Transmitter/Communication Cord:
Vocal Cord
The Cord that makes reach the thought-idea to a point where the limit of
another place start: auditory apparatus of listener.
Man will keep seeing realities, otherwise
invisible to naked eye, in human body and universe, mentioned by
Thoughts and their communication
communication to one's self.
Allah, the Exalted fully knows the thoughts/ideas under
consideration of a human being.
How human thoughts convert to
cognizable sound, then articulated and thrown out.
3.1 Allah, the Exalted is also
nearer to it when it is on its way to Transmitter/Communication
Cord-Vocal Cord
4. Meanings of Possessive Phrase:

: Rope-Cord
Communicator, the one who makes something reach
The "will-conscious decision" to communicate thought is
the source energy causing vibration
Two Efficient Receptors, one seated/located on the right side
and the other on the left side of Communicator Cord continuously
receive the thought.

Consequently man "throws out" in open air One Word of meaningful
import, part of expression.
Be mindful, every uttered word attains permanence and is put in
black and white. |
Man will keep seeing realities, otherwise invisible to naked eye, in
human body and universe, mentioned by metaphors
The fact
about existing realities is that not all are visible to human naked eye.
The Primal Creator, also the knowledgeable-observant-scientist, convey the
knowledge about realities, not apparent to human eye, with metaphors.
Description by metaphors enable people perceive a general
idea-image of invisible fact by relating it to characteristic features
of the
Knowledge acquired by human beings, until seventh century, was through
naked eye observation. Naked eye observation of an object and
reality grants conviction about its existence.
Thought of invisible
realities was all along there in human mind that kept him busy in
developing theories to gain a perception about various
Turning point was when Allah the Exalted; the Creator of all that exists, Who had initiated creation with self-imposed obligation of
Mercy, personified mercy for all in the person of Muhammad
صلى الله عليه وسلم,
His Last Messenger. The Grand Qur'aan, life
sustaining [8:24] and path illuminating Visible Light
came to
humanity along with him.[7:157]
It disclosed that a new era of observation of invisible realities is ushering

the Dominant-the Wise: Knower of hidden
realities is the One Who has since sent to you the
Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book.
Unitary Verbal Passages
having adjectival specification; "made permanently
inviolate, unassailable,
indissoluble and clenching
commands, directions,
injunctions, decisions, and writ
are a subset of it
[him]-the Book.
These Unitary Verbal
are the Mother-Essence-Main Purpose of the Book.
In addition, the other subset
of Unitary Verbal
Passages constituting
Miscellany of the Book are that
which perform act of mirroring
invisible realities and facts through metaphorical presentation.

Moreover, you the Messenger
"The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally stands specified entirely and
exclusively for Allah the Exalted.
He the Exalted will henceforth keep visually showing you people His Aa'ya'at:
Unitary Passages mirroring physical
realities [in the Universe and your own bodies]
Thereat, you people will keep recognizing them as were verbally mirrored".
[Refer 27:93]

[Read with
We will henceforth keep visually exposing Our
tangible-physical realities prevalent in the Universe-horizons and in their own bodies to the eyes of those who do not accept
the Qur'aan.
The purpose of this visual manifestation is that the fact of Qur'aan
Infallible Doctrine-Statement of Established Fact
might become
self evident-manifest for them.
[Refer 41:53]
Grand Qur'aan informed that Allah the Exalted will keep bringing to human
visual access, the knowledge about universe and human body,
whereby the fact that Grand Qur'aan is a Statement of Proven
Fact/absolute reality might become self manifest to the people who keep
denying it.
Why a first time observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests
that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only
if the same thing finds verbal mirroring of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal
specification and visual observation are two aspects of
identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by
Arabic word:
The visual observation of an earlier unseen fact will manifest a book
written earlier in time as the Book of Facts which contains its
verbal presentation. This will establish that the Book really contains
verbal statements of physical/scientific facts and is not conjectural,
hypothetical and presumptive in its contents.
How human thoughts convert to cognizable sound, then
articulated and thrown out.

