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Relative Pronoun in English Grammar
"ى م ن" Arabic classical Lexicons. لسان العرب) (القاموس المحيط) (الصّحّاح في اللغة)
* Oath: Wikipedia [However the practice is referred to in the Old Testament ("Their mouths speak untruth; their right hands are raised in lying oaths", Psalm 144:8).]
is a perfect masculine Verb, third person; singular; masculine.
Root: ع و ل [Lane Lexicon]
23: 5-7 Syntactic Analysis
The Woman upon whom you are the Legal guardian: the right hand of you have the authority for managing her affair. The Man upon whom you are the Legal guardian: the right hand of you have the authority for managing his affair.
The grammatical and semantic analysis of individual words of this verbal sentence is as under: : It is found in Arabic text as Particle and a Noun. The noun is found as [ما الموصولة] General Relative Pronoun; or an Indefinite Noun modified by an adjective. General Relative Pronoun means that relative noun which is used for Being and inanimate; masculine and feminine; singular, dual, and plural. A Relative Pronoun is followed by a sentence which relates back to it, most often with a Pronoun named as [الْعَائِدُ] that links back to it. Here, in the above sentences, it is General Relative Pronoun as it is followed by a Relative Clause comprising a complete Verbal Sentence. : It is a Perfect Transitive Verb; Third Person; Singular; Feminine with feminine marker; مصدرمِلْكٌ Verbal Noun. It denotes possession or ownership of an object with ability to have it to oneself exclusively. It signifies with regard to a person to have the authority for ruling, or ordering, of his or her affair, or case. The perception is the same in both cases whether inanimate object or a living being. The Verbal Sentence is the Linkage Clause [صلة الموصول] for the preceding General Relative Noun. : This is a Possessive Phrase. The First Nominative Definite Feminine Broken Plural Noun is grammatically singular and is the Subject of Verb. The Suffixed Possessive Pronoun is for Second Person; plural; masculine, in genitive state. The Object of Verb is elided. The Object Pronoun [الْعَائِدُ] referring back to the Relative Pronoun is usually elided. However, if the Relative Pronoun is the Subject, the Pronoun in the linkage clause referring back to it is not elided. : It is same as above except the Suffixed Pronoun of Third Person; plural; masculine. The word: is the broken plural of يَمِينٌ. It is derived from Root: "ى م ن". Learned Ibn Faris in his famous Lexicon describes its basic perception as under: (مقاييس
اللغة) واليُمْن البَرَكة، وهو ميمون واليمين: الحَلِف، وكلُّ ذلك من اليد اليُمْنى He described that the basic perception infolded therein is of right hand which signifies power, force, and authority. That the right hand connotes prosperity and blessedness. Further, that right hand connotes "oath". An obligation, a responsibility, an oath is normally and reflexively pledged by raising right hand, or striking right hand on the palm of another person. It is customary in many societies*. Interestingly power-authority and responsibility/obligation are inseparably associated, and an equal accountability of subject is attached. In English also, the word "hand" connotes "guardianship", "authority", "the power, responsibility, or care of somebody (usually used in the plural)" Notwithstanding that same word refers to "the right hand" and connotes "the oaths", it will cause no ambiguity in the text since both are different in essence. "Oath" is abstract noun while "right hand" is a concrete noun. The abstract is that which exists only in our minds; that which we cannot know through our senses. It includes qualities, relationships, conditions, ideas, theories, and states of being, fields of inquiry and the like. Concrete words refer to things we can touch, see, hear, smell, and taste. "Oath" is either a statement of fact or a promise. A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not do something. Therefore, when: is used as the Subject of a transitive Verb like: , there is absolutely no reason that someone be confused to take it as "oaths" instead of "authority and responsibility to administer the affair of the object person". Grand Qur'aan has clarified it by the use of singular noun:
The activity inherent in this Verbal Sentence yields relationship between the Subject and Object. The Subject has attained the authority upon and is managing affair of the Object who becomes sort of a Ward. We will first try to know the identification and characteristic traits of Women who are the Object of Verb: by taking the General Relative Pronoun: as referring to a woman, or women. We will quote the Ayah where this sentence occurs because the relational field helps understand semantics. The first occurrence conveys us the perception that they are such Women who cause relatively lesser liability upon the husband if taken into Matrimonial Bond. However, before we study first occurrence, we should note that entering into Matrimonial Bond has inherent financial obligation:
Let us proceed with first occurrence:
