The Last Day
It is an adjectival phrase. It is mentioned in 26
Ayahs and is always paired with believing Allah the Exalted. The
stems from Root:
ء خ ر. It signifies relative order of existence of objects
with time-flow reference. It refers to existence later-last in time-flow
relative to first-prior-earlier existent object; and last to the first,
other to the earlier mentioned object. Nothing in the created realm could be
described in absolute terms—void of relativity since they have order of
The events of the Last Day of termination of our
universe and life are mentioned by choice of such words that
portray them picturesquely enabling us to perceive as if we are
watching their footage. The scenes are full of extreme horror.
The Day will start with first blow in the trumpet
(39:68). It is the sound only that has energy to disintegrate
the whole universe by breaking its equations. On that day all
living creature will die natural death, collectively. We will
study and watch the happenings of the Last Day in a separate
paper captioned "Horrible
Events of the Last Day", Allah the Exalted so willing.

Be aware of such persons affiliated with
the set of
(in those days Jews) who proclaim;
"We have accepted the belief in Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day.";
But the position is that in
truth and entailment they are certainly not the believers. [2:08]

Know the information about the people
in time and space as
those who willingly accepted-believed;
those who reverted to identity of Jews, and
those who identified themselves as
the Nisaa'ra; and those the Sa'bi'een;
Subject to condition
that one had
willingly accepted belief in
Allah the Exalted and the Last Day and had performed-acted as a
righteous person;
Thereby, the reward of
such people is
in wait-prepared for them by Grace of their Sustainer Lord.
Moreover, not
at all fear will
overshadow-haunt upon them. And they will neither have a cause for
grieve. [2:62]

Further be informed that when
requested saying: "My Sustainer Lord! render-declare this Town
a place that
affords peace-law and
order, security and safety;
And grant rich sustenance to its
inhabitants, those of them who heartily became believers of Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day"
Allah the Exalted
replied: "However, for reason being the
Sustainer Lord of all I will
also grant him who refused to accept, for a little period;
thereafter [on the Day of Judgment]
I will cause him driven to the torment of heated Hell-Prison".
Beware, how vile is
this abode-destination to land in. [2:126]


Know you the Christians and
Jews, turnabout of your faces confronting the East and the
West is not the Virtue-Magnanimous Conduct.
On the contrary; the
Virtue-Magnanimous Conduct is of that person: Who consciously and
heartily believed in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day; and the
Angels; and the Book:
one peculiar Book, Qur'aan; and the Chosen and
Elevated Allegiants of Allah the Exalted;
And he spent-donated wealth for the sake of
attaining approval and appreciation of Allah the Exalted to the
near relatives, and the father-orphans, and the destitute, and
the wayfarer, and those who seek help, and to get freedom-remission for the
And he
steadfastly maintained the Institution of
As-sa'laat: Time
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance; and
he paid Az-Zakaa't;
financial liability for economic uplift of society.
Note it; Such are the
people who fulfill their commitment - obligation when they have
bilaterally contracted;
And they remain coolly
perseverant in crisis and financial adversity; and in times of
natural calamity.
They are the people who have proved their word-declaration of belief with their acts
as true;
And they are the people who
are truly cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct.

Take note; in
case of proclamation of husband's firm decision of suspending
the Matrimonial Bond in times after menstruation
for its eventual revoking: the isolated Wives should
honestly and sincerely
exercise self
restraint from deciding their future course for a time period of multiple menstrual
discharges at three successive menstruation periods.
Moreover, it is is
not permissible for them-the alienated Wives that they might withhold disclosing that which Allah the
Exalted has since created in their Wombs .
They will not
withhold this information if they have truly been believing in Allah
the Exalted and
the Last Day [since this has social-moral as well
legal implications, as mentioned elsewhere in the Qur'aan].
Take note; their respective husbands have a greater right in
reverting of them: alienated wives during this first time publicly
suspension of Nikkah's peculiar feature for a determined period.
right is subject to the condition if
those husbands have decided to straighten/reconcile matters.
note; a similar right like the one which husbands have upon them [right of
reversion after pronouncement of intended revocation of matrimonial
bond] is also the prerogative for such wives
[next time, since divorce can happen
only twice in the married life] in accordance with
the known norms of the society.
However, a priority-precedence in exercise of same right for
each of two is to men over them.
Be mindful, Allah
the Exalted is Pervasively
dominant and the
Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm, visible
and invisible. [2:228]

