Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [opens in separate window]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


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Ball Lightning Mystery

A phenomenon where lightning forms a slow, moving ball that can burn objects in its path before exploding or burning out



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Attention should be focused that this is the subject of the sentence.

The Last Messenger of Allah, the Exalted, Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is the Guide Lord for the humanity. Acceptance of guidance is people's own choice and subject to their will and conscious decision. People becoming guided, in response, is not the responsibility, assignment or obligation upon the Guide since no force and coercion is allowed.

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The equation of outcome/benefit of those who spend their financial resources [for seeking His attention and Mercy] in the cause of Allah, the Exalted is like a single grain that germinates seven shoots. One hundred grains are embedded in each and all shoots. [that is a general proposition] Mind that Allah, the Exalted even increases the outcome for whoever He wills. Moreover remember that Allah, the Exalted has domain beyond bounds-limits. He is eternally all-Knowing.  [2:261]

  • Know about those who heartily spend their financial resources in the cause of Allah the Exalted

  • and afterwards in timeline they do not reproach and make account of that which they had generously spent and nor they cause embarrassment to the recipient;

  • that their reward is securely in deposit with their Sustainer Lord.

  • Moreover, not at all fear shall overshadow-haunt upon them. And they shall neither have a cause for grieve. [ 2:262]

A pleasant saying and excuse is better than that gifting which is followed by embarrassment. Remember that Allah, the Exalted is the Transcendent and eternally imperturbably overlooking Forgiver.[2:263]

[Same pronouncement in same words in 9:37; similar 5:67]

O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen. You should not render your gifts of generosity as worthless scum by reproach/making/pronouncing account of it and embarrassment like the mindset of the one who spends his wealth merely for worldly pomp and show/pleasure of ostentatious display and he in fact believes not in Allah, the Exalted nor the Last Day. For this reason, his example is like that rock a layer of soil is laying thereupon. Thereat a heavy rainfall fell upon it and washed it away thereby leaving it as a naked rock. They have no power [to retain permanently] over that which they have earned. Be aware that Allah, the Exalted does not guide [against their will/considered decision] the people who persistently and deliberately refuse to accept. [2:264]

  • And the illustration for those who heartily spend their worldly resources with the objective to seek the approval-appreciation of Allah the Exalted and to sustain belief of their inner selves

  • is like a garden at a hilly place.

  • A heavy rain watered it. Thereat, it yielded two-fold produce.

  • However, if no heavy rain watered it even then dewfall-drizzling suffices to produce good yield.

  • Remain cognizant that Allah the Exalted ever keeps watching those acts that you people keep performing. [2:265]

Would anyone of you people like that such a garden of palm trees and grapes/vines be his property which has flowing water canals side by it, in which are all the fruits/financial advantages for him, while he has already become aged with his progeny  still infants/young/weak. Thereat "a fluffy twisting ball-orb" arrived at it/garden. Fire is present in it/him.  Thereby she/fire caused itself to blast/scatter/burnt out. This is how Allah, the Exalted makes the Aa'ya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge] distinct/evident/distinguished/each point isolated and crystal clear [for comprehension as was promised to the Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] so that you people could make yourselves objectively reflect/contemplate/deeply and honestly ponder in sequenced manner; [2:266]

O those/you, who consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen. You people spend from the best/beneficial that you have earned and from that which We brought out for you from the Earth. Moreover, you people should not intend to select gimcrack/junk for spending which, if offered to you it will not be liked except deliberately avoiding eye on it. In addition, you people know that Allah, the Exalted is the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise. [2:267]

The Shai'taan mumbles to you the likelihood of poverty [by spending in Allah's cause] and prompts you to follow the shameless/sexual obsessive attitude. And Allah, the Exalted holds out from Himself the promise of pardon and bounty. Moreover remember that Allah, the Exalted has domain beyond bounds-limits. He is eternally all-Knowing.  [2:268]

He grants the wisdom [through Aa'ya'at of the Book]/the capability to perceive the infolded information about things to the one who desires/wills for it. Know it that he who is given the wisdom thereat indeed he is given abundantly the better thing. The fact is that those, who look into matters objectively without overlapping it with emotions /prejudices/ biases/whims/caprices, are the only, to the exception of others, who make themselves remain conscious, heedful in remembrance. [2:269]

Moreover be aware that whatever you people spend from the substance or layoff what you had vowed, thereby/for reason, Allah, the Exalted is indeed always aware of that. Take note that  there will be no one from amongst helpers to stand for the mischief-mongers/distorters of fact. [2:270]

If you people make known your gifts of generosity thereby, whatever is it, this is praiseworthy/compliment able. However, if you keep those as secret and make them reach the needy, thereby it is far better for you people, and be aware that Allah, the Exalted causes to delete/remove/hide from you people some recorded mischief from your misdoings. Remain mindful that Allah, the Exalted is informed/aware of all acts which you people keep doing.. [2:271] 

Their becoming on guidance was not assigned/obligation upon you [the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم]. The fact is that Allah, the Exalted, guides the one [in time and space through the Book-39:23] who wishes/inclined for it. [Reverting from parenthetic] You people understand it that whatever you spend partly from the better substance thereby it is for your own selves, and that you people do not spend [for other considerations/face] except for the objective of seeking the approval/appreciation of Allah, the Exalted. Moreover, whatever you spend partly from the better substance that will be given back to you and you people will not meet with slightest injustice. [2:272] 

The [secretly sending sustenance] gifts are for those needy people who have been restricted/restrained/confined [to their places] in the cause of Allah, the Exalted. They do not find the wherewithal and resources for openly moving around in the Earth/society. The emotional person presumes them self-sufficient because of their self-restraint-respect/self-composedness. You will recognize them by their visible sign. They do not ask people in frank overtaking manner. Know it that whatever you people spend partly from better substance, thereat [for reason of omnipresence, ever vigilant] Allah, the Exalted is certainly fully aware of it. [2:273] 

The people who keep spending their wealth during the night and the day time, secretly and openly/visibly, thereby/as its consequence, the reward of them is in wait/prepared for them from their Sustainer Lord. Moreover, neither fear shall overshadow/haunt upon them; and nor shall they have a cause for grieve.  [2:274]

2:275-286                            Index of Articles in English              Urdu Books
