Root: ع ز ز
a) Total occurrences: 120
b) No of constructions: 22
Nouns: 19; Recurrence: 117; Verbs: 3;
[Form-I: 1; Form-II: 1; Form-IV: 1]
Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
العين والزاء أصلٌ صحيح واحد،
يدلُّ على شدّةٍ وقوّةٍ وما ضاهاهما، من غلبةٍ وَقهر.
That it leads to the perception of power and force
or what looks like that in dominance, predominance, superiority and
conquering, overpowering.
(لسان العرب)
والعِزُّ: خلاف الذُّلّ
That it is antonym to servility,
humbleness, lowness, subservience.
Power, Might, to value highly, impregnable, to be rare,
was, or became,
mighty, potent, powerful, or strong; (TA,
in explanation of عِزٌّ;)
and so ↓ تعزّز ;
or the latter signifies he
made himself so; he strengthened himself; syn. تَقَوَّى:
ذ ل ل
Related Root:
غ ل ب
Semantic domain: Dominate - Sovereignty
English Frame Index:
Dominate _ competitor
An Agent,
by virtue of strength or forcefulness, controls, rules, or
strongly influences some Patient in
some Situation. |
The semantic domain of this Root is
relational or we may call competitive. The sentient that dominates,
exerts influence and overpowers or takes control of and governs some
other sentient, or objects, phenomenon, or situation is obviously holder
of relatively greater power, strength, and force. The degree to which
the Dominant dominates is variable. Similarly the time over which the
domination occurs can vary. Likewise the place and area of domination
may vary, which becomes the dominion.
In keeping with the semantic features
of this Root, appropriate translation of words:
, when used for
Allah the Exalted, would be: absolute sovereignty and Absolute
Sovereign, not limited in time, duration and space.
the pride-stubbornness-elitism
Our Sustainer Lord!
And raise
a revivalist amongst them as
who is
characteristically a perpetually Monotheist Believer
amongst them- ["Our
Progeny" refers to and solely denotes Muslim community of Iesma'eile's progeny].
رب! آپ مبعوث فرمائیں ان (ہم دونوں کی ذریت) کے درمیان ایک رسول جو ان
میں ایک ایسا مرد ہو جو ہمیشہ توحید پر کاربند مومن ہو۔
He will recite word by
word-syllable by syllable the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Unitary Passages of
the Book of You the Exalted. And he will educate
them to read and copy writing the Book, and will teach them how to
attain the wisdom-capability to perceive the
information about invisible realities. And he will intellectually
uplift-sanctify them
[by removing shackles of
conjectural myths/distorted beliefs].
وہ ان (ہماری
ذریت)کوآپ کی آیات لفظ بلفظ سنائے،اور انہیں مخصوص کتاب کی تعلیم
دے،اورانہیں حکمت/دانائی سکھائے،اور انہیں علمی و فکری سربلندی دے
The fact remains that You the
Exalted are certainly
the Pervasively and absolutely dominant;
and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm,
visible and invisible." [2:129]
“یقینا آپ کے بارے حقیقت
یہ ہے کہ آپ دائمی،ہر لمحہ،ہرمقام پرحتماً غالب ہیں۔ اورآپ بدرجہ اتم
انصاف پسند تمام موجود کائنات کے فرمانروا اور تمام پنہاں کو جاننے
والے ہیں۔
Proper Noun
1 |
Noun: Prefixed Definite Article; feminine;
genitive. (1)53:19=1
اسم علم:معرفہ باللام-مجرور |
1 |
Elative Noun (comparative and superlative- عِزٌّ Verbal
noun:): Indefinite; singular; masculine; nominative.
اسم التفضيل:-مرفوع-واحد
مذكر |
2 |
Hyperbolic Noun/Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Definite; masculine; broken plural; genitive. (1)5:54=1
اسم المبالغة-مجرور-جمع-مذكر |
3 |
Noun/Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Definite; masculine; broken plural; accusative. (1)27:34=1
اسم المبالغة-منصوب-جمع-مذكر |
4 |
Elative Noun (comparative and superlative-Verbal
noun: عِزٌّ): Definite; singular; masculine; nominative. (1)63:08=1
اسم التفضيل:معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-واحد
مذكر |
5 |
Verbal Noun/Noun:
Definite; nominative. (1)2:206(2)35:10(3)63:08=3
باللام:مرفوع |
6 |
Verbal Noun/Noun:
Definite; accusative. (1)4:139(2)4:139(3)10:65(4)35:10=4
باللام:منصوب |
7 |
Verbal Noun/Noun:
Definite; genitive. (1)37:180=1
مصدر:معرفہ باللام:مجرور |
8 |
Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Definite; masculine; singular; nominative. (1)2:129(2)3:06(3)3:18(4)3:62(5)5:118(6)11:66(7)12:78(8)12:88(9)14:04 (10)16:60(11)26:09(12)26:68(13)26:104(14)26:122(15)26:140(16)26:159(17)26:175(18)26:191(19) 27:09(20)27:78(21)29:26(22)29:42(23)30:05(24)30:27(25)31:09(26)32:06(27)34:27(28)35:02(29) 38:66(30)39:05(31)40:08(32)42:03(33)42:19(34)43:09(35)44:42(36)44:49(37)45:37(38)57:01(39) 59:01(40)59:23(41)59:24(42)60:05(43)61:01(44)62:03(45)64:18(46)67:02=46
اسم المبالغة-معرفہ
مذكر |
9 |
Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Definite; masculine; singular; genitive. (1)3:126(2)6:96(3)12:30(4)12:51(5)14:01(6)26:217(7)34:06(8)36:05(9)36:38 (10)38:09(11)39:01(12)40:02(13)40:42(14)41:12(15)45:02(16)45:02(17)62:01(18)85:08=18
اسم المبالغة-معرفہ
مذكر |
10 |
Prepositional Phrase: بـِ
Inseparable preposition + Verbal noun:
Indefinite; genitive.
جار و مجرور = بِ حرف جر +
مصدر:مجرور |
11 |
Phrase: بـِ
Inseparable preposition + Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Indefinite; masculine; singular; genitive.
(1) 11:91(2)14:20(3)35:17(4)39:37=4
جار و مجرور = بِ حرف جر +
سم المبالغة-مجرور-واحد
مذكر |
12 |
Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)19:81=1
منصوب |
13 |
Noun: Indefinite; genitive (1)38:02=1
مجرور |
14 |
Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle: Indefinite; masculine; singular; nominative. (1)2:209(2)2:220(3)2:228(4)2:240(5)2:260(6)5:38(7)8:10(8)8:49(9)8:63(10) 8:67(11)9:40(12)9:71(13)9:128(14)22:40(15)22:74(16)31:27(17)35:28=17
اسم المبالغة-مرفوع--واحد
مذكر |
15 |
Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Indefinite; masculine; singular; nominative.(1)3:04(2)5:95(3)14:47(4)41:41(5)57:25(6)58:21=6اسم المبالغة-مرفوع--واحد
مذكر |
16 |
Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Indefinite; masculine; singular; genitive.
(1)54:42=1 اسم المبالغة-مجرور-واحد
مذكر |
17 |
Intensive Adjective/Intensive
Active participle:
Indefinite; masculine; singular; accusative. (1)4:56(2)4:158(3)4:165(4)33:25(5)48:03(6)48:07(7)48:19=7
- 1 = 6
اسم المبالغة-منصوب-واحد
(4)33:25=1 |
18 |
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect +
Prepositional Phrase + Possessive Phrase:
Inseparable Preposition; Verbal
Noun: Indefinite; genitive + Possessive Pronoun: Second Person;
singular; Masculine;
Genitive state. (1)38:82=1
فَ +
جار و مجرور+
حرف جر +
+ ضمير متصل-واحد
مذكر-حاضر في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
Verb Form-I
1 |
Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Masculine;
Subject pronoun hidden;
noon of protection +
: Suffixed Object
Pronoun: First person; singular, accusative state; عِزٌّ
Verbal noun. (1)38:23=1
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على الفتح /الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
نون الوقاية + الياء
ضمير متصل في محل نصب مفعول به/واحد
متكلم |
Verb Form-II
1 |
فَ which
shows cause/reason and effect +
Verb: Perfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign
Singular; Masculine; [Form-II]; [نَا]
Suffixed Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر-اِيْتَاءٌ
Verbal noun.
فَ + فعل
ماضٍ مبني على السكون لاتصاله بضمير المتكلم/نَا-ضمير
متصل فى محل رفع فاعل/جمع متكلم
/باب تَفْعِيل |
Verb Form-IV
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; Second person; singular;
masculine; Mood: Indicative; [Form-IV]; Subject pronoun hidden;
مصدر-إِعْزَازٌ Verbal noun. (1)3:26=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة/الفاعل
ضمير مستتر فيه-أَنتَ-واحد
حاضر/باب افعال |