Allah the Exalted is the only Living Icon: the Awesome, Lord Who is uncritically admired, revered, feared, and adorned - glorified.


The recognition of Allah the Exalted in time-line has always been:  , as discussed earlier.  And this is the main theme of the Message conveyed by all the Messengers sent towards different nations ever since the Elite-Dominant segment of the Nation of Noah alai'his'slaam did the first greatest deception to their subjects-weaker segments and to posterior humanity when they sculpted statues; and by assigning them hypothetically coined names declared these as various: "miscellaneous gods" of peoples besides Allah the Exalted. It is how they innovatively introduced the hypothetical concept of various gods. This reflects craftiness and cunningness of the pseudo-intellectuals, the coteries of ruling elite, who avoided publicly disavowing Allah the Exalted in fear of mutiny and straightaway rejection by ordinary majority of people. After they had done this deception; the message conveyed to the people in time and space is to get out of this deception and know that: is  . We MUST always call by Proper Name: to maintain and reflect our distinction that we recognize Him and believe that He the Exalted is: .

However, what is most conspicuous by absence in the recorded history of earlier nations in the Grand Qur'aan is the sentences: and another sentence with third person masculine singular pronoun which is referent to Allah the Exalted: .  This sentence is one element of the theme of Grand Qur'aan. It is for the author of a book to prove his theme by tangible evidence and undeniable arguments. We should, therefore, study it as a separate concept.

This Ayah comprises of three simple sentences, all nominal. We have previously discussed the first sentence. The second sentence is the subject of present study:

It is a simple, elliptical sentence which is a dependent clause since it has a third person, singular, masculine, personal pronoun that is referent to the antecedent mentioned in the previous topic/principal sentence. In the third sentence, it is explicitly mentioned that the pronoun is referent to: Ar'Reh'maan. The third sentence is simple elliptical sentence as a dependent clause with the subject elided: and its predicate is: Ar'Reh'maan.

This sentence is immediately afterwards mentioned as an independent sentence with subject and predicate:

It is a simple nominal sentence with subject and predicate where the predicate itself is an elliptical sentence. It occurs eight times in Grand Qur'aan in Ayahs (1)2:255(2)3:02(3)4:87(4)9:129(5)20:08(6)27:26(7)28:70(8)64:13=8 which are fully reproduced at the end of the paper. Proper Noun Allah is the subject of sentence. The predicate is an elliptical dependent sentence: . This dependent sentence/clause is mentioned in independent sentence structure later in the Discourse in two ayahs (1)37:35(2)47:19: .

Since all available translations of these independent and dependent clauses are erroneous; and are in fact mere copying of the translation of George Sale and John Rodwell, both Christian pseudo scholars, therefore, it is necessary to syntactically analyze them to correctly understand their semantics.

The negation particle: is called: النَّاْفِيَةُ لِلْجِنْس which is used to negate some proposition with regard to entire genus referred by its subject noun. Its visual identification is that it renders its subject noun in accusative case and its predicate is always in nominative case. Its subject in the sentence is: , a singular noun representing genus/family which is considered an icon of uncritical reverence, adoration, submission to and allegiance, worshipping.

The predicate of Negation Particle is elided. Many words in nominative case can be estimated as the most deserving entity to be its predicate. The elided predicate is the reality that is negated to be ascribed to all the icons of uncritical reverence, adoration, submission to and allegiance, worshipping. The only exception is indicated by the exceptive particle: for: Personal pronoun: third person; masculine; singular; definite, nominative state which is referent to Allah the Exalted, the subject of nominal sentence.

But we should not estimate by our own mind, instead we should see the next sentence of Ayah 2:255 to know the most suitable predicate:

This is predicate of a simple sentence with subject elided as it is understood from the previous pronoun, He the Exalted. And the first predicate means "the Living" and the second predicate means one who organizes the affairs, the Sovereign Administrator.

It is thus evident that the foremost word that can be estimated as elided predicate of Negation Particle in sentences: ; and relates to: the living. And the sentences mean: "None in miscellany of iela'aha: godheads - deities that are uncritically admired, adorned, revered and worshiped is alive except Him the Exalted—Ar'Reh'maan—Allah."

This ascription of being alive is negated for all others hypothetically considered as icons; and is exclusive to Allah the Exalted:

It is reiterated with further information:

The fact, which is negated for all the imaginary and hypothetical icons of uncritical admiration, adoration and worship, that none of them is alive is stated explicitly:

Further information about imaginary and hypothetical icons of certain peoples is given in these words:

Except Allah the Exalted, all imaginary and hypothetical gods of polytheists are not alive, and further they are subject to destruction.

Another feature which is negated in respect of all the icons, except Allah the Exalted, that are revered and worshipped is: meaning none of them, except Allah the Exalted, manages and administers the universes.

All thirty-one ayahs where the basic recognition of Allah the Exalted is mentioned by sentence: are listed below:

The afore-stated fact is also mentioned by change of pronouns in the following ayahs:



The afore-stated fact is also mentioned by change of structuring of words in the following ayahs: