The Name of Allah the Exalted is the recourse.
Elided Verb: The
elevated Messenger of
Allah the Exalted pronounced:
the Personal Name
of Allah the Exalted is the
eternally the
Fountain of Infinite Mercy". [1:01]
It is interesting to find that the first sentence, which
corresponds to a protein coding-gene in human genome, comprises of only
two grammatical units. The smallest protein-coding gene also perhaps comprises
of two codons.

The Name of Allah the Exalted is the recourse.
Recourse: source of help or solution:
He to Whom a person turns for help or to
solve a problem. Recurrence of grammatical unit:
(1)01:01(2)27:30(3)11:41=3 Ayahs are
reproduced at the end
These three words, a preposition, a common noun and a Proper Noun constitute
the first grammatical unit [equivalent to a codon in a
protein-encoding gene of
Messenger RNA in human genome]. It comprises of a
Prepositional Phrase
+ Possessive Phrase.
The first word: بـِ
comprising of a consonant and a vowel is
Inseparable Preposition, meaning that it occurs prefixed with its object
noun; in Arabic it is called:
حرف الجر.
Prepositions render their object noun in genitive case. The preposition
and its object noun constitute what is called a prepositional phrase, in
Arabic grammar:
جار و مجرور.
Arabic has only three parts of speech and other than noun
and verb the words are called;
This category is defined as those words that
do not impart a meaning on their own. Roughly
speaking, this is equivalent to what we know in English as particles; prepositions,
conjunctions, articles, interjections and other particles. "Particles
do not impart a meaning" means that they are understood
only when other words are mentioned along with them. These are like
function words in English. Their very
purpose is to expose certain attributes in the words around them. Hence,
any word that does not impart a meaning on its own accord
and helps expose attributes of other words is a
If this is not
the case; then the word is either a Noun
or a
Particles do not follow
the template system and hence they do not have patterns. They are what
they are and they must be memorized as they are.
grammarians and educationists say that prepositions are difficult to
define but are not so difficult to understand. Preposition tell the "position"
of things or objects in relation to where other people or objects are
located. They can show relationships between objects in space- where one
thing is in relation to another, and they can show relationships in
time, when an event occurred in relation to another event.
Identifying prepositional
phrases is most important skill and critical for identifying the main
subject and verb of a sentence. The true subject, predicate and verb of
a sentence can never appear within a prepositional phrase.
The prepositions used in the Divine Discourse help
visually recognize the nouns, effortlessly.
The preposition:
بـِ designates
contiguity in its broadest sense. It has a wide range of uses including
spatiotemporal, instrumental and manner adverbial.
It is used for the following purposes:
1) [للإلصاقِ]
For connectivity;
2) [للإِسْتَعَانَةِ]
For assistance; instrument
3) [لِلتَّعدِيَةِ]
For making a verb transitive;
4) [لِلظَّرفِيَّةِ]
For an adverbial meaning;
5) [لِلمُصَاحَبَةِ]
For accompaniment.
6) [لِلمُابَلَةِ]
For requital; and
7) [زائِدَةٌ]
Extraneous; according to a rule for the negated predicate; also in
For detailed study about it please visit:
The preposition: بـِ
and its suffixed object noun:
constitute prepositional phrase.
Phrase: It is a string of words that form a constituent
and so function as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. A phrase
is lower on the grammatical hierarchy than a clause. These are compounds, in Arabic الْمُرَكَّبَاتُ.
When two or more words are joined they constitute a Phrase [مركب
ناقص] or [مركب
تام] a Sentence-جُمْلَةٌ.
Arabic is a language of syllables. The First text Word:
comprises of two syllables;
first syllable comprises of a consonant, a vowel and consonant [C+V+C];
followed by another syllable comprising a consonant and vowel. This
prepositional phrase is spelled differently as:
in the text at four places
[(1)56:74(2)56:96(3)69:52(4)96:01=4] reproduced in the
end. After preposition:
بـِ it has the addition of ٱ, but the speaker will articulate and
pronounce it in exactly identical manner as he pronounced two syllables
The articulated sound of both the spellings is exactly the same for
the auditory faculty of the listener. Presuming that these two
differently spelled words were written for the first time in black and
white in response to dictation by another person; why would the
scribe transcribe the identically articulated sound differently in the written
text? Therefore, the very first word of the
Grand Qur'aan read with another word of the same syllabic sound but
spelled differently, with exactly identical meanings, is indicative of
the fact that it was transcribed in writing firstly by the elevated
Messenger of Allah the Exalted who also
firstly verbally articulated it to his audience. Thereafter, it is
copied and reproduced in time and space with different spellings at
different locations of the text of Grand Qur'aan in accordance with the
original text written by the right hand of the elevated Last Messenger
of Allah the Exalted.
The preposition: بـِ
is evidently for
seeking assistance; This
phrase in isolation literally means: "recourse-beginning-activation-concomitance
is with/by a name-code". Initiating a controlled process
requires information. And the most fundamental fact about information is
that it is itself preceded by the Prime Source Who is but the Living and
holding Will. The Divine Discourse concatenates facts in perfect sequence and chronological
order. Its first word vividly indicates at the outset about
superb concatenation-consistence-contiguity and colligation
in the
contents of the Book in hand. This is the First scientific fact of
the physical world. The creation and for created ones the
initiation of the process of learning-knowledge is but the "code/name".
The human memory and that of computer can save nothing without
knowing or assigning a code/name to a thing-object-phenomenon.
Our knowledge is dependent upon the existence
of matter and awareness of its name/code which verbally mirrors it through words comprising
of letters, consonants and diacritics of a language making
us cognizant of it. Cognizant is he who can verbally mirror the image of
that thing for others. This being the ground reality, we cannot say with
certainty regarding whether thought-idea-image-name-word mirroring the
physical object is the first in existence, or the object mirrored by that
thought/word was the first in existence. Grand Qur'aan has clarified for
us in simple words that the idea, thought, Wish and the Will of a Living
Being precedes the emergence of a physical reality. The idea, thought
and perception of the thing precedes its taking physical existence.
it converts Abstract Realm into Physical Realm.]
If preposition: بـِ is
truncated, we are left with Noun:
. However,
Arabs do not begin a word with a vowel-less consonant. Therefore, this
Noun in the middle of a sentence is written as:
It stems from
Root: س م و
Renowned grammarians lay the principle that a
Prepositional Phrase in Arabic is neither the Subject nor the predicate of a
sentence. It relates to either. Therefore,
a verb - verbal noun is understood and conveniently estimated before this phrase. We need a citation for
a statement. A written word or a statement is firstly spoken by someone;
thereby it is reiterated in time and space. We know the person who
orally and in writing communicated:

