Grand Qur’ān teaches the subject of Human
Allah the Exalted, through the elevated Messenger
who is the admonisher in timeline, has informed about Grand Qur’ān:
And it is
regulatory information for aright conduct
counselling: results of affairs- disclosure of factual
outcome of acts: good and bad eventuality, reward and punishment - penal
code, for those
sincerely endeavour to attain
salvation. [3:138]
Allah the Exalted has informed that everything
is created in measure
and then disciplined in a cohesive single unity by the choice of
attraction and repulsion amongst things. The purpose of disciplining
every thing was to make it easy for comprehension and perception
of human beings since the objective of entire creation was to expose who among human beings conducts
himself in an appropriate and balanced manner. The purpose of creation
of physical realm is:
The purpose and consideration of this creative activity was that He
the Exalted might
by subjecting to a test, as to who amongst you people is more
appropriate-balanced-beautiful-moderate with regard to conduct, behaviour and actions.
The purpose and consideration for the
creation of matter and life is to subject the man; who is bestowed
autonomy of self governance and freedom of choice, freewill, to trial
for exposing
who of them remains relatively better, moderate, proportioned, meets the
standards of beauty with regard to determined and volitional acts.

This nominal sentence is the second object of preceding verb.
The Comparative noun: is the Predicate of
"who amongst you people". Comparative Noun, in
Arabic [اسم
التفضيل], derived from primary active voice verb, is
a relational word which signifies that the
excess in meaning is in comparison to others.
This noun means more beautiful, more proportioned, more
balanced, more moderate; more manifest in beauty with regard to.
It is disambiguation accusative for:
It thus shows that the trial is with regard to beauty of
volitional acts, conduct.
It denotes act: something that somebody does. What is an act and how is
it performed? This Arabic word denotes only those acts which
are performed by design and will. It can be performed only when data and
about it is already saved in the memory. Retrieving that information and translating-executing it
into action is called: "عمل". And the data in
memory is called: "علم" in Arabic. Both these
words have similar particles with different sequencing: ع , ل , م. The
act signified by:
thus be termed as transposition of
علم: information, knowledge.
And it is matter of common knowledge that all our wilful-volitional acts
are caused by the desire to satisfy the appetite, attractions, pleasures or lust of
three areas of our body; chest/heart; stomach, and the genitalia. There
is no other point where we have an appetite.