Be mindful; We have created the man.
Moreover be cautious;
We fully know the thought, desire-lust which his inner self sub-vocally keeps inspiring-alluring him.
it; We are even at that point in time nearer to that thought than the
Communicating-Transmitting Cord: [50:16]
When the two
Efficient Receptors continuously keep efficiently receiving-confronting-acquiring this thought;
Located/seated symmetrically, one on the right side and the other on the
left side of the Communicator Cord. [50:17]
Man emits
not a segment of an expression-syllable by syllable a word in the open air except in circumstance that a smartly alert
guard is nearby him to record it in writing.
are three:

verbal passages who perform the
act of mirroring invisible realities and facts through
metaphorical presentation. These are relating the thought-idea-speechless
signals and its relaying/transmission and meeting/acknowledgment by the two
"Efficient Receptors" of "the Transmitter/Communication Rope". Thereafter is the
mention of emission/throwing out a partial expression-component word of a composite statement of
meaningful import and thought. The key words are:

This describes an activity taking place within the self of
a person. The act is:
its performer-the subject is:
which is a
Phrase: Noun: Definite; singular; feminine; nominative + Suffixed
Possessive Pronoun: Third person; masculine; singular; meaning "his
inner self-the true person enjoying will and command and control over his body".
The act denotes relaying/conveying a thought-idea/a leading hint inspiring some
fascinating hope and desire. This is the secret in the chest of a person, not
known to others. Allah the Exalted fully knows it.

The thought, idea, desires and
hopes as long it is contained and withheld by a person the same are fully in
know only to him and Allah the Exalted. The moment he intends and
decides to relay/convey his thought/idea/perception/desires to others, a
system in his body instantly becomes operative to transform it into
sound to make it reach to some auditory apparatus.

it; We are even at that point in time nearer to that thought than the
Communicating-Transmitting Cord: [50:16]
When the two
Efficient Receptors continuously keep efficiently receiving-confronting-acquiring this thought
while located/seated symmetrically, one on the right side and the other on the
left side of the Communicator Cord. [50:17]
Man emits
not a segment of an expression-syllable by syllable a word in the open air except in circumstance that a smartly alert
guard is nearby him to record it in writing.
اسم التفضيل
Noun (comparative): Indefinite; singular;
masculine; nominative. This is predicate of subject
"We", of nominal sentence. It denotes one being relatively nearer towards some
thing. Nearness is with relation to:
"towards that" referring back to Relative Pronoun:
the idea/thought.
the relative nearness to the thought is than the:
This is a possessive phrase, comprising two words denoting one object. The
first noun is also definite because of second being definite.

Its Root is "ح ب ل". The basic perception infolded in it is of
a thing used for binding and developing a link and connection between two or
more things; means of approach or access to a thing. It denotes "Rope, Cord",
which means a slender length of flexible material usually made of twisted
strands or fibers, which necessarily implies and conveys the concept of strength.
use is to
bind, tie, connect, or support.

She is in a state that a rope twisted from
palm-fiber is necklace around her neck. [111:05]
[She is one of the worst woman criminals, yet
unlike men who will have iron yokes, she being woman enjoys
comparatively soft treatment. We should always be kind and soft in our
treatment with women.].
[Read with
Therefore/in response
they started throwing their various ropes and sticks
[in organized
manner/equation-timing] [Refer 26:44]
Keeping in view the functions a rope/cord
performs; it metaphorically means a central idea or link that strings
people together into a harmonious fraternity as against
divided/disintegrated groups.

The second word of the possessive phrase is:
Adjective resembling participle on
the فَعِيْلٌ measure:
Definite; singular; masculine; genitive. Its Root is "و ر د"
and denotes to lead to, to drive something/someone to reach a point; and
one who enters, one who approaches a point.

He will precede marching ahead
of his
nation on the Day of Resurrection whereby he will destine them to Hell-Prison; [Refer 11:98]

And there came a caravan. For
reason/spotting a well they sent their
water-drawer/carrier to the well; for
reason-purpose-that not being a regularly managed well-to fetch water he
lowered his own bucket into the well, [Refer 12:19]
It signifies a person who draws water from well etc then he
carries it
to make it reach
to other people.

