

Understanding and gaining the Knowledge of the Grand Qur'aan; the Guide and the "Vehicle" that drives to the destination

Grand Qur'aan is rendered facilitative to understand and comprehend by transcribing it in Arabic; the language of our guide lord, exalted universal Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, and related to Arabian Peninsula.


Methods - Approaches of teaching/learning second - foreign languagelearning and understanding Qur'aan

The existence of a variety of languages spoken by human beings, refer Ayah 30:22, has always necessitated and encouraged peoples to attempt to learn foreign - second languages. Various methods and approaches were employed under influence of advancements in theories and psychology of learning, these included, "the grammar-translation method", "the direct method", "Audio-Lingual method", "Silent Way", and "Total Physical Response".

The strategy - method - approach will however depend upon the primary goal of learning a second language. The primary goal could be learning to understand the language either in reading or listening. Or the intended goal for learning a second language could be to produce it, i.e., speaking and writing.

    The experts are of the considered opinion that learning to speak and write is much more difficult than simply learning to understand. Learning to understand is easier as it requires recognition rather than the harder recall.

    Our purpose is only to acquire the skill for understanding the meanings, perception and message of Grand Qur'aan. Our goal is not the learning of Arabic for communication, i.e., speaking and interaction with Arabs. Therefore, the most suitable strategy - method - approach for our goal is Grammar-Translation method, also known as classical method. Its name captures the main emphasis of this methodthe study of grammatical aspects of language and the use of translation as a means of acquiring comprehension. It will enable us appreciate the all time classic Grand Qur'aan in its original language.

    Oft repeated disadvantage associated with this method is the much rote  memorization of grammatical aspects such as verb conjugations and recitation of rules that described language functions. But no such practice is needed for employing grammar-translation method for learning Arabic of Grand Qur''an. Its miraculous uniqueness is that its learning to understand is much easier as we can visually recognize nouns and verbs, grammatical unitsprepositional, possessive and adjectival phrases, and other elements like subject and predicate, subject and object of verbs while just watching the text. This feature facilitates self comprehending the text by taking help from "teach yourself" books.

    And its grammar would seem the easiest if we revisit grammar book of the target language, say English. Though we know reading and writing our mother-language, or English as second language, which will mostly be grammatically correct, but it is because of unconscious understanding of their grammar. We might not be able to consciously explain the rules of Urdu or English grammar to others. For learning to comprehend a book written in another language, Arabic of Grand Qur'aan, we must know consciously the grammar of at least one language.

     For Urdu speaking people learning to understand Arabic of Qur'aan is very easy and simple. The most important determining factor how easily words are learned is "cognate factor".  "Cognate" means the words that are the same or very similar in both languages. There are a vast number of words that are cognate in Arabic and Urdu. Though there are "false cognates" - words which appear similar, but have different meaningsit needs not any special strategy since their number is just few.


Encouraging facts:

1. Grand Qur'aan is rendered facilitative to understand and comprehend by transcribing it in Arabic-the language of our guide lord Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam and related to Arabian Peninsula. [19:97;44:58;54:17,22,32 and 40] We should trust Allah's proclamation. Those who propagate that Qur'aan is difficult to learn and comprehend are guilty of contradicting the emphatic declaration of Allah the Exalted.

2. A very small part of large vocabulary of Arabic is used in Qur'aan. The vocabulary will not pose a problem particularly for Urdu knowing people since majority of words of Qur'aan are already in their use. Moreover, thanks to computer technology, each word is now in access by a click on it. It needs emphasis, however, that each word of the vocabulary of Qur'aan is unique and non-substitutable pearl embedded at its place of occurrence in the text.

3. The prerequisite to read a book in foreign language is to learn grammar of that language. Learning grammar of Arabic from Qur'aan does not involve and require rote memorization like verb conjugations and paradigms.

4. The Rules are precise and few in volume in relation to the text of Qur'aan.

Pre-qualification for learning Arabic of Qur'aan if we have passion to personally comprehend its message:

(a) One can recite-read aloud distinctly, syllable by syllable, just three Ayahs: Unitary Verbal Passages of Qur'aan by recalling from memory, and by reading the written text. Please remember, this is the first step of our guide lord in communicating and then teaching the people to read and write Qur'aan. He is the first who introduced writing tradition in Arabia who had earlier oral tradition.

