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Ar'Reh'maan: Personal Name of Allah
3. Creator of a thing is identified and referred only by Personal Name Allah and Ar'Reh'maan.
Summary: The complete perusal of Grand Qur'aan reveals that only the Names, Allah, the Exalted and Personal Name Ar’Rehmaan refer the Creator of everything that exists: Allah [the Exalted] is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing.
This is the creation of Allah. Therefore/for reason [if they are real existing personalities] show me that which those [whom you call various iela'aha] have created apart from Allah?. [31:11]
You will not see any incongruity/lack of proportion/rift in the creations of Ar'Reh'maan. [Refer 67:03]
Knowledge is the pursuit from cognition of the
code and apparent/visible dimensions of the things
[ A person's existence [
o [We conveyed him] "O Zakaria! Indeed We give you good news/congratulation of a son, his name is Yahya; We have not for him given in aforetimes this cognition of name to anyone" [He was the first human being with this name] [19:07] o Do you know for Him any parallel by distinction of Name [Ar'Reh'maan]? [O Sustainer Lord! certainly not; Your name is the Unique] [Refer 19:65]
Without the code/name, existence of a thing is not acceptable it is non-existent. Equally, without existence of a thing/ matter or person in actual reality, any name/code assigned for such imaginative thing/existence is of no significance and is merely meaningless utterances of the mouth [أَفْوَاهِهِمْ].
There is an interesting and apparent
contradiction in the psyche of those who, instead of accepting
A Real Iela'aha is the One Who Creates and thus becomes exposed as the Sustainer Lord of the created things. His creations are the undeniable proof of His Real Existence. The conjectural/hypothetical names do not reflect presence of a personality. The proof of their non-existence is evident from lack of exposure of their existence. This plain and simple reality is enough to expose the falsity of their claim of various iela'aha. On confrontation of this simple fact, they have no option but to accept that Allah, the Exalted is the sole creator of things or keep mum. You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] question them, "Do you expect me to adopt as patron/protector any other than Allah Who is the Primal Originator/Creator of the Skies and the Earth" [Refer 6:14] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] question them, "Do you expect me to find as sustainer/protector/lord someone other than Allah while He is the Sustainer Lord of each and every thing". [Refer 6:165] And If you ask them as to who created the Skies and the Earth and subjected the Sun and the Moon submissive they will certainly answer "Allah created them and did it" [Refer 29:61]
And If you ask them as to who sent the water from the Sky and with it rejuvenated/revived the Earth after its death they will certainly answer "Allah did it" [Refer 29:63]
And If you ask them as to who created the Skies and the Earth they will certainly answer "Allah created them" [Refer 31:25]
And If you ask them as to who created the Skies and the Earth they will certainly answer "Allah created them" [Refer 39:28]
And If you ask them as to who created the Skies and the Earth o they will certainly answer "Allah, the Dominant, All Pervasive; the Knowledgeable has created them" [43:09]
And If you ask them as to who created them they will certainly answer "Allah created them" [43:87] However, if the same question is asked by changing the angle they keep quiet/mum since by answering it their deception will get exposed through their own mouths jeopardizing their dominance and control over the people whom they have kept under influence by their conjectural self made beliefs and practices.
Do they associate with Him those who do not create anything and they are themselves created/shaped/sculpted? [7:191]
You confront them, "Is there a one from your associates who originates the creation and afterwards recreated it?" [it is sensitive for them, they will keep mum therefore] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah originates the creation and afterwards recreates/revives-takes it to logical conclusion. Then how you people are deluded away from Him?". [10:34]
Or have they declared associates for Allah who have created like His creation for which reason that creation has created confusion for them? [it is sensitive for them, they will keep mum therefore]
[Similar information in
6:102;39:62;40:62] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing". [Refer 13:16]
Is He then Who creates like he who does not create? [Refer 16:17]
And those whom they people call apart from Allah they absolutely create nothing and they are themselves created/shaped/sculpted. [16:20] The people who call/worship/submit/demonstrate allegiance to hand made sculpted statues and others, considering them various iela'aha, never have a plausible argument to advance except claiming that they are following the footsteps of their forefathers. This is nothing but emotionalism far from logic and reason and is rather a shackle in which they confined/imprisoned their intellect resulting in inertial state placing them at par with matter/the dead. A best therapy and attempt to perforate their shackle and revive them to "life", is to make them confront simple visible realities. The simple reality is that a Real Iela'aha is the One Who creates.
