those who endeavour to attain conclusive success


  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success -  fruitfulness. [2:05] [Its Replica/Mirror 31:05]


Recurrence: (1)2:05(2)3:104(3)9:88(4)24:51(5)30:38(6)31:05=6  Also in 7:157except وَ and with "fa" in 7:08;23:102;59:09;64:16

Active Participle: definite; Sound plural ; masculine; Nominative  [Form IV]; مصدر-اِفْلاَحٌ Verbal Noun; Verbs: - . (1)2:05(2)3:104(3)7:08(4)7:157(5)9:88(6)23:102(7)24:51(8)30:38(9)31:05(10)58:22(11)59:09(12)64:16=12 

Active Participle: definite; Sound plural ; masculine; Genitive; [Form  IV]. (1)28:67=1

Form IV is Causative - Causing someone or something to perform the action of Measure I. This paradigm is also used to express that the subject of the verb has achieved the meaning of the verb. This signifies that the action of this verb is well thought and volitional deed of the subject. It denotes that the subject has inclined himself to believe in something. It is neither instinctive, nor the result of surge of passion, emotion.

The imperfect indicative mood verb does not restrict itself to any idea of time; it indicates enduring existence, begun and incomplete, either in past, present or future time.

It indicates an act which does not take place at any one particular time to the exclusion of any other point in time, but which takes place all the time, or rather in speaking of which no notice is taken of time, but only of duration. In English grammar, we call it "the indefinite present". A verb in the indefinite aspect is used when the beginning or ending of an action, an event, or condition is unknown or unimportant to the meaning of the sentence. The indefinite aspect is also used to indicate an habitual or repeated action, event, or condition.

It stems from Root:  ف ل ح which leads to the perception of cleaving, splitting or cracking and secondly to the meaning of success and triumph. It is used in the Grand Qur'aan only in the meanings of success and triumph. Success is a favourable outcome or result in any activity we undertake, easy or difficult. However, this Root denotes triumph meaning conclusive success following an effort, conflict, or confrontation of obstacles. "Achievement" is the reward, the payback, the recognition of success. Achievement means getting, gaining, acquiring or reaching something which is big or difficult to get. For the achievement is the Paradise.

Recurrence: (1)2:05(2)3:104(3)7:08(4)7:157(5)9:88(6)23:102(7)24:51(8)30:38(9)31:05(10)58:22(11)59:09(12)64:16=12 

The Ayahs describing the successful people are reproduced below - firstly:   those who sincerely endeavour for salvation, they for whom the Paradise is prepared, are declared: those who endeavour for conclusive - perpetual success:

  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

  • This Book is a Guide-Manual for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [2:02]

  • They are the people who heartily accept and believe in the presence of the Unseennot in their sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted.

  • And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare out of that which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted] [2:03]

  • Moreover, Mutta'qeena are those who heartily accept-believe in that which was compositely sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. and in that which was compositely sent before you.

  • And they have conviction regarding the Hereafter. [2:04]

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success -  fruitfulness. [2:05] [Its Replica/Mirror 31:05]

For conclusive success, one has to sincerely endevour to attain protection from Allah the Exalted:



  • And a group should exist undertaking the responsibility amongst you - society: Their characteristic is that they invite people towards : the Aa'ya'at of Grand Qur'aan [16:20] - the best conduct of tolerance and maintaining tranquility and harmony.

  • And they enjoin to act according to the accepted social values-norms and forbid to stay away from the conjectural, unexampled, unauthentic and unverifiable myths.

  • Know it, they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success-fruitfulness. [3:104]

  • And the ad judgment, evaluation, appreciation, weighing on that Day will be on established principal of justice/for everybody the same Weighing Scale: Book of Allah the Exalted.

  • Thereby, the weights of whoever weighed heavier:

  • Therefore, such people are adjudged as truly endeavourers for perpetual success. [7:08]

  • And the weights of whoever esteemed lighter;

  • Thereby, they are the people who have made their selves suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures]

  • This loss is because they kept distorting-unjustly manipulating the Verbal Passages of the Book of Our Majesty. [7:09]


  • They are the people who persistently follow in action the Messenger, the Chosen and Elevated Allegiant from amongst those who were not given the Book earlier. The peculiarity of this Messenger is that they find him mentioned in writing with them inscribed in Tor'aat and In'jeel.

