


[it is an accepted principle of law that if the prescribed precondition does not exist the permission/action allowed to be taken ceases]









first social relationship



























-society to alleviate felt apprehension and affording equitable treatment of bereaved children of fathers;



























































































































































Polygamy as a Custom of having many spouses for pleasure is not allowed in the Grand Qur'aan


Grand Qur'aan is the Guide in timeline. It incorporates instructions and guidelines to meet all situations that people might face. Anything relevant to human beings is but mentioned in it [ref 6:38]. Grand Qur'aan portrays unambiguously and in simple words a very well defined Value System. The hub of a society is the Family, not an individual.

  • O you the mankind! Listen carefully:

  • You people be mindful, cautious and fearsome of your Sustainer Lord. Your Sustainer Lord is He the Exalted Who created you the living people from an entity-person that acts as individual; retains individuality.

  • And He created his spouse-wife from a part of that person.

  • And He the Exalted spread apart majority of men and all women from that couple.

  • And always be mindful and conscious of Allah the Exalted in Whose Name you ask-claim from one another; and be reverently mindful for relationship of the Wombs by which you implore.

  • Take heed: Allah the Exalted is certainly ever eternally watchful over you people. [4:01]


The first and foremost social-unit is Husband and Wife. It resulted in the formation of family, and thereby in society, tribe, nation and civilization. It is the husband who is treated and considered as referential head of the Social Unit of society, and lineage is associated and referred by his name and not by the name of Woman [exception is for that woman who gave birth to a child without man's association]. The Social Unit-Family breaks when the husband dies a natural death or is killed. Resultantly, the ground situation could be only a bereaved wife-widow who, for reference, is always mentioned by the name of her deceased husband until she marries another man; or wife and bereaved children. Bereaved child of either gender whose father died natural death, or is killed, is described in Arabic by Adjectival Noun  . [Word "orphan" is not exact match since it denotes a child without parents: a child whose parents are both dead or who has been abandoned by his or her parents, especially a child not adopted by another family]

In such breakdowns of social units, the humanity is given these instructions:

  • And you are directed to give to the bereaved children of fathers their inherited property and wealth [on reaching age of marriage-4:06 which is full maturity-6:152;17:34 and in presence of witnesses-4:06]

  • Be mindful that you should not replace their valuable property-wealth with invaluable-junks.

  • Moreover, you should not devour-consume-absorb their wealth in your personal belongings.

  • Indeed this is a great crime-major sin/self destruction [since it is like eating hell fire 4:10]. [4:02]

  • Know it: Subject to the condition; should you people [clan-tribe-society] apprehend that you might not equitably treat and look after the bereaved children of fathers—father-orphans, adopt this course:

  • Thereat, it is imperative upon you the men to enter in matrimonial bondage; that which seemed pleasing, delightful and fairly good for you [2:235], with such women who have since expired the Prescribed Obligatory Period, circumstantially two two, and three three, and four four.

  • Sequel to this injunction: in case you-the Men apprehended in complying this order that you might not be able to do financial and physical justice in all fairness:

  • Thereby, in partial modification of aforesaid injunction you are directed to enter in matrimonial bondage with one widow who is lonely;

  • Alternatively to meet financial constraints: Marry with that woman upon whom the right hand of you people have the authority and responsibility for ordering and managing her affairs.

  • This course of action will diminish the chance regards that you might not sustain the household [widow mother and her children]. [4:03]


: This Ayah-Unitary Verbal Passage begins with [wāw], the Recommencing particle. It is a discourse coordinator, that signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which is coordinate in structure to prior unit. is the Particle of Condition that renders the following verb in Jussive State, as Verb of Condition. is a Verbal Sentence with Verb Perfect, Second Person; Masculine; plural with suffixed Subject Pronoun in nominative State. This Verb in Jussive State being Verb of Condition is transitive. Derived from  مصدر-خَوْفٌ Verbal noun, it denotes an apprehension of happening of something not desirable.

This is the Object of preceding Verb. This is the apprehension. is a Subordinating conjunction comprising a Subjunctive Particle-Interpreted Verbal Noun as Object and Negation Particle. is Imperfect; second Person; Masculine; plural Verb in Subjunctive Mood. It is Form-IV with مصدر إِقْسَاطٌ Verbal Noun. It denotes acting equitably; maintaining two parts of a scale exactly at balance, to treat two things-objects equally. Prepositional Phrase relates to preceding Verb. Thus, conditional clause is about apprehension that people might not provide equal position, status, treatment, or care to the bereaved children of dead fathers which is at par with that afforded to the children of living fathers. What is the remedy?

This Verbal sentence is preceded by Prefixed conjunction فَ  which shows cause and effect-Apodosis clause. The Verbal sentence commands the remedial measure that will meet the situation alleviating the felt, estimated apprehension of causing unequal treatment to bereaved children of dead men. Verb is Imperative; second person; plural; masculine. The act embedded in the Verb is  مصدر-نِكَاحٌ Verbal Noun. It is transitive. Its Root is " ن ك ح". The perception infolded therein is that of joining and combining in the manner of slumber dissolving in eyes, or as the drops of rain absorb in the Earth. This signifies the mutually consented Marriage-Bond, between a Man and Women, witnessed, endorsed and authenticated by the society, the third party to the agreement-union-bond. This "Union-Bond" grants permission, and renders sanctity of purity, in establishing particular matrimonial relationship, which is otherwise not permissible, and is a grave sin if done by a man and woman without the Union-Bond. Like the effect of basic perception of the Root, the romantic look in the eyes caused by gradual dissolving of slumber therein and inciting odor emerging by the absorption of earlier drops of rain on dried land, the Marriage-Bond, النِّكَاحُ , results in romantic attachment between a man and woman, culminating in intercourse, which causes association-development of a relationship with the Womb.

The Imperative Verb is transitive needing an object to complete the meanings. The Performers are the Men, and act is النِّكَاحُ denoting to associate with women in matrimonial bond. The choice of words in Qur'aan is superb rendering the semantics easy to comprehend and comply with. Here "thereby you men enter with those women in matrimonial bond" is not used, which would have entirely changed the perception of the command, leaving no personal choices for the men and widows but to compulsorily get married. Since those widow women are not made the Object of transitive Verb, the Obvious object is: . It is qualified by the sentence "that which seemed here before for you pleasing, delightful, and fairly good".

: The peculiarity of  in Arabic is that it acts as Particle and a Noun. Noun is found as [ما الموصولة] General Relative Pronoun, or an Indefinite Noun modified by an adjective. General Relative Pronoun means that Relative Noun which is used for Being and inanimate masculine and feminine, singular, dual, and plural. A Relative Pronoun is followed by a sentence which relates back to it, most often with a Pronoun named as [الْعَائِدُ] that links back to it. is the [صلة الموصول] Linkage clause. The Pronoun in the linkage clause referring back to General Relative Pronoun can be elided if it is object, but not when it is the Subject of a following Verb.  

: It is a verbal sentence with Perfect/Past tense Verb; third person; singular; masculine; from مصدر-طَيْبٌٌ Verbal noun, with hidden pronoun هُوَ that links back to General Relative Pronoun, and thus to the preceding imperative verbal sentence. : It is a Prepositional Phrase relating to preceding perfect Verb, signifying "for you people". Linkage clause [صلة الموصول] denotes that the subject of verb had become something pleasant, delightful, fairly good and of pious-pure nature at some point in time in the past.

What was the point in time and the occasion of happening for ?

A woman in the matrimonial-bond: النِّكَاحُ of a living man is not permissible for the rest of all living men of the world. Except the most honoured and dignified Wives of the Elevated Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam of Allah the Exalted, all women become permissible for marriage by others on the death of their respective husbands. Thereat, act of: النِّكَاحُ becomes "that which seemed herebefore for/to you pleasing, delightful, and fairly good". What is the time lapse between this past fact and the present point in time of this imperative command: "Thereat, you men enter in matrimonial bondage"?

The fact happened in the past: was at this occasion-happening:


  • This is about those men who are caused separation-detachment-parting from amongst you people; because of natural-accidental death, incidental-planned murder, or slaughter in the cause/war of Allah the Exalted; in circumstances that they leave behind their wives.

  • Their respective wives should wait-restrain their selves, honestly and sincerely, for a period of four lunar months and ten days till the eleventh lunar night.

  • Thereat, when they have elapsed-crossed over the last moment of their prescribed duration, thereby there is no objection upon you people regards what these women decide-act about their selves in accordance with the known norms of the society.

  • Remain mindful that Allah the Exalted is aware of all acts which you people keep doing. [2:234]

This situation, a sad happening, is also a source of for some other men, a ground reality:

  • Be aware that there is nothing wrong and blemish worthy upon you for having subtly indicated your interest to the Widows of deceased-alienated husbands; or you kept it secret to your selves.

  • Allah the Exalted knows that you will eventually express desire to them.

  •  But you should not alluringly lead them to mutual promise, except that you may say to them a normally acceptable statement in plain words of evident import.

  • Take note that you people should not make a firm resolve for the Matrimonial Bondage with them, until such time the Prescribed Obligatory Period crosses its terminating moment. [Ref 2:235]

After the expiry of prescribed obligatory period of restraint from deciding their future course of action, this is the point in time to obey this command: "Thereat, you the men enter in matrimonial bondage; that which seemed pleasing, delightful and fairly good for you [2:235]". It is followed by circumstantial clause. Prepositional Phrase: relates to the elided but conspicuously understood circumstance by context of bereaved children of deceased fathers; known solemn period of self restraint for bereaved wives, and the prepositional phrase. Preposition denotes the relation which subsists between the part and whole, the species and the genus. It is important to note that when  it precedes a definite noun, especially in the plural, as is the case here, it often indicates an indefinite quantity or number. This aspect is further evident by the succeeding circumstantial clause for the Verb, explicitly by nouns in accusative case. The Prepositional Phrase not only indicates that the permission-command is with regard to only those widows who have since exhausted Mandatory restrain period, but also affords the option of choice, mutual liking and understanding for the intended: matrimonial bondage. A further circumstantial clause is added to cope various situations arising in society. In war situations, Father-Orphans might become in abundance in the society. Father-Orphans emerge when many women have become widows. The circumstantial clause for the Subject Pronoun and Verb is: ; which means, two two; and three three; and four four. The use of repetitive words signifies that each ordinary man of resources is directed to take in the fold of النِّكَاحُ matrimonial-bond two, three and four widow women to cope the situation and alleviate chances of neglect and maltreatment of bereaved children of deceased husbands.

One will appreciate the superb choice, beauty, delicacy and purity of purpose in use of word only if he visualizes the whole perspective of the arisen situation by the demise or killing of husbands who have left behind widows and bereaved children.

The Imperative Verb: "Thereat, to alleviate the apprehended possibility, you the men enter in matrimonial bondage" since has the force of law and imposition of a duty, a saving clause is obviously needed for such men who might not be able to sustain this additional responsibility imposed by the injunction, for physical reasons and financial constraints. Asking such men to marry widows might create apprehensions for them of not dispensing justice and fairness to such wed wives. 

An amendment is introduced in the said Provision of Law to cater for those who might suffer impracticability, or apprehension of injustice, or unfairness if made to marry widows:

  • Sequel to this injunction, in case you-the Men apprehended in complying this order that you might not be able to do financial and physical justice in all fairness;

  • Thereby, in partial modification of aforesaid injunction you are directed to enter in matrimonial bondage with one widow who is lonely.

  • Alternatively to meet financial constraints, marry with that woman, upon whom the right hand of you people have the authority and responsibility for ordering and managing her affairs.

This saving clause-partial modification to the preceding duty imposing injunction begins with , comprising Conjunction Particle  فَ , which denotes cause and effect and sequence of happenings, and Particle of Condition which renders the following verb in Jussive State. The condition is that of calculated apprehension by some men that they might not: This is Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Masculine; Mood: Subjunctive by Subjunctive Particle, evident by elision of نَ and [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-عَدْلٌ-باب ضَرَبَ Verbal noun.

