
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


Visual practice.

Just glance the text of Grand Qur'aan to find this Particle and watch the subsequent word only to find it to be a Noun. And in the very next Aa'yat you will find a slightly different looking particle "" and the word after it will always be a verb. Should we not feel excited that just these two particles and grant us the capability to recognize and distinguish between nouns and verbs used in Grand Qur''an? Collectively these two Particles are used 912 times in Grand Qur'aan helping us to recognize more than 1000 words. Praise is for Allah who made Grand Qur'aan easy to learn. 


That it is verified that


أَنْ إِنَّ أَنَّ

Note: 'an أَنْ  is a particle which means "that."  However, it is used almost only before verbs (i.e. before verbal sentences) and not before nouns. Therefore, it can't usually be used before a nominal sentence unless combined with 'inna to produce 'anna, like in the already mentioned examples.





912- includes Anna.


[المصدريّة], Subordinating conjunction, [ناصب] Subjunctive particle. This is a reference to the meaning signified by this particle when combined with a present tense verb. The verb's meaning is interpreted in the meaning of a Verbal Noun [Masdar] from which that verb is derived. Grammarians refer to this verb in the accusative as interpreted Masdar/verbal noun-[المؤَوَّلُ]

The verb governed by this particle can also denote the subjunctive mood.

However when knowledge and certainty is implied, in contrast to the subjunctive mood, this particle does not govern in the accusative, for example 73:20

There are seven instances wherein this particle is concealed and its accusative government is estimated. In two instances its concealment is permissible [جَوازاً], and in five instances the concealment is required [وُجُوباً] [Page 3:1 Fawaaid]


= أَن Subordinating conjunction, Subjunctive particle + Conditional particle + Vowel sign (ـِ kasra)  is added for reason اجتماع الساكنين of cluster of two vowel-less consonants.. [When used as such the response is always in perfect] (1)72:16=1                                                             حرف مصدرى ناصب +  حرف نصب و توكيد و نفى للمستقبل


1) (1)2:26(2)2:27(3)2:67(4)2:75(5)2:90(6)2:90(7)2:96(8)2:105(9)2:108(10)2:114(11)2:114(12)2:125(13)2:158(14)2:169(15)2:177(16)2:184(17)2:198(18)2:210(19)2:214(20)2:216(21)2:216(22)2:224(23)2:228(24)2:229(25)2:229(26)2:230(27)2:230(28)2:232(29)2:233(30)2:233(31)2:235(32)2:237(33)2:237(34)2:237(35)2:248(36)2:254(37)2:266(38)2:267(39)2:280(40)2:282(41)2:282(42)2:282(43)2:282(44)2:282(45)3:28(46)3:73(47)3:79(48)3:80(49)3:93(50)3:122(51)3:124(52)3:142(53)3:143(54)3:145(55)3:147(56)3:161(57)3:188(58)4:06(59)4:19(60)4:19(61)4:19(62)4:23(63)4:24(64)4:25(65)4:25(66)4:27(67)4:27(68)4:28(69)4:29(70)4:44(71)4:47(72)4:48(73)4:58(74)4:58(75)4:60(76)4:60(77)4:60(78)4:84(79)4:88(80)4:90(81)4:91(82)4:92(83)4:92(84)4:99(85)4:101(86)4:101(87)4:102(88)4:113(89)4:116(90)4:127(91)4:127(92)4:128(93)4:129(94)4:135(95)4:144(96)4:150(97)4:150(98)4:153(99)4:171(100)4:172(101)4:176(102)5:02(103)5:02(104)5:03(105)5:11(106)5:17(107)5:19(108)5:29(109)5:33(110)5:34(111)5:37(112)5:41(113)5:49(114)5:49(115)5:52(116)5:52(117)5:80(118)5:84(119)5:91(120)5:108(121)5:108(122)5:112(123)5:113(124)5:113(125)6:23(126)6:25(127)6:35(128)6:37(129)6:51(130)6:65(131)6:70(132)6:80(133)6:111(134)6:125(135)6:125(136)6:131(137)6:145(138)6:156(139)6:158(140)7:05(141)7:13(142)7:20(143)7:33(144)7:33(145)7:43(146)7:44(147)7:44(148)7:46(149)7:63(150)7:69(151)7:82(152)7:89(153)7:89(154)7:97(155)7:98(156)7:100(157)7:105(158)7:110(159)7:115(160)7:115(161)7:129(162)7:129(163)7:169(164)7:172(165)7:185(166)8:07(167)8:26(168)8:62(169)8:67(170)9:13(171)9:16(172)9:17(173)9:18(174)9:32(175)9:32(176)9:44(177)9:52(178)9:54(179)9:62(180)9:64(181)9:81(182)9:85(183)9:102(184)9:108(185)9:108(186)9:110(187)9:113(188)9:118(189)9:120(190)10:35(191)10:35(192)10:37(193)10:83(194)10:87(195)10:100(196)11:12(197)11:14(198)11:26(199)11:34(200)11:46(201)11:62(202)11:69(203)11:87(204)11:87(205)11:89(206)12:13(207)12:13(208)12:15(209)12:21(210)12:24(211)12:25(212)12:37(213)12:38(214)12:66(215)12:76(216)12:79(217)12:83(218)12:94(219)12:96(220)12:100(221)12:107(222)13:21(223)13:25(224)13:31(225)13:38(226)14:10(227)14:11(228)14:22(229)14:31(230)14:35(231)15:31(232)15:54(233)16:15(234)16:33(235)16:40(236)16:45(237)16:92(238)17:08(239)17:16(240)17:46(241)17:51(242)17:59(243)17:59(244)17:68(245)17:69(245)17:74(246)17:79(247)17:88(248)17:94(249)17:94(250)17:99(251)17:103(252)18:24(253)18:24(254)18:35(255)18:40(256)18:55(257)18:55(258)18:57(259)18:66(260)18:77(261)18:77(262)18:80(263)18:81(264)18:82(265)18:86(266)18:86(267)18:94(268)18:97(269)18:102(270)18:109(271)19:11(272)19:35(273)19:45(274)19:91(275)19:92(276)20:45(277)20:45(278)20:59(279)20:63(280)20:65(281)20:65(282)20:86(283)


