o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
[Similar probing
21:52;26:70;29:17,25;37:95] And when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] said for [to] his father, Azar, "Do you adopt sculpted/hand carved statues/figurines considering it as iela'aha?
o I find/see you and your nation lost in manifest forgetfulness". [6:74] And for that [to argue with his nation] We showed to the eyes of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] the system of governance of the Skies and the Earth and so that he be amongst those of certain/convincing knowledge. [6:75]
Therefore/for this reason to argue with his nation, when the darkness of the night had spread/overtaken the surroundings he saw ONE planet [Venus. In the darkness of night one does not see a single star in the sky but quiet a large number of stars are visible to the naked eye, but he saw one كوكبا which means planet NOT star].
He said to them, "This is my lord/master" [It should carefully be noted that he did not call it as iela'aha, he used the word رب . The idolaters never call and consider their statues as رب /lord, master but declare them, after having been assigned conjectural feminine names, as iela'aha.]
Then when it/the planet disappeared [Only Venus disappears after three hours of sunset. Jupiter, when it is visible from earth, does not disappear but remains visible on the sky.]
o he said to them, "I do not like [to consider as master] those who drown/disappear". [6:76]
[Night kept creeping] Then when he saw the moon appearing,
[drawing their attention to it] he said to them, "This is my lord/master".
Then when it/the moon disappeared/set,
o he said to them, "Indeed if my Sustainer Lord had not guided me I might have been amongst the negligent/forgetfully nation. [6:77]
[Night went creeping in attempt to mentally awaken them] Then when he saw the Sun rising
He said to them, "This is my lord/master; this is large".
When on passing the day it [she] set [Similar pronouncement by his grand
grand son, the Last Messenger
6:19]o he addressed them, "O my nation! [I tried to make you understand, hence] I am absolved of what you people ascribe as partners with the Only One. [6:78] [Similar pronouncement by Last Messenger
3:20] Certainly I have set my face/direction/focus for the One Who originated/created the Skies and the Earth, persistently and perpetually; [Same pronouncement by his grand
grand son, the Last Messenger in same words
12:108]o and I am not from those [i.e. not part of you people, my nation] who ascribe hand made idols as partners. [6:79] And his nation disputed/argued with him. He said to them, "Do you people dispute with me about Allah and indeed He has guided me. and I do not fear those who you people associate with Allah, except the fear that if My Sustainer Lord wills something. My Sustainer Lord is beyond bounds/above limits in knowledge of each and everything. [Same question in same words
32:04]o Is it that you people do not remember/recall this. [6:80] And why should I be afraid [without there being any cogent reason] of those you associate with Allah
[Similar information in
3:151;7:33;22:71] while you people do not fear when you associate/ascribe others with Allah, for which Allah has not sent you any confirmation/authority for that. For this reason which of the two parties has better right to be in tranquility [Same in the end
2:280;9:41;16:95;23:84,88;29:16;61:11;62:09]o if you people understand/know it?. [6:81] [Same in the end 2:280;6:81;9:41;16:95;23:84,88;29:16;61:11;62:09]
Those who accepted/believed and afterwards did not admix their faith with distortions, they are the people for whom is tranquility/peace and they are the ones who accept guidance". [6:82] [Read in conjunction 49:15] And this [the forestated conversation] was Our line of argument given to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] for his nation.
[Same pronouncement in same words
12:76] We elevate the ranks for whom We so will.
[Same pronouncement in same words 6:128;
similar 6:139;15:25]o Indeed your Sustainer Lord is eternally The Wise, The All Knower of apparent and invisible/ secreted/infolded. [6:83]
[Same information in same words in
19:49;21:72;29:27] And to him We gifted Ies'hauqe and Ya'qoob [as unsolicited gift-21:72] All of them We guided. And We guided Noah in aforetime. And guided in his [Iebra'heim علیہ السلام] posterity Da'ued, and Sulie'maan, and Ayub and Yusuf and Musa and Haroon.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44]o And in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [6:84] And guided Zakariyya, and Yahya and Easa and Ilyas; each and every one of them was amongst righteous. [6:85] And Iesma'eile and Al-Yasa'a and Yunus and Lut [علیھم السلام]. And We gave all of them over and above the entire humanity the uniqueness/sanctity/individuality/distinction. [6:86] And some out of their forefathers and some from their posterity and some from their brothers were given uniqueness/individual distinction/guided. And We chose them and We guided them on the Straight Path. [6:87] You, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Indeed my Sustainer Lord has guided me on the Straight Path; the prescribed procedure of community of Iebra'heim علیہ السلام, [Allah's chosen Deen of Islam] He was the Sincere/Ever Upright/Perpetually a Muslim. [Read also 2:130,135;3:95;4:125;16:123] [Exactly this is also
stated in 2:135;3:67,95;16:123]o and he was never ever amongst the idol-worshippers who assign after naming the sculpted idols as partner iela'aha with Allah. [6:161] ...........
