






















Root "ق ض ى"

Lane Lexicon

 [He will say and promise will take effect-6:73]













3:47 Syntactic Analysis in Arabic taken from book

كتاب الإعراب المفصل لكتاب الله المرتل

3:47 Word by Word grammatical analysis

Graphic Syntactic Analysis by Leeds University







Syntactic Analysis-19:21










Graphic Syntactic Analysis  by Leeds University based on Arabic 3:59 Syntactic Analysis

























Root "ر و د" [Lane Lexicon]








































: The Word: it converts Abstract Realm into Physical Realm


We live in the world of Words. We listen words, thereby we speak words. We see how words are written; thereby we write words with our hand. These are all apparent activity. Our non apparent world-Abstract Realm is also but words. We silently think by words, we ponder by words, and we reflect by words. We arrive at  conclusions, decisions and thoughts which are but words. We see and perceive with closed eyes,  all by words. Word is not only all around us but inwardly in every cell of us. Minus Word, We cease to exist. The moment we listen not Word, speak not word, read or write not word, or think not a word, "We" are no more cognizable to the majority. 

A Word: "" [You become existing] brought us to existence; word keep us living. In Arabic, the Word is : an Infinitive; verbal noun made from Root "ق و ل". Its Verbs are: - meaning, "He said", "He says-He will say". It signifies saying that which is a complete proposition, or a word signifying at least one complete proposition. This act and the resultant Word yields and causes a state where the Reality takes apparent existence becoming cognizable, knowable, or perceivable for others. It is Word that has "miraculous power" of shifting a Reality from one Realm-Domain to another Realm-Domain.

The very first Word ever spoken were spoken by Allah the Exalted:

  • He the Exalted is the Primal Originator of the Skies and the Earth.

  • Be informed that, subject to He the Exalted has finalized-decided-completed any matter-thing, individual event, thereat-sequel to it

  • He the Exalted merely expresses verbally for that thing-matter-affair-person, saying; "You become in evident-tangibly existing state".

  • Resultantly that [abstract] thing-matter-affair-person gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state which can be known-cognizable by others. [2:117]

  • He the Exalted is the One Who grants life and death.

  • Thereby, subject to He the Exalted has finalized-decided-completed any matter-thing, individual event, thereat-sequel to it

  • He the Exalted merely expresses verbally for that thing-matter-affair-person, saying; "You become in evident-tangibly existing state, take effect".

  • Resultantly, that [abstract but effected] thing-matter-affair-person gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state which can be known-cognizable by others. [40:68]

It is the point in time when Allah the Exalted has completed, firmly decided, effected an affair, originating matter or life, or reverting life to dead matter. Thereby, launching the already accomplished and effected matter or affair in the Physical Realm as tangible and cognizable reality, requires only that Allah the Exalted might say a Word "" commanding for "" that effected Reality; "You become in evident-tangibly existing state, take effect in Physical Realm". Sequentially, that [say abstract but effected] thing-matter gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state, becomes that which can be known-cognizable by others.

The Affair, Matter determined and decided by Allah the Exalted is always passive to take physical existence-get executed

Be aware that the Affair-Decision-Verdict of Allah the Exalted is bound to take physical existence/get executed. [R: 4:47]

The effect of this Verbal Sentence "He the Exalted has finalized-decided-completed a matter-thing, individual event" is denoted by the adjectival phrase "an affair, matter, event that has since become decided-an ordained reality". is Masculine Passive Participle from the same مصدر-قَضَآءٌ Verbal noun of verb  .


  • She-Mar'yam, interrupting their talk, [under perception of cause and effect phenomenon] reacted saying: "O my Sustainer Lord! [what strange are they talking] How could a son take existence for me in the circumstances when a man has yet not touched me?"

  • He the Exalted conveyed her: "Mar'yam! Exactly that will happen in this circumstance as told.  Allah the Exalted creates a being like such asexual creation [sort of Parthenogenesis-Virgin Birth] about whomever He so decides.

  • Subject to He the Exalted has finalized-decided about any matter, individual event,

  • Thereat, He merely expresses verbally for that thing-matter-affair-person, saying "You become in evident-tangibly existing state".

  • Resultantly, that [abstract but effected] thing-matter-affair-person gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state which can be known-cognizable by others". [3:47]

  • He replied her-Syeda Maryam, "The news of getting a son without you having been touched by a man is because  your Sustainer Lord has said so, that [quote]

  • "It is for Me quiet easy. The purpose of this unusual-to-human perception birth is that We might make him-yet to be born Easa [alai'his'slaam] an unprecedented demonstrative sign illustrative for the people [to understand that Allah the Exalted is beyond limitations of causality]. This demonstration is a Mercy from Our Grace.

