Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction]


Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.


2:116 Detailed Analysis

[This conjectural statement may not apparently boggle many people since they ordinarily do not give second thought nor care what it implies. It is not a statement of single trivial lie. Many serious and great lies are hidden in it impliedly. Allah has exposed all those for the information of people to take this false statement very seriously and vehemently reject it-4:171-172;6:100-101;10:68;17:111;18:04-05;19:88-93;21:26; 23:91-92;25:02;37:149-157;39:04;43:81-82;72:03-05;112:01-04]  

2:117 Detailed Analysis


2:118 Detailed Analysis





2:119 Detailed Analysis







2:120 Detailed Analysis












2:121 Detailed Analysis









2:122 Detailed Analysis




2:123 Detailed Analysis









And they [Elders of earlier Jews] said; "Allah has consciously adopted as a son". He is above such needs/support/weakness; Infinite Glory is for Him/His pleasure is the focus of all effort;

No, they lie; the fact of the matter is that whatever/whoever exists in the Skies and the Earth is subservient for Him alone. All are for Him subservient/dependant-in humble attendance [willingly or perforce/consciously or unconsciously]. [2:116]


  • He the Exalted is the Primal Originator of the Skies and the Earth.

  • Be informed, Provided He the Exalted has finalized-decided-completed any matter-thing, individual event, thereat:

  • He the Exalted merely expresses verbally for that thing-matter-affair-person, saying; "You become in evident-tangibly existing state". Resultantly that [abstract] thing-matter-affair-person gets physical execution-appearance-tangibly existing state which can be known-cognizable by others.  [2:117]

And those [elite and men of position of Muesh'ri'keen-idols worshippers] who do not have the knowledge [of revealed Book] satirically said to people; "Why is it so that Allah does not talk to us or why any Ayat [verbal presentation of information] does not come to us".

This is explicitly in the manner as people before them said words of similar import like their statement. Their hearts [psyche and attitude] have become metaphorically synonymous to the hearts of earlier such people. [note how the difference between example and metaphor has been made distinct] Indeed, We have since made the Aaya'at [verbal presentation of information, facts and knowledge] separated/distinguished/demarcated/isolated/distinctly and explicitly understandable so that it helps people to get convinced. [2:118]


It is a fact that We have sent you [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] accompanied with the Statement of Fact-Grand Qur'aan to act as a bearer-guarantor of glad tidings and as a Warner/Revivalist/Awakener.

 And you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] will not be asked any question [not held responsible/accountable] about the dwellers of the Hell-Prison. [This shows that credit is for him for those saved from Hell and entered into Paradise].[2:119]

And [be informed and note You the Messenger Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] never ever the Jews nor the Christians will be pleased with you till such time that you agree on literally following their [self made] creed.

[Recurrence: (2:120(2)6:71=2]

You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell everyone; "The fact is that the Guidance of Allah is alone  the Guidance [The Book of Allah/Qur'aan-explained conversely in 3:73]];

 therefore be mindful that, if you inclined yourself to act/pursue upon their conjectures/desires/wishes, after that One [Qur'aan] which has brought to you facts of the concrete knowledge,

[this is directly told to humanity collectively in 2:107]

 there will certainly be none [including myself] from Allah for you to act as protecting guardian nor a helper". [2:120]

Those to whom We have given the Book they recite/study it, word by word, in the manner as is its right of study/recitation that nothing [passions, conceptions, perceptions, conjectural myths, information/data already stored in memory] interferes/comes in between the words of the Book and the heart/brain of the reciter/reader; they are the ones that accept/believe-will accept/believe in the Book [Grand Qur'aan];

And whosoever refuses to accept the Book/GrandQur'aan, [this is done only by al-fasiqoona-2:99] for this reason/refusal, such are truly the people who cause their own loss. [2:121]

[Recurrence: (1)2:40(2)2:47(3)2:122=3]

O you the posterity of Iesraa'eel! Recall My special favour which I had bestowed upon you people,

 and/whereupon I granted you distinction and individuality upon others [Pharaoh's nation];[2:122 Replica 2:47]

 [Recurrence: (1)2:48(2)2:123=2]

And you people make yourselves cautiously mindful and afraid of the day when one man will have no avail from another man, 


 and neither offer of compensation//fine from him will be accepted, nor recommendation/pleading shall benefit him; and they all will never ever get help [from anyone who could help]. [2:123]

 2:124-141                                                       Index of English Articles          Urdu Books