Has not come to their knowledge the news of people before them; the nation of Noah [alai'his'slaam], and nation A'ad and nation Thamud; and nation of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and people of nation Madyan and the towns overturned? Their Messengers brought to them [the message of Allah] with distinct unprecedented signs.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
30:09] Then in consequence it was not for Allah that He should do injustice to them
[Same pronouncement in same words
2:57;7:160;16:33,118;29:40;30:09]o but in fact they kept doing injustice and harm to their own selves. [9:70]
[that precedence is not to be followed] Since/and the forgiveness asked by Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] for his father was but for the reason of that promise which he had promised exclusively to him.
Then/for reason/in consequence when it became evident for him that indeed his father was enemy for Allah he alienated himself from him. o Indeed Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was undoubtedly a compassionate forbearing person. [9:114] ............. And indeed Our Messengers had come to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] with good news, on arrival they said, "Peace and tranquility". He returned salutation saying, "Peace and tranquility" [Read with
51:26]o [Finding them unfamiliar faces/not of his place] Then he did not delay in serving a roasted calf [to the guests appearing to have come from a distant place] [11:69]
Then/as a sequel to seeing that their hands had not forwarded towards the served food,
he felt it strange of them, and he felt the perception of slight apprehension from them, [Same pronouncement in same words in
51:28] [noticing this] they said, "Please be not apprehensive; o We have been sent as the Messengers towards the nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] [11:70]
[And they gave him the good news of son-51:28] And his wife was standing [behind the door for servicing any thing of need for the guests], for reason/in sequel [hearing the news of a son] she laughed, [and entered the drawing room being emotionally inspired with happy but strange news] o [in response to her saying] For reason/in response We gave her good news/congratulated her with Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam] and after Ies'hauq grandson Ya'qoob [alai'his'slaam]. [11:71]
She exclaimed, "how serious a thing for me! Will I give birth to a child while I am an aged woman and he my husband is also aged one. o Indeed this would certainly be a [first time, unprecedented] strange/amazing thing/phenomenon. [11:72]
They said, "Madam, are you amazed in the decree of Allah.
The mercy of Allah and His blessings are upon you people, the residents of this house. o Indeed He is eternally the focus of Glory and Praise, the Infinite. [11:73]
Resultantly when his apprehension vanished from Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and good news had reached him, o he started arguing with Us in the matter of nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam]. [11:74]
Indeed Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was certainly a caring and softhearted enduring, imploring, oft returning. [11:75]
[responding to his arguing it was said] O Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] you leave aside this topic,
indeed in this matter the decision of your Sustainer Lord has since reached o and indeed to them is coming the infliction, not that which is reversed/averted. [11:76] ....... And this is how your Sustainer Lord will choose you and He will teach/make you know the final outcome/result/logical conclusive interpretation of the narrations/statements/dreams. And He will complete His blessing upon you and on the family/followers of Ya'qoob like He had completed upon your two forefathers [grand father and grand grand father] Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and Ies'hauq [علیہ السلام]. Indeed your Sustainer Lord is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise, Knower of invisible/hidden realities/ considerations". [12:06]
but I followed [despite being with them] in letter and spirit the code of conduct of my fathers Iebra'heim and Ies'hauq and Ya'qoob [عليهم السلام].
It is not befitting for us that we associate with Allah anything,
that is the grace and blessing of Allah upon us and the people [Same information in same words
2:243;40:61]o but most of the people do not appreciate/recognize/express gratitude. [12:38] ...........
And when Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] prayed, "My Sustainer Lord, Declare and make this city the provider of security and tranquility, o and You keep me and my progeny that We might ever worship/show allegiance for the hand sculpted statues. [14:35]
My Sustainer Lord, indeed they have strayed many among the humanity.
