Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


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Have you not yet given a thought about those people who left their homes, while they were in thousands, for fear of/to escape death. For this reason Allah said for them, "you people die a natural death". Afterwards their death, He revived them to life.

It is a fact that Allah, the Exalted, is the possessor of bounty showered upon people, but most of the people do not appreciate/recognize/express gratitude. [2:243]

[O you who claim to have believed, understand the essence of life and death] And you people reciprocally engage, only in the cause of Allah, in the war waged [against you] and remember that Allah is eternally The Listener, The Knowledgeable. [2:244]

Who is the one who will heartily lend Allah, the Exalted, a stable loan [help people with his wealth exclusively in His name] whereby He may reciprocally inflate its payable obligation for him, a state of tremendous inflating.

Remember the fact that Allah, the Exalted,  alone restricts to measure and expands the sustenance. Be mindful that you will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [2:245]

Have you not given a thought towards the Chieftains amongst the Posterity of Iesra'eal, in times after Musa [alai'his'slaam],

 when they said [for] to the Elevated/Chosen Servant of Allah present in those days for them, "You appoint a commander for us so that we should reciprocally confront war with enemy in the cause of Allah."

He asked them, "Is it not expected of you that if war is ordained for you people, you might not fight?"

They replied, "What will be that for us that we might not fight for the cause of Allah while a recent fact is that we have been forced out of our homes and of our forefathers?"

Be informed, thereat/eventually when fighting the war was ordained for them, they turned away, barring a few steadfast amongst them. Be mindful that Allah has always been fully aware of the wrong-doers/distorters. [2:246]

And the Chosen and Elevated Servant of Allah for them said to them, "It is a fact that Allah has since appointed Taloot as commander/ruler for you people".

 They/the Chieftains replied, "How can he be given authority over us while we have comparatively greater right to command the community/country than him particularly because he has not yet been bestowed with magnificent stature by wealth."

The Nabi told them, "The fact is that Allah, the Exalted, has preferred/chosen/elevated him upon you people and has enhanced him magnificently in the quality of knowledge/power of mind and physique.

Be mindful that Allah gives the domain of His kingdom to whomever He wills. Moreover remember that Allah has domain beyond bounds-limits. He is eternally all-Knowing." [2:247]

And the Chosen and Elevated Servant of Allah for them said to them, "The sign of his appointment as king is that during his reign "the cabinet" might come to you. The solace and tranquility is assured therein, as blessing from your Sustainer Lord,

and the relics partly from that which was left by the followers of Musa and followers of Haa'roon. The Angels are carrying that "Cabinet/chest".

Certainly a vivid evidence/unprecedented sign/demonstration is therein for conviction of you people if you have truly been the believers. [2:248]


Thereat [for reason of Jaloot advancing] when Taloot marched out along with his troops, he warned them, "Allah will indeed subject you people to a qualificatory test on the way at a water reservoir. Thereat, any one who drank from that reservoir he is marked as not with me, and the one who would not have taken it inside the throat, except splashing upwards with his hand, he is indeed with me". On reaching the reservoir, [for reason majority of Bani Iesra'eal has always been transgressors] they drank  barring a minority amongst them. Resultantly, when Taloot and those who consciously accepted [the command of not drinking] with him passed the reservoir, they-the transgressors said [proving what Taloot had warned] "Today, absolutely no   strength is left for us to fight against Jaloot and his troops". Those who had the perception of presentation before Allah, the Exalted, for accountability [on Day of Resurrection] repudiated, "it has often been that a small host has, by Allah's grace, overcome a big host.

[Exactly same information in same words in 8:66]

 Remember that Allah, the Exalted is with those who show fortitude." [2:249]

Moreover, they prayed the point in time when they became openly confronting for Jaloot and his troops, saying "O, You the Sustainer Lord of us! Bless us with coolly perseverance and fortitude,

[Exactly same prayer in same words in 3:147]

 and make firm our foothold/strengthen firmness and help us for victory over the unbelieving people." [2:250]

Consequently, by the Grace of Allah, the Exalted, they routed the unbelievers, and Da'ued gave eliminating defeat to/killed Jaloot; and Allah, the Exalted gave him the kingship and wisdom and taught him whatever other things He willed.

[Same pronouncement in 22:40]

  Realize it that if Allah had not been repelling one set of people by some others; the Earth would have certainly been corrupted with imbalances and chaos.


  Acknowledge that Allah, the Exalted  is but bountiful to the peoples of the world. [2:251]


These are the Aa'ya'at [Verbal constituent passages of the Book/Grand Qur'aan] of Allah, the Exalted. We recite these distinctly, word by word upon you, the Messenger [Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam], as the statement of proven fact/with determined purpose of conveying it to the humanity for whom it is meant. People should know the fact, that you Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] are certainly the Last from amongst those appointed and sent as the Messengers. [2:252]

Those [ appointed and sent ones-2:252] were the Messengers. We had granted distinction/peculiarity/ individuality to some of them upon another.

Allah, the Exalted verbally spoke to some from amongst them.  Moreover, He elevated some of them in ranking.

And We gave Easa [alai'his'slaam], the son of  Maryam, evident and distinct demonstrative Signs. In addition, We strengthened/protected/saved him through Angel Gibra'eel [RoohulQudds].

And if Allah had so willed, the people, who were after them/their demise, would not have mutually separated/distanced from each other after that the distinct Aayaa't had since reached them.

However, they differed [for self motives/vested interest], thereby some amongst them accepted [the Aayaa't] and some amongst them refused to accept.

      And if Allah had so willed they could not mutually divided/distanced from each other but Allah indeed does that which He decides/wills [not to suspend/take away the granted freedom of choice/will]. [2:253]

2:254-260                 Main Page/Index              Urdu Books
