [علیہ السلام] said, "The appointed time for you people is the day of the festival and that the people are gathered in the forenoon" [20:59]
Thereby Fir'aoun/Pharaoh retired [from Levee], then organized his strategy, afterwards he came [on the appointed date when all known magicians were brought to his presence] [20:60] Musa [علیہ السلام] said for [to] them/the magicians, "Woe is for you, you people do not fabricate attributing to Allah a falsehood whereby He may destroy you with punishment. o And indeed he is abased [in the end] whoever fabricated falsehood" [20:61]
[They were taken aback realizing that a magician can never say this since very foundation of illusory trick is falsehood] Thereby they disputed in their matter/demonstration of magic trick amongst themselves and held discussions reclusively. [20:62] [Noticing reluctance on their part] They/confidants of Fir'aoun said to them, "Indeed these two are two magicians, they both two intend that they drive you people out from your country with their magic tricks, o and they may take away your exemplary civilization. [20:63] [They put emphasis on you and not us] Therefore you people collectively organize your strategy/plan; afterwards you people come consolidated/in one consecutive line [with no mutual differences] o and indeed he perpetually succeeded today who achieved superiority". [20:64] [Same query in
7:115] The magicians [after being reassured that they were in competition with two magicians-20:63] said, "O Musa! Whether it will be you that throws/demonstrates or should we be the first who demonstrated?" [20:65] He said, "No, you people throw/demonstrate [to people whatever you demonstrate]" Therefore/in response when they threw their ropes and sticks [in such manner/equation and timing] it created a perception/thought for him from their illusory trick that it was one moving snake. [20:66]
Thereupon/for reason [seeing such remarkable demonstration of illusory trick] Musa [علیہ السلام] felt disturbed in his self secretively [about success, without allowing it reflected by face expressions] [20:67]
We told him, "Do not feel concerned/apprehend, indeed you are the superior/victorious. [20:68] [Same information in
7:117] And you throw on ground that which is in your right hand; [having been commanded] it will swallow what they have artistically arranged and organized. Indeed what they have artistically arranged and organized is deceptive technique of illusionist; and never the illusionist arrives/retains perpetual success/fruitfulness from whatever angle/side he comes [since illusion is always of temporary nature]" [20:69] [Same information in
7:120;26:46] For reason/having seen the fact [the thrown stick becoming living Cobra] the illusionists went into prostration demonstratively. [Similar pronouncement in
7:122;26:48]o They said, "We have believed in the Sustainer Lord of Musa and Haroon [alai'him'slaam]". [20:70] [Same assertion in same words
7:123] Fir'aoun/Pharaoh shouted, "Have you believed for him before that I granted permission for you people. Indeed he is certainly your elder who has taught you the magic. For that I will surely cut off your hands and feet from opposite sides and afterwards I will surely crucify you people on the trunks of date-palms. And certainly you people will know who of us is more severe in awarding punishment and more lasting" [20:71] They replied, "We will never care for you after what has come to us from the eternal absolute truths and [having believed in] the One Who initially created us. [Read with
26:50] Therefore [don't shout Fir'aoun] you conclude/decide for what ever you are capable to decide. o Indeed you can only decide in this life of lowly world. [20:72] [Read with
26:51] Indeed we have believed in our Sustainer Lord so that He may forgive for our our omissions, and for that what you compelled us to perform illusory trick. o And Allah/what is from Allah is the Best and the Perpetual". [20:73] Indeed he who comes to his Sustainer Lord as proven guilty/criminal thereby indeed for him is Hell-Prison [Same pronouncement in
87:13]o He will neither die therein and nor would he enjoy life. [20:74] And whoever comes to Him as believer who had indeed done righteous deeds, o therefore/for that reason such are the people for whom are ranks of superiority. [20:75] [Same information in
98:08] Gardens of pleasant abode, streams flowing beneath/side-by them, they will reside therein permanently. [Similar pronouncement in
87:14]o And this is the reward for the one who elevated himself"[above conjectures, desires/vested interest] [20:76] [Our salutations and respects to these Muslims who were earlier illusionists; and curse upon Fir'aoun who despite having been asked-79:18 could not raise himself above self deceptions]