Therefore/for reason [that I never did that] whoever physically followed me in letter and spirit then for that reason he is indeed of me [whether or not related by blood]
and whoever refused to accept my word, o then [judgment is Yours], indeed You are oft-forgiving, the Fountain of Mercy. [14:36]
Our Sustainer Lord! I have settled near Your sacred House from my progeny in the valley, other than the possessor/capable of cultivation;
Our Sustainer Lord, so that they may organize/manage/establish congregational physical prostration prayer;
For reason/therefore You incline the hearts of people towards them, o and You provide them sustenance from fruits so that they be grateful. [14:37] Our Sustainer Lord, indeed You know what we conceal and what we proclaim [Similar information in
3:05]o And nothing is hidden/secreted from Allah from anything in the Earth nor that in the Sky" [14:38]
[Iebra'heim علیہ السلام said] "The Infinite Glory and Praise eternally is entirely and exclusively for Allah, the One Who has granted me in old age Iesma'eile and Ies'hauq [علیھم السلام]. o Indeed My Sustainer Lord is certainly the eternally listener of the prayer. [14:39]
My Sustainer Lord, make me the maintainer/organizer/establisher of congregational physical prostration prayer; and similarly from my progeny. o Our Sustainer Lord, and accept my prayer. [14:40]
Our Sustainer Lord, You grant forgiveness for me and for my forefathers and for the believers on the day the accountability will be held" [14:41] ...........
[Read with
51:24] And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] inform them about the guests of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] [15:51] [Same information in
11:69;51:25] when they entered upon him then/for reason of meeting him they said, "Peace". He said [after exchange of pleasantries and seeing they did not extend hand to served food], "We indeed from you feel disconcert" [15:52]
They said, "You do not feel disconcerted, we indeed congratulate you with good news of a knowledgeable son" [15:52]
o He said, "Are you people congratulating me upon that the aging has overcome me; therefore, reiterate/clarify what you people are congratulating/giving glad news for". [15:54]
They said, "We have congratulated you about a concrete fact, therefore you be not from amongst the despair" [11:55]
He said, [clarifying he did not say what they thought], "and who despairs from the mercy of his Sustainer Lord except those who are neglectful wanderers". [11:56]
He said, "Then what is your mission, O you the sent ones as Messengers"
They replied, "We have indeed/actually been sent towards nation of criminals
except the family and followers of Luet [alai'his'slaam]. Indeed we will rescue them all [Similar pronouncement in
7:83;15:60;26:171;27:57;29:32,33;37:135] except his wife". [reason being] We had restricted, indeed she was certainly from amongst those who stayed behind. [15:60] ...
Indeed Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] was a personification of a system established for Allah; he remained steadfast for Allah persistently and perpetually o and he was never ever was from amongst the idol-worshippers who assign after naming the sculpted idols as partner iela'aha with Allah. [16:120]
He was obliged and grateful for His favaours and grants; o He had chosen/elevated him [as friend also] and He guided him on the straight path of destination. [16:121]
And We gave him in this worldly life appropriately balanced good [Reiterated for him in same words in
2:130;29:27]o and indeed in the hereafter he is certainly in the ranks of the Righteous. [16:122] [Read also
2:130,135;3:95;4:125;6:161] Afterwards We have conveyed you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] that [advise people] you remain incessantly physically follow the path/way of life/community of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam]; who was the Sincere/Ever Upright/Perpetually a Muslim [Same information in same words in
2:135;3:67,95;6:161;16:123]o and he was never ever amongst the idol-worshippers who assign after naming the sculpted idols as partner iela'aha with Allah. [16:123]
And you, the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] mention in/from the Book about Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام]
o Beyond doubt he was the truthful and Elevated and Chosen Distinct Person. [19:41]
When he said for [to] his father,
o "O My father! What for do you worship/are allegiant for that which is neither capable of listening nor vision and nor that benefits you by averting anything harmful from you. [19:42]
O My father! it is true that to me has since come from the domain of knowledge that which did not come to you,
o therefore you follow me in letter and spirit, I will certainly guide you on the even path. [19:43]
O My father! do not be allegiant to Shaitan;
o undoubtedly the Shaitan was for Ar'Reh'maan the rebutter of words/command. [19:44]
O My father! I am afraid that the infliction from Ar'Reh'maan may befall upon you
o whereby you will permanently become the companion for Shaitan" [in the Hell-prison] [19:45]