(b) Listen frequently the recitation while watching the written text of Qur'aan. It will facilitate and quicken the process of acquiring skill in understanding the Lexical and Grammatical aspect of Arabic; the fundamental and inevitable tool for non-Arabs in knowing the Qur'aan.

(c) Determined resolve that we will not henceforth be like majority of readers who are passive and mute recipients of ideas gleaned from the printed page.

(d)  We will consult the grammar books of our mother language or target language to refresh our memory to become conscious as to what is denoted and perceived by various elements in a text like noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, prepositional phrase, possessive phrase, dependencies, etc.

(e) We will use auditory and visual faculties simultaneously while studying Qur'aan on computer screen. We will listen and watch syllables of text by moving the gaze in smooth pursuit. This is the basic requirement for attaining the purpose of reading.


We undertake that we will follow the instructions of Qur'aan about its manners of reading, the most primary is:

 Therefore, you people read that much text of the Qur'aan which has become self convenient- facilitating [having listened recitation]. [Ref 73:20]


We read the definition of reading that it is a process to derive meaning in written text. The objective of reading is to attain and perceive the thought, idea and message conveyed therein. Verb "you people read" emanates from Root "ق ر ء" from which is also the Qur'aan. The basic perception infolded in the Root is to collect a thing at one point, compilation, and the process of gathering. It thus changes the scattered-separated-spread position of a thing into a collective whole. When we carry out this process with regard to letters-alphabet-syllables of a language-written material it produces and yields the product :  written reading material collected together and placed in one receptacle; it is the opposite of a shredded-scattered state. Thus this word defines reading as a process of squeezing the scattered text over the line/lines into a single focal point to distinctly perceive the idea/thought/message of it.

     It might seem a strange phenomenon that another word: made from this Root also occurs in the Grand Qur'aan which denotes multiple discharges of menstruation. One may wonder what menstruation has to do with Root: "ق ر ء" while other words are conveying perception of a compilation of written text and reading it. We might understand the delicacies and subtleties of Arabic language if we enquire what menstruation are and what physical relationship does it have with the basic perception of Root? Menstruation is breaking of the spread lining [endometrium] of the uterus which gets colleted together and is discharged. Arabic Roots in their perception in fact enfold all the physical realities relating both to matter and life. It is a language of precision and scientific realties about matter and life relating to the semantic field a word refers is infolded in it.

     Let me assure that the day we start understanding and perceiving the contents in our own language, it is a matter of weeks not months, we will always be in search of time to open and read Qur'aan since we will find it inexhaustible. No reading of it is the final reading-no translation of it is the final and exhaustive translation; and no discussion ever runs it dry. This is one of the features that render a book great in timeline.



Parts of Speech

The text of languages is typically divided into three categories:

1. Word

2. Phrase

3. Sentence

Grand Qur'aan is unique in all aspects related to books. It is in perfect sequence, corresponding and consistent with ground realities and perceptions of human beings. The first six words of Grand Qur'aan reproduced at the top show sequence of components of a text; Word, Phrase and then a sentence. We will try learning Grammar [Morphology and Syntax] following pedagogical-teaching strategy of Grand Qur'aan on need to know basis and later try understanding semantics [how meaning in language is created by the use and interrelationships of words, phrases, and sentences] gradually. The most encouraging and amazing particularity of Arabic of Qur'aan is that we will be able to visually recognize the words, phrases, and sentences too. This is what is termed as "Parsing - Syntactical analysis" of the text.


1. Word


The "Word" is defined in dictionaries as, "A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing or printing that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single morpheme or of a combination of morphemes.". In Arabic, the Word is called-. ٱلْكَلِمَة It is defined as an expression formulated for a singular meaning. We live in the world of Words. We first listen Words, thereby we copy-speak-articulate same Words. Listening facilitates reading the written Words, whereby we attain ability to reproduce-transcribe it with our own hands. Word is divided into three categories that are mutually exclusive and embrace all words in the language:

               حَرفٌ  (a) plural حروف -Particles:

This category is defined as those words that do not impart a meaning on their own. Roughly speaking, this is equivalent to what we know in English as prepositions, conjunctions, articles, interjections and other particles. Since they do not impart a meaning on their own, they are understood only when other words are mentioned along with them. In fact, their very purpose is to expose certain attributes in the words around them. Hence, any word that does not impart a meaning on its own accord, rather it helps expose attributes of other words, is a Particle. If this is not the case, then the word is either a Noun or a Verb.

