Grand Qur'aan picturesquely portrays the Mammal's milk
Grand Qur'aan has in its contents picturesque portrayal of visible and invisible characteristics of Mammal's milk which can be seen today through laser light scattering technology. Grand Qur'aan informs:
Know it, indeed an instructive point/sign to research/investigate is evident in the herbivore mammals for the benefit of you people.
Our Majesty provides you a composition of that to drink which is located within its [pronoun for singular male] bellies/globules; it is in the state which is central to semi processed, broken down food and that of blood;
This information is regarding raw-pure milk [singular masculine], characteristically easy to swallow for the drinkers. [16:66]
The "physiology" of translation of a discourse/text is like human physiology digestive system. During digestion two main processes occur at the same time:
Mechanical Digestion: larger pieces of food get broken down into smaller pieces by tearing, slicing, churning and mixing while being prepared for chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion starts in the mouth and continues into the stomach.
Chemical Digestion: several different enzymes break down macromolecules into smaller molecules that can be more efficiently absorbed. Chemical digestion starts with saliva and continues into the intestines.
A dollop of food put in the mouth can be equated to a sentence in a discourse. The objective of digestion is to acquire necessary nutrients and energy for sustaining the life. The objective of translation of Grand Qur'aan is to acquire guidance embedded in its sentences for living an upright life which will ensure pleasurable continuance of life for ever.
Mechanical Digestion is like parsing the sentence, breaking it down into pieces of smallest grammatical unit: parts of speech and morphological structures; segregation of phrases.
Chemical Digestion is like syntactical parsing of the sentences wherein the role and function of each grammatical unit of the sentence is determined in relation to other elements of the sentence. This process yields the semantic information embedded in the sentence. Application of this process upon the entire discourse will provide all the necessary ingredients for sustaining life as the digestive system eventually provides all the amino acids, sugars, fatty acids and glycerol.
A sentence is the part of a speech or a written discourse that has a complete and independent meaning. Sentence segmentation refers to identifying sentences in a text. The process of sentence segmentation is a basic step for discourse analysis because text stream need to be separated into coherent sentences in order to enable effective analysis for information retrieval, summarization, understanding and translation.
The Ayah has, in terms of structure, two complex sentences: consists of a simple sentence/independent clause and one or more dependant clauses/adjectival clause-circumstantial clause. They have also what is called elliptical clause. And by purpose their type is declarative: sentences that are used to convey information or to make statements.
The first sentence occurs twice in the Grand Qur'aan, second time in Ayah 23:21 which is on the same subject and it renders the information explicitly understandable for the people in timeline having different levels of knowledge and understanding:
Know it, indeed an instructive point/sign to research/investigate is evident in the herbivore mammals for you people.
Our Majesty provides you a composition of that to drink which is secreted from within their bellies: the bellies of female mammals;
And a number of benefits are endowed for you people in these mammals.
And you people eat a part of them. [23:21]
The first sentence begins with
[wāw], the
Recommencing particle. It is a discourse
coordinator that signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which
is coordinate in structure to prior unit.
is a
Verb-Like Particle that emphasizes the certainty of the following predicate
about its subject.
Prepositional Phrase:
Inseparable preposition + Personal Pronoun: Second person; masculine;
plural; genitive state. It relates to elided fronted predicate of
Particle and denotes
"for the benefit of you people".
It is a Prepositional Phrase. It relates to elided elliptical dependant
circumstantial clause.
Prefixed Emphatic Particle +
Noun: Indefinite; singular;
feminine; accusative.
It is the Subject noun of
Verb-Like Particle. This
noun is made from Root "ع ب ر".
Basic perception infolded in it is to arrive from one location or state to
another location or state. It signifies to cross over from one bank of water
reservoir to its other bank.
It denotes to arrive to an understanding of unseen facts by observing,
researching and evaluating the visible information, displays.
The next verbal complex informative sentence in both the above quoted Ayahs restricts the area of research to one aspect disclosing fundamental information/premises for research:
Please observe that the
only difference between these two sentences is that of the gender of Suffixed
Pronoun in the Possessive Phrases. The first Possessive Phrase
has third person, singular, masculine possessive pronoun while in the second
has third person, singular, feminine pronoun. In this sentence the
feminine pronoun refers back to broken plural feminine noun
which is grammatically singular; and the Prepositional phrase coupled with
Possessive Phrase
"Within the bellies of these female mammals".
In the first sentence the
masculine pronoun in the Prepositional phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase
does not and cannot refer back to
a feminine broken plural noun. The earliest exegeses made a grammatical
blunder by comparing and considering the above two four words as similar
sentences, thereafter almost all the translators did the same error of referring
the singular masculine pronoun to the plural feminine mammals mentioned in the
earlier sentence.
The second sentence is the complete sentence
which ends with the Possessive Phrase
which are the source of milk. But the first four words are just the part of a sentence which is much
more complex with additional dependent clauses. It is not about the source of
milk, i.e. the female mammals. These four words are the part of
the following complex sentence loaded with additional dependant clauses which
portray the features of masculine object: the Milk:
Verb: Imperfect; First Person; Plural/Sovereign
Singular; Masculine; Mood: Indicative; Subject pronoun hidden;
Suffixed Object Pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in accusative
state; مصدر إِسْقَاءٌ
Verbal Noun. This verb is doubly transitive. Therefore,
the following prepositional phrase
composed of Preposition
"a subset of a set-composite whole"; and Object Relative
This phrase relates to the elided second object and is
evidently understood by the Preposition
which is used "lil tabeez" to
indicate division into parts; when it indicates the parts of which a
whole is composed "lil-tarkeebe"
to indicate composition.
The object of the preposition is a Relative Pronoun. It needs a linkage
clause. The Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase
relate to the elided linkage clause for Relative pronoun or its
circumstantial clause.
The prepositional phrase coupled with
possessive phrase
is about the state-circumstance of the masculine singular
object referred by third person singular masculine pronoun. This
dependant clause of the complex sentence denotes: "the
state of that object is
central to semi processed, broken down food and that of blood".
: Noun:
Indefinite; singular; Masculine;
accusative. Its accusative case and absolute state indicates it
as تميز:
disambiguation accusative
explaining that all stated in the complex sentence is about it.
This masculine
noun denotes Milk. The Milk has in its "stomachs-inner concealed
pouches-pockets"; and its state is of a material
central to broken down food and that of blood. The
information is about that Milk which is
pure, raw; and its other feature is
it acts like that which is easy to swallow for the drinkers.
Three facts are mentioned in this complex sentence about the Milk of herbivore mammals:
A part of its composition is within its "stomachs";
It is in the state central to broken down food and that of blood;
It acts for the drinkers like that which enters into the body easily.
The present day information about Milk obtained by laser light scattering in combination with microscopy is that it is a natural emulsion in which lipids are present in the form of small droplets called milk fat globules. Globule means a small spherical body. These globules are surrounded or are enveloped in a membrane known as milk fat globule membrane (MFGM).
Milk is essentially an emulsion of fat and
protein in water, along with dissolved sugar (carbohydrate), minerals, and
vitamins. Most milk is composed of 80 to 90 percent water. The remaining 10
percent consists of an abundance of the major nutrients needed by the body for
good health, including fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.
Lactose, a kind of sugar found only in milk, gives milk its sweet taste. Making
up about 5 percent of milk’s content, lactose is a carbohydrate that is broken
down by the body to supply energy. Infants digest lactose easily.
The most important protein in milk is casein, accounting for 80 percent of milk
protein. Casein is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the
essential amino acids, which the body cannot manufacture on its own. Other
proteins present in milk include albumin and globulin. One liter of milk
supplies as much calcium as 21 eggs, 12 kg of lean beef, or 2.2 kg of whole
wheat bread.
Milk contains many minerals, the most abundant of which are calcium and
phosphorus, as well as smaller amounts of potassium, sodium, sulfur, aluminum,
copper, iodine, manganese, and zinc. Milk is perhaps the best dietary source of
Milk needs only the process of final Chemical Digestion for absorption into body, to become component of the blood.