O you the living humanity! an example is being quoted, therefore you people be attentive for it.
Indeed those of you who call upon others apart from Allah, they will never ever be able to create house-fly species even if they all rallied together/made a collective effort for that purpose.
o [what to say of creating house-fly] And if the house-fly takes/snatches away something from their front they all cannot recover that thing from that house-fly. The seeker and the sought are [thus] proved feeble. [22:73]
And they adopt apart from Allah various others as iela'aha who create absolutely nothing and they are themselves the created/shaped/sculpted ones. [25:03] And your Sustainer Lord creates whatever He wills and whatever He likes. There has never been a choice for them [sculpted idols which they ascribe as partner Iela'aha]. [Refer 28:68] Is there any one from your partners who innovatively does any one of these things? [Refer 30:40]
This is the creation of Allah. Therefore/for reason [if they are real existing personalities] show me that which those [whom you call various iela'aha] have created apart from Allah?. [31:11]
Is there a creator other than Allah? He/Allah provides you people the sustenance [feed for continuity of life] from the Sky and the Earth. [35:03]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Have you given a thought about your associates whom you people call apart from Allah [that they have created nothing], show/point out to me what they have created in Earth"
or for them is there a share/partnership in the Skies?" [Refer 35:40]
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them, "Have you given a thought about those whom you people call apart from Allah [that they have created nothing], show/point out to me what they have created in Earth" or for them is there a share/partnership in the Skies?" [Refer 46:04]
It is common perception and practices that whenever we refer about the
originator/creator/manufacturer of a thing, idea, or concept we always
first refer by his Title or Personal Name and not by his other
Once we have referred and introduced the Creator's name then in
subsequent discussions we may refer to him with his other distinct
characteristics that differentiate him from others.
O you the living Mankind! you be subservient/allegiant to the Sustainer Lord of you people, the One Who created you people and those people [earlier generations] who existed before you; so that you may keep yourselves mindful/careful/vigilant/guarded in reverence and fear; [2:21] He/Allah is the One Who has created for you people, all together/entirely, whatever is present on/in the Earth. [Refer 2:29] and it is not permissible for the divorcee wives to withhold from announcing what Allah has already created in their wombs if they truly believe in Allah and the Last Day; [since this has social/moral as well as legal implications, as mentioned elsewhere in the Qur'aan] [Refer 2:228]
[her this exquisiteness more explicitly in
She [interrupting them, under her general knowledge/perception of cause and effect phenomenon] said, "O my Sustainer Lord! [what strange are they talking] How for me could be a son when till now no man has touched me?" He told her, "This information of getting child in the untouched state is because, Maryam, Allah creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed; when He finalizes/decides about any matter/thing the sequel is that He orders for that to become evident/come into existence and resultantly that thing/matter get physical execution/ appearance/existence". [3:47]
Indeed the peculiarity/individual characteristic of Easa [alai'his'slaam] given by Allah is like the peculiarity/individuality of Adam whom He created from clay, afterwards [proportioning/preening the structure/Bashar] He said for him, "Be into existence" and resultantly he got physical existence as Adam [from Bashar]. [3:59] [Similar info in
6:98;7:189;39:06] O you the living mankind! You people be mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord Who created you from one singular person; [Similar information in
7:189;39:06] and from that person He created its partner [wife-first relationship] [Refer 4:01] [Same pronouncement in same words
5:18] And for Allah is the dominion of the Skies and the Earth and what is in between those two. [Same pronouncement in same words in
3:47;28:68;30:54;39:04;42:49] He creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed; [Refer 5:17] The Infinite Glory and Praise stands specified eternally, entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who innovatively created from nothingness the Skies and the Earth; [Refer 6:01] He/Allah is the One Who created you people from clay [originated human creation-32:07];[Refer 6:02] And He/Allah is the One Who originated/created the Skies and the Earth for a determined purpose/as an evident fact [and for appointed duration]. [Refer 6:73] [Same pronouncement in
