: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance

4. : It is a prerequisite for recognition as brother in Islam.


The proclamation of belief subjects the person to the Constitution: Universal Code of Conduct. Thereby, he becomes the member of the fraternity : a fraternity that voluntarily submits to the prescribed discipline of establishing state of peace, security, tranquility and dynamic balance for all. All its members are : a brotherhood.

However, there is also Muna'fi'qeen: Imposter Believers. They are not the brethren in Islam. The tangible identification of true believers is disclosed:

Muna'fi'qeen consciously and purposely proclaim declarations of having become believers in Allah the Exalted, the Last Day and the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam as a protective shield and deception [Refer 58:16 and 63:02].

Thus : Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance is the first and mandatory tangible evidence to support ones verbal proclamation of having voluntarily accepted the Belief: . It reflects him as the member of  : fraternity of Muslims.

   : 5. It is a time bound protocol. The number of times and the appointed timings for its performance during a day.

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