Mountains - Anchors
1) Mountains - Anchors were inserted in the Earth; an "imported" substance.
2) Mountains are not statically fixed, they move.
3) Purpose of insertion of anchors in the Earth;
4) Mountains have streaks/stripes of various hues;
5) Ranges of mountains cannot be crossed over walking longitudinally;
6) Mountains will be crumbled to dust particles on the Last Day.
7) Hills are distinctly mentioned.
We are studying about Man and the Universe - Why is the Universe the way it is. The Mountains are an important element of our Universe. Now we will study the information mentioned about mountains in the Grand Qur’ān. The most striking information is that the word "creation" is not used for the mountains with reference to the creation of our Universe. Instead verb denoting "inserting, rendering" is used:
These two ayahs constitute a compound sentence with conjunction particle which links "the mountains" to the preceding verb. The mountains were rendered as pegs. The verb is doubly transitive which shows one object rendered as described by the second object. Both the object are broken plural nouns, grammatically feminine. The information is that each specific mountain is rendered like a peg. This information is also given about the mountains with different collocates:
The Form IV singular masculine perfect verb:
from Root: ر س و which signifies to come to stand firm, to anchor, to sink a peg
firmly in the ground. This information is earlier given in these words:
Mountains - Anchors were inserted in the Earth; an "imported" substance. Root: ر س و |
Root: ن ب ت |
Anchors in the Earth Root: ر س و |
We notice that for the mountains and:
the grounded anchors nowhere
the verb:
"He created" is used. Instead verb:
"He inserted" and verb:
Form-IV, perfect, third person, masculine, singular, and
hidden subject pronoun referent for Allah the Exalted. The verb
signifies causing something to be placed before or within something. It
is thus evident that like dark matter, white light, and water
anchors/rocks/or tectonic plates are the matter imported from somewhere
else into our universe during its making.
But the Divine information is that the:
firmly grounded anchors were not created in the universe but were
inserted in the Earth which means it were the materials "imported" into
the Earth. They were inserted and placed in such manner that they are
over her surface and firmly grounded downwards within the Earth.
the revelation is:
. In this verbal sentence the verb is perfect, third person
singular with subject pronoun hidden that is referent for Allah the Exalted.
Verb is of Form-III which add in the meanings the aspect of reciprocity.
It reveals a reciprocal relationship between the above the surface and below the
surface part of the anchors.
The verb stems from Root: ب ر ك Learned Ibn Faris stated that the basic perception infolded in the Root is that of ثَباتُ الشىءِ i.e. a state of perpetuity, permanence, continuity. Other Lexicons also narrate that this Root enfolds the basic perception of anything that became firm, steady, steadfast or fixed; remained, continued or stayed in a place, constantly or perseveringly. It reflects permanence and stability that results in keeping expanding and developing and becoming more and more prominent and obvious."
What were inserted
in the Earth is also described by an adjectival phrase:
which signifies such anchors that are lofty and far reaching. The participle
used as adjective stems from
ش م خ
يدل على تعظُّم وارتفاع
the perception of ossification, great and loftiness. Their location is described
"inside the Earth", thereby, the feature of tallness - loftiness is with
reference to their far reaching inside the Earth and are like the pegs.
2) Mountains are not statically fixed, they move.
Other information given in the Divine Discourse about mountains is:
The addressee is the elevated Messenger and the speech mentions about his perception regards the mountains. And then the fact about mountains is disclosed which is contrary to his understanding. Same is the perception of majority of people. Is it not strange that the otherwise un-noticeable-by-eyes movement of mountains is described by (مفعول مطلق) Cognate Adverb: مَـرَّ ٱلسَّحَابِ which is observable by eyes moving Eastward? It is yet another evidence of the Divine Origin of Grand Qur’ān. Today we know it as a scientific fact that the direction of movement is from West to East as our Earth spins from West to East.
The fundamental characteristics that render and earn for a book the title of great book include; validity and reliability of its contents. In timeline, we are always surrounded by information and to know which source to trust is not always an easy proposition. The ability to evaluate the credibility of information is the most important skill for success. Validity and reliability of a book is the primary and the foremost concern of a critical reader and searcher for the truth. Except Grand Qur’ān, presently no book in its body has addressed such concerns of a reader. The parameters, criteria for evaluating the validity and reliability of a book is that its contents must be absolutely void of psychologically disconcerting suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, biased and opinionated matter. These features grant a book the credentials of infinite validity and reliability. Conversely, we can say that only such book can be credited as valid and reliable which has in its miscellany nothing but infallible truths whose veracity can stand the accuracy test in timeline.
The knowledge about the matter is verifiable in time and space. Anything said by anyone or a book regarding physical matters could be subjected to verification in time and space about its truth to an exact detail. If we find the words of a book relating to physical matters, written earlier in time, as true, factually and materially correct in all respects: then we will have to believe too, in those statements of the Book which narrate some events/dialogues between people of past/historical statements. The falsification test of any book/statement could be the physical one. The facts mentioned in the Qur’ān about the Universe and human body are in itself the falsification test of Grand Qur’ān in the entire timeline.
Grand Qur’ān has thus provided the mechanism of testability of its validity and reliability. After test, the validity and reliability attains the optimum status of absolute conviction and satisfaction.
The motion of the mountains is exemplified with the drifting action of middle clouds. The indicative mood of the verb, signifying drifting, indicates that it is an ongoing motion. Scientists of present days refer this motion by term "Continental Drift". It has been measured as one to five cm per year.
3) Purpose of insertion of anchors in the Earth
It is explicitly informed that the Creation of the Universe was scientifically condition:
Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It is derived from the Latin word “scientia,” which translates to knowledge. Unlike the arts, science aims for measurable results through testing and analysis. Science is based on fact, not opinion or preferences.
"Knowledge" is the domain of a living. A living has a will. Thereby, he is not necessarily predictable and discoverable by scientific rules. Matter does not possess or acquire knowledge. It can be observed, discovered; and that system can be determined which puts the matter to work. Thus the premises of "science" is the acknowledgment of the fact that the universe wherein we live is scientifically structured. Had it not in scientifically structured state, "knowledge" and "science" might not have been coined by human beings. Randomness and chaos would have been the observable phenomenon all around us.
relates to elided circumstantial clause of the sentence (متعلقان بمحذوف حال). A circumstantial clause describes the manner, circumstances, or conditions under which the main clause occurs. Circumstantial adverb (حال)– that detail of the verb which describes the circumstances of the subject and/or the object under which the verb was enacted. Circumstantial expression often express nuances of purpose or finality.Inseparable preposition: بـِ is Manner adverbial: It is used with a noun to modify a verb phrase by describing the manner in which an action took place.
The Root of the object noun of preposition:
is "ح ق ق". Ibn Faris [died 1005]
mentioned its basic perception as under:
(مقاييس اللغة) يدل على إحكام الشيء وصحّته. فالحقُّ نقيضُ الباطل، َ That it leads to the perception of validity and authenticity of a permanent nature; thereby, it is the opposite of: الباطلscum, conjecture, filmy layer of extraneous matter or impurities that rises up on the surface of a liquid; dross or refuse from molten metal which becomes visible on surface. |
Lane's Lexicon quoting Er-Rághib states:
Primary meaning of حَقٌّ is contr. of بَاطِلٌ, [as an act. part. n., and a simple epithet,], on the authority of Er-Rághib, It was, or became, suitable to the requirements of wisdom, justice, right or rightness, truth, or reality or fact; or to the exigencies of the case]: it was, or became, just, proper, right, correct, or true; authentic, genuine, sound, valid, substantial, or real; established, or confirmed, as a truth or fact: and necessitated, necessary, requisite, or unavoidable; binding, obligatory, incumbent, or due: syn. وَجَبَ; and ثَبَتَ: it was, or became, a manifest and an indubitable fact or event. |
It is thus manifest that everything in the
Universe is according to the set rules and principles for an objective. We have
earlier read the information that::
were inserted in the Earth. Their peculiarity is indicated that they are not
only rising above the surface but are also permanent lofty and far reaching
anchors pegged within the Earth. It is active participle which itself shows that
they perform the action denoted by the verb it is derived from. Their purpose
and function is revealed:
The subordinate clause:
as {أن وما بعدها في محل نصب مفعول لأجله}
Causative Adverb which gives the reason for which an action came to be. The
third person singular feminine imperfect subjunctive verb:
with hidden pronoun referent to the Earth stems from
م ى د
that leads to the perception of movement within a thing.
The preposition: بـِ in prepositional phrase:
denotes accompaniment ([لِلمُصَاحَبَةِ]),
meaning "along with you people".
The positioning of the mountains - anchors over the surface and stretching downwards as pegs and that such positioning is reciprocal and their mentioned function leads us to the phenomenon termed "isotasy" by the modern geology and seismic research.
4) Mountains have streaks/stripes of various hues;
Mountains have coloured streaks/stripes:
أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ
أَنزَلَ مِنَ ٱلسَّمَآءِ مَآءٙفَأَخْرَجْنَا بِهِۦ ثَمَـرَٟتٛ
مُّخْتَلِفًا أَلْوَٟنُـهَا
Do you not see [reflect/study/investigate] that Allah the Exalted dropped water from the sky —Thereby Our Majesty sprouted fruits with it (water). Noticeable peculiarity of these fruits is that their colours give varying hue —And with that very water, Our Majesty brought forth various streaks and patterns in the mountains: some white, some reddish, with hues differing from one another. --The diversity of their colours does reflect a profound sign of power and wisdom--. And some intensely black (like the mountains of Makkah). [35:27]
The streaks/stripes were brought out by the use of water.
The Rainbow Mountains of China within the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park are a geological wonder of the world. These famous Chinese mountains are known for their otherworldly colours that mimic a rainbow painted over the tops of rolling mountains. The site was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2009. It is also one of the 'Top 10 Geographical Wonders of the World' selected by National Geographic. Approximately 24 million years of natural erosion brought out the mountain’s distinct layers and brilliant colours.
The Grand Qur’ān verse (35:27) refers to the diverse colours and patterns observed in mountains, indicating their intricate and unique formation, influenced by natural processes. In modern geology, this diversity is explained by the various minerals and elements found in the earth's crust, which give rise to different colours in mountain ranges.
White and Reddish Mountains: These colours typically result from minerals such as quartz (giving white hues) and iron oxides (producing red or reddish tones). For instance, regions like the Grand Canyon in the United States and parts of the Red Mountains in Morocco showcase these coloured layers, which are formed by ancient geological processes, including volcanic activity and the deposition of various minerals over time.
Intensely Black Mountains: Black mountains, like the ones near Makkah, often consist of basalt, a volcanic rock rich in iron and magnesium, which gives them a deep, dark hue. This is commonly observed in volcanic regions around the world, such as the Hawaiian Islands and Iceland, where volcanic eruptions lead to the formation of black lava flows.
Diverse Striations in Mountains: The differences in colours can be attributed to the presence of different minerals like mica, clay, and sandstone in mountain formations. As tectonic plates shift and the earth’s crust is compressed and lifted over millions of years, these mineral layers become visible, creating the colorful streaks and patterns mentioned in the verse.
Amazing fact revealed centuries back is about the role of water in exposition of colours of mountains. This insight aligns with modern geological observations, showing that water (through erosion and mineral deposition) plays a significant role in revealing and shaping the colors and textures of mountains*. The Quran’s mention of this phenomenon long before it was scientifically understood is a remarkable reflection of its timeless relevance.
Water plays a significant role in shaping the colourful streaks and patterns seen in geological formations like the Rainbow Mountains of China, particularly in areas like the Zhangye Danxia Landform. Over millions of years, water has interacted with the minerals in the rocks, enhancing their vibrant colours and creating streaks across the landscape. This process begins with the deposition of sand and other minerals over time, during which water, carrying trace minerals from the surrounding environment, seeps into the rocks. As the minerals react with the compounds in the water—such as iron oxide, iron sulphide, chlorite, and limonite—the rock layers are stained, producing striking colours ranging from red to yellow to green. These vibrant hues can be seen in the layers of the landforms, creating an effect that resembles brushstrokes across a canvas.
The interaction of water with minerals is crucial not only for the initial coloration but also for preserving these natural masterpieces. The continual erosion and weathering process further shapes the landforms, which is why water remains an essential factor in the maintenance and ongoing transformation of these geologically unique structures*.
5) Ranges of mountains cannot be crossed over walking longitudinally;
Allah the Exalted has mentioned one Mountain Range:
غور سے سنو؛قسم ہے طویل سلسلہ کوہ طور کی Root: ط و ر |
اوراس کتاب کی جس میں تحریرکوسطور میں ترتیب اورمرقوم کیا گیاہے۔ |
یہ کتاب ایک ایسے نفیس قرص میں محفوط ہے جسے پھیلایا گیا ہے۔ |
A Mountain range
is a series of mountains or hills ranged in a line connected by high
ground. First swearing is by:
which is a Proper Noun. It stems from Root:
ط و ر.
It leads to the perception of extent,
span, and elongation of a thing with regard to space or time. An example
of its application is to refer "the pavement, sidewalk of a house,
dwelling which extends to its faraway courtyard.
Mountain range is a series of mountains in a line connected with high land and is over some spread area on the surface of the Earth, and a book has written text in a line with space between the words on a spread paper.
The last
sentence of the ayah is erroneously translated in all the available
translations. They all mention "reaching the height of the mountains" by
erroneously translating the word:
as height and stature. We know
teams have made ascent to peaks of mountains.
وَلَن تَبْلُغَ ٱلْجِبَالَ طُولٙا
لَن : Negative subjunctive Particle, restricting imperfect verb to the future tense adding element of emphasis to the negation.
تَبْلُغَ ٱلْجِبَالَ: This verbal sentence comprises of Verb: Imperfect; Second person; Singular; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive; Subject Pronoun hidden; مصدر-بُلُوغٌ Verbal noun; and its object is the definite noun, broken plural; feminine; accusative. A mountain range is defined as a single, large mass consisting of a succession of mountains or narrowly spaced mountain ridges, with or without peaks, closely related in position, direction, formation and age. A mountain range is a component part of a mountain system or a mountain chain.
طُولًا: It is Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. Its role is: تمييز disambiguation for the preceding verbal sentence. It denotes lengthwise, longitudinally. It does not refer to height or peak of mountains.
6) Mountains will be crumbled to dust particles on the Last Day.
The fate of the Mountains on the Last Day of the existence of the Universe is described in detail:
Root: س ى ر |
Root: غ د ر |
What will be done to the mountains on the Last Day is
described by:
the verbal sentence
comprising of Verb - Subject - Object. The
imperfect verb is First Person, Masculine, Plural/Majestic Singular,
Form-II, which adds an attribution to object; to consider someone or
something to be something with reference to the base meanings of the
verb. Its stem Root:
س ى ر signifies moving - going away, streaming, traversing. The base
meanings with added meanings of Form-II signify the removal of mountains
from their apparent location. When it happens, one will see the Earth
plainly levelled. This information is repeated:
When the mountains would have been removed, they will become what causes optical illusion of a sheet of water appearing on a hot road - mirage.
Why would they be like mirage? It is explained:
The mountains will be crumbled to become sand particles rendering their place as smooth and leveled with no uneven surface. It is further explained how would it happen:
It is informed by using past tenses — future perfect to emphasize the infallibility of the given information as if it has already happened — that the Last Day will be recognized by the blow of sound in the Trumpet. The sound - really a big bang will uplift the Earth and the Mountains. The prominent feature of the Last Day is piercing - thundering sound. The last Day happenings reveal the destructive power of sound waves. Presently we know about the process of cavitation that the energy unleashed by it breaks down the bond that tie large molecules together. The acousticians can better explain by studying the effect on the objects on the Last Day as portrayed in Grand Qur’ān.
The effect is also indicated by choice of such word indicating a process well known to common people - bow-instrument:
What the mountains would become is illustrated:
If we visualize when all this would be happening, no horrible scene would match it that we might have seen in real life or movies. May Allah the Exalted protect us if the Day happens in our life.
7) Hills are distinctly mentioned.
Hills are easier to climb than mountains. They are less steep and
not as high. Like a mountain, usually it has an obvious summit. In Arabic, an
elevated place is called:
It stems from Root "ر ب و". It signifies an elevated/high altitude or hilly
Its characteristic feature/adjectival portrayal is by possessive phrases
holder of a location and state of long protected and safe abode; and
second trait is:
place which is verdurous: vivid green of
plants-flourishing with springs.