Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] Under construction]

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   Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

And recall when Musa [alai'his'slaam] said to his people: "Allah has certainly commanded you people that you should sacrifice any one ordinary cow/heifer". They/the elite reacted saying, "Are you deliberately taking us with fun and mockery?"

 He said, "I seek refuge from Allah that I be amongst the emotionalists who suggest scum/baseless things [attributing it to Allah]" [2:67]

They said to Musa, "You call upon your Sustainer Lord for us that He may distinctly explain/distinguish for us as to what type of cow/heifer is this to be sacrificed? [This is how they change the context and angle of a sentence; they are converting ordinary/any heifer into a peculiar/special heifer]

Musa [alai'his'slaam] told them; "He says that indeed it be a cow that is neither like the one who has passed the age nor like too young, that is in between/middle of these two extremities-middle aged. Your query having been answered, therefore, now do that which you are being commanded" [here again the word of Allah means any middle aged cow/heifer, but see their habit/method of , changing the context and angle of word of Allah, in their response to this straightforward/simple words of unambiguous import] [2:68]

They said to Musa, "You call upon your Sustainer Lord for us that He may distinctly explain/distinguish for us as to what is the colour of that cow"

 Musa [alai'his'slaam] told them; "He says that indeed it be a bright dark yellow cow, her colour is original/genuine which is pleasant looking to the onlookers" [2:69]

They said to Musa: "Pray/call your Sustainer Lord for us to distinctly explain for us as to what type of cow/heifer is this to be sacrificed? This peculiar cow [of particulars told here before] has caused upon us a perplexing confusion;  and [on receiving clarification] certainly we will, Allah willing, be guided". [2:70]

He told them: "He says that it is a cow which is not subjugated for tilling the soil nor to water the crop fields; an absolutely sound one with no spot".

They said to Musa: "Now you have come with the exactly distinct/evident/explicit fact." [note their crookedness; they are giving an impression to the listeners as if they were already ready to obey but he had not explicitly explained earlier-Allah exposes them]  It caused/cornered them to sacrifice her, though they had no wish/intention to do it. [2:71]

And recall when you had murdered a person and then purposefully you were diffusing it by controversy among yourselves about it. [High profile murders by the ruling elite/state agencies are diffused for public by deliberate controversies]. But Allah was to cause the bringing forth/exposing that which you people were hiding. [2:72]

Thereat/for the reason of exposing We had communicated to them commanding; "You move him/the murdered person with some of the part/piece of her. [murdered person got resurrected/revived to life]"

"Like this revival Allah will cause the revival of the dead people into life, and He will cause to show to your eyes His demonstrative physical signs so that you people may conveniently save in memory/differentiate/reflect/ponder and analyze". [2:73]

Afterwards this event [of seeing the dead resurrected to expose the murderer] your hearts were hardened. Thereat they were like stones or rather more hardened/dense, stuck to one place, immovable than stones;

 and/since among the stones is indeed the one there from which [on slipping/moving away from its place/ position] the streams of water make/emerge their selves.

And certainly amongst stones is the one [like Opal] which when ruptures it results in water getting discharged.

  And certainly among stones is the one which falls/slips downwards out of fear of Allah.

 And Allah is never unmindful about that which acts you people are doing. [2:74]

  2:75-82                                                                      List of  Articles in English        
