Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 77
b) No of constructions: 4

And when it is said
for him; "You be mindful and apprehensive of Allah in reverence and
fear", the pride-stubbornness-elitism seized and puffed
him with negative dilapidating retardant import.
the appropriate place for such a person is the Hell-Prison.
Mind it, certainly the worst dwelling is
the Hell-Prison to
land in. [2:206]
Related Roots:
ج ح م
Root: س ع ر
1 |
Prepositional Phrase:
بـِ Inseparable preposition
+ Proper Noun: Singular; feminine;
accusative; but grammatically in genitive state.
جار و مجرور
= بِ حرف جر + اسم علم:معرفہ
باللام-مؤنث-مجرور |
2 |
Proper Noun:
Definite; feminine;
nominative; diptote.
(1)2:206(2)3:162(3)3:197 (4)4:93(5)4:97(6)4:121(7)8:16(8)9:73(9)9:95(10)13:18(11)14:16(12)17:97(13)18:106(14)36:63(15) 45:10(16)55:43(17)58:08(18)66:09=18 اسم علم:مرفوع-مؤنث
3 |
Proper Noun:
Definite; feminine; accusative.
(1)3:12(2)4:115(3)4:140(4)4:169(5) 7:18(6)7:41(7)8:36(8)8:37(9)9:35(10)9:49(11)9:63(12)9:68(13)9:81(14)9:109(15)11:119(16)14:29(17) 15:43(18)16:29(19)17:08(20)17:18(21)17:39(22)17:63(23)18:100(24)18:102(25)19:68(26)19:86(27) 20:74(28)21:29(29)21:98(30)23:103(31)25:34(32)25:65(3)29:54(34)29:68(35)32:13(36)35:36(37) 38:56(38)38:85(39)39:32(40)39:60(41)39:71(42)39:72(43)40:49(44)40:60(45)40:76(46)43:74(47) 48:06(48)50:24(49)52:13(50)67:06(51)72:23(52)78:21(53)85:10(54)98:06=54 اسم علم:منصوب-مؤنث |
4 |
Prepositional Phrase: Inseparable preposition
+ Proper Noun: Singular; feminine;
accusative; but grammatically in genitive state.
جار و مجرور
= حرف جر + اسم علم:معرفہ
باللام-مؤنث-مجرور |

ج و ب
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