18:48;19:80,95] [It will be said] And you have come to Us individually in the like manner We had created you firstly, [Refer 6:94] And He is the One Who created you, the living people, from one singular person; then/for reason [for your continuation process] there is a resting place [epididymes] and a departing/ emptying place/depositary/receptacle for mutual understanding/promises and deposit as a trust [vagina-fallopian tube-uterus]. [Refer 6:99] And [despite all such visible prominent signs] there are people who associate Jinns as partners with Allah and/while He has created them. [Refer 6:100] [One who creates is called Creator
And He/Allah has created each and everything. [Refer 6:101] [Same information in same words in
13:16;39:62;40:62] He/Allah is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing. [Refer 6:102] And indeed We have created you the living people [from one person], afterwards/lapse of time We shaped you people [in the wombs of your mothers]; [Refer 7:11]
38:76 comprises of this statement] He replied ,"I am better than him. You created me from fire and You created him from clay" [Refer 7:12]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 10:03] Indeed Sustainer Lord of you people is Allah, The One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe]; [Refer 7:54] Unquestionably, the Primal Creation and the Command/Ordaining is the exclusive characteristic for Him. [Refer 7:54] And from amongst those whom We have created are people who guide [themselves and others] with the Statement of Fact [Grand Qur'aan] and and in accordance with it they dispense justice/fairly dispose/decide matters. [7:181]
Do they not see and observe the system of governance/dominion of the Skies and the Earth and of that which Allah has created from any matter, [7:185] He is the One Who created you the living people from one singular person; [Refer 7:189]
Indeed He/Allah initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion, [Refer 10:04] And He [Allah] is The One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe]; [Refer 11:07]
The past time fact is that We had created the Man with the sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odor-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:26]
And the Jinn, We had created him earlier from the hot airy fire/flame. [15:27] [Similar
information in
38:71] Know the history of that point in time when your Sustainer Lord said for the Angels, "Know the fact that I am about to create a Being in a state of "skinned corporeal compact structure" with the sand mixed crinkled clay drawn from odor-diffused pulverized fetid muddy compound. [15:28]
Certainly your Sustainer Lord is The All-Knowing Creator. [15:86]
[Same information in 36:77]o When He created a man [initiated the process] from the sperm then for reason he is obsessively compulsive/excessively argumentative. [Refer 16:04]
And the Mammals, He created them. [Refer 16:05] o And He created horses, mules and donkeys, so that you people can use them for ride/carriage and for show/attraction. And He creates others whom you people do not know. [16:08] And Allah has created you people, afterwards [lapse of your appointed duration of life] He alienates/segregates you people [from the company of others either dead or alive if murdered in His way/cause] [Refer 16:70] And they will be marshaled/assembled/presented towards your Sustainer Lord in a queue; [it shall be announced] "Indeed you people have come to Us [individually] as We had created you people for the first time". [Refer 18:48] o And [why not you consider before having asked] certainly I created you before this when you were nothing. [19:09] o Is it that the living man does not recall/remember this fact that We had created him earlier and he was nothing of the sort [which is mentioned/remembered] [19:67]
From her/Earth did We create you people and in her shall We return you people; [Refer 20:55]
O you the living humanity! if you people are in irritating confusion about revival of life after death, then [why you consider it strange, don't you reflect] that We indeed created you from clay [initially];
afterwards, We created [you living people] from single sperm; afterwards from the joined and implanted/clung clot [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"]; afterwards from chewed gum like morsel of flesh
which is of two types, one made to be created [the zygote joined with womb's wall] and the other opposite of that which is created [the zygote joined with fallopian tube wall-ectopic pregnancy], so that We may make manifest for you [that only that gets created whom We wish to create] and/i.e. [whom We want to create] We implant/reside in the wombs whom We will, towards a determined length of time with appointed termination moment.
Afterwards [lapse of appointed duration] We discharge you [from uterus] as an infant. [Refer 22:05]
And indeed We have created the man from an extract from clay. [23:12]
Afterwards We made him a sperm in firm/strengthening/resting/stationing place [epididymes]. [23:13]
Afterwards [having been poured/transferred into the receptacle-Vagina or Test Tube] We created the sperm into the "joined and implanted/clung clot" [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"];
Then We created "the joined and implanted/clung clot [zygote]" into chewed gum like morsel of flesh;
Then We created the chewed gum like morsel of flesh into bones/skeleton;
Then We wrapped/clothed the bones/skeleton with flesh.