And there is none amongst you people who will not
reach her
[place of hell] [Refer 19:71]
The point
to note is that the words made from this Root do not prescribe entering
into a place but its meanings are restricted to reaching a point where
the limit of a place starts. These meanings are evident in the next
verse where this word has occurred:

The Grand Qur'aan also performs function of a Lexicon and
explains meanings of words in a manner that leaves no room for any
misconception. The use of verb:
meaning "We will drive them towards" and description of state by the word:
"driving thirsty cattle to water source"
amply indicates the basic concept and meanings of Root "و ر د".
It is thus evident that:
means the one that drives, communicates, makes something reach to a point of
entry. It has similarity of perception and function with
the word Rope/Cord. The
Possessive Phrase:
denotes "The Communicator Rope", "The Rope of communication", "The Rope of that
which leads to a point of destination". The word:
coupled with "The Rope/Cord" cannot be stretched to mean a blood vein
since it being a vessel, the liquid carrier has no relationship with rope . The
could convey a perception of blood vein since it approaches the heart. However,
once it is associated with "Rope/Cord" it cannot refer a vessel since both are
different things.
The "will-conscious decision" to communicate thought is the source energy
causing vibration

Be mindful; We have created the man.
Moreover be cautious; We fully know that thought, desire-lust with
which his inner self sub-vocally keeps inspiring-fascinating-alluring him.
it that We are even at that point in time nearer to that thought than the
Communicating-Transmitting Cord: [50:16]
When the two
Efficient Receptors continuously keep efficiently receiving-confronting-acquiring this thought
while located/seated symmetrically, one on the right side and the other on the
left side of Communicator Cord. [50:17]
No Man articulates and emits
syllable by syllable a word in the open air as part of an
expression-statement except in circumstance that a smartly alert
guard is nearby him to record it in writing.
Allah the Exalted
knows fully the thought when it is still within one's self and when there is
sub-vocal inspiration.
The next stage is when one
willfully intends and decides to make it public and communicate it to others.
Allah the Exalted has informed that now too He is nearer towards the
thought than the Communicator Cord towards which it relays. The nearness is with
reference to the performance of an act at a point in time
"when two peculiar Efficient Receptors efficiently receive". The Time adverb
denotes a point in time.
is Verb:
Imperfect; third person; masculine; singular; Mood: Indicative;
[Form-V], and its doer are two
Active Participle, Definite; masculine; dual; nominative;
[Form-V], "the
two Efficient Receivers/Receptors".
Form-V has reflexive causative meanings.
The subject receives back
the impact of action.
It generally depicts such
actions where the subject honestly and sincerely tries to transform
himself, and performs that action diligently. It has transformative meanings, Noun-ized; make
oneself to be Noun.
The meanings of form V are simply the
meanings of form II plus the word "himself."
The Root of verb and subject is: "ل ق ى"
which denotes to meet with, come across, come
face to face, and to receive. These two Receptors efficiently
perform the function of reception while located/seated symmetrically, one on the
right side and the other on the left side of Communicator Cord.
This being
too involved and beyond my capacity of absorbing technicalities, We,
leave it to the experts of phonetics to locate and identify these two
Efficient Receptors, one on the right side and one on the left side of
the Communicator Cord-Vocal Cord who efficiently and persistently
receive the thought for onward communication to others.
However, this conveys the
information that the process of communication through speech initiates
on thought relay and continuous efficient reception by the "Two
Receptors”, one located on the right and one on the left side of
Communicator Rope-Vocal Cord. The sequence is also evident that the
reception is first by the Receptor on the Right Side of Communicator
Cord. On reception of the thought the Communicator Cord becomes active
and vibrates; the thought converts into sound; and eventually man throws
one word out of the mouth in open air.
The little knowledge that I have
tells that sound emerges when an object vibrates which must be in
contact with the air and the air must be in contact with the listener,
and that the contact between the source and listener must be continuous,
without a vacuum gap.
However, an object-Communicator Cord vibrates only
on applying energy on it. This means that the "thought" intended for
communication to others has built in energy that vibrates the Cord.
The resultant sound by vibration depends on the nature of vibration. For
sound of every consonant and syllable of a word, vibration will be
different. It thus reflects that the words have built in sound or the
information about the manner a cord vibrates to produce its particular
the puzzle is why and how the process of transfer of thought
to the Efficient Receptors of Communicator Cord initiates since initiation of
a process requires energy to excite some cell to initiate or perform an
act. It is the "Will, intention" of the "Real but Invisible
Person-Inner-Self" who is the holder of human body-
"His Inner-Self", the driver of apparent human body.
Be mindful, every uttered word attains permanence and is put in black
and white.
For our present purpose, it is important only to recognize that
speech is essentially a matter of producing vibrations on the
vocal cords, and then transmitting those vibrations.
Before a person speaks, the brain sends signals to the vocal
cords, causing them to tighten. As speech begins, air is forced
across the vocal cords, and this produces vibrations. The action
of the vocal cords in producing these vibrations is, like
everything about the miracle of speech, exceedingly involved: at
any given moment as a person is talking, parts of the vocal
cords are opened, and parts are closed.
Read more:
For our present purpose, it is important only to recognize that
speech is essentially a matter of producing vibrations on the
vocal cords, and then transmitting those vibrations.
Before a person speaks, the brain sends signals to the vocal
cords, causing them to tighten. As speech begins, air is forced
across the vocal cords, and this produces vibrations. The action
of the vocal cords in producing these vibrations is, like
everything about the miracle of speech, exceedingly involved: at
any given moment as a person is talking, parts of the vocal
cords are opened, and parts are closed.
Read more:
For our present purpose, it is important only to recognize that
speech is essentially a matter of producing vibrations on the
vocal cords, and then transmitting those vibrations.
Before a person speaks, the brain sends signals to the vocal
cords, causing them to tighten. As speech begins, air is forced
across the vocal cords, and this produces vibrations. The action
of the vocal cords in producing these vibrations is, like
everything about the miracle of speech, exceedingly involved: at
any given moment as a person is talking, parts of the vocal
cords are opened, and parts are closed.
Read more:
For our present purpose, it is important only to recognize that
speech is essentially a matter of producing vibrations on the
vocal cords, and then transmitting those vibrations.
Before a person speaks, the brain sends signals to the vocal
cords, causing them to tighten. As speech begins, air is forced
across the vocal cords, and this produces vibrations. The action
of the vocal cords in producing these vibrations is, like
everything about the miracle of speech, exceedingly involved: at
any given moment as a person is talking, parts of the vocal
cords are opened, and parts are closed.
Read more:
For our present purpose, it is important only to recognize that
speech is essentially a matter of producing vibrations on the
vocal cords, and then transmitting those vibrations.
Before a person speaks, the brain sends signals to the vocal
cords, causing them to tighten. As speech begins, air is forced
across the vocal cords, and this produces vibrations. The action
of the vocal cords in producing these vibrations is, like
everything about the miracle of speech, exceedingly involved: at
any given moment as a person is talking, parts of the vocal
cords are opened, and parts are closed.
Read more:
For our present purpose, it is important only to recognize that
speech is essentially a matter of producing vibrations on the
vocal cords, and then transmitting those vibrations.
Before a person speaks, the brain sends signals to the vocal
cords, causing them to tighten. As speech begins, air is forced
across the vocal cords, and this produces vibrations. The action
of the vocal cords in producing these vibrations is, like
everything about the miracle of speech, exceedingly involved: at
any given moment as a person is talking, parts of the vocal
cords are opened, and parts are closed.
Read more:

[فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة] Verb: Imperfect; third person;
singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative;
Subject pronoun hidden,
"he-the man"; مصدر-لَفْظٌ
Verbal noun. Its Root is "ل ف ظ"
and the basic perception infolded is to put out-throw out in sequence-one after
the other something collected in the mouth. Its use is also for reference to those birds
who feed their offspring through their beak. It denotes a "word" which is but a sound collected in the mouth and then
emitted in a sequence-syllable by syllable; aimed to reach to some
receptor/auditory apparatus, the ear.
The amazing fact about the Roots of Arabic is that the perception
infolded in them is reflective of physical/scientific realities
pertaining to both matter and life.
: It is Noun, Indefinite, Masculine, singular; genitive.
A statement comprising of words, conveying complete
While studying earlier about:
came to notice that the word does not prescribe making something enter
into somewhere, it denotes to reach a point where the limit of a place
starts. Now see the perception and
meaning of the word: "
When we utter a word from our mouth, we do nothing except ejecting a
sound, throwing a word into the air to create vibration in the eardrum
of listener. We only make the word reach that point where limit of
listening begins. We cannot make the ejected word/sound reach inside the
brain of the listener. It is his own choice to interpret it and store it
in his memory in whatever manner/perception he decides to store it.
is for this reason that the duty and responsibility of the Messenger of
Allah is restricted to "بلغ" meaning
to deliver/make reach people the message/Book and not make/force people
to accept it. It is the freedom/choice of man to accept or refuse it.

The communication-delivery/passing
on/conveying/handing over/make reach people [orally and in writing] the
Message is the only responsibility upon the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam-he
is not accountable for the response]
is the solitary word made from Root
"ل ف ظ " that
occurs in the Qur'aan .
It seems indicative that once we utter a word from mouth it attains
permanence in existence. It goes in air to stay permanently; the speaker
cannot take it back. Hence, we should think twice before uttering a
word. The spoken word instantly goes in record in writing for record.

This fact also finds mention earlier;


Or do they people think that We do
not listen their secret whispers and counsels in isolation. Their
perception is false, the fact of the matter is that We do listen all
their secret talks, and Our sent ones are
by their sides who are recording everything in writing. [43:80]
Every word emitted from mouth, whether
whispering or openly, instantly goes in record in writing.
Therefore, we should be mindful and always give a
second thought before we utter a word from mouth, particularly when we
attribute it to Allah the Exalted and His Messenger
to be sure that it is written in the Grand Qur'aan, or is proved by
tangible evidence from knowledge.
Shai'taan and his "brothers" amongst human beings
keep prompting people:

Pronouncing and telling
people, that by attributing it to Allah regarding which the speaker does
not have concrete knowledge about its veracity, is declared "Prohibited-Sanctified"
in the same words:
The context of three Verses is about thought/idea and the word spoken from
the mouth.
In addition:
is in the middle of the two. This, as Metaphor
finds first ever mention in the Grand Qur'aan. When scientists
physically saw it for the first time, as was promised in Qur'aan, they also
named it "Cord". Is it a coincidence?

We will henceforth keep visually exposing Our
tangible-physical realities prevalent in the Universe-horizons and in their own bodies to the eyes of those who do not accept
the Qur'aan.
The purpose of this visual manifestation is that it might become
self manifest for them that Qur'aan
Infallible Doctrine-Discourse of
Reality-Profitability and substance
of permanence. [Ref
If prejudice and bias does not blur our intellect how
could one deny that the Grand Qur'aan is:
Infallible Doctrine-Discourse
Reality-Profitability and permanence.
Diagram of Voice subsystems

Voice as We Know It =
Voiced Sound + Resonance + Articulation
Voiced sound: The basic sound produced by vocal fold vibration is called "voiced
sound." This is frequently described as a "buzzy" sound. Voiced sound for
singing differs significantly from voiced sound for speech.
Vocal Folds-Vocal Cords)
"Fold-like" soft tissue that is the main vibratory component of the voice box;
comprised of a cover (epithelium and superficial lamina propria), vocal ligament
(intermediate and deep laminae propria), and body (thyroarytenoid muscle)
Diagram of Vocal Cords

Main Page/Index

[Assignment/responsibility of Messenger
pronounced in
Every act performed for the first time and
repetitive acts are also recorded in writing to the minutest
detail-refer 10:21; 18:49; 23:62;36:12; 43:80;45:29;50:18;54:52-53;82:10-12.