Apprehension in respect of bereaved children is described by the verb emanating from Root " ق س ط" while apprehension in obeying the command of marrying widow women is portrayed by the Verb emanating from Root "ع د ل".   It seems quite difficult to me to portray the delicate difference between the two both of which are ordinarily translated as to act equitably and justly, equity and justice. However, delicacies can be perceived by assessing the difference in dealings about bereaved children and sensitivities of relationship of a husband who has more than one wife. How difficult and delicate is what is inherent in , it explains:

  • You people will never be able to attain the capability that you might maintain absolute justice between your wives even if you had vehemently wished it.

  • Therefore, for this natural fact, to remain near to justice you people should not turn away, an altogether turning, whereby you leave her-one wife from whom you are turning away in the manner as flesh separated from bone making her like the one suspended-hanging. [Ref 4:129]

People who feel fascinated about the permission for having more than one wife should read the injunction and true information about human capabilities. Thereby, they will realize that this is more of a responsibility and trial than the momentary pleasures. Those who realize and fear that they will not be able to do financial and physical justice in all fairness by marrying widows with bereaved children, an easy to comply provision is made for them: "thereby, in such case you are directed to enter in matrimonial bondage with one widow who is lonely". Conjunction Particle  فَ denotes cause and effect  and serves as linking Apodosis clause to the conditional clause. : It  is Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; feminine;  and its accusative case ending and absolute state reflects it as the Object of elided Verb, visibly understood as used earlier . The Object Active Participle denotes that woman who lives by herself, that she is alone without children. She will be economical for the intended husband. Financially constrained person is given yet another option"

  "or marry with that woman upon whom the right hand of you people have the authority for ordering and managing  her affair-self supporting housemaids."

After this relaxation clause, the declarative comment makes it abundantly clear that the problem addressed and resolved is for those people who have financial constraints in marrying women:

  • This course of action will diminish the chance regards that you might not sustain the household.

Demonstrative pronoun: Singular; Masculine, Nominative state. It is the Subject of Nominal Sentence, referring to the preceding amending clause to the legal provision of arranging marriages of the widowed women in the society to just and effectively manage the affairs of Orphans.

Elative Noun (comparative and superlative): Indefinite; Masculine; singular; nominative. It is the Predicate.

= +Subordinating conjunction, Subjunctive particle + Negation Particle.

Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive by Subjunctive Particle, evident by elision of  نَ; and [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-عَوْلٌ Verbal noun. This is derived from Root "ع و ل". The basic perception infolded in the Root is to feed, nourish and sustain a household. It thus reflects sufficiently sound financial position of a man to manage and sustain his household. A man not holding sound financial position is advised to opt for marrying a Woman of category: "She,  upon whom the right hand of you people have the authority for ruling, ordering, or managing  her affair." Thus, its first occurrence has revealed to us that the striking characteristic of such Women is that they cause relatively lesser financial obligation for the Man who intends marrying them.

It is manifestly obvious from the foregoing that "Polygamy-having many spouses" as a Custom-Rule and as source-an approach of pleasure is not allowed in the Grand Qur'aan. It is prescribed rather to meet exceptional situations arising in the society and as a responsibility-duty-obligation imposed upon men who can manage and afford additional liability of caring for the bereaved children and wives of dead husbands. The Ayah-Verbal Unitary Passage begins with a conditional clause explaining existence-emergence of a peculiar situation, whereby Allah the Exalted issues orders-ordinance to tackle the situation. It is an accepted principle of law that if the prescribed precondition does not exist, the action allowed to be taken or the granted permission ceases to exist. It is thus obvious that Allah the Exalted has NOT allowed marrying four four virgins. Thereby, there is no concept of "Polygamy" in Qur'aan.

Marriage with the widowsmothers of bereaved children will alleviate the possibility of meeting them ill or unequal treatment as compared to children of living fathers since it results in the development of relationship with the Wombs of mothers of bereaved children.


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