Message of Allah the Exalted that
we are reading and trying to translate and comprehend in target language English. Therefore, the elided Verb before the statement of universal
import that can most appropriately be estimated is: "Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam,
the elevated Messenger of Allah the Exalted
Pronounced that------".
The noun:
which is the object noun of preposition, is connected with the following
Proper Noun:
constituting a possessive phrase. The
Possessive Phrase in Arabic is called:
literally: annexation, addition, or attachment;
Possessive/Relative Phrase-"the Construct"—association of
two nouns, one "possessing, belonging/having association-relationship"
to the other. Such phrases are easily identifiable because of their
distinct visual features:
* The noun that is
possessed comes first, and is called:
* The noun that is the possessor comes second/after, and is called:
مضاف إليه
* The first and the second noun worry about their own gender and
If the second noun is definite, the first
noun derives its definiteness from the second noun.
Since the first noun derives its definiteness from the second definite
noun, therefore, in possessive phrase the
first noun will never have definite article, and nor
"nunation/تنوين ;
نون which is the suffix for duality and masculine sound plurality
will also drop.
The first
noun in this relationship; whatever its grammatical state may be, which is determined by
external factors, like
is genitive
here because of prefixed
preposition, will always render the
second noun in the genitive case.
Allah/ مضاف إليه
is the Proper Noun, therefore, the first noun of Possessive Phrase has
automatically become definite/ specific noun, denoting
"the Name of the second
Definite - Proper Noun". The
Second Noun reflective of a Personality the first noun/مضاف
refers to the Personal Name of that Proper Noun.
It is a common perception that "The Name"
always denotes personal
name; grants cognition of a Person-Authority-Sovereign, and never refers or is assigned to an adjective or metonym/ attributive/ adjectival
names, notwithstanding
how much a person may become popular and recognized by those attributive
or nick names.
It is also a matter of
common sense that the
personalities of grandeur have a Status Name and Personal Name which can be
substituted-interchanged, since both will lead towards - refer a Single Person.
Since preposition: بـِ
is evidently for
seeking assistance, the Name of Allah the Exalted, Ar'Reh'maan
is the Recourse: source of help or solution: He to Whom a person turns for help or to solve a problem.
He the Exalted is:

And they produced his shirt
having stains of artificial blood upon it.
He said: "No, that is not the
truth, in fact your inner-selves have instigated the matter for you.
Thereat, the
hopefulness-steadfastness lies in dignified perseverance;
And Allah the Exalted is the
Resort - Recourse for what you people are conjecturing." [12:18]

He prayed, "O my Sustainer
Lord! You the Exalted do judge on the basis of absolute fact";
And he said to
people, "Our Sustainer Lord is
the Exalted Who is the
Resort - Recourse for what you people are conjecturing."
Elided Verb: The
elevated Messenger of
Allah the Exalted pronounced:
the Personal Name
of Allah the Exalted is the
to activation.
eternally the
Fountain of Infinite Mercy". [1:01]

She said, "O you the Chiefs! Indeed an excellent letter has been brought to me;
Indeed it is from Suleiman—and it
"Beginning is with Allah's
personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is
Fountain of Infinite Mercy—; [27:30]
That you people should not exalt yourselves upon me, and join-come to me—in
the condition of voluntary submitters." [27:31]

And he said, "You
people embark in it;
name of Allah the Exalted is the resort
to activation for taking its
course and its anchorage."
Indeed, my Sustainer Lord is certainly oft-Forgiving and Merciful. [11:41]
Ayahs mentioning:


Progressive number of grammatical units: 3