He replied, "Are you the hater of my various iela'aha, O you Iebra'heim
[you certainly are] Of course I will stone you to death if you do not desist [spreading hatred],
o and you migrate away from me for a long period". [19:46]
He said, "Safety be upon you,
I will soon seek forgiveness for you from my Sustainer Lord,
o indeed He has always been Gracious to me. [19:47]
and soon I will leave you people and what you people call apart from Allah;
o And I will pray to my Sustainer Lord, may be that I will not unblessed/disappointed in response to prayer to my Sustainer Lord". [19:48]
Thereupon/for reason [after the episode of failure of their attempt to burn him alive] when he had left them and what they worshipped/were allegiant to apart from Allah
[Same information in same words in
6:84;19:49;21:72;29:27] We gifted to him Ies'hauqe and Ya'qoob [as unsolicited gift-21:72] and We declared them all as Elevated and Chosen Distinct Persons. [19:49]
And We bestowed for them from Our Grace. [He prayed Allah for it
26:84]o And We declared for them par excellence reputation/mention of truthfulness. [19:50] [Anyone who attributes anything other than truth to Iebra'heim علیہ السلام or others shall be but guilty of refuting this verdict of Allah. Our respects and salutation upon Iebra'heim علیہ السلام the EVER TRUTHFUL
These were those upon whom Allah showered blessings from amongst the Elevated and Chosen Distinct Persons.
They were the progeny of Adam [alai'his'slaam] and from those whom We uploaded [in the ship] along with Noah [alai'his'slaam];
and from the progeny of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and Iesraa'eel [Yaqoob alai'his'slaam] and of those whom We guided and We chose. When the Aa'ya'at of Ar'Reh'maan were recited upon them they kneeled down prostrating with eyes overflowing with tears. [Please prostrate-it helps getting near to Allah] [19:58] ................
And indeed We had earlier given to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] his faculty of rightfully understanding and about him We were fully knowledgeable,
when he said for [to] his father and his people;
[Similar probing
6:74;26:70;29:17,25;37:95]o "What are these statues, the one for which you people remain around attached"[21:52]
They replied, "We found our forefather as allegiants/worshippers for these statues" [21:53] [Read with
6:74] He said, "Certainly [I see and find] you people have been, you people and your forefathers, in manifest forgetfulness. [21:54]
They said, "Have you come to us with absolute fact or you are just from amongst playful ones" [21:55]
He replied, "No, I am not enjoying fun, the fact is that your Sustainer Lord is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth, the One Who innovatively created them. [He had seen the system-read with
6:75]o And I am upon that for you from amongst those who witness/see" [21:56]
[and one night he made his intention public to men around him] "And I swear by Allah, certainly I will devise a plan for your statues after that time you people go away from me turning your backs" [21:57]
[In keeping with his public pronouncement, he went to temple] Therefore/for reason he made them/ statues pieces, except the one which was for them the bigger with the intention that they people return to him [for enquiry-to know reason for breaking smaller and leaving bigger one]. [21:58]
[when clergy men and worshippers came in the morning] They/clergy men said, "Who has done this act with our various iela'aha? Indeed he who has done this is certainly from amongst the unjustly cruel ones" [21:59]
Some people [who were present during night at the time of pronouncement] said, "We heard a young man mentioning them/statues; he is called Iebra'heim" [21:60]
They/clergy men imperatively asked them, "You go and then bring him before the eyes of the people for the purpose that they bear witness" [21:61]
[He came along with those men whom on way he told the true worth of statues-37:94-96] They/clergymen asked, "Are you the one who has done this [pointing towards the pieces on ground] with our various iela'aha, O Iebra'heim" [21:62]
He [replying from the angle of their intention to fix responsibility] said, "I am not responsible, in fact this is the act of their great one, this one [pointing towards the big statue], therefore ask them/smaller broken statues if they speak" [21:63]
[This shocked the people present and broke shackles on wisdom of some] In consequence/thereby they returned to their own selves [came out of others myths] whereby they said, "Indeed you people [clergy men, not he but] you are the people who are distorters/unjust" [21:64]
Afterwards they/clergy men were returned to their minds and said to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] "Certainly you have come to know conclusively recently [last night when you broke them] that these statues do not speak" [21:65]
He asked them/clergy men [drawing the attention of people to another fact] "Is it that you people worship other than Allah that which neither benefits you people anything and nor harms you people. [21:66]
Sorry state of affair for you people and for those you people worship apart from Allah.
