Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              048

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          





































































































































































Those who tarried [Muna'fi'qeen] will say, when you people became launched at the war spoils so that you collect them, "you leave/forgive us, we will henceforth make ourselves to physically follow you people"

They intend as if they would cause to change the Words of Allah.

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You will never wish to incline yourselves to follow us, this is what Allah had said before this time about you people".

Thereat they will say, "Nay, that is not the case, in fact you people are jealous of us"

No, their assumption is wrong, the fact of the matter is that they have been a people who do not comprehend, except occasionally. [48:15]

You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for those who tarried from amongst the Foreign Settlers in Arabia,

"Soon you people shall be called upon to engage yourselves in war with the people who are possessors of firm military power, or they would surrender to submit"

Thereat if you people affectionately and wholeheartedly accepted the word, Allah will grant you a most appropriate reward;

and if you people purposely caused yourselves to turn away from the commanded word as you had made yourselves turn away earlier He will punish you with a severe infliction" [48:16]

[Same in same words in 24:61]

There is no blame and harassment for the blind, and nor is for the lame person, and nor is for the patient [to participate in war];

[Same pronouncement in same words in 4:13;24:52;33:71]

and whoever willingly/affectionately accepts the words of Allah and His Messenger [contained and recited by him from Grand Qur'aan],

[Similar promise 4:13;64:09;65:11]

Allah will enter him into gardens with streams flowing beneath/side by;

and whoever purposely caused himself to turn away He will punish him with a severe infliction. [48:17]

Indeed Allah pleasantly acknowledged and appreciated the act of the Believers

when they willingly and affectionately transformed themselves to pledge themselves in allegiance to you, the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] under the Tree since He fully knew that which was in their hearts.

Thereat He bestowed upon them the tranquility and calmness and awarded them a quick victory; [48:18]

and abundant spoils of war which they acquire unsolicited.

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:158,165;48:07,19; similar 4:56]

And Allah has eternally the absolute command/Dominance, All Wise/Knower of hidden/secreted. [48:19]

Allah had promised with you for abundant spoils of war which you will acquire, thereupon He has hastened it for you people;

and He kept away the hands of people from you

and so that it may be a demonstrative physical sign for the Believers;

and He may guide you people on the Path that keeps leading safely and straight to the destination of peace and tranquility. [48:20]

And other benefits which you have not yet assessed and measured, indeed Allah has encompassed it.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 33:27]

And Allah has eternally the infinite power and control over each and every thing to keep it in bounds/limits/measure. [48:21]

And if those who have refused to accept/believe consciously impose war upon you people, they will certainly turn on their backs.

Thereafter they will not find someone to act as a patron/guardian nor as provider of help. [48:22]

[Same information in  33:38;35:43]

This has been the tradition/Way of Allah amongst those who have passed in earlier times;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 33:62 35:43]

 and you will never find for the tradition/Way of Allah any change/replacement. [48:23]

and He is the One Who withheld the hands of them away from you and the hands of you people away from them in indulging hand to hand fight in the interior of Mecca

after the point in time that He had given you victory over them.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 33:09]

And Allah is eternally watchful, everything that you people do is under His focus. [48:24]

[Read with 5:02]

They are the people who had refused to accept/believe and they had stopped/diverted you people from the Sacred Mosque

and prevented the sacrificial mammals that they may reach their destined point of sacrifice.

And had there been not believing men and believing women whom you had not yet known that you may have treaded them also

whereupon a blame from them would have got attached with you without being aware of it;

this was for that Allah may enter whomever He wills under the Umbrella of His Mercy;

if those believing men and believing women had made themselves segregated apart, certainly We would have punished those amongst them who had refused to believe with severe infliction; [48:25]

when those who had refused to accept/believe had nourished emotional obsession in their hearts, emotional obsession of the Age of Passion and Pride,

[Similar info in 9:26; 48:04,26]

thereat Allah bestowed His tranquility and restraint upon the Messenger of Him and upon the Believers

[Read with 5:02]

and made them adhere to the Word of conscious heedfulness and restrained conduct within prescribed limits [as advised in 5:02] and they were more deserving and worthy of such conduct.

[Exactly same 33:40; similar pronouncement in 4:32;33:54]

And Allah is Ever All-Knower/Aware of each and everything. [48:26]

Indeed Allah has since proved to His Messenger the vision/dream as truthful with physical execution

that you will will certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah willed, safe and secure,

you people shaving your heads and [bald or sick men] shortening their hair without you people feeling any fear

since Allah knew that which you people had not yet known,

thereat in addition to that He granted a quickened victory. [48:27]

[Same pronouncement in 9:33;61:09]

He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with [Grand Qur'aan] i.e. describing the Truthful Prescribed System so that he may make it/GrandQur'aan evident/prevail upon the Prescribed System, in its totality,

[same pronouncement in same words in 4:79,166]

since/and Allah suffices to witness/watch everyone/thing. [48:28] [your physical presence everywhere is however not needed; We will show you the entire recorded irrefutable evidence]

Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam],  the Messenger of Allah,

and those who are with him are strongly determined versus the non-believers and amongst themselves are kind hearted.

You see them in state of bowing and prostrating seeking the bounty from Allah and appreciation of approval.

Their identification mark are evident/embeded in their bodies from the traces of the prostrations.

This is the precedent of them mentioned in the Tor'aat

and their precedence is mentioned in the Injeel

like a monocotyledon grain-crop seed, it caused to get out its singular blade/shoot/sprout,

thereat it strengthened that blade/shoot whereupon it made itself thick/solidified/stout and thereat it made itself stand erect upon its stem.

It causes delight for the Sowers/Farmers. The striking of the simile of the believers is to cause irritating disquiet for those who are the non-believers.

[Read with 5:09]

It is the promise of Allah, as self imposed obligation with those from amongst them who accepted/believed and performed deeds/acts righteously/moderately [as directed in the Book] for them is the forgiveness and splendid reward. [48:29]

49:01-18               Index/Main Page
