Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]

o              074

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           












74:30 Word by word analysis































































































I will soon cast him into the high temperature/heated Hell-Prison. [74:26]

And what is that which could have given you the perception of the high/scorching temperature/heat of Hell-Prison? [74:27]

It is such that neither it permits to endure/remain in its original condition nor does it spare anything unaffected. [fundamental characteristic of heat] [74:28]

 The peculiar feature/trait of her/it  is act/effect of scorching for human beings [burning and parching the skin-4:56] [74:29]

There are nineteen males [Angels as Warders] appointed for guarding upon her-Hell-Prison. [74:30] [Warders-Who these nineteen males are?]

 And be aware that We have not appointed the Warders of Hell except Angels [who are males]

and We have not declared the count/number of them except as a source of exposure/perturbation for those who have refused to accept/believe;

in order that those whom Book was given may make themselves arrive at certainty [of existence and eventually landing in Hell-Prison],

 and those who have accepted/believed may cause enhance their conviction of belief;

and so that [lack of information about the prison administration] those whom Book was given and those who have accepted/believed [in Qur'aan] may not make themselves in botheration/confusion/ disquiet of double mindedness;

and that those in whose hearts is a disease and those who persistently refused to accept may say,

"What Allah intends by giving this example/information about Warders of Hell-Prison [like the worldly Prison/Jail/Dungeon]"

[Similar pronouncement in 2:26;16:93]

This is how by such disclosures He lets/exposes many who wish straying and with it He guides many who wish/desire to be guided.

And except your Sustainer Lord no one can know His forces [executing His Commands]

And [purpose of giving] this information is nothing except a recall/admonition/bring attention for man [that criminals eventually land in Jail guarded by Warders]. [74:31]

No, the fact is, I swear by the Moon, [74:32]

and by the Night when it retreats/departs [74:33]

and by the Dawn when it becomes prominent/evident, [74:34]

that it is one of the mightiest [74:35]

 warning and cause of fear for man, [74:36]

so that anyone amongst you people wishes that he may consciously and purposely make himself advance or hang back/go forward or remain behind [to take heed and aspire to avoid this eventuality]. [74:37]

[Read with 52:21]

Each and every person [enjoying freedom of choice and act] is the pledge/hostage and will be imprisoned for reason of what it has earned/sum total of acts performed; [74:38]

 except companions of right handed [who will be independent/free] [74:39]

in the gardens; they will question the criminals; "What has brought/entered you people in "Saqar" the scorching Hell-Prison? [74:40-42]

They replied, "We used to be not amongst those who were the maintainers and performers of Salat; [74:43]

and nor we used to feed the indigent. [74:44]

And we used to enter into vain/conjectural discourses with those who enter into vain discourses like myths of walking barefooted on water surface. [74:45]

And we kept calling the day of judgment a lie till the time death overtook us" [74:46-47]

[Read with 2:48,123]

Therefore/for the reason the intercession of the intercessors will not benefit them. [74:48]

Then what causes them to become the avoider/turning away from the Admonition after having seen/read/heard [74:49]

in the manner as if they were like such donkeys, who opened teeth in scare/disgust from a lion/Like Zebras who disgustingly run away from lion? [74:50-51]

No, [the excuse for running away is this] Everyone of them desires/demands to be given papyri spread/spelled out. [74:52]

Never will their demand be met. The fact of the matter is that they do not fear the Hereafter. [74:53]

No, [they can't get papers] this Grand Qur'aan is certainly a reminder/admonition/the Word which has reached people, [74:54]

[Replica/Mirror 80:12]

therefore whosoever so willed he remembered/secured in memory/memorized/read/conveyed it [Grand Qur'aan] to others.  [74:55]

And people can neither save it in memory nor can retrieve it for remembrance/narration except that Allah so desires/wills. [A simple fact is mentioned, Allah saves the data and retrieves the data to/from its storage place-memory]

He who remembered/acted on Qur'aan is the member of family of heedful and pardoned/saved ones. [74:56]


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