It means that our
conduct with respect to these areas of appetite is moderate and balanced,
avoiding excesses and extremes. since all these appetites can be satisfied by going
into the society where everyone is a shareholder. Anyone on extremes
will effect and jeopardize the rights of others and there will be
disquiet and disturbance in society, a situation that negates the
perception and meanings of verbal noun:
Submission to the discipline
establishing orderly state of peace, security, tranquillity, harmony and
dynamic balance for all.
Pleasure and Pain are stimulus for:
volitional action,
conduct, behaviour. Nature has placed mankind under the
governance of two sovereign masters, pleasure and pain. Appealing features and attractions
tempt and sooth us
giving pleasures and comforts. In timeline, attractions, allures for human beings have been in this
Woman are the first attraction and this
is the primary cause of Human Sexuality, the subject of this
study from Grand Qur’ān, which includes
human sexual interests, behaviour, and function.
How sexual
system turns-on
Why Men want sex? Do woman also want sex?
What is the
cause behind it? Sex is the greatest urge-appetite and pleasure
of human beings, particularly men. Medical
experts inform that the reason humans want sex is due to the hormone
testosterone, which is predominantly male hormone.
A normal male’s body produces 20 times more of this hormone than a female’s.
This difference in real life experience may result in male feeling the same way
after one day without sex as a female after twenty days; a male that has not had
sex in twenty days feels the same as a female after more than a year without
Wikipedia has
the following outline as
an overview of human sexuality:
Desire and sexuality are still mysterious subjects
despite successes of scientists by examining the reactions and activities
within the human brain to understand the phenomenon.
Qur’ān has disclosed that men have
varying sensual excitements and some women are fascinatingly attractive for them.
This part of the Ayah is structurally a simple sentence which will
become compound with the following conjunction particle Waw; and is
declarative by function. Declarative sentences are used to convey
information or to make statements. This Ayah is an
information report
which classifies, describes and gives factual information about people.
Information report usually begins with a general classification or
definition, lists a sequence of related information about topic; and
ends with a concluding comment.
The topic of information statement is:
زُيِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ:
Something has become
alluring for the people
Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; masculine;
Passive; [Form-II]; مصدر-تَزْيِيْنٌ
Verbal Noun. Its Root is:
ى ن. It
leads to the perception of proportionality and beauty of a thing; and
its adoration, ornamentation, beautification. It
gives the thing alluring quality.
Prepositional phrase: لِ Inseparable preposition (الإختصاص)
+ Noun: Definite by article; Plural; Masculine; genitive; meaning "the people".
The definite article is of the kind:
الْجِنْسِيَّةُ لبَيَانَ
الحَقِيقَةِ: It is to point only a fact, it does not include all
members of the genus; thus means: generally speaking.
In relation to women, it will denote generally speaking about Men, not
the entire genus; and for other information it denotes "the people,
generally speaking or the majority of people.
حُبُّ ٱلشَّهَوَٟتِ:
It is a possessive phrase which is Proxy Subject of the preceding
Passive Verb.
This is what has become appealing, fascinating, alluring for the Men,
generally speaking.
حُبُّ : Verbal Noun: Indefinite; nominative.
It stems from Root:
ب ب.
signifies strong lasting attachment, beloved, an object
liked and loved.
Noun: Definite; plural; feminine;
genitive. It stems from Root:
ھ و. Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
الشين والهاء والحرف المعتل كلمة واحدة،
الشّهوة. يقال: رجلٌ
شَهْوانُ، وشيءٌ شَهِيّ.
That it signifies desire, longing,
yearning; it refers lustful, erotic, libidinous, over-sexed man. and
appeasing, delicate, stimulating or appealing thing. |
signifies "The erotic predilections (special liking or preferences) - stimulators".
prepositional phrase:
مِنَ ٱلنِّسَآءِ
"some of the women; from the women" relates to
elided circumstantial clause - state [متعلقان بمحذوف حال من الشهوات] for
The circumstantial clause with prepositional phrase relating to women
restricts it to:شَهْوَةٙ:
sexually exciting, arousing, sexually turning-on signals.
denotes the commencement. The temporal point of departure,
the point
at which a state has commenced. When used in this
signification, Arab Grammarians call it "denotes the commencement of the
limits in place and time" or simply "lil ibteda" to denote the
It also denotes the casual point of departure, the origin
and source of a thing; Grammarians say that in this case
مِنَ is used
assigning the reason.
وَٱلْبَنِيـنَ : It is conjunct to earlier
part of the sentence since it is not conjunct to previous feminine word
while it is plural masculine. It is common sense that it does not
conjunct to:
مِنَ meaning only some sons are desired and others
The information is about the experience of the majority
of men. We find in the literature specifically studying men's arousal patterns
repeatedly emphasizing their sensitivity to visual cues.
As soon as the lust-inspiring image registers in their brain,
they become turned-on—not only physically but psychologically, too. This
is the reason that believing men are instructed to reduce their gaze to
escape arousal by fetish - any sexually arousing stimuli and to guard
their genitals.
As an extreme caution, believing women
are also instructed to reduce their gaze:
Reduced gaze will help an individual
avoid Partialism: sexual interest with an
exclusive focus on a specific part of the body.
Generally speaking, men avoid actually
sharing their erotic predilections and experiences with others. It is
evident from the information that the erotic predilections and fetish
could be different for individuals:
The most attractive body parts that are
considered fetish are those which are ordered to be kept under extra
veil when women are in the company of males or other women. The injunctions for women
in this regard are not in the sense of restricting their preferences for
dress code but in fact to facilitate men since sexual system can become
self operative even without the desire of an individual. Thereby women
are advised:
Verbal sentence:
comprises of Verb: Imperfect;
Transitive; Third person; plural; feminine;
Mood: Jussive by prohibitive particle;
[Form-IV] + suffixed
Subject Pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-اِبْدَاءٌ
Verbal noun.
Verb stems from Root:
ب د و
signifies appearance, emergence, rise, display, manifestation, and
disclosing, revealing some thing. It is antonym of hiding, concealing,
veiling something.
Form IV verb
is Causative - Causing someone or something to perform the
action of Measure I.
The direct object of verb is:
a possessive phrase; Noun:
Definite by construct;
feminine; accusative
+ Possessive pronoun: Third person; plural;
feminine; in genitive state. It has no meaning other than "their bosom,
their object of attraction" as is evident from the exceptive clause:
إِلَّا مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْـهَا barring
that which has become noticeable. The excepted part is
of their allure - attraction and it is:
مَا ظَهَرَ
مَا : Relative Pronoun, masculine;
its Linkage clause is verbal sentence: ظَهَر
Perfect verb with subject pronoun hidden,
third person, singular, masculine. Prepositional Phrase:
مِنْـهَا related to verb and
object pronoun of preposition is referent to
meaning a part of their allure. The verb stems from Root:
ظ ھ ر
which signifies a thing became outward,
perceptible, manifest or noticeable.
Make up and all other adornments are
purposely made or worn. There is no point of their being naturally
surfaced above ground level. Their natural
source of attraction for other sex is their bosoms which are naturally
surfaced upon chest.
Women are advised to let their bosom as
they are naturally developed noticeably and try not making them more
prominent by artificial methods. There is no denying many women are
concerned and interested in enhancing shape and size of their bosom.
The following conjunct injunctions make
it explicit that:
is euphemism for their breast and that that the protuberance visible in
the normal dress should be covered by extra unsown sheet:

