
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.










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Other Roots with same radicals:

 ب ر د -  د ب ر

























Root: ب د ر

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 2 

b) No of constructions: 2

  •  [their anxiety was without reason] And Allah the Exalted had indeed helped you people in battlefield of Badder while at that time and place you were weaker as compared to this occasion.

  • Therefore, you people remain mindful and self cautious to avoid unrestrained conduct in reverence and retain trust in the guarding protection of Allah the Exalted.

  • The help in your weaker circumstances was that you might acknowledge and express gratitude.  [3:123]

  • And you the guardians keep testing-educating-evaluating the father-Orphans until the point in time they have crossed over to the Age of Nikah: Marriage-Matrimonial Bond;

  • Thereat, subject to having observed intellect, sound judgment, rectitude of action and good management of affairs in them, you thereby release their inherited property-wealth to them.

  • And during this period you should not consume it wastefully and hastily fearing that they might grow mature.

  • And should he among guardians be affluently self sufficient, he should remain abstinent from orphan's wealth.

  • But if he who is a poor guardian, he should consume for himself what is just and reasonable in accordance with known norms of society.

  • And when you release their property to them, make it a witnessed occasion in their presence.

  • Be mindful; Allah the Exalted is All-Sufficient for reckoning. [4:06]


Full Moon; sign, harbinger, to give surprise, a place at three day camel ride distance from Madina


Prepositional Phrase: Inseparable Preposition + Proper Noun; Masculine; genitive.  (1)3:123=1                                                    جار و مجرور= بـِ حرف جر + اسم علم:مذكر-مجرور


Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative (1)4:06=1                                      مصدر:-منصوب


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