Afterwards/lapse of time We developed/raised him in to final/end creation. o Therefore Allah the Omnipresent, Perpetual, the Absolute is the Best Creator. [23:14] o Have you people then adjudged/made up your mind that We created you purposelessly and that for accountability you people were not to be presented towards Us. [23:115]
And Allah created each and every moving creature from water
Allah creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed; [Refer 24:45] o and so that We serve that for drinking for the mammals and human beings We have created in large numbers. [25:49]
And He is the One Who created from water the structured human being. [25:54] [And depend/rely upon The Living, the One who will never die] The One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth and all whatever is in between the two of them in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe]; [25:59]
"The One Who created me, then/for reason [being Sustainer Lord of the Worlds] He guides me". [26:78]
And you people leave what your Sustainer Lord has created respectively as your mates. [26:166]
And you people be mindful, cautious and afraid of the One Who created you people and the earlier generations. [26:184]
Or who originates/initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion, [27:64]
Do they not see/give it a thought how Allah initiates/originates the creation and afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion. [Refer 29:19] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "You people traverse in the world/land and then you people observe/watch how Allah did originate creation; afterwards Allah will create/raise the last raising. [Refer 29:20] Indeed He/Allah initiates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion, [Refer 30:11]
o And it is part of His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs that He created you people from clay, afterwards [having given you life] you scatter as structured beings. [Refer 30:20]
And from His demonstrative/recognition signs is that He creates from your selves your mates so that you people could have respectively upon her the ultimate placidity/tranquility/serenity;[Refer 30:21]
And He/Allah is the One Who initiates/originates the creation, afterwards He revives-takes it to logical conclusion, and that is quiet easy for Him. [30:27] Allah is the One Who created you people; afterwards He provided you sustenance; after lapse of time/period [determined of your life 6:02] He will cause you all to die; thereafter lapse of time [appointed period of existence of universe] He will revive you all to life; [Refer 30:40] Allah is the One Who created
you people in state of weakness,
[physically as well as metaphorically because of
[Same pronouncement in same words in
3:47;28:68;39:04;42:49] He creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed; [Refer 30:54] Allah is The One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth and all whatever is in between the two of them in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe]; [32:04] And He initiated/originated the creation of human beings from clay [admixed with water] [Refer 32:07]
Afterwards his [Adam's] descendants were made from gently and secretively drawn extract from desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality/artfully treated water. [32:08]
He/Allah increases/adds in the creation [in whatever manner] He wills. [35:01]
And indeed Allah created you people from clay initially; afterwards, We created you from single sperm; afterwards, [having made sperm a joined one] He declared/made you pair/male and female. [Refer 35:11]
o Infinitely Glorious is the One Who created the pairs, all of them in whatever is sprouted from the Earth [Plant Kingdom] and in their own selves and in the [creatures, moving and still] ones they do not have the knowledge about. [36:36]
o Is it that the man [ living humanity[ does not see/give a thought that We created him [initiated the process] from the sperm then/for reason he is obsessively compulsive/excessively argumentative. [36:77] o Indeed We have created them [living humanity] from the clay that acts as adhesive. [Refer 37:11]
And/while Allah has created you people and that on which you people do creative work [sculpting]. [37:96]
Or that We created the Angels feminized and they witnesses over it! [37:150]
[Similar information in
15:28] And when your Sustainer Lord said for the Angels, "I am about to create a structure of a being from clay compounded [with water] [38:71]
Allah asked, "O Iblis, what hindered/prevented you that you should show obeisance for the one whom I created with My hands? [38:75] He created you the living people from one singular person; afterwards from that person He developed/made the person's partner [wife-first relationship]
He created/creates you people [living human beings] in the bellies/pelvis of your mothers, creation after created form inside the three layered darkness [uterus]. [Refer 39:06] [Same information in
6:102;13:16;40:62] Allah is the Creator/Primal Originator of each and every thing.