It is conjunct to the previous clause with
conjunction particle, followed by prefixed Imperative Particle. Next to
it is Verbal sentence: Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; plural; feminine;
Mood: Jussive; نَ
Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-ضَرْبٌ
Verbal noun.
Since woman's breast, being protuberant
cone like fetish, is noticeable in the worn dress, they are advised to cover them by
putting their extra sheets upon their chest . It will create a space to
let air come in between the bosom and sheet covering the protuberance.
Breasts are surfaced upon the chest, thereby it is
explicit that placing extra sheet on chests is only to cover the bosoms.
refers to nothing else but is euphemism for their bosom, which is their
sex characteristic. It is explicitly mentioned by
repeating the same injunction:
The exceptive clauses to this injunction also render the
euphemism explicit for the body part it refers:
- Except for their husbands
An exception given to women to let remain their bosom
noticeable is in the presence of children who are specified that they
have not become aware:

a prepositional phrase coupled with possessive phrase which relates to
preceding verb in perfect meaning by Negation Jussive Particle. The
Possessive Phrase:

signifies the sexual parts of women. It is because their exposure has
aspect of shame. In Ayah 24:58 seeking prior permission by everyone of
the household is made mandatory for visiting the bedroom of husband and
wife at three timings which are appointed as of sexual privacy for the
couples using the same word:
These are three privacies appointed for you (people - spouses).
This is yet another evidence that:
refers only to "their bosom", a secondly sex organ of women.
It is again rendered explicit that it refers to secondary
sex organ:
Take note, the aged singles,
whether virgins, widows or divorcee
in the women folk who have no desire and intention for Nikah -marriage
Laying off extra sheet is not blame worthy if this
condition is there:

It is circumstantial accusative. The Possessive Phrase:

signifies those women who are other than of those fond of
self exposing. Plural feminine active participle:
is derived from Form-V verb stemming from Root:
ر ج.
It signifies projection, display, and exposure of her
finery and beauties by woman.
Active Participles are formed from
the Present Tense Active Voice Verb.
One of the unique feature of an Active participle is that
it has a verbal quality.
It signifies that
it has the same meaning as the Active Voice Verb and can even govern
words in the same manner as a verb governs in a sentence.
Form-V verb and active participle has reflexive causative meanings.
The subject receives back
the impact of action. Thereby, this Participle denotes those women who
by projecting their bosoms render their selves alluring for other sex.
Apart from
enlarged breasts the
widened hips of
females are also considered
secondary sex fetish. They also need to be covered when in public:
Wrapping unsown sheets on chest and dropping shawls on
lower part of the body helps
concealing the female figure
which is the cumulative product of a woman's skeletal structure and the
quantity and distribution of muscle and fat on the body.
The bust, waist, and hips, called inflection
points, define the body
shapes. Once the inflection points are covered, the eyes of an onlooker
will not get any cue for objectifying a woman in the street, whereby,
she will be recognized as pious lady not interested in luring men.
Thereby, there will be no harassing and embarrassing response from an on
looking man because his eyes did not convey any alluring image and cue
to his brain.
Sex is both a psychological and physiological phenomenon
and is dependent upon stimulus and preferences of an individual which
plays a major role in spouse relationships. Thereby, instructions are
given how to resolve displeasing situations emerging after body
exposures once married.
- Take note; you (husbands) are directed to gift
them: The providing of gift
to them shall be
commensurate to his measure upon the man of riches-affluence-abundant
resources —
- And shall be
commensurate to his measure upon the man of little/restricted resources. It is emphasized that
sustenance gift be in accordance with the known norms of
- This act of
gifting to such divorced wife is an obligation for such men who
maintain a balanced/even handed conduct in life. [2:236]
It is explicitly clarified that there is nothing wrong
and abnormal in terminating the marriage if the husband has not
consummated it. What is mentioned in these ayahs is already mentioned in
descriptive words:
However, for some
reason if you (husbands) had
not done act of entry-intercourse
with them
[divorced before sexual intercourse, as
is permissible]
thereby there is not at all blemish-worthy upon you in marrying their daughters born from previous
[Refer 4:33]
The compelling reasons could be either ideological,
psychological or physiological exposed immediately after marriage which
are not commensurate to the preferences of husband which vary from man
to man.
Notwithstanding this facility and permitted course of
action, husbands are directed:
Thereby, [marriage is on apparent considerations, many
thing emerge only after intimacy]
if you (husbands)
disliked them, thereat just think that it is possible that
you disdainfully dislike a thing while Allah the Exalted
might have rendered abundant good therein.
It is said that sexual desire itself is a drive lodged deep in the gut, working without our
knowledge and beyond our control. In this section we have read about the cues
that sexually effect almost all the men. Do women also get aroused
subconsciously by some cues? We will study it in the real-life event
that occurred in the life of elevated Messenger Yusuf alahissalam when
he reached to his strengthened maturity and some respectable women
unsuccessfully tried to seduce him.