Sub-Atomic Particles are inventoried/catalogued; tells Qur’ān.
The breaking news on 4 July 2012 was that the Scientists at Europe's CERN research centre have found a new subatomic particle.
The breaking news about the existence of a host of subatomic particles in fact dates back to 7th century AD through the book titled Qur’ān.
It is interesting that Qur’ān rectifies philosophical (particularly of Greek origin) and scientific misconceptions and beliefs held by majority of people at the time of its introduction to humanity. Atomic theory is one such subject.
Atomic theory dates back to Greek philosopher Democritus. It was believed that matter is composed of minute. indivisible and indestructible particles known as atoms.
Man had for centuries the perception that the basic unit of matter were the Atom-a word coined by Democritus, ancient Greek Philosopher and pupil of Leucippus, who formulated an atomic theory for the Universe, during period 460-370 BCE*. "Atom"** means "uncut-able", or "the smallest indivisible particle of matter". The word coined in the Philosophical realm is retained in scientific world as base unit of matter notwithstanding it was found to be divisible.
Qur’ān, while endorsing this perception, informed that still-smaller-in-mass particles do exist besides atoms. It introduced Particle physics.
In Arabic, minute
particle of matter is described by:
It is derived from Root "ذ ر ر".
Learned Ibn Faris [died-1005] stated about this Root:
That it leads to the perception of subtlety, affableness and sprinkled prevalence state. |
Lane's Lexicon defines it
as "sprinkling or scattering" and that:
signifies, "the motes that are seen in a ray of
the sun that enters through an aperture".
Allah the Exalted informed the Leader of Humanity, Elevated Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam who magnanimously passed on this information verbally and in writing for the benefit of humanity regarding existence of elementary-initiation particles of matter in the Universe:
The information about the Elementary Particles of matter is in relation to the property of matter, its Mass. Alleviating the possibility that we might err in perceiving that it relates to comparison of only two entities of matter, it is elaborated and made crystal clear that there is a range - genus of elementary particles of lesser mass in the Universe than the sprinkled dot-speck-atom by narrating this information with choice of similar words in different grammatical style - structure.
In both Ayahs:
is an Imperfect intransitive Verb; third person; singular; Masculine; Mood:
Indicative; مصدر-عُزُوبٌ
Verbal Noun. This is negated by Negation Particle:
The verb is made from Root: " ع ز ب"
which signifies an act of becoming distant-obscure-absent and
concealed, something eluding. [Lane
Negation of eluding of the subject of verb is: عَن رَّبِّكَ "from your (the Messenger) Sustainer Lord"; and in second ayah it is mentioned by prepositional phrase: عَنْهُ "from him", the object pronoun referring to earlier mentioned "My Sustainer Lord".
It is one element of the sentence comprising
of Prepositional Phrase + Possessive Phrase.
The Preposition:
indicates the relation which subsists between the part and whole, the
species and the genus. Accordingly, it with an indefinite genitive
object noun may be subject of a sentence. Its function is also (للتَّبْيِينِ)
definition or explanation/clarification of a general or universal by a
special or particular term, the later being one of several objects that
go to make up the former. Its sign is that it is proper to place
in its place [الذى هُوَ]
that element which is----.
In the first instance the location of element of mass of a speck is mentioned "the Earth and the Sky" and in other it is "the Skies and the Earth.". Thus atoms and sub-atomic particles are everywhere.
In the second ayah the subject of verb is directly mentioned: مِثْقَالُ ذَرَّةٛ mass of a speck.
is the First Noun of Possessive Phrase and is apparently genitive state
by the influence of Preposition but in the second Ayah it is in
nominative state as the Subject of Verb, meaning
"mass - weight".
is the Second Noun of Possessive Phrase at both the places. The phrase
means, "weight-mass of sprinkled
dot-speck-particle". The Preposition denotes both Partial
Weight-Mass of a minute Particle and/or "none at all". After giving the
information that a Mass-Weight equivalent to a sprinkled dot-speck
cannot escape the knowledge of Allah the Exalted Who is Knowledgeable of
all that exists in non apparent state, a breaking news is communicated
about all Elementary Particles.
A casual observation might result in perceiving that both the statements are identical, but that is not the case.
