o              012

     Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy          






Word by word Morphological and syntactic analysis of each Ayah





























































































And the King said to his chieftains, "Indeed I see in the dream seven female fat cows whom are eating seven lean ones;

and seven corn ears fresh and green and others are dry.


O you the chieftains, you people give me your considered thought about my dream if you people could interpret/draw conclusion about dreams" [12:43]

They replied, "Admixed/bunched dreams,


and we are certainly not knowledgeable about construing the dreams" [12:44]

And the one of those two [prisoners] who was saved recalled/remembered after a period, said, "I will inform you people about its effect/end result/meanings. Therefore you people send me" [12:45]

[He was sent to the Prison, he said] "Yu'suf, O you the truthful! you give to us verdict, in seven female fat cows whom are eating seven lean ones;

and seven corn ears fresh and green and others are dry;


so that I return to people and so that they may know conclusively" [12:46]

He said, "You people will keep sowing grain crops for seven years as usual, for reason [of this dream] when you people have reaped that then leave crop/grain in its ears except that little which you people eat. [12:47]

Afterwards, on expiry of these seven years, seven hard/lean years laden with adverse hard circumstances will come which will consume what you had saved/taken advance measures for those years except leaving a little which you had stored. [12:48]

Afterwards, on expiry of those seven hard years, there will come a year in which people will be delivered/succored while they will during that year keep extracting juices/rejoicing" [12:49]

[Same information in same words in 12:54]

And the Kind ordered, "You people bring him to me"

In compliance thereof when the Messenger came to him/Yu'suf, he said, "You return back to your Lord,

for reason/then enquire him regarding the case of women who had scratched their hands.


Indeed my Sustainer Lord is in know of their ill design". [12:50]

[On receiving the message] The King enquired, "What was your affair, you the ladies, when you had sought to delude/seduce Yu'suf from his self"

They said, "Absolute exaltation is for Allah. We did not find/know about him any sort of evil".

The wife of the Aziz, individually said, "Now the truth/reality has become manifest. I had sought to seduce/delude him from his self


and undoubtedly he is certainly from amongst the ever truthful" [12:51] (my respects to the respectable lady, she bore witness against herself)

[Messenger comes back to prison with outcome of court proceedings, he explained him] "This was for the purpose that he [the Aziz] may know that indeed I did not betray him in his absence.


And indeed Allah does not guide/let succeed the plan of the trust betrayers. [12:52]

And not that I absolve my personal self.

Indeed the self is certainly enjoiner for evil except that self upon whom my Sustainer Lord showered mercy.


 Indeed my Sustainer Lord is oft-Forgiving and Merciful". [12:53]

[Same information in same words in 12:50]

And the Kind ordered, "You people bring him to me.

I will make him exclusive/personal advisor for my self".


Consequently on his arrival when he conversed with him, he said, "Indeed you are today with us firmly established, trusted elite" [12:54]

He said, "You appoint me on the treasures of the land/country.


Indeed I am the guardian, having intrinsic knowledge" [12:55]

And this is how We firmly established for Yu'suf stronghold in the country, he may land/settle wherever he liked.

We bestow Our mercy/blessings upon whomever We desire/will;


and We do not let remain un-rewarded those who conduct moderately/balanced way. [12:56]

And certainly the reward in the hereafter is the best for those who believed and they persistently remained cautious, heedful and avoided un-restrained conduct in reverence and fear. [12:57]