Firstly, rules are prescribed to cope a peculiar situation arising in the society. Father-Orphans have become in abundance in the society. Father-Orphans emerge when women have become widows. The Tribe or Society is apprehending that they might not justly manage affairs and upbringing of such children. Under the circumstances, marriages with widows has become rightful and beneficial course for the society. It is obvious; however, that many might not be able to sustain this additional burden imposed by the injunction, for physical reasons and financial constraints. Asking such men to marry widows might create apprehensions for them of not dispensing justice and fairness to such wed wives. An amendment is introduced in the said Provision of Law to cater for those who might suffer impracticability, or apprehension of injustice or unfairness if made to marry widows. They are asked to Marry only one, or if one cannot afford marry a widow that might incur liability of orphans also, he is advised to opt for marrying a woman in the category: "She, upon whom the right hand of you people have the authority for ordering and managing her affair." After this relaxation clause, this is the declarative comment:
: Demonstrative pronoun: Singular; Masculine, Nominative state. It is the Subject of Nominal Sentence, referring to the preceding amending clause to the legal provision of arranging marriages of the widowed women in the society to just and effectively manage the affairs of Orphans. :Elative Noun (comparative and superlative): Indefinite; Masculine; singular; nominative. It is the Predicate. = +Subordinating conjunction, Subjunctive particle + Negation Particle. : Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive by Subjunctive Particle, evident by elision of نَ; and [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative state; مصدر-عَوْلٌ Verbal noun. This is derived from Root "ع و ل". The basic perception infolded in the Root is to feed, nourish and sustain a household. It thus reflects sufficiently sound financial position of a man to manage and sustain his household. A man not holding sound financial position is advised to opt for marrying a Woman of category: "She, upon whom the right hand of you people have the authority for ruling, ordering, or managing her affair." Thus, its first occurrence has revealed to us that the striking characteristic of such Women is that they cause relatively lesser financial obligation for the Man who intends marrying them. Let us move to second occurrence to find another particularity of such Women:
وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ :This sentence is part of the preceding complex compound sentence, linked by conjunction particle back to: These women have been forbidden-declared sanctified for you people: : This feminine plural passive participle [Form-IV]; اِحْصَانٌ Verbal noun [عطف على ما تقدم] is also the Proxy Subject of the Passive verb which is evident by its definiteness and nominative state. Their counterpart Masculine Active Participle is: who have caused them in the state of : inaccessible; immune from other men, impenetrably protected; made them their most protected pearl of household, life partner-Wives. Since they have become: of certain: , thereby access to them by other men is prohibited for the purpose that they might wish and seek them for their selves with their wealth. : [متعلقان بمحذوف حال من المحصنات] This Prepositional Phrase relates to the circumstantial clause of the Passive Participle. It is thus evident that as a principle all women; irrespective of colour, creed, nationality, religion, belief, and social status of slave, prisoner of war, or housemaid, whose present status is of a married woman are declared prohibited. Graphic presentation of above syntactical analysis will render it simple for understanding:
: This is [أداة حصر]: Restriction/Confining Particle, also termed الاِسْتِثْنَاءُ: Exception. Its use and meanings are quite near to core meanings of English word "Except": a grammatical word indicating the only person or thing that does not apply to a statement just made, or a fact that modifies the truth of that statement; further denotes excluding: other than; and as a transitive verb means omit: to leave out or exclude somebody or something. What is excepted or excluded is called: الْمُسْتَثْنَى: and that from which it is excepted is called الْمُسْتَثْنَى مِنْهُ. However, in Arabic this particle can be used in two situation where الْمُسْتَثْنَى مِنْهُ is earlier mentioned or is not mentioned. : This is Relative pronoun whose linkage clause will identify those married women who are excepted from all the married women of the world declared as prohibited. : This Verbal sentence is: صلة الموصول the Linkage Clause of the Relative Pronoun. This comprises only of a Verb and Subject. The verb is however Transitive Perfect. The Object of Verb is elided. The Object Pronoun [الْعَائِدُ] referring back to the Relative Pronoun is usually elided. However, if the Relative Pronoun is the Subject, the Pronoun in the linkage clause referring back to it is not elided. : This is a Possessive Phrase. The First Nominative Definite Feminine Broken Plural Noun is grammatically singular and is the Subject of Verb. The Suffixed Possessive Pronoun is for Second Person; plural; masculine, in genitive state. The most lamentable aspect of the majority of translators and exegetes in Urdu and English languages is that their scholarship is worst sort of slave of non-believing pioneer translators of Grand Qur'aan. They merely plagiarized what they had said erroneously. This sentence was translated by the pioneers in these words: George Sale: Ye are also forbidden to take to wife free women who are married, except those women whom your right hands shall possess as slaves. John Rodwell: Forbidden to you also are married women, except those who are in your hands as slaves: Arthur John Arberry: and wedded women, save what your right hands own. Edward Henry Palmer: and married women, save such as your right hands possess, Please notice that