             اِسمٌ  (b)     plural. أسماء Noun:

      This category is defined as those words that impart a single meaning on their own and do not need help of another word to explain its meanings. They do not afford a tense. This is equivalent to what we know in English as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. In default state, they are always in "Nominative" case, which is reflected by the vowel sign ـُُ  or the same sign doubled ـُـُ, on  the last consonant of the word.

           فعل  (c)     plural أفعال Verb:

      This category is defined as those words that impart a single meaning on  their own describing some work, action, activity or state and afford a tense, i.e. past, present or future. This is exactly what is known in English as Verbs.


 Parts of Speech-Words

1.  Particle-حَرفٌ

By just recognizing and knowing few Particles we can recognize almost all Nouns of Grand Qur'aan, merely by seeing the text.

(i) حُرُوفُ الْجَرِّ: [Particles of attraction] Prepositions or Genitive Particles.

   [a] Inseparable Prepositions; they consist of one consonant with its vowel.

[b] Separable Prepositions. 


    The First Word of Grand Qur'aan is: which starts with a حَرفٌ-Prefixed Particle  بـِ with its suffixed object Noun. It is termed as Preposition. Like English, in Arabic also the Prepositions are indeclinable words that introduce the object of a prepositional phrase. Indeclinable words are words that have only one possible form. Particles do not follow the template system and hence they do not have patterns. They are what they are and they must be memorized as they are. However, please relax since they are not much in number and initially just a dozen needs to be remembered. In semantic terms the preposition functions to illustrate a logical, temporal, or spatial relationship between the object of the prepositional phrase and the other components of the sentence.


    The importance of the role of the Particles in Arabic text is reflected by the fact that the Grand Qur'aan begins with a particle. The First word is . Its first part is a Particle بـِ . It comprises of consonant ب of Arabic Alphabet and under it is a small stroke which is a vowel sign [ـِ]. This short vowel sign is termed in Urdu as زير . Particle  بـِ ; is inseparable meaning it is always a prefix, is termed amongst the category of Particles as حرف الجر-Preposition.  It exercises influence and affects the attached noun by changing its default nominative state to genitive state. The noun, which was originally having on its last consonant either sign ـُُ, ,ـُـُ , is changed by this Prefixed Particle-Preposition  بـِ to have this sign at its end single or double [ـِ]

     The prefixed Particle  بـِ along with the attached noun is called in Arabic and Urdu, جار و مجرور  and in English it is called Prepositional Phrase. Let us repeat it orally with slightly loud voice:

جار و مجرور   

بـِ حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور        

 بـِ Inseparable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of Preposition  بـِ ]         

      Like learning driving in which the first step is to know and recognize the steering, accelerator, brake and clutch of vehicle, the first step in learning Arabic of Qur'aan and its grammar is to recognize and differentiate just three categories of Words of its text, i.e. Particle, Noun and Verb.  The Grand Qur'aan is perhaps the only book of the Universes whose language Arabic and its grammar can be learnt in such manner that everything gets stored and saved in the Non-Declarative memory whereby at later stages the brain will automatically decode the grammar, like one's native language while listening or reading the Qur'aan. The only requirement as indicated in the Qur'aan is that we simultaneously use the faculty of listening and watching the constructs-builds-design-shape of words. By this our brain will automatically keep a duplicate copy of the data in the Non-Declarative memory while retaining "master folder" in the main memory as was done by our brain while we learnt driving  a vehicle or native language in the age of infancy.

       means and denotes "beginning is with a name/code". Ponder for a while on the first information given in Qur'aan. Learning and knowledge begins with the name-code-noun. Nothing is saved in human memory unless its name-code-verbal mirroring of an object is known or is assigned to it. Let us first learn simple method of recognizing the Nouns in the Qur'aan. Recall that Allah the Exalted had also first taught the Nouns-Names of the existing objects to our First Father and the First Human being, Adam Alahissalam  [Refer 2:31].