  • He directs them to follow the well known norms-permanent prescribed values and forbids them from conjectural innovations-deceits-deviations.

  • And he the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] declares for them permissible-lawful the things which are decent-beneficial and nutritious; and declares non permissible-unlawful-restrained for them the things which are indecent and deficiently unpropitious.

  • And he lays off from them their prestation-burden of Covenant; And lays off the shackles of conjectural myths-widely publicized conjectural stories which were placed upon them.

  • Therefore, to honour and discharge their pledge, those who accepted-believed in him and revered him and helped him;;

  • And followed in letter and spirit that Visible Light: the lightener of the Path to Destination, Guarantor of the Continuity of Life: Grand Qur'aan. Its characteristic feature is that it was compactly sent along with him: Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-his corporeal appearance-sending in the lowly world].

  • Aforementioned are the people who endeavor for perpetual success-fruitfulness. [7:157]


  • On the other hand the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] and those who had heartily believed in the Grand Qur'aan along with him exerted financially and physically.

  • Know it, they are the people: the best fortunes are promised and are in wait for them.

  • Know it, they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success-fruitfulness. [9:88]

  • Thereby, the weights of whoever weighed heavier:

  • Consequentially they are the people [almuef'li'hoona active participle] who attain perpetual success -fruitfulness. [23:102]

  • And the weights of whoever esteemed lighter; [since were done in attraction of Earthly life],

  • Consequentially they are the people who have made their selves to suffer loss; [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures]

  • They will stay permanently in the Hell-Prison. [23:103]

  • Indeed the statement of the true believers; when they are called towards Allah the Exalted and His Messenger so that he may adjudge between them, is only this that they say,

  • "We have attentively listened Qur'aan and we have affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted the Word."

  • Know it, they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success-fruitfulness.  [24:51]

  • Therefore you give/spend wealth to the near relative as his right, and the destitute, and the wayfarer,

  • This is a better course of action for those who seek the appreciation and approval of Allah the Exalted.

  • Know it, they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success-fruitfulness.  [30:38]

  • These are the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Miscellany of the Book which gives insight to the invisible, hidden, secreted realities.  [31:02]

  • The Guide [in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination] and Mercy/ blessing for those who are moderate, graceful and generous. [31:03]

  • Such of them who stand for the performance of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and regularly pay Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;

  • Know it; they are the people who convincingly believe in the Hereafter. [31:04]

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success - fruitfulness. [31:05]

  • You will never find a people who believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day:

  • Loving the one who inclined himself to obstruct and hinder [the Path of] Allah the Exalted and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • Notwithstanding that they used to their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred.

  • They are the people in whose hearts He has inscribed the belief

  • And He has strengthened them with "the Essence of Our Will/Decision/Word of Command-Grand Qur'aan" from Him

  • And He will enter them in

  • The Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,

  • Allah the Exalted has appreciated and approved them; and they are admiringly happy with Allah the Exalted.

  • These people are the party of Allah,

  • Beware that indeed the members of the party of Allah are the reapers of fruit of success. [58:22]

  • And those who settled in the locality/city [the Locals of Madina] and in the Belief before arrival of them/Emigrants they love those who migrated to them

  • And they do not find in their hearts any want and desire for that which they were given [by the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • And they prefer to be on their own selves even if they were in a state of poverty. [Our salutation and respects to such great local residents of Madina of that time]

  • And he who remained safe of covetousness-selfishness of his inner self:

  • Such people are truly the endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [59:09]

  • Therefore, you people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, to whatever extent you individually could have enabled yourselves.

  • And listen comprehensibly; and affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the word of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger [conveyed through Qur'aan].

  • And heartily spend for the welfare of others giving things of better import; considering it beneficial for your own selves.

