

Proclamation of Allah the Exalted: Qur'aan is rendered facilitative for learning and comprehension by its transcription in Arabic: the language of our Guide Lord Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, and of Arabian Peninsula.


Which text is the best for reading pleasure? Reading involves visual fixation on successive locations across the page or screen. The par excellence text is therefore that which might control saccades: rapid jerk-like movements of the eyes that direct the gaze to a new location and redeploy the region of high visual acuity centered on the fovea. Allah the Exalted and the infinitely knowledgeable have informed:

Reading text is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning in written text. Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written. Proficient reading depends on the ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly.

Reading involves visual fixation on successive locations across the page or screen. Fixation or visual fixation is the maintaining of the visual gaze on a single location. Reading is an intensive process in which the eye quickly moves to assimilate text. Very little is actually seen accurately. Around the fixation point of gaze only four to five letters are seen with 100% acuity. Please revisit the aforementioned six Ayahs-Verbal Unitary Passages of Qur'aan. Did you notice that there is no fixation point of gaze where there are more than five letters on a single location?  The text of Qur'aan is superbly arranged with choice of such words that the fixation point of gaze has only four to five letters. Where there is a cluster of more than five letters the syllable system of Arabic, and provision of vowel between boundaries of words with consecutive vowel-less consonants, helps retain 100% acuity at every fixation point of gaze. Thereby the text of Qur'aan controls the saccadic eye movements of the reader to subserve vision by redirecting the visual axis to a new location.

It is necessary to understand visual perception and eye movement in order to understand the reading process. [Visual perception is the ability to interpret the surrounding environment by processing information that is contained in visible light. Eye movement in reading involves visual processing of words.  Eyes do not move continuously along a line of text, but make short rapid movements (saccades) intermingled with short stops (fixations).] Visual fixation is never perfectly steady: Fixation eye movement occurs involuntarily. Humans also do not appear to fixate on every word in a text, but instead fixate to some words while apparently filling in the missing information using context. The notable exception is being in smooth pursuit.

Grand Qur'aan tells us that its Aa'ya'at: verbal unitary passages were written on papers and were in circulation when it was communicated, and that its text needs to be carefully listened and seen with eyes. Grand Qur'aan informs about those who used their gaze in smooth pursuit of the text scattered on the page.

Deafness relates to listening in which ear's audibility plays the major role; and blindness relates to eyes that act as seeing instrument. We should emulate utilizing both faculties simultaneously to quickly grasp and understand Arabic and comprehend what has been said in its Aa'ya'at. We will soon find that the act of seeing the Arabic text plays a major role in making the learning process easy and rapid for non-natives.

Smooth pursuit eye movements allow the eyes to closely follow a moving object. Grand Qur'aan is made facilitative to read and comprehend. The choice of words and their arrangement controls the rapid jerk-like movements of eye balls and smoothly pushes forward gaze to the next point of fixation. The text of Qur'aan is the only text that facilitates humans in smooth pursuit of its moving text. The words of its text are also like moving objects on the page. The consonants are followed by "moves"-حَرَكَاْتٌ  [three Short vowels] facilitating the reader for smooth pursuit. And so serve the case endings on the boundaries of words.

Allah the Exalted has emphatically proclaimed and reiterated four times in exactly same words in four different Ayahs that the Grand Qur'aan is certainly made easy for readers to learn, comprehend and conveniently retain in memory. Anti Qur'aan conjectural and opinionated propaganda is equally wide spread suggesting that it as difficult to learn and by conditioning its learning with acquiring of so called this and that number of "knowledge-s". Those who propagate that Qur'aan is difficult to learn and comprehend are guilty of contradicting the emphatic declaration of Allah the Exalted.

Let us simply forget and try to delete from our memory all those myths and wide spread false propaganda which contradicts the above stated fact of simplicity in learning and comprehending text of Grand Qur'aan. Can you point out to me a text in any language of the world, comprising of about 80,000 words, which is such that we might attain the skill to identify all its words as particles, nouns and verbs in just an hour? You will never be able to answer me. However, I can tell you one such text. It is of the Grand Qur'aan. You can learn to visually identify its nouns and verbs without consulting a dictionary in an hour or so by just memorizing a dozen particles. And in another short span of time you can acquire the skill to visually recognize effortlessly all its phrases: prepositional, possessive and adjectival, because the indicators are very prominent and simple for learning and retention in procedural - non declarative memory. And we know that recognizing words and clauses in context accelerates the reader's comprehension and costs less effort. This actually makes reading far more pleasurable because less work is required to understand the text.

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