       بـِ Inseparable Preposition is prefixed ONLY with a Noun. The last consonant of the attached noun has vowel sign  [ـِ] . This particle  بـِ will grant  us the ability to visually recognize the Nouns in Qur'aan. Let us put our finger on the text of Qur'aan and move it forward while carefully watching the words to detect a word having in its beginning Preposition  بـِ and a vowel sign [ـِ]  at the end of word. We got it . Like  let us repeat orally with slightly loud voice:

جار و مجرور   

بِ حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور        

 بـِ Inseparable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of Preposition] 

      If we see the word after truncating  بـِ we see and we can authoritatively without consulting or referring a dictionary tell that this word is certainly a Noun.

      If we keep doing this exercise and visually locate just another such ten phrases and do the same act of repeating its grammatical structure loudly, we will thereby automatically know and recognize all such phrases and identify nouns in the text of Qur'aan, Allah the Exalted willing. Locate and list 25 single word Prepositional Phrases with Prefix  بـِ  and vowel sign [ـِ]  at the end of word.  After having practiced locating in sequence Prepositional Phrases with prefixed Preposition بـِ and suffixed Noun with apparent genitive sign, please just glance this List of Single Words in Alphabetical Order which are Prepositional Phrases with declinable Nouns showing genitive sign at the end.

     The other Inseparable Prepositions are: [We need not use them for recognizing Nouns by sight]

       (1) تَـ, Prefixed Particle-Preposition-used for swearing, it occurs only in this Phrase: By Allah the Exalted.

         (2) لِـ Prefixed Particle-Preposition denoting exclusivity, for;  Prepositional Phrase, meaning "exclusively for Allah the Exalted".

         (3) This is not conjoined with the following word. When used as Preposition it is placed as near to its Object Noun as possible. It is for swearing.


[b] Separable Prepositions.

      It is said that prepositions are difficult to define but are easy to understand. Grand Qur'aan begins with a prepositional phrase reflective of the fact that it has been made easy to understand.  However, since our first objective is to attain the ability of effortlessly recognizing the nouns of Grand Qur'aan merely by seeing the text without consulting a dictionary-Lexicon we restrict ourselves to visual study. The second type of Prepositions are Separable Prepositions which means that they unlike prefixed prepositions like  بـِ , are also written separately from its object nounMost frequently used are:

 ...------ [] --

      Let us put our finger on the text of Qur'aan and move it forward while carefully watching the words to detect these prepositions followed by a word having at its end a single or double vowel sign [ـِ] . We found it in 2:11 and then in  2:17 . We know and can authoritatively tell everyone that the word after is a Noun. We should repeat the exercise:

جار و مجرور    Prepositional Phrase

حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور  

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]

جار و مجرور     Prepositional Phrase

حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور       

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]

جار و مجرور    Prepositional Phrase

حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور       

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of Preposition]


جار و مجرور    Prepositional Phrase

 حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور        

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]


Prepositional Phrase جار و مجرور   

 حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور        

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]

جار و مجرور    Prepositional Phrase

 حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور        

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]

جار و مجرور  Prepositional Phrase 

 حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور 

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]

جار و مجرور  Prepositional Phrase 

 حرف جر + اِسم مَجرُور 

  Separable Preposition + Noun-Genitive [Object noun of the Preposition]


      If we keep doing this exercise and visually locate just another such ten phrases and do the same act of repeating its grammatical structure loudly we will thereby automatically know and recognize all such phrases and identify nouns in the text of Qur'aan, Allah the Exalted willing. [Locate and list 25 single word Prepositional Phrases with followed by a single word with single or double vowel sign  [ـِ]  at the end of word.

     We must realize and express our gratitude to Allah the Exalted  that by  remembering just five Prepositions بـِ ;; ;; we can recognize half of the text of Qur'aan merely by seeing  since Arabic speech  and text of Qur'aan comprises of Particles, Nouns and Verbs.


     Please devote some time for practicing recognizing the Nouns in the Qur'aan by sight with the help of Prepositions and below mentioned Visual signs typical to Nouns before we proceed to know their sub-classifications and other relevant information like gender, plurality etc. Once we acquire the skill of recognizing Nouns by sight, it will facilitate us quickly acquire the skill to recognize by sight the different Phrases in the text of Qur'aan, which is the second category of Text.

