Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted,
characteristically the fountain of mercy—mercy
overarching all His decisions
The second grammatical unit [matching a codon
of a protein-coding gene in human genome] of the first sentence
of the Divine Discourse is:
is an Adjectival Phrase. It
occurs four times in genitive case in ayahs: (1)01:01(2)01:03(3)27:30(4)41:02=4;
and twice in nominative case:
in ayahs: (1)2:163(2)59:22=2. All are reproduced
in the end for convenience of study.
Adjectival Phrase, in English grammar,
is defined as: A word
group with an adjective as
its head. This adjective may
be accompanied by
and/or qualifiers. Adjective
phrases modify nouns. They
may be attributive (appearing
before the noun) or
(appearing after a linking verb),
but not all adjectives can be used in both positions"; "The part of speech that modifies a
noun or other substantive by limiting, qualifying, or specifying".
In Arabic, a
true adjective, named: النَّعْتُ الحَقِيقِيّ
is a subordinate word
indicating a meaning in its principle. The important points to
memorize for visual recognition of such phrases:
In Arabic,
the noun comes first.
The one being described must come first; it is called:
and also الْمَنْعُوتُ: the
one who is described-portrayed
The adjective follows the Noun.
description must come second; it is called:
It indicates a meaning in its principle
without exception, without
restrictions, like that of time or other
restrictions. It functions as qualitative
- characteristic portrayal of the mentioned noun.
Adjective's meaning is not for itself,
rather its meaning is found in the noun
which it modifies. Most often it is a
However, when both the
nouns in Adjectival Phrase are indefinite the
benefit of adjective is specification of the
The grammatical case of the Noun is determined
by external factors and the case of Adjective
will always match it.
The Noun and Adjective must
correspond in definiteness.
Both should either be definite or indefinite.
The Noun
and Adjective must correspond in gender.
Both should either be masculine or feminine.
(f) The Noun
and Adjective must correspond in plurality.
Both should either be singular, dual or
In this phrase the
principal noun is Proper Name:
which is in
genitive case because it is equivalent appositive to
preceding Proper Noun in genitive case, Allah the
Exalted. The adjective:
is Intensive Quasi Active
participle: Definite; Masculine; Singular; genitive.
Generally it is referred as:
المبالغة Hyperbole;
but we find and should remember that Grand
Qur'aan is a statement of Proven Fact which is always void of any
exaggeration in the negative sense/perception of this word in Urdu
and English.
For exhaustive study of the Proper Name:
please visit the linked page.
exhaustive study of the
in relation to:
and Allah the Exalted,
please visit the linked page.
Ayahs where this phrase
occurs in genitive and nominative case endings are reproduced below; the
case ending of a noun determines its role/function in the sentence:
Elided Verb: The
elevated Messenger of
Allah the Exalted pronounced:
the Personal Name
of Allah the Exalted is the
to activation.
eternally the
Fountain of Infinite Mercy". [1:01]

She said, "O you the Chiefs! Indeed an excellent letter has been brought to me;
Indeed it is from Suleiman—and it
"Beginning is with Allah's
personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is
Fountain of Infinite Mercy—;[27:30]
Ayahs where this phrase occurs in
nominative case:

And remain mindful that the Iiela'aha:
Sovereign Sustainer Lord of you people is characteristically such
Sustainer Lord Who maintains Aloneness.
Realize it about miscellany of iela'aha:
deities that are
uncritically admired, adorned
and worshipped; none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except He the
Alone Sustainer
Solitary Living
Sovereign Sustainer Lord worthy to be uncritically admired and adorned
is Ar'Reh'maan,
the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [2:163]

He is Allah the
Exalted, the One about
Whom the fact is: in the miscellany of iela'aha:
deities that are
uncritically admired, adorned
and worshipped; none of them is alive; none of them organizes, administers or sustains others except He the
Alone Sustainer
He the Exalted is the Knower of what is invisible/non
perceivable and visible/perceivable for the creatures—
He [Allah,
the All Knower]
is Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy.
Progressive number of grammatical units: 3 + 4 =7

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