  • And he who remained safe of covetousness-selfishness of his inner Self:

  • Such people are truly the endeavourer for perpetual success/fruitfulness.. [64:16]

  • [knowing like the watching of happenings of the Day of Judgment] Therefore as for he who recognized/repented his earlier conduct and heartily accepted the belief and conducted perfectly

  • Then, the possibility of his soon becoming one of those who endeavor for perpetual success/fruitfulness. [28:67]

 Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Masculine; [Form IV]; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ; and [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-اِفْلاَحٌ Verbal Noun. فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و-ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع مذكرحاضر/باب افعالَ

Recurrence: (1)2:189(2)3:130(3)3:200(4)5:35(5)5:90(6)5:100(7)7:69(8)8:45(9)22:77(10) 24:31(11)62:10=11


  • They ask you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] regarding the recurring Crescent Moons.

  • You tell them; "This phenomenon is for people to reckon-determine timings; period/calendar and dates for Hajj".

  • And note that this conjectural hearsay were never a virtue-commendable act that you might enter the houses from their backs.

  • On the contrary the Virtue-commendable act is of he who remained cautious, heedful and mindful and avoided unrestrained conduct.

  • And you people are directed to come to the homes through their doors-front entrances.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted;

  • So that you people may attain perpetual success. [2:189]  

  • O those people/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You should not devour usury: cumulative interest on lent money, multiple surcharges/build-up of an ever increasing debt.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted;

  • So that you people may attain perpetual success. [3:130]

  • O those people/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • Remain coolly perseverant and steadfast; and remain mutually tolerant-patient and forbearing; and maintain mutual connectivity retaining unity.

  • And sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted;

  • Adopt this attitude so that you people may attain-reap the fruits of perpetual success. [3:200]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted.

  • And you people most desirously explore the source that causes nearness towards Him the Exalted: [His Guidance: Qur'aan and strict adherence by remaining within its framework].

  • And you people vigorously effort in His Way with worldly resources and personal selves.

  • This is directed so that you people might attain and reap the fruit of perpetual success. [5:35]

  • O, those/you who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen.

  • The certain fact; about the Alcoholic Beverages and Gambling, and the Stationary Stone Erections [Idols], and decision making-apportion matters-seek judgments through featherless arrows instead of using intellect-thought process is:

  • That these are the brain muddling filthy delusional tactic of Shai'taan/Satan.

  • Therefore you people are directed to avoid that filthy delusional tactic. This restrain might help you people attain-reap the fruit of perpetual success. [5:90]

  • Indeed, the only desire of Shai'taan is that he might occasion feeling of animosity and grudge-hatred-resentment between you people through alcoholic drinks and gambling.

  • And that he might divert you people from remembrance of Allah the Exalted and from As-sa'laat: Time bound protocol of servitude and allegiance by such engagements.

  • In view of this, would you people then be the abstainers of alcoholic drinks and gambling? [5:91]


  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell everyone: "The abominable - repugnant - ignoble-junk - conjecture and the pleasant - noble - objective-fact does not and will not equate itself resembling other; though the abundance of the abominable-repugnant-ignoble-junk-conjectural matter might seem surprisingly apparent to you.

  • Therefore, you people sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted, O you the men of wisdom.

  • Adopt this attitude so that you people may attain-reap the fruits of perpetual success." [5:100]


  • They were asked: "Is your rejection only because you people felt it strange that the Memoir/ Referential/Reference Book, an explicit verbal discourse, has come to you from your Sustainer Lord by revelation upon the Man of staunch monotheist belief amongst you? Its objective is that he might alarm and admonish you;

  • And recall when He the Exalted appointed you the rulers after the fall/annihilation of the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam]; and demographically increased you quite extensively.

  • Therefore, remember and acknowledge the blessings of Allah the Exalted;

  • Adopt this attitude so that you might attain-reap the fruits of perpetual success." [7:69]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • When you people confront face to face an army, thereat remain firmly determined;

  • And remember and recall Allah the Exalted frequently so that you people may attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [8:45]

  • O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;

  • You are directed to kneel and to prostrate.

  • And you remain subject-subservient-allegiant to your Sustainer Lord;

  • And you perform the acts of righteously better import.

