Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] |
o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [Note: It should be remembered that it is not the written text/part/Ayah of this سُورة [Chapter 24] and hence it is never numbered. For convenience of those readers who are already believers, this is traditionally printed since it is commanded in the Qur'aan to read/recite with the Name of Sustainer Lord, The Creator. |
This is Surat [un]/One demarcated part of Grand Qur'aan, We have communicated it, and We have prescribed/made it obligatory for all times; and We have sent therein Aa'ya'at distinct/segregated/separating/distinguishing/crystal clear o so that you people could conveniently remember/recollect/retrieve from memory/could narrate. [24:01]
And let not softness of heart/feeling of sympathy seize you people for both two of them in the Prescribed Physical Procedure of Allah if you people truly believe in Allah and the Last Day [Note: this command exhibits that in Allah's knowledge Believers are too soft hearted and sympathetic] o and you people [state/executing agency of society] must let the award of punishment to both two of them be witnessed by a group of people from amongst the Believers. [24:02] The man held guilty of consented illicit sexual intercourse [by the competent court of law] shall not marry/enter the contract of Nikah except with any woman-convict of illicit sexual intercourse or any polytheist woman; and with the woman held guilty of consented illicit sexual intercourse no one shall marry/enter the contract of Nikah except any man-convict of illicit sexual intercourse or any polytheist man; and this marriage/entering into Nikah with a man or woman convicted of illicit sexual intercourse is prohibited for the Believers. [24:03] And those people who hurl allegation/register a complaint-case of consented illicit sexual intercourse upon the chaste women; thereafter they did not bring forth/produced four eye witnesses [to prove their allegation] thereupon you people [the Judiciary/executive authority holding them guilty of false accusation] flog then eighty [80] times, the object of flogging being restricted to the skin جَلْدَةٍ [not excoriation]. and you people do not accept/confront them as witness for ever in future. [Similar information in
3:82;5:47;24:55;similar 9:67;59:19]o And they are the people who are transgressors/who go out of the prescribed bounds. [24:04]
Exception shall be for those who returned repenting after having done that, and they corrected/ mended the direction of conduct, then/since Allah is indeed repeatedly Overlooking/Forgiving, Merciful. [24:05] And those husbands who allege charge of illicit sexual intercourse respectively upon their wives while/in a situation that they had no eye witnesses except respectively their own selves then/in that case the testimony of each one of them is respectively four testimonies by Allah o to the effect that indeed he is certainly from the truth tellers; [24:06]
and the fifth testimony is to the effect that the Curse and Condemnation of Allah be upon him if he was from amongst the liars. [24:07] And it will repel/remove away from her the punishment that she submits four testimonies by Allah o to the effect that indeed he is certainly from amongst the liars. [24:08]
and the fifth testimony is to the effect that the cognizance of crime by Allah be upon her if he was from amongst the truth tellers. [24:09] [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:83;24:14,20,21] And had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you people [your decisions would have been whimsical and biased]; [Same information in
49:12]o and that Allah is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Wise/Knower of all hidden/secreted realities. [24:10] Indeed those who spread/came with a blatant lie are a group among you, you do not consider that as irritating/disconcerting for you people; that is not so, on the contrary that is something better for you people; [it caused you to learn lesson] for each person out of them is that which he earned from the dilapidating act/sin o and the one who took the greater part of it from amongst them for him is a grave punishment. [24:11]
Why not when you people heard that, the believing men and believing women thought in their selves something better o and responded/said "This is blatant lie/manifestly false allegation" [24:12] Why not they brought upon that [may be him] four eye witnesses o therefore when they did not come with witnesses then they, in the judgment of Allah, are the people who are the liars. [24:13] [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:83;24:10,20,21] And had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you people [your decisions would have been whimsical and biased]; o a great punishment would have touched you in this world and the Hereafter for that in which you people glibly flowed in that hearsay, [24:14] when you people kept it on your tongues and you kept saying with your mouths for which there was absolutely nothing from knowledge/authentic information for you people; o and you people thought that as something trivial and that in the judgment of Allah is something greatly significant. [24:15] Why not when you people heard that said this, "It is not befitting for us that we may talk about it; o Glory is for You [Our Sustainer Lord, you be witness], this is a great slander" [24:16] Allah politely warns you people lest you ever repeat like such thing [spread slanders on hearsay] [Same words at end of
2:81,93,248,278;3:49,139,175;5:23,57,112;7:85;8:01;9:13;57:08]o if you are the true believers. [24:17] And Allah, for you people, makes Aay'aat [of Qur''aan; information, knowledge, wisdom] distinctly evident/separated/distinguished; [Same pronouncement in same words in
8:71;9:15,60,97,106,110;22:52;24:18,58,59;49:08;60:10]o And Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/considerations. [24:18] Indeed those people, who love that the sexual lust and misconduct may spread amongst those who have accepted/believed, for them is a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter [Same pronouncement in same words in
2:216,232;3:66]o And Allah knows everything while you people do not know everything. [24:19] [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:83;24:10,14,21] And had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allah upon you people; o and that Allah is certainly kind and the merciful. [24:20]