                Peculiar features of Nouns:

    1- They verbally mirror the image or perception of an existing reality; a tangible, physical thing having dimensions, or an abstract idea/thought/perception. The primary meanings, perception and functions of a Noun as are prevalent in English Grammar and Composition are with little modifications also applicable to Nouns of Arabic; "The part of speech (or word class) that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action. Adjective: nominal. Most nouns have both a singular and plural form, can be preceded by an article and/or one or more adjectives, and can serve as the head of a noun phrase". "A noun can function as a subject, direct object, indirect object, complement, appositive, or object of a preposition. In addition, nouns sometimes modify other nouns to form compound nouns".** .

    2- The information is attributed to a noun as subject/topic [مبتدأ] of initiating discussion/discourse/conversation. Similarly, noun is used for attribution to another word, it is then the predicate-[خبر]. The Noun which is either Subject [مبتدأ] or Predicate [خبر], it will always be in Nominative state-indicators ـُُ  or ـُـُ, .

     3.  The Definite Article is entered upon the Noun. This enables visual recognition of a Noun in the text of Qur'aan. Please glance the List of All Nouns in the Grand Qur'aan which are prefixed with Definite Article, [1781 Nouns-recurrence: 7436 about 10% of Miscellany]. Please orally repeat this peculiar feature about Nouns of Arabic a couple of times, whereby it will get entrenched in the Non Declarative memory of brain. Please remember that learning a Language is actually acquiring a skill which becomes easy when we do exercise like acquiring any other skill, say driving.

     4. The Noun may have " tanwīn (تنوين)" reflected by double short vowel signs at the end of the word [ــًــٍــٌ  tanwīn symbols] producing the sound of Nun-ن. This is yet another facility for visual recognition of Nouns in the text of Qur'aan. Just glance through the list [here] repeating orally this peculiar feature of Nouns for couple of times. It will enable its storage in non-declarative memory for ever, whereby we will effortlessly recognize such nouns which will enhance our reading proficiency.

    5. Yet another visual identification mark of a Noun is that it does not end with a Jezm, while a verb does. For example seeing these words - ending with a Jezm, we will instantly know that these are NOT nouns but are verbs.

   6. The genitive case reflected by vowel sign [ـِ .. ] at the end of word is uniquely associated with noun.




فعل  (c)     plural أفعال Verb:

      We have learnt Particles by memorization and have learnt to recognize with their help the Nouns in Qur'aan and also by some other visible signs. Since there are only three categories of a Word we should be able to recognize the Verb automatically-effortlessly when we adjudge it not as Particle or Noun. However, further visible signs to recognize a Verb are:

(1) Lam : Referred as Lam-al-Jahd. It is a Jussive Particle used to negate the past tense verb. It negates the Past Tense Verb in meanings while utilizing the present-tense in Jussive Mood: [Ref 2:6] Just memorize this Particle, and you will recognize 366 Verbs in Qur'aan.

(2) Particle : This Particle is Subjunctive Particle. The Verb followed by it is Imperfect verb in Subjunctive Mood. Just remember this Particle and we will instantly recognize 104 verbs in Qur'aan; [Ref 2:24]

(3) -: This Particle is Subjunctive Particle;

(4) Particle -: It is a Particle that precedes only a Verb; ; [Ref 2:60; 2:65] Just memorize this Particle, and you will recognize 406 Verbs in Qur'aan.

(5) اْ: We are interested in acquiring skill to effortlessly recognize and differentiate the words in the text. This Aleph with a circle on top at the end of words like  ---- should also be kept in memory as marker sign for verbs. It is called الألف-فارقة--it distinguishes the two words signifying that the preceding Waw is integral part of the preceding word.

(6) Feminine Ta: Words ending with ت-تْ are Feminine Verbs ...---

(7) Heavy Noon:



1. We need only to memorize few Prepositions like  بـِ ;; ;;, to effortlessly recognize Nouns while watching text.

2. We merely need to memorize that in the beginning and Tanwin-doubled vowel sign in the end of word are indicators for Noun. We should also memorize that Jezm is not the ending of a Noun.

3. We need to memorize Particles ------- and remember that the word after it is a Verb. Moreover word ending with feminine marker ت-تْ  is a verb.

Please remember above three points and do an exercise by putting finger on the text and move gaze smoothly forward. Firstly identify few nouns and then next times do it for recognizing verbs. This will give us the skill to effortlessly recognize three parts of the entire text of Qur'aan in just one or two hours. Having attained this skill do pay reverence to the Elevated Messenger and prostrate for Allah the Exalted to express gratitude that Qur'aan is made easy to learn and retain in memory.

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