  • Know it that He-Easa [alai'his'slaam] has been in the scheme of affairs a concluded event-an ordained reality" [19:21]

The manner of  arrival of Easa alai'his'slaam in the Physical Realm was unprecedented and beyond human perception based on experience and causality concept of sexual reproduction. Asexual production in Human Beings was unheard. This causality phenomenon agitated the mind of Syeda Maryam-the truthful on the news of getting a son. She insisted for a clarification that how a son could get existence in her Virgin state. She was told that the son will born in the same Virgin state who will be an illustrative demonstration for people about asexual creation. She seems to have calmed down at that point in time. It is also clarified for humanity:

  • It is a fact that the peculiar characteristic-analogy of Easa [alai'his'slaam] regarding mode of his creation determined by Allah the Exalted is like the peculiarity-individuality of Adam [alai'his'slaam]

  • He the Exalted had created him: Adam [alai'his'slaam] corporeally structured with substances of clay.

  • Afterwards its finishing process, He the Exalted verbally commanded: "You-Adam be in evident-tangibly existing state". Thereby, at that point in time he took existence as a being: Adam. [3:59]

:This Subject noun of Verb-Like-Particle denotes some apparent similar characteristics between two compared objects. The similarity between the First Human Being and the Last but One Messenger of Allah the Exalted; that is Easa alai'his'slaam, is with reference to the mode of creation. Both were result of asexual creation. They have another unique feature to share. A Woman was brought to existence from a singular person Adam alai'his'slaam. Only One Man Easa alai'his'slaam was brought to existence/Physical Realm singularly by a Woman. Let us not enter into puzzling area of equations "Cause and Effect" or actually "Effect and Cause", and restrict to "miracle of Word" which might "break" the speed of light for us.

A Word is in the centre of Two Realms; We may call the First as an Abstract Realm or the Realm of Effect-Reality known only to the Creator-Allah the Exalted, and the other as Physical Realm when the thing-affair lands in public domain-a Realm of Causality. The Commanded Word is the initial cause for others to be cognizant of that which were hitherto an accomplished-finalized affair in a Realm unknown to them.

The centrality of spoken Word that changes the Realms of created things, affairs, or what is termed Physical Sciences-Systems is the time related event. Earlier it is with reference to: "He the Exalted has finalized-decided-completed a matter-thing, individual event" . It is further elaborated:


  • Be informed that, subject to Our Majesty has finalized-decided-completed any matter-thing, individual event, thereat;

  • We may merely express verbally for that thing-matter-affair-person, saying; "You become in evident-tangibly existing state".

  • Resultantly that [abstract] thing-matter-affair-person gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state which can be known-cognizable by others. [16:40]


  • Know it, the only act-affair-command of Him the Exalted is that; subject to His Majesty has finalized-decided-completed any matter-thing, individual event, thereat,

  • He may merely express verbally for that thing-matter-affair-person, saying; "You become in evident-tangibly existing state".

  • Resultantly that [abstract] thing-matter-affair-person gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state which can be known-cognizable by others.. [36:82]

: "He the Exalted finalized-decided-completed a matter-thing, individual event" results in "an affair, matter, event that has since become decided-an ordained reality".  It is further explained and simplified by using a different set of words    "when We intended to cause it converted";   "when He the Exalted intended to cause a thing converted".

: It is from Root "ر و د". The basic perception infolded is that of "going to and fro-will, wish, desire, or intend". It is Form-IV Verb from مصدر-اِرَادَةٌ Verbal noun. This is causative in meanings. It denotes a desire, or intention to cause a thing converted from its present state to a state desired or intended. Once this state alteration is intended, in respect of anything, the only action to effect it is that "We might say for that thing", "He the Exalted might say for that thing" just one commanding word: "" meaning, "You, the intended thing-event-matter-person get in the intended physical state". : Thereby, in compliance to the Command of Allah the Exalted, that intended thing and affair takes existence in Physical Realm. It becomes a Reality cognizable by all that exists in the Physical Realm.

It may be noted that the Object of Verb: , are and .  And then these objects are Subject-doer of both verbs "" and . Therefore, they are already a "Reality" who are the recipients of commanding Word: "". The intended action is that they convert and emerge as a Reality in a different Realm-Physical Word. They are directed to become in a known and perceivable state to the Existents of Physical World.

It is thus evident that Allah the Exalted is referring to, let us presume for convenience of our perception, an "idea/thought" of a thing that has yet to emerge in its physical shape-existence as an "object". It indicates that the "image" or "verbal specification" of the object-thing exists prior to its physical manifestation. This also holds true for such human creators who develop or invent something from the already existing matter, though it may be vague at idea stage.

Our knowledge is dependent upon the existence of matter and awareness of its name-code, which verbally mirrors it  through words composed with letters and consonants of a language making us cognizant of it. Cognizant is he who can verbally mirror the image of that thing for others. This being the ground reality, We could not say with certainty regarding whether thought-idea-image-name-word mirroring the physical object is the first in existence, or the object mirrored by that Word was first in existence. Grand Qur'aan has clarified for us in simple words that the idea, thought, wish and will of a Living Being precedes the emergence of a physical reality. The idea, thought and perception and verbal description of the thing precedes its taking physical existence. It comes into Physical Realm only in compliance to a Word.

It is thus evident that all Words of true and significant import in relation to all that exists ever spoken were spoken firstly by Allah the Exalted.

   Mind your Word: Every spoken Word is recorded.  Word choice for Human Beings        Main Page/Index