Take note of
the course of conduct in case you husbands have
publicly suspended the Marriage- Protocol with wives and thereafter the
alienated wives have elapsed-crossed over their respectively determined
mandatory restraint period
[resulting in disintegration-dissolution of Nikkah].
you people-the society should not muscle them: the alienated
wives in their uniting
in Nikkah-marrying
with their husbands whenever they, the disintegrated spouses
have struck mutual agreement-understanding
in accordance with acceptable norms of society.
This is the course of
action that he gets advised by it who amongst you has truly been
believing in Allah the Exalted and the Day of Judgment.
You people/society
realize it; this advised course of action not to hinder the
wife to unite in Nikah-re-marry with her husband
is more flourishing and relatively more
clean-pious for you the society.
Realize that Allah the Exalted absolutely knows everything while you people do not
know about everything. [2:232]

O those/you, who
consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
You should not render your gifts of
generosity as worthless scum by reproach/pronouncing account of
it and by causing embarrassment to the recipient:
Like he who spends his
wealth for worldly pomp and show; pleasure of ostentatious display and he
in fact believes not in Allah
the Exalted nor the
Last Day.
Thereby, his
similarity is with such rock that a layer of soil
is layered upon it.
Thereat, a heavy
rainfall fell upon it and washed away the layer of soil whereby the
rainfall left it as a naked rock.
Such people have no power
to retain permanently
that which they have earned.
Be aware, Allah
the Exalted does not guide, against their will,
the people who persistently and deliberately refuse to accept.

They heartily believe in Allah
the Exalted and the Last Day.
And they enjoin to act
according to the accepted social values-norms
and forbid
to stay away from the conjectural, unexampled, unauthentic and unverifiable myths.
And they
hasten to outstand in doing the best
things of benefit, welfare and tranquility for all.
And they
are truly the people who are amongst the perfectionists. [3:114]

And Allah does not appreciate and approve
those who spend their wherewithal only for pomp and show off to people;
[this evidently reflects that in fact]
and they neither believe in
Allah nor in the Last Day.
And should
Shai'taan be a close comrade of someone-dominating his mind and heart;
thereby, he is worst for association. [4:38]

And what burden would it have
caused them if they believed in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day?
And what burden
would it have caused them if they had spent some of the sustenance Allah the Exalted has bestowed upon them?
And Allah the Exalted is Ever Aware of
them. [4:39]

O those/you who
proclaim to have
accepted-become believers, pay attention;
You people listen and
wholeheartedly accept the Word of Allah the Exalted and listen and accept the
Word of the Messenger
Grand Qur'aan;
And accept the word-promulgations of the
holders of
authority administering the affairs in society.
Thereat, if you
wrangled with men of authority-rulers
in some matter; thereby, you are directed to resolve
it by
reverting to the word of Allah the Exalted and the Messenger: evaluate
and decide according to dictate of Grand Qur'aan; if you people
have truly been believing in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.
This is the best course; and
in ultimate analysis-outcome it is most appropriate and balanced. [4:59]

O those/you who
proclaim to have
accepted-become believers, listen;
Incline yourselves to
heartily believe
in Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him; Muhammad
And in the Book
having peculiarity that He the Exalted has gradually sent it
upon His Messenger, Muhammad
And in the Book
whose peculiarity is that He the Exalted had compositely sent in
timeline before it: Qur'aan [In'jeel
to Easa علیہ السلام
People from amongst
the Jews on becoming believer are also required to accept and believe in In'jeel which was sent and has been affirmed by Grand
Take note; Should
someone refuse to believe in
Allah the Exalted; and His Angels; and all the Books and all the Messengers
of Him; and the Last Day:
Thereat, he
certainly perished-lost himself to the far destructive end of
neglectfulness. [4:136]

But as for the the people
amongst them who have in-depth objective knowledge; and the believers:
They consciously and willingly accept-believe in that:
Grand Qur'aan,
which has been sent to you the Messenger
And they believe in that which were revealed
by Allah the Exalted in times
before you the
And they are
steadfastly maintainers of the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time
Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance;
they are
willing payers of Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic
uplift of society;
And they truly
believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.
aforementioned are the people whom We will keep rewarding abundantly
and magnificently. [4:162]

The fact remains that those
who claim to have accepted-believed;
those who had reverted to identity of Jews; and the Sa'bi'ouen and Nisaa'ra
for whom the verdict is the same:
Subject to whoever had
willingly accepted belief in
Allah the Exalted and the Last Day and had performed deeds of
righteous import;
Its consequence is
that not at all fear will overshadow-haunt upon them.
And they will
neither have a cause for grieve." [5:69]

Indeed only he will populate and
maintain the Mosques of Allah the Exalted who believed in Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day;
And he maintained
Time bound protocol of allegiance and servitude to Allah the Exalted
and paid Az-zaka'at:
financial liability for economic uplift of society;
And he was
afraid of none
except Allah the Exalted.
Resultantly, perhaps
such are the people that might hopefully remain aright guided.
[who spend every moment of their life in accordance with
the Book of Allah]. [9:18]