Sale and Rodwell erroneously and imaginatively added the words "as
slaves" as the object of verb. Many later plagiarists substituted "slave
women" with "captives, prisoners of war". Grand Qur'aan is explicitly explicative and does not allow translators and exegetes a right to insert their intellect and memories in target text.** Therefore, insertion of words like "as slaves, captives, prisoners of war" is not only erroneous but reflective of their dishonest scholarship. Moreover, all those translations are patently erroneous who use English words like "own, possess" for the verb: naively or deliberately overlooking its specifically mentioned Subject. The Possessive Phrase: or "your hands" or "their hand"; as subject of verb: , will never signify "your/their hands possessed, owned". Women are not a commodity that somebody could own or possess them. When this verb is used to indicate taking or holding the possession of some object, its subject will never be or . We can find the evidence of its use even in Qur'aan:
Linguists inform us that words have collocative meanings which consist of associations a word acquires on account of the meanings of the words which tend to occur in its environment. Grand Qur'aan explains its important words by using it in various semantic fields and certain collocates in the sentences. In the sentence only such married women are excepted from prohibition who are granted asylum; who are allowed to become the subject of Muslim State; who are governed by and have become the responsibility of Muslim state for managing their affairs. Here their religious affiliation or faith is NOT mentioned. Who are these married woman whom asylum is granted and they have become the subjects and responsibility of the Muslim state; and are permissible for marriage by Believing men:
Like the Widows, this category of Women in the Wedlock of Non-Believing Husbands, having emigrated and taken asylum in Muslim society, cause additional liability for intending believing person to marry them. He is required to pay to her Non-Believing Husband his demand of spent expenditure, and also the Wedding Gift-settled obligation to the Women. For many the proposition of marrying such Non-Believer's Wives, who have become: those women whose affair has become under the authority, liability and disposal of Believing Men/Society, might not be feasible owing to their financial condition. He has yet another option:
There may be man not yet financially strong enough that he might enter in Matrimonial Bond with that category of Women who have this peculiarity: the Married Believing Women in the Wedlock of a Non Believer who have migrated and taken asylum in Muslim society. Because of his financial constraints, he is advised:
This is the Apodosis clause for the preceding conditional clause with الفاء Partcle [الفاء رابطة لجواب الشرط] serving as Apodosis Particle for linkage. The Prepositional Phrase: relates to the elided Verb. The following Verbal sentence: is the Linkage Clause [الجملة صلة الموصول] for the Relative Pronoun. The object of Verb is elided, which refers and links [العائد] to Relative Pronoun. It is followed by Circumstantial clause of these peculiar women to which relates: the Prepositional Phrase coupled with Possessive Phrase. The plural definite feminine Noun signifies "mature house-maids". Their Adjectival description is through an Active Participle "the believing Women". It is thus succinctly and distinctly explained that amongst: "The Women upon whom the right hand of you have the authority ordering and managing their affair" are also the women who are in the state of: "the House-Maids of you people". These House-Maids of people can be sought by those persons who otherwise are not of sound financial status. That is the reason that: they can be taken into Matrimonial Bond with the prior permission of their Guardians-House Masters. This advice is to a person suffering paucity of resources who cannot marry women who cause high financial liabilities. He can be successful in his desire if prior permission is granted by the Guardians-House Masters holding in their hand the authority and responsibility of managing affairs of such women presently serving as House-Maids. Such affluent people are accordingly commanded:
We have observed that with regard to Women the Verbal Sentence: signifies the following Women: 1) Believer Women who are in the Wedlock of Non-Believers and have migrated taking asylum in Muslim society. Thereby, they have become under the control and authority of Muslim society, and management of their affair is now its responsibility and obligation. Adhering explicit command, they cannot be deported and returned to their respective non-believing husbands. Allah the Exalted has declared their Matrimonial Bond annulled with Non-Believers. They are, thereby, declared permissible for marriage by the believers. 2) The other Women amongst: are those who are in state of: "the House-Maids of you-the rich people of society, who are the Believer Women". The above two states relating to: with regard to Women can be recurring. They are the liability and obligation of Muslim Society, whenever they are in such circumstances. Therefore, such Women were excluded from the prohibition imposed upon the Elevated Messenger for reason of possibility of further escape migration of married women in the wedlock of non believers to Muslim society.