  • Comply with the commands so that you might attain and reap the fruit of perpetual success. [22:77] [Please prostrate; it renders you nearer to your Lord]


  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for the Believing Women that they should reduce their focused attention upon men [just for info: it is most powerful stimuli to excite] and that they should preserve their genitalia [for into: it is the end area in sex process].

  • And that they should not make eminently noticeable their attraction- bosoms; exception is for that which has naturally swelled out above the surface.

  • However, they should strike barrier obscuring their surfaced bosoms by putting their unsown sheets upon their chests.

  • And they should not expose- make noticeable their attraction- bosoms by removing extra veil/sheet except before their husbands;

  • Or before their fathers, or fathers of their husbands; or their sons or sons from other wives of their husbands;

  • Or their brothers, or sons of their brothers, or sons of their sisters;

  • Or their own-family women [not strangers]; or maid servants under their control and obligation;

  • Or male attendants who are "the other than of holders of genitalia desiring for marriage- castrated" considered in state of amongst the Men;

  • Or the children, those who have not yet become aware-explicitly cognizant regarding the "private sexual parts/aspects" of the women.

  • And women should not publicly walk striking their feet so that it might become understood what they veil of their attraction: bosoms.

  • And you people are directed to turn repenting towards Allah the Exalted collectively, O you the true Believers.

  • The objective being that you people might attain and reap the fruit of perpetual success. [24:31]

  • Thereby, as soon the Ass-sa'laat: Tine bound Protocol of servitude and allegiance is concluded:

  • Thereat, consciously disperse in the Land and diligently undertake effort for seeking the worldly sustenance-bounty of Allah the Exalted;

  • And remember and recall Allah the Exalted frequently so that you people may attain/reap the fruit of perpetual success. [62:10]

Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular; masculine; [Form IV]; Subject pronoun hidden ;مصدر-اِفْلاَحٌ Verbal Noun. (1)20:64(2)23:01(3)87:14(4)91:09=4

  • Indeed the following of those who identify their selves as Believers have attained perpetual success and fruitfulness: [23:01]

  • Those who demonstrate solemnity and humble-mindedness in the performance of their As-Salaat: Time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance; [23:02]

  • And they avoid and ignore conjectural hearsay spread and made popular in the society. [23:03]

  • And they are active for the payment of Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society; [23:04]

  • And those are such people who are regardful preservationist for their genitalia. [23:05]

  • Exception to this preservation of genitals is in the state when they wish to expose it upon their wives, and upon the wife who was taken in wedlock from amongst women in their protection and obligation.

  • Thereby, they are certainly the people who are other than condemned-culpable ones. [23:06]

  • Therefore, if someone diligently pursued sexuality beyond this

  • Thereby, they are the people who are certainly the transgressors. [23:07]

  • And they are the ones who are regardful for their trusts and for their commitment -contractual obligation to retire them. [23:08]

  • And those who remain vigilant for regularly performing their Sala'waat: Five-time-bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance[23:09]

  • They are the people who are the inheritors; [of place of their first father and mother] [23:10]

  • Who inherit the Paradise [that was lost temporarily];

  • And they shall abide therein permanently. [23:11]

  • Indeed he has attained perpetual success-fruitfulness who elevated himself in piety;  [87:14]

  • And remembered and adored the Name of his Sustainer Lord whereby he performed Salaat: Time bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance. [87:15]

  • And by the Self-EvaluatingSelf-Reproaching Self; and by that who rendered her consistent;  [91:07]

  • Thereby, it made her know and understand how it gets flowing and scattering [perversion - path of criminals]; and about her endeavours for salvation. [91:08]

  • This is to emphasize that indeed he has attained the perpetual success who made her Self noble [above conjectures, desires/vested interest taking guidance from Qur'aan]; [91:09]

  • And certainly he has frustratingly failed who suppressed/stunted her: the Self. [91:10]

  • Therefore you people collectively organize your strategy - plan; afterwards you people come consolidated/in one consecutive line [with no mutual differences]

  • And indeed he succeeded today who achieved superiority." [20:64]

: Progressive number of grammatical units: =  + 12

   + 11

:    + 4

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