Qur'aan WordNet: Proper Nouns
A noun is defined as a word used to name a person, place, or thing. The thing comprises something which can be perceived by humans senses, or that which cannot be perceived but can be thought of.
According to their kinds, Arabic and English nouns can be logically classified into two kinds, i.e. (1) proper, and (2) common nouns.
Proper noun is a name of a particular, individual person, place, community, or thing who/which is usually unique. A common noun is a name in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "a name is a word or group of words used to refer to an individual entity (real or imaginary)" (vol.24, p.733).
The nouns in Arabic, whether Proper Nouns or Common Nouns, in their default state, are always "Nominative"; in Arabic مرفوع : its visual recognition is the presence of vowel sign ـُ on the last consonant of the noun.
The name is the code that gives basic cognition of existence and presence of a thing and person. Hence, name is the introduction for apparent/initial recognition of a thing and person. Cognition of the code/name of a thing or person is the first step in gaining knowledge about the thing or person. Name of a thing or person gives it or him a vivid distinction from all other things and persons and makes it or him distinguished, identified, definite and isolated [معرفة]; and grants ability to others to identify, and describe/remember/recall and/or mention-refer it or him to others. The name/code serves as a basis/foundation for others to enquire and study about it to gain further knowledge.
Attributive names/adjectival descriptions give further information, insight and knowledge about the thing or person introduced by a Personal Name-Proper Noun. These are complimentary in nature and help acquaint others about the inner-self [بَاطِن] of the named object or person/being. Every person and thing/object has two aspects; the one evidently apparent [ظَاهر] notwithstanding whether or not it is in the range of focus of someone, and the other is the inner-self, hidden, infolded, not apparent but invisibly embedded therein: بَاطِن.
The evidently apparent [ظَاهر] is the reflection of the fact of existence, and its cognition and reference is by the Name. The pursuit-journey of knowledge is from cognition of existence/Name towards knowing and perceiving the inner-self [بَاطِن] of that which exists and its relationships and equations with all that exists. We cannot have the absolute knowledge of anything and person/being unless we know its/his inner-self [بَاطِن], after its cognition, introductory knowledge of its Name.
Once we know the inner-self, all that is secreted, hidden and its relationships with everything else, we know that thing and Person in near absolute sense. Thereupon, it or He becomes more visible and apparent than the shining Sun in a bright day, even without being in visual sight, the [ظَاهر] aspect of Him. Therefore, we know Him/him with such conviction, which is the absolute-exalted end of the knowledge. This type of knowledge, with reference to personalities, can be attained only about two, Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted; and Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-the mercy Personified, since the: بَاطِن of both is quite extensively visible to us all around, and through the courtesy of Grand Qur'aan.
Personal Names that introduce and grant cognition of an existing personality; unlike attributive/adjectival names/ descriptions, never have duality and plurality. Neither there is any process/ phenomenon/rule in the Arabic language for “feminization” or "masculinization" of proper nouns/names.
A peculiar and distinguishing feature of Arabic language is that; unlike other languages, say English and Urdu in which the adjective comes first-prioritized than the described one, the مُوْصُوف/the one being described/portrayed is always mentioned first followed by the صِفَة/Adjective. Arabic, the language of our guide lord Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, is a language of truth and fact. مُوْصُوف: the one being described/portrayed is mentioned first since he is First in Existence, and it is always the مُوْصُوف who has either inherently and intrinsically the mentioned صِفَة/adjective, quality, trait, or has acquired/adopted it. Hence, Proper Noun/Personal Name NEVER find a place at a secondary place as an adjective in the Adjectival Phrases.
Proper Nouns - Personal Names are also not the first noun [مضاف] of possessive construction/genitive phrases [الاضافة]. They are always second noun [مضاف اليه] in possessive phrases.
Identification of Proper Nouns - Names in Arabic text is very easy and the simplest. They appear in the text as subject of nominal sentence, subject of a verb, the addressee by vocative particle, and they will never be the first noun of genitive construction-possessive phrase and the second noun of adjectival phrase.
Alphabetically arranged [click on Arabic name will open in new window its parent page depicting details]
[the Exalted] - Personal name of Allah
The elevated Messengers of Allah the Exalted towards different nations that are mentioned by name
Iebra'heim : [[alai'his'slaam]
the elevated Messenger-spokesperson
and chosen friend of Allah the Exalted. He is declared "the
father-ancestor- founder" of the Community named Muslims.
2. Ies'hauq
[[alai'his'slaam] He was the younger
son of Iebra'heim
[[alai'his'slaam] He was the elder son of Iebra'heim
Il'Yaseem [name spelled differently for
Al-Messiah, [Easa
the son of Mar'yam].
Names of the elevated last and the Universal Messenger in the galaxy of the Messengers of Allah the Exalted
Names of other persons of human species
Adam [name of the first human being]
A'zar : [name of paternal uncle of Iebra'heim
[alai'his'slaam]; it is made clear in Qur'aan that he was
not biological father]
[Allah is
pleased with him]
Zil-Qarnain [title of a king]
[the man who was bestowed wisdom]
Abu Lahab -
a person metonymically called
"Father of
yellowish reddish flame"
[Abu Lahab
شعلہ مزاج
Mie'kaa'la [alai'his'slaam]
Species Jinn
Ieb'lees [representative and then becoming leader of evil persons in Species Jinn
- a living creation enjoying will]
Ifreet, a person of the Jinn species
Titles of Divine Books
Tor'aat Torah
[the title of the Divine Book given to
[alai'his'slaam] inscribed on tablets, in times after the
[Bible- the title of the Divine Book given to
Book written on papers
given to
Da'ued [alai'his'slaam]
Names of Nations - Tribes
Name of a Nation [It is also the name of a City]
Cities and places
[afforested land-Nation named Madyan-people of Shoaib alai'his'slaam]
[an old City;
its peculiarity were the lofty Pillars like of which had not earlier
been created in the cities.]
City [prefixed preposition]
[Prefixed Preposition and object noun is
Badder-a place that was chosen as
battlefield nearby Madina]
Becca [Prefixed Preposition and object noun is
old name of valley in City: Mecca]
Madina [Sacred City in Arabian
Hypothetical names of Imaginary gods
Other names
: Rare Plant
Food for the Arrogant Kings and Monarchs
in the Hell-Prison
As-Safa [regarded as amongst Allah's symbolic emblems]
Al-Marwata [regarded as amongst Allah's symbolic emblems]
4. "Salsabeel"
name of a fountain of drink in the Paradise
Ramadan [a month of lunar calendar during which the
was compositely-flash descended
Yajooj and Majooj
[this is the verbatim quote of those people and are
the names in their language of some animals that
trouble makers-corruptors-damage causers-nuisance creators causing
adverse effect in their Land.]
long stretching parallel rock of the
Peninsula of Sinai