Preparatory protocols for performance of
Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance
Mental state - Ablution: refreshing exposed body parts and memory - Dress code/appearance
Interpersonal communication is mostly verbal; and occasionally we communicate non-verbally: gestures and bodily movements.
The Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance is the contact and communication by the
"subject"; who is granted freedom of will and choice, with his Sustainer Lord.
We are aware that certain protocols and manners of address are obligatory for a subject when he intends to be in the presence of his Sustainer
Lord. We even follow such protocols and language while we call upon the
superiors, rulers and sovereigns of our states. Allah the Exalted, the Supreme
Sovereign of universes has prescribed the protocols for those who have
voluntarily accepted and submitted as subjects for calling upon Him the Exalted:
O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen:
You should not draw near: join the As-Salat: Formal time bound protocol of allegiance when you are in a state of scattered - disturbed - influenced mind because of any overwhelming reason till such time you might be aware as to what you people are saying. [Ref 4:43]
The prohibition not to perform:
is when a man is not in the state of self-awareness, lacking conscious
understanding of his verbal expressions-language. It is thus abundantly
evident that:
is NOT a ritual.
According to dictionary ritual is defined as an established and
prescribed pattern of observance, performance of formal acts: the
observance of actions or procedures in a set, ordered, and ceremonial
way; system of rites: the system of set procedures and actions of a
group. But a perception of monotony and routine has also become associated to
it when this is referred for a religious activity. Ritual is usually the
concern and domain of Non-Declarative Memory which can be performed
without being consciously aware of happenings.
The prohibition imposed for not coming to demonstrate servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted is with reference to speech. The speech is the concern and domain of Frontal Lobe of Cerebral cortex of human brain. It is required that the man must not be at that moment under the influence and control of his Emotional Brain.
The "Subject" must be out of such physical state that relates to sex-emotions:
For mentally and physically getting out of this
state firstly it is advised:
: Second person plural masculine Imperfect verb of
Mood: Subjunctive. It is
Form-VIII that has reflexive causative meanings and indicates a stronger role
and meticulous effort of the Subject. Its Root is "غ س ل". Its basic meanings are to wash with
water signifying the removing of dirt, filth or the like thereof
by making water to run over it resulting in cleansing/free from
unpleasantness-impurity. It is restrictively used for corporeal
cleaning. The basic perception and Form-VIII of the verb
abundantly makes it clear that full bath is prescribed. It will
help remove all impurities clung to human body including
hundreds of thousands of dead cells of the skin.
: Second time it is advised:
Thereat you put yourselves in cleansed state free from clung
impurities. It is Second person plural masculine Imperative verb
of Form-V. It has reflexive causative meanings.
The subject receives back
the impact of action. It generally depicts such
actions where the subject honestly and sincerely tries to transform
himself, and performs that action diligently. It has transformative meanings, Noun-ized; make
oneself to be Noun. The basic perception infolded in its
Root "ط ھ ر"
is to make something clean or pure from dirt or filth. The basic
job done as in Root "غ س ل" is to segregate oneself; clean a thing
from the impurities clung to it or around it. It has connotation
both corporeal and ideological and can be attained both with the
help of water and otherwise.
This state is not restricted to having established intimate matrimonial linkage
with wife because that is separately and specifically mentioned afterwards also:
Or you did intercourse with wives.
It is a time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance. The man and his
brains remain busy in observing and performing other tasks. Is it possible by a
mere call that the busy brain might pack up all the "files and folders" and send
them back into deep shelves of memory and instantly switch over and enter into a
different realm of thought? We even need to refresh the "conscious brain-RAM" of
the computer when we wish to start a new assignment. Human brain also needs to
be refreshed for undertaking a new assignment.
It is a possessive phrase: Noun: Definite;
broken plural; feminine;
Possessive pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in genitive state. Since the first noun is in accusative case after
it is the object of verb:
as is:
in accusative case.
In case it had any relationship with verb:
it had to be in genitive state in conjunction with
. This is an important point where
grammatical rules come into play to determine relationships of words in
a sentence.
The verb:
is Intransitive; it is made transitive with
the use of Preposition بـِ
; while:
Transitive [متعدي] verb
and its direct object is in accusative case.
It is restricted to one and individual part of the
body and does not involve flow of water but just rubbing with wet hands
to remove the dust-dirt; while:
is related to flow of water
and moves on from one part towards another part:
your hands towards and up to
elbows: these are two distinct
parts that make the forearm; and
your feet towards and up to two
ankles: these
are two distinct parts
and each feet has two ankles.
The injunction
in the context of washing other body parts with water is with regard to
rub with your heads. But when this rubbing process is to be done
with clean earthly
dust it is restricted :
Therewith you wipe:
lightly rub your
faces and your hands.
It is thus abundantly explicit that the injunction is to wash the feet starting from the toes towards the ankles when water is available.
It is important to note that only those parts of the body are selected for washing which are mostly uncovered and are open. The cells of the skin keep dying. Every minute about 30,000 to 40,000 cells of the skin die. On epidermis: the part of the skin we see, are many dead cells mixed with sticky-waxy secretions by sebaceous and sweat glands. This requirement for As-salat: Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance enables us refresh and clean our skin; and wiping of the hair helps protect them from damage by dust and pollution of the atmosphere. الحمد للہ Moreover, this ablution enables us refresh our memory like the RAM of the computer to leave behind the worldly affairs to enter into a new realm. This is not a hassle but a blessing and purpose is:
Allah the Exalted does not want to appoint for you something from contracting difficulty-irksome rather He wants to cleanse-afresh you people; [Ref 5:06]
Protocol for appearances:
It is common practice that whenever we have an appointment with a dignitary, ruler, monarch we not only consciously think about what and how we have to talk with him but also carefully choice our dress and wearing. Allah the Exalted directs that this otherwise adhered protocol must be taken care while you move to any Mosque:
O You the posterity of Adam! Adopt-be in your adornments at every mosque: assemblage place of Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance. [Ref 7:31]