He is the One Who created you living people from clay [initially] afterwards, He created you from single sperm; afterwards from the joined/implanted/clung clot [zygote-Greek "zogotus" meaning "joined"]. Afterwards [lapse of appointed duration] He discharged you as an infant. [Refer 40:67]
Why could they not see/consider/give a thought [before uttering that] that Allah Who had created them was far more powerful than them in strength. [41:15]
And He created you people for the first time. [41:21] [Same pronouncement in same words in
3:47;28:68;30:54;39:04] He creates from nothingness whatever He desires/willed;
and the One Who created the pairs, all of them. [Refer 42:12] o And in the creation of you people and in the fact that animals are scattered are visible/tangible/ demonstrative/recognition signs for the people to have conviction. [45:04] O you the living people! Indeed We have created you people from a male and a female. [Refer 4913] o Were We then weary with the originating creation? No, [there was even not the slightest weariness as earlier told you 46:33] the fact of the matter is that they are in a state of veiling about the afresh creation/resurrection. [50:15]
And indeed We have created the man [Refer 50:16] And indeed We innovatively created the Skies and the Earth and all whatever is in between the two of them in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe]; [50:38] o And in each and everything We have created pairs so that you people could save/preserve [and remember and recall for narrating]. [51:49]
And I did not create the groups of Jinn and Human beings except for the purpose that they should by will and affection submit to subservience/allegiance [which will not compromise their self respect]. [51:56] o Were they created from other than matter? Or were they themselves the creators? [52:35]
And that indeed He is the One Who created the pairs,
the male and the female, [53:45] from
part of a single sperm when
she/that [
Ar'Reh'maan has taught the [Grand] Qur'aan. He, Ar'Reh'maan created the man. [55:01-03]
He/Ar'Reh'maan created the man from sand mixed crinkled clay alike the baked admirable/ excelled/outstanding pottery. [55:14]
And He created the Jinn from fidgety/disconcerted mingling flame from fire. [55:15] We have created you people. Then why don't you accept/admit it? [56:57] Do you people then see/reflect on that which you people pour? [into receptacle/vagina of wives] [56:58]
Do you people create him/that particular single sperm? or We are the Creator? [56:59] He [Allah] is The One Who innovatively created the Skies and the Earth in a time duration of six days [time reckoned in outside this/your universe]; [57:04] He/Ar'Reh'maan is Allah-The Original Creator, The Extractor, The Creator of Dimensions/Shape/ Manifestations. [59:24]
He is the One Who created you living people. Then/for reason [of enjoying freedom of decision/will] amongst you people are the rejecters/concealers and amongst you are acceptors/believers [in their Creator without being in sight] [Refer 64:02]
You will not see any incongruity/lack of proportion/rift in the creations of Ar'Reh'maan, [Refer 67:03]
And indeed He has created you people in diverse stages-in the manner of changing measures and lengths. [71:14] [Same information in 67:03] Have you not seen how Allah has created seven Skies in harmony/adjoining one above another. [71:15]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] leave Me and the one [notable person in your presence] whom I had created individually/lonely. [74:11]
[concept of independence is even not there in the process of his creation] Was he not a sperm in the semen which is poured/lodged [into receptacle]? [75:37]
Afterwards he was a "joined one", He thus created him and He thus preened/proportioned him.
And thus [by this process of preening and proportioning on joining] He made from him [single sperm] the two groups, the male and the female. [75:39] o Indeed We have created the man [living humanity] out of a sperm mingled. [since] We subject him to exposure resultantly/for this reason/therefore We have made him capable of listening and vision. [76:02] o We have created them. And We have made their [skeleton] joints strong. And when We so desire, at that point of time We can [expose the knowledge to] replace the like of them in the manner of substitution. [76:28] [Similar information in
32:08] Have We not created you living people from desiccated/diluted/lacking vitality//artfully treated water? [77:20]
Then/for reason We made that stay in a safe maturing stationing place [epididymes] towards an appointed measure/proportion. [77:21-22]
And We created you as [composite] pairs. [78:08] "what has deceived and deluded you about the Exalted Sustainer Lord of you; [82:06] the one Who created you, then He stretched/preened/made you even, and then He proportioned you on exacting balance [82:07]compositing you in whatever dimensions/form/shape/appearance He willed/liked". [82:08]
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] repetitively praising the Name of The Sustainer Lord of you, Who is the Sublime, keep struggling for the assigned job. [87:01] The One Who created and then He stretched/preened/made even. [87:02] And the One Who put things in measure/limit/scale/proportion and resultantly/thus He guided/ paved/directed the way for conduct. [87:01-03]
You [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] read the Book [presented to you] with the name of your Sustainer Lord, the One Who created every thing. [96:01] He created the man, living humanity from a "joined one" and implanted/clung clot [zygote]. [96:01-02]
lWe have consulted the Grand Qur'aan and nowhere have we found mention of
creation with reference to attributive names of Allah, the Exalted.
Creator’s identification and reference is always by the personal name.
The names of the Creator of everything is mentioned as
You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them; "You people may call/address [your Sustainer Lord] as Allah or call/address Him [by personal name] Ar'Reh'maan; [17:110]