4) (1)4:66(2)4:131(3)5:49(4)5:117(5)7:160(6)10:10(7)11:03(8)16:36(9)16:68(10)16:123(11)20:39(12)

3) بِ  Inseparable Preposition + [المصدريّة], Subordinating conjunction, [ناصب] Subjunctive particle. (1)2:189(2)9:87(3)9:93=3

5) (1)4:73(2)7:92(3)10:12(4)10:24(5)10:45(6)11:68(7)11:95(8)


= [المصدريّة], Subordinating conjunction, [ناصب] Subjunctive particle + Conditional particle with added vowel. When used as such the response is always in perfect. (1)72:16=1

[المصدريّة], Subordinating conjunction, [ناصب] Subjunctive particle. (1)2:26(2)2:27(3)2:67(4)

[المصدريّة], Subordinating conjunction, [ناصب] Subjunctive particle. (1)2:67(2)

"that; so that; in order that".

It also serves to indtroduce direct quotations [] -the explicative "an", even an Imperative.

an will enter upon a mudhari verb and will change the meaning of the verb to that of the masdar. prostrates/will prostrate becomes "to prostrate (The people intended to prostrate.)

in and an come at the beginning of verbs.

Since in Arabic the subjunctive is only governed by the conjunction "", that, and other conjunctions that have the meaning of  the indicative must be used in all other subordinate clauses whether they be dependant upon the conjunctive or relative word, or simply annexed to an undefined substantive. In such sentences the Arabic language does not distinguish the intention from the effect. "he will bring them into gardens, to dwell in them for ever"-"in which they shall dwell for ever" .)


  is used in Arabic to produce infinitival phrases just like how "to" is used in English. If the verb after 'an was an imperfective verb, it must be in the subjunctive mood.

is used in front of nominal sentences in only one classical case, which is when  'an precedes an "explanatory phrase."

It is always used in the middle of the sentence preceding a noun in accusative In a nominal sentence it gives gives the meaning of infinitive or the verbal noun..

An: Harf Masdari-Conjunction particle-Changes the Imperfect Verb from Marfoo to Mansoon. indicative mood to subjunctive mood.

subordinating conjunction and it is right..In arabic words Harfe

Masdari Nasib.Nasib means it makes mudharay marfoo to mudharay mansoob.An

changed yadhribu to yadhriba.Vol 1,page no.35.Thanks

We say that 'an' is tafseeriya when it has the meaning of 'ay' (i.e.), and it should follow a verb that suggests the meaning of: say/ tell (without the root qaaf-waaw-laam).