Have you declared
people providing water to pilgrims and
maintaining the Sacred Mosque around Ka'aba are:
Like those who believed in
Allah the Exalted and the Last Day and
utmost in the
cause of Allah the Exalted?
They equate not with
each other in the consideration and judgment of Allah the
Be mindful, Allah the Exalted does not guide
[against their will/considered decision] people who are
mischievous-distorters and substitute facts with conjectures-myths-concocted
stories. [9:19]

You people are
directed to confront war with
those who believe neither in Allah the Exalted nor in the Last Day;
And nor they treat that
unlawful what Allah the Exalted and His Messenger has declared unlawful;
And nor they acknowledge the
Prescribed Monotheist Truthful Code of those who were earlier given the Book;
Confront war with
them until they might pay the protection charge/tribute compliantly
upon having been defeated/subdued.

Know it, they do not seek exemption
from you
the Messenger
that they might not strive with their wealth and
physical participation
who heartily believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.
And Allah the Exalted is
always fully aware of those people
who endeavor to remain cautious,
avoiding conduct inspired and governed by emotion, in reverence and fear of
Allah the Exalted. [9:44]

The fact is
that only they
seeking your permission for exemption
to proceed for war
who in fact believe not in Allah the
Exalted and the Last Day:
Muna'fi'qeen. And their hearts are
self-irked suffering duplicity.
The natural
consequence is that they, in their self-created state of irksome
duplicity of thought, keep vacillating. [9:45]

And some amongst the
Arabized foreign
settlers sincerely believes in
Allah the Exalted and the Last Day-the
And he considers
what he spends contributing to welfare of others as source
of successive nearness in the sight of Allah the Exalted; and for
attaining the approval and appreciations of the
Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].
Yes, be encouraged, it is
certainly a source of
attaining nearness for them with Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.
Allah the Exalted will enter them in
His Umbrella of Mercy.
is a fact that
Allah the Exalted is repeatedly Forgiving-Overlooking; the fountain of Mercy. [9:99]

The woman and the man held
guilty of charge of consented illicit sexual-intercourse by the
competent court of law: thereby, you the state-executive authority
are directed to flog each of them two; the manner of execution is
flogging one hundred times,
the object
being restricted to the skin: not excoriation.
And softness of
heart - feeling of sympathy for both of them should not seize you people
in executing the Code of Conduct prescribed by Allah the Exalted, if
you were truly believing in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.
And a group of
believers should observe the punishment of both of them. [24:02]

And Our Majesty had indeed deputed their
brother Sho'aib
as the Messenger towards the nation
by the name Mad'yan.
Thereby, [for reason
of their idol worshipping] he said, "O my nation!
"You are directed to express
servitude, subjection and allegiance for Allah the Exalted.
And you people expect the Last Day;
And you should not, like mischief-doers,
create intellectual distortions-conjectural myths-disquiet in the
society". [29:36]

Certainly there is
a role model of excellently balanced and appropriate conduct in the Person of
the Messenger of Allah the Exalted—Muhammad
For him who
has habit of cautiously keeping hope in Allah and the Last Day;
And he remained
and mentioned Allah the Exalted quiet frequently/most of the time. [33:21]

will never find a people who believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day:
Loving the one who
inclined himself to obstruct and hinder [the Path of]
the Exalted
and His
Notwithstanding that they used to their fathers or their sons or their brothers
or their kindred.
They are the people in whose hearts He has inscribed the belief
And He has strengthened them with "the Essence of Our
Will/Decision/Word of Command-Grand Qur'aan" from Him
He will enter them in
The Gardens with canals of water
flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,
Allah the Exalted has appreciated and
approved them;
and they are admiringly happy with Allah the Exalted.
These people are the party of
Beware that indeed the
members of the party of Allah are the reapers of fruit of success.

Certainly there
has been for you people an excellently balanced and appropriate example
of conduct in them to emulate [in connection
with your relations],
For the one who
has been cautiously keeping hope in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.
And whoever purposely causes
himself to turn away, thereat it should be
known that indeed Allah is the
One Who is
eternally the Absolutely Independent, eternally the focus of Glory and Praise.

Consequently when they have crossed
over—accomplished their respective appointed
Thereat you husbands cause
uniting them in your fold in accordance with known norms of
Or you apart them respectfully, in
accordance with known norms of society.
And you make it
[remarriage/reunion or separation]
witnessed by two
persons of just minded repute from amongst you.
And you people establish the
testimony for Allah the Exalted.
With this course/conduct/attitude
is advised the one amongst you people who has been believing in Allah
the Exalted and the Last Day.
And whoever keeps
himself cautious, heedful and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct for
reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted—
He will make for him a way
out. [65:02]

Events of the Last Day