[This query is also in
2:44,76;3:65;6:32;7:169;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]o Is it for reason that you people do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate?" [which is the basic job of intellect] [21:67]
They shouted imperatively, "You people burn him and help your various iela'aha if you are action takers" [21:68]
[They did it] We commanded, "O Fire! you be cool and of safety for Iebra'heim" [21:69] [Similar pronouncement in
37:98] And they intended with it a plan whereby [by saving Iebra'heim] We made them the greater losers. [since many people became believer] [21:70] And We delivered him as well as Luet [علیہ السلام] towards the land [Mecca] in which We had placed blessings for the humanity. [21:71]
[Same information in same words in
6:84;19:49;29:27] And to him We gifted Ies'hauqe and Ya'qoob [علیھم السلام] as unsolicited gift; and all of them We declared that they were the perfectionists. [21:72] .......... And when We earmarked for Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] the site/plot of the House [Ka'aba],
[We asked him] that "[like the past] You never associate with Me anything, [Similar in
2:125]o and you maintain/manage the cleanliness/sanctity of My House for those people who circle around it/"circum gyration" and stay around it, and for the purpose of bowing and prostration of people. [22:26]
And you pronounce amongst the people for Hajj [Pilgrimage to Ka'aba], o they will come to you on foot [from nearby vicinity] and upon each and every ride, they coming from every deep and distant mountain highways; [22:27]
so that they may witness benefits for them and so that they mention [on
sacrificial mammals] the name of Allah during the appointed days
on what Allah has given them from amongst those herbivorous mammals who
o "Whereupon you people eat part of them and feed the destitute needy". [22:28]
Thereafter the sacrifice let them perform their prescribed duties [of Hajj like cutting of hair 2:196]
and let them fulfill/lay off/alienate their vows; o and let them walk in circle around/gyrate around the Sanctified House". [22:29] [This is the address to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] who raised this First House-[3:96] from foundations for the first time; a just raised House is never called and considered ancient. This is Sanctified House and is named as such in 5:97]
and the people of Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] and the nation of Luet [alai'his'slaam] [22:43]
And you people exert utmost in the cause of Allah [bodily and with wealth] as is befitting to effort for His approval and appreciation.
He has chosen you people and He has not appointed for you in the Code of Physical Conduct any sort of difficulty/confusion/disconcert.
the Code of Physical Conduct/the community of your father Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام]
he named you people as the Muslims in aforetimes, and in this/Qur'aan you are so called
[Similar information in
2:143] so that the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, embodiment of mercy] attains position of witnesses over you people and you become the witnesses over the people of society,
therefore you people organize and manage the performance of Ass-sa'laat and you people pay Az-Zaka'at;
[Read with
3:101,103;4:146,175] and you people bind/confine/restrain yourselves/remain sincere with Allah [through Rope of Allah The Qur'aan]; He is your Sovereign Lord and Protector.
[Same pronouncement in
8:40]o The most Elevated-Exalted Protector Lord and the best Helper. [22:78] ...........