Compare: 2:125; 5:117; 23:27



The sister deserves special mention. There are some grammatical positions in the language that cannot be occupied by entire sentences. We’ve seen an example of this in the topic of nominal sentences (whether abrogated or not); they cannot be an entire sentence. Yet the need often arises to use a complete idea – in other words, a full sentence – as the topic. In order to facilitate this, انّ is used. The job of this particle is to reduce the sentence that follows it to the rank of a single word. The sentence conveys its full meaning, but أنّ allows it to be grammatically interpreted as a single idea thereby allowing it to occupy such positions as the topic of a sentence. Consequently, أنّ is often translated as “the fact that....”

  "Links verb to verb in situation not calling for

It also serves to introduce  direct quotations [At tafsiriya] 


     حرفٌ على أربعة وجوه:

     الأوّل: المخفّفة من الثقيلة (انظر: أَنَّ).

     الثاني: المصدريّة، وتدخل على الفعل المضارع فتنصبه، وعلى الفعل الماضي أيضاً. ويُسبَك منها ومن الفعل بعدها مصدرٌ مؤوّل نحو: [يسرّني أنْ تدرسَ = يسرّني دراستُك]   و [سرّني أنْ نجحتَ = سرّني نجاحُك].


     الثالث: التفسيرية، وهي بمنْزلة [أَيْ]، وتأتي بعد ما فيه معنى القول دون حروفه، نحو: [كتبتُ إليه أَنْ أَقْبِلْ = أي: أَقبِلْ] و [صِحْتُ به أَنْ كسَلُكَ مُضِرٌّ بك = أي: كسلك مضرّ بك].

     الرابع: الزائدة، وتأتي في موضعين: بعد [لمّا] وقبل [لَوْ]، نحو: [لمّا أَنْ قَدِمَ استقبلتُه = لما قدِم...] و [أُقسم أنْ لوْ صَدَقْتَ لاَحْتُرِمتَ = أُقسم لو صَدَقْتَ...].


   ¨  حكْم:

  يُحذف حرف الجر قبلها قياساً نحو: [أعجبت أنْ نجح زهيرٌ؟ = من أن نجح؟].

 *        *        *


نماذج فصيحة من استعمال [أَنْ]

   ·   ]فلمّا أنْ جاء البشيرُ ألقاه على وجهه فارتدّ بصيراً[ (يوسف12/96)

      [لمّا أنْ جاء = لمّا جاء]، وذلك أنّ [أنْ] في الآية زائدة، وزيادتها على المنهاج، إذ القاعدة أنّها تأتي زائدةً في موضعين: بعد [لمّا] وقبل [لَوْ]، والذي في الآية من مجيئها بعد [لمّا]. وأما زيادتها قبل [لوْ]، فمنه قوله تعالى: ]وأَنْ لو استقاموا على الطريقة لأَسْقَيناهم ماءً غَدَقاً[ (الجنّ 72/16)، فـ [أنْ لو استقاموا = لو استقاموا].

   ·   ]ما قُلْتُ لهم إلاّ ما أمرتني به أن اعبُدوا الله[ (المائدة 5/117)

     [أن اعبُدوا]: أنْ هاهنا تفسيرية بمنْزلة [أَيْ]، وقد تحقّق لها ما يجب للتفسيرية، وهو أن تأتي بعد ما فيه معنى القول دون حروفه. وذلك أنّ [أَمَرَ] في الآية فيه معنى القول ولكن ليس فيه حروفه، أي: ليس فيه القاف والواو واللام. وعلى ذلك: [أن اعبدوا الله = أي اعبدوا الله].

   ·   ]فأوحينا إليه أن اصنعِ الفلك[ (المؤمنون 23/27)

     [أنْ] هنا تفسيرية أيضاً. وذلك أنّها جاءت بعد فِعلِ [أوحينا]، وهو فعل فيه معنى القول دون حروفه. فيكون: [أن اصنع الفلك = أي اصنع الفلك].

   ·   ]وأنْ تصوموا خيرٌ لكم[ (البقرة 2/184)

     [أنْ] مصدرية، دخلت على الفعل المضارع فنصبته، وعلامة نصبه حذف النون. والمصدر المؤوّل منها ومن الفعل بعدها، أي: [صيامُكم] مبتدأ، خبرُه [خيرٌ].



It changes the following verb, both imperfect and perfect, imperfect verb from nominative to subjunctive mood, i.e. Mansoob [the indication of Mansoob is deletion of Noon]

1) (1)2:25(2)2:27(3)



This is equivalent to [أَيْ] i.e. and is followed by some statement, like say without the use of word say.

2) (1)2:125(2)                  ()38:06