Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [ opens in separate window]



Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


2:254 Detailed Analysis







2:255 Detailed Analysis














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2:259 Detailed Analysis




















2:260 Detailed Analysis


















  • O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!

  • Spend heartily some part of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon you people before lest the day might come.

  • No pay-later system bargain could be struck during that day.

  • Neither that day friendly help would be available nor recommendation/pleading--intercession be of avail to non believers [of intercessors-2:48,123;74:48].

  • The fact is that those who persistently refuse to accept are truly the wrong-doers/distorters/unjust. [2:254]

  • Allah the Exalted is the One and the Only [Iela'aha] Sovereign Sustainer Lord-the one Who is uncritically admired and adorned.

  • The absolute fact is that except Him the Exalted there exists no iela'aha; god.

  • Allah the Exalted is The Living, the Perpetually Existing never ever to die and the Sustainer-Sovereign Administrator. [Refer 25:58].

  • Neither doziness-drowsiness nor sleep ever overtakes Him the Exalted [to render unmindful of His created universes and of you people any moment].

  • Whatever that exists in the Skies and all that which exists in the Earth are subservient-dependant-subjects for Him the Exalted [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously].

  • Who is he the competent-legally qualified-there is none who could recommend-plead for anyone before His Presence. The exception is for the one who has the prior permission of Him the Exalted. [firstly acquainting the chosen and elevated Messengers with the facts on record].

  • He the Exalted knows that which exists in front of them-past period and that which exists in their legacy-back

  • However, the fact remains that they at their own do not encompass about anything affirmatively from His knowledge except that which He the Exalted desired to share-acquaint them with.

  • His sovereignty-dominance is expanded beyond the bounds of the Skies and the Earth.

  • Mind it; the care-taking of these two does not weary Him the Exalted.

  • Remain vigilant; He is the One and only Exalted Supreme, the Greatest-the Almighty. [2:255]

There is nothing of the sort of compulsion, coercion, pressure, harassment, and threat permissible in the matter of the Prescribed Code/Islam. The fact is that Dextral/Righteousness/Veracity has since become self-evident and distinct from the aberrance/deviousness/rambling [after the revelation of Grand Qur'aan].

 Therefore, the one who rejects the defiant/refractory one/aberrance in all its manifestations and he consciously and heartily believes in Allah, the Exalted; thereby he has certainly enfolded himself in the most stable ever-green/living handhold of the Bond-Adhesion, giving rise to a state that there is no possibility/agent for its cracking.

  Be mindful that Allah, the Exalted is eternally The Listener, One and the Only Who Knows absolutely and infinitely. [2:256]

Allah is the Wali [Guide, Helper, Protector, Sustainer, Benefactor, Companion] of those who have consciously believed.  He moves them out of the depths/layers of Darkness into the Visible Light [with the Book/Grand Qur'aan since sent].

Be ware that those who have deliberately refused, their Patrons, Advisors [Aulieau] are deviants/evil-doers/defiant/refractory ones  who take them away from the "Visible Light" into the depths/layers of Darkness.

 They are the people who will be the residents/companions of/in Hell-Prison. They will abide therein permanently. [2:257]

Have you not given a thought to [misconceptions of] that man, who argued with Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] about his Sustainer Lord? He was a man whom Allah, the Exalted had granted a kingdom.

He, when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] told him, "My Sustainer Lord is the One Who keeps giving life to things and causes death to living", argued saying, "I also cause life and I cause death".

 Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] [instead of telling him niceties and subtleties] asked him, "Since this is the fact that Allah, the Exalted raises the Sun from the East, thereby [to prove yourself right] you raise her from the West". Thereat, this/simple evident fact stunned/silenced the one who had refused to accept the belief.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:86;9:19,109;61:07;62:05]

  Be mindful, Allah, the Exalted does not guide [against their own will/considered decision] those people who are mischievous/distorters/substitute facts with conjectures/myths/concocted stories. [2:258]

Or have you given a thought about that Man who, while journeying, visited a township which was in devastated/depopulated state.

He pondered/questioned himself, "How Allah, the Exalted will revive/resurrect this township after its death?". Thereby/for this reason/questioning/curiosity, Allah, the Exalted caused him to die for 100 years and afterwards revived him to life.

 He asked, "How long have you stayed here?". He replied, "I stayed here for a day or may be a part of it". [He did not lie; it was his opinion/perception, since perception of time depends on the recording of events one after the other, the last event immediately before his death was in his mind. On revival of life/resurrection many would have the same perception] Allah  told him, "No, your assessment is not correct, the fact is that you have stayed for hundred years.

Therefore, [to perceive and believe it] look at your food and drink, they have no aging effect and look at your donkey, [to find just crumbled/decayed bones]. Be informed that the purpose of all this is to make you a demonstrative Sign for the people [to perceive and understand death and resurrection].

Now keep eye on the bones to see how We raise them as skeleton and afterwards clothe them with flesh".

For this reason [converting the crumbled/decayed bones in living same donkey of him whom he recognized] when the curios matter became demonstratively evident/apparent for him he said, "I  known/have absolute knowledge/conviction that Allah, the Exalted has indeed eternally infinite power/command and control over each and every thing". [2:259]

Take this information also that when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] requested, "My Sustainer Lord, You cause to show/demonstrate to me in physical manner as how you revive/resurrect the dead".

 [Allah knows exactly what one means and his intention, but someone may not perceive differently, clarification was sought] Allah, the Exalted enquired, "Do you not accept this phenomenon?"  He/Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] clarified, "No, I did not mean that, I do know and believe it. However, on the contrary, I just want to see it so that my heart enjoys tranquility".

On this, He said, "For that purpose/demonstration, acquire four from bird species, therby make them acquainted/familiarized/tamed/friendly towards/with you.

Thereafter lapse of time cut them, for placing on each and every mountain, in the form of pieces. Thereafter lapse of time [their position converting into rotten things] you call them, they will come to you walking attractively and swiftly. 

And that you suffice to know the fact that Allah, the Exalted is the All Pervasive/Dominant and eternally the Wise/Knower of invisible/secreted/infolded realities." [2:260]

2:261-274                    Main Page/Index              Urdu Books