And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] convey them the news about Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam]. [26:69] [Same questioning in
37:85] And when he [Iebra'heim علیہ السلام] said for [to] his father and his nation, "What is that which you people worship?" [26:70] They said, "We worship statues, therefore/for that reason We keep shading for them by sitting around those/as devotee". [26:71]
Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] asked them, "Do they listen you when you people call them? [26:72]
Or do they cause you people any benefit or do they cause any harm?" [26:73]
[5:104;21:53;31:22;43:22,23] They said, "No, they don't; but the fact is that we found our forefathers doing like this". [26:74]
Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] asked them, "Have you people then seen those which you people have been worshipping/demonstrating allegiance; [26:75]
you people and your fathers of farther earlier period? [26:76]
Hence/for reason they are for me the enemies, except the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds;
the One Who created me, then/for reason [being Sustainer Lord of the Worlds] He guides me. [26:78]
and the One Who feeds me and gives me the drink. [26:79]
And when I have fallen then He cures me. [26:80]
And the One Who will cause me to die natural death, thereafter [lapse of time till resurrection moment] He will cause to revive to life. [26:81]
And the One from Whom I desire and expect that He will forgive for me my omissions on the Day of Judgment". [26:82]
"My Sustainer Lord! You grant me wisdom/decisive ability to distinguish and you join/repute me with the Righteous. [26:83] [Allah did it as confirmed in
And You declare for me reputation/mention of truthfulness in the later people. [26:84] [Anyone who attributes anything other than truth to Iebra'heim علیہ السلام shall be but guilty of refuting the verdict of Allah in 19:50. Our respects and salutation upon Iebra'heim علیہ السلام the EVER TRUTHFUL]
And You declare/assign me among share holders in the Paradise of Delight. [26:85] [He had promised this
19:47] And You forgive for my father, indeed he has been amongst the neglectful. [26:86] [Read with 9:114]
And You do not cause disgrace for me on the Day people are revived to life/resurrected". [26:87] ........ And Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام], when he said for [to] his nation, "you people be subservient/allegiant to Allah, and make yourself mindful and afraid of Him.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
9:41;61:11;62:09]o This is the best course for you people if you people understand/know it. [29:16]
[Read with
6:74;21:52;26:70;29:17,25;37:95] Those which you people are worshipping/demonstrating allegiance to other than Allah are only still statues and you people create falsity.
It is certain that those which you people worship/demonstrate allegiance to other than Allah they do not hold for you people the sustenance.
Therefore you people seek sustenance from Allah and be subservient/subject/allegiant to Him and express appreciation and gratitude for Him. [With Waw same information in same words in
2:245;10:56;11:34,28:70,88;36:22,83;41:21]o and you will be presented before Him [on day of Resurrection] for accountability. [29:17]
And if you people contradict, then it is nothing new, certainly generations earlier than you have contradicted in the past too;[Same pronouncement in same words in
24:54]o [Assignment/responsibility of Messenger pronounced in 3:20;5:67,:92,99;13:40;16:35,82;24:54;29:18;36:17;42:48;64:12;72:23,28] And upon the Messenger there is no responsibility except to deliver/convey/pass on the message" [to your ears and hands; and to take it to your heart and brain is your own burden] [29:18]
And when Our Messenger reached to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] with good news [of son],
they said, "It is certain that We are going to annihilate the residents of this town, o undoubtedly its inhabitants have persistently been unjust evil mongers" [29:31]
Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] said, "But certainly Luet [alai'his'slaam] is present therein"
They replied, "We are certainly aware of whoever is therein.
We will certainly first rescue him/Luet [alai'his'slaam] and his household [Similar pronouncement in
7:83;15:60;26:171;27:57;29:33;37:135]o except his wife, she was from amongst those who stay behind. [29:32] .........
And when We obtained a pledge/oath of the Chosen/Elevated/Selected Persons, and from you, The Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, the sanctifier/affirmer of all of them], and from Noah, and Iebra'heim, and Musa and [the last but one] Easa son of Maryam [as described in 3:81]; o and We had obtained from them a covenant/oath unambiguously and strongly worded; [33:07] ..............
And indeed from his [Noah alai'his'slaam] party/his type of people was certainly Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam], [37:83]
[Read with
26:89] when he came to Allah with a submissive heart. [37:84]
[Same questioning in
26:70] When he [Iebra'heim علیہ السلام] said for [to] his father and his nation, "What is that which you people worship?" [37:85]
"Is it that other than Allah you people seek yourself various false iela'aha? [37:86]
Being so then what is the opinion of you people about the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds?" [37:87]
[they kept quite] Thereat/for reason he saw, glancing in the Stars, [the occasion is darkened night] [37:88]
[Read with 6:78] thereupon he said, "I am fed up" [37:89]
[Read with
21:57] Listening harsh remark resultantly they went away from him turning their backs to him. [37:90]
Thereafter he went to execute his secret plan [as he had hinted to them-21:57] towards [the temple of] their various iela'aha, reaching thereat he said, "Do you not eat; [37:91]
what is the matter with you that you do not speak". [37:92]
Thereat he hit upon them strikingly with right hand [and broke the smaller statues leaving bigger one by design-21:58]. [37:93]
[Read with
21:62] Therefore [having been asked by the clergymen to bring him-21:59-61] they turned toward him face to face, they were in haste. He asked them [on way to their temple], "Do you people worship/exhibit allegiance to what you people sculpt? [37:95]
And/while Allah has created you people and that on which you people do creative work [sculpting]".
[after what unexpected happened to the surprise of clergymen-21:62-68] They/clergymen said, "Make for him a furnace thereafter you throw him in the blazing fire" [37:97]
[Similar pronouncement in
21:70] Thereat they intended with it a plan, whereby [by saving Iebra'heim] We made them the degraded ones. [since many people became believer] [37:98]
[Read with
43:27] And [while informing them of his departure 19:48] he said, "I am going/migrating in the cause of Allah, soon He will guide me" [37:99]
[After having migrated he prayed] "O my Sustainer Lord! Grant me a son that be from amongst the righteous" [37:100]
In response We gave him good news of a softhearted enduring son. [37:101]
He got the son [Iesma'eile alai'his'slaam, in response to request/prayer] thereafter when he crossed over to the age of working with him, he said,
"O My dear son, it is a fact that I keep seeing in my sleeps that I am sacrificing you, therefore, you look into this as to what you see"
He replied, "O my father, you do the act that which you are being commanded to do
o you will find me, if Allah so wills, from amongst the coolly perseverant" [37:102]
Thereafter when they both submitted to command and he laid him down for his forehead [37:103]
and/while [he was about to cut the throat] We loudly called him that hold on O Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] [37:104]
you have since affirmed/fulfilled the Vision.
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44]o [by stopping you at the nick of time] Indeed in this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:105]
Indeed this was certainly the Manifest Trial [for exposure of your absolute sincerity]" [37:106]
And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice. [37:107] And We left for him [his memories through sacrifice on Eid] in the later generations. [37:108]
Salutation is upon Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam]. [37:109]
[Same pronouncement in same words in
6:84;12:22;28:14;37:80,105,110,121,131;77:44] In this way We reward those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [37:110] It is certain that he was from Our the truly believing servants. [37:111]
And [later on] We gave him glad news about Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam], Elevated and Chosen from amongst the Perfectionists. [37:112]
And We showered Grace upon him and upon Ies'hauq [alai'his'slaam]
o and from the progeny of both two of them are those who evidently conduct moderately, gracefully and generously and the other who is manifestly unjust evil for his own self. [37:113]
38:45 42:13
has come to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the episode about the guests of Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] [51:24] [Same information in
11:69;15:52] when they entered upon him then/for reason of meeting him they said, "Peace". He returned salutation saying, "Peace and tranquility", they were unrecognized people. [51:25] [Same information in
11:69] [Finding them unfamiliar faces/not of his place] Then he went to his household whereupon he came back with a roasted calf [to serve the guests appearing to have come from a distant place] [51:26] thereat he served it to them. [seeing that they have not put out their hand] He said, "Why you people are not eating" [51:27]
thereat for reason he felt the perception of slight apprehension from them, [Same statement in same words in 11:70] [noticing this] they said, "Please be not apprehensive; And they gave him the good news of a knowledgeable son. [51:28] [Read with
11:71] Sequel to listening this his wife [was standing behind the door for servicing any thing of need for the guests-11:71] came in face to face in a contracted/wrapped state whereupon she covered her face with hand and said, "An old barren woman [will bear the son]" [51:29]
They replied to her, "This is because, Madam, this has been said by the Sustainer Lord of you.
[Same pronouncement in 43:84;66:02] Indeed He is eternally The Wise, The Knower of all evident and secreted". [51:30] [Replica/Mirror 15:57] Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] asked, "Now onwards what is your mission, O you the sent Messengers" [51:31] [Replica/Mirror 15:58] They replied, "We have indeed/actually been sent towards nation of criminals [51:32] so that we my send down upon them stones from layers of baked clay [51:33] [Same information in
11:83] Those stones are earmarked by your Sustainer Lord, for the transgressors". [51:34] For reason [in keeping with promise] We took out every one of those who therein amongst the Believers. [51:35]
Thereat We did not find therein other than a house amongst the Muslims. [51:36] And in that We have left an evident visible sign for those people who fear the humiliating torment. [51:37]