Amongst women there is no other state which could fall in ambit of: . The women in above two states are not only allowed for marriage, but the society is placed under an obligation to heartily arrange for their marriages.
It is made pointedly explicit that irrespective of their premarital status and state, women are permissible restrictively for a single purpose-Marriage.
It is evident that regarding Women declared permissible for Wedlock, the broader classification is: the Women who are not under the control of someone, but have the protection of self governing families; and the second sub classification is indicated by the Verbal sentence / The Women, upon whom the right hand of believers have the control and responsibility for managing their affair. But the permissibility for ALL women is restricted and conditioned with --, with additional condition that it should be as Men who seek women for taking them in protective fold of Matrimonial Bond-النِّكَاحُ rendering them a pearl of household. Thereby, such women become: "Women who have since been protected-preserved as Pearl". The above three Verbs are made from Root: "ن ك ح". The perception infolded therein is that of joining and combining in the manner of slumber dissolving in eyes, or as the drops of rain absorb in the Earth. This signifies the mutually consented Marriage-Bond, between a man and women, witnessed, endorsed and authenticated by the society, the third party to the agreement-union-bond. This "Union-Bond" grants permission, and renders sanctity of purity, in establishing particular matrimonial relationship, otherwise not permissible and is a grave sin described by Verbal Noun: , if done by a man and woman without the Union-Bond-. Like the effect of basic perception of the Root, romantic look in eyes caused by gradual dissolving of slumber therein, and inciting odor emerging by absorption of earlier drops of rain on dried land, the Marriage-Bond, النِّكَاحُ , results in romantic attachment between a man and woman, culminating in intercourse-letting exposure and union of their respective genitalia, فَرْجٌ.
«أَوْ» is عاطفة meaning "and-or" [بمعنى الواو الجمع المطلق] and Relative Pronoun «ما», and the following Verbal sentence is: معطوفة على أزواجهم a linkage to أزواجهم. The Appositive-Coordinating Conjunction Particle «أَوْ» is not for Option [للتخبير]. Option gives a choice to select one to the exclusion of other. A man already having a wife is under an obligation; for meeting certain situations and circumstances emerging in society, to marry: "the woman who was under the control and responsibility of them". The Relative Pronoun refers to "The Woman taken in Wedlock". Therefore, a man might be husband of one Woman: , or might have this woman as wife in addition to his earlier wife belonging to family of equivalence. The point needs attention that: ""; a preposition denoting a subset of a set, is not used to keep it distinct that: Relative Pronoun only refers to "the Woman" and not to an inanimate object. The delicacy is that had it not been so the sex maniacs could otherwise presume that the verbal sentence includes sexual-toys for self-satisfaction of sexual urges because sex toys-instruments do fall in the category of possessions: . The Verbal Sentence: creates-lets emerge a relationship and a state/circumstance between the Subject and Object of Verb. The Verb is a Perfect Transitive Verb; Third Person; Singular; Feminine with feminine marker; مصدرمِلْكٌ Verbal Noun. It denotes acquiring-attaining possession, or ownership of its Object by the Subject with ability to have it to oneself exclusively. It thus creates a relationship of a Master-Servant, Lord-Serf, Lord-Slave, Governor-Governed, Ruler-Subject, Manager-Managed, Holder-Possessed, and in Arabic: -. This relationship also gets reflection by Possessive Phrases: , , "The Male Servants in submission of you people", "The Female Servants in submission of you people", "The mature house-maids in submission of you people". English word "servant" does not convey complete meanings of Arabic phrases, therefore, "in submission" has to be added to indicate that such people act and conduct according to the Will of their respective Masters-and have surrendered their will. This relationship and what should be the behaviour of Masters-with: is evident in the following Ayahs.
: It is a Passive Participle used as adjectival portrayal of a person. He is a person who has become under the control and authority of another person and is in submission for him-his Master. Another peculiar characteristic of him is that