Except the case ending of same two words, all are identical. Both the sentences are grammatically different conveying different meanings and perception. The concept called grammatical inflection [اعراب] is the core of Arabic grammar. Understanding this concept understands the Arabic language of Qur’ān and failing to understand it is failing to correctly understand the meanings and thought conveyed by its text.
the Recommencing/Conjunction particle. It is a discourse
coordinator that signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming
unit which is coordinate in structure to prior unit, here the
information that nothing escapes the Knowledge-notice of Allah the
Exalted. The beauty and sublimity of the choice of
subjects in an Ayah of the Grand Qur’ān is that it also discloses the physical-scientific realties of
physical realm-Universe that serve as effective coordinate to emphasize
the original
purpose of the Book which is to alert the humanity to become cautious
of the ultimate truth and their answerability and accountability.
The main subject of Ayah is to make people cautious that they are all the time under strict watch. The coordinate information is scientific disclosure but indicates the same fact of infinite knowledge of the Creator about all that He the Exalted created and also catalogued it distinctly. Man is of considerable heavy weight. How can he escape the watch of Allah the Exalted when the Mass equivalent to the minutest particle cannot conceal itself from the watch and knowledge of Allah the Exalted?
The elative:
are two different words by reason of their endings
which are respectively accusative and nominative. Similarly:
are two different words by same reason. Because of
their endings, the role and meanings of the preceding Negation Particle:
are different. At
first place it is:
actor influencing the Noun by changing
its Nominative State to Accusative State, while in second sentence it is:
غَيْر عَامِل,
non-actor having no role except conveying meanings of simple negation.
The Negation Particle is
النَّاْفِيَةُ لِلْجِنْس,
denoting negation of Genus, and not
one particle. The Subject
Noun of Genus Negation Particle is:
which is a Comparative Noun in relation to the
earlier mentioned Noun "mass of a
sprinkled dot-speck".
The Negation Particle حرف نفي
is the Subject of Nominal Sentence, denoting one
particle of diminutive mass as compared to
earlier mentioned Noun "mass of a
sprinkled dot-speck".
Similar is the grammatical position and meanings of
with conjunction particle
This is Restriction/Confining Particle,
meaning, "except, but".
It is one element of the sentence
comprising of Prepositional Phrase + Adjectival Phrase relating to the
Predicate of Genus Negation Particle in 10:61 and of Subject of Nominal
Sentence. The Preposition and its Object Noun vividly convey the
Predicate. Preposition:
denotes rest in a place and motion into a
place. This signification is then transferred to the relation subsisting
between any two things, the one of which is regarded as the place in
which the other is, or happens, or into which it goes or is put. All
Elementary Particles of negligible mass that exist in the Universe are
inventoried in a book which is adjectively portrayed by an Active
Participle of Form-IV:
Used as an adjective, the Active
Participle acts as descriptive term. These phrases relating to the
predicate are indicative of the fact that all the Elementary Particles
of negligible Mass otherwise invisible are distinctly recorded in a book
in the sort of a Catalogue.
The fact about existing realities is that not all are visible to human naked eye. Knowledge acquired by human beings, until seventh century, was through naked eye observation. Naked eye observation of an object and reality grants conviction about its existence. Thought of invisible realities was all along there in human mind that kept him busy in developing theories to gain a perception about various phenomena.
Turning point was when the Creator of all that exists, Allah the Exalted Who had initiated creation with self-imposed obligation of Mercy, personified the mercy for all in the person of Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], His Last Messenger. The Grand Qur’ān, life sustaining [8:24] and path illuminating Visible Light came to humanity along with him.[7:157] It disclosed that a new era of observation of invisible realities is ushering in:
Grand Qur’ān has informed that Allah the Exalted will keep bringing to human
visual access, the knowledge about universe and human body,
whereby the fact that Grand Qur’ān is a Statement of Proven
Fact/absolute reality might become self manifest to the people who keep
denying it. Why a first time observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests
that the Qur’ān is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only
if the same thing finds verbal mirroring of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal
specification and visual observation are two aspects of
identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by
Arabic word:
The visual observation of an earlier unseen fact will manifest a book
written earlier in time as the Book of Facts which contains its
verbal presentation. This will establish that the Book really contains
verbal statements of physical/scientific facts and is not conjectural,
hypothetical and presumptive in its contents.
The breaking news on 4 July 2012 that the Scientists at Europe's CERN research centre have found a new subatomic particle with a mass of about 125 GeV/c2 (about 133 proton masses, on the order of 10-25 kg) has shown that the Man is certainly progressing to read the entries in the Catalogue of the Universe while equally distancing away from the Creator of that Particle and Author of the Catalogue evidently noticeable from the statement of Learned Higgs, ""I never expected this to happen in my lifetime and shall be asking my family to put some champagne in the fridge."** . Let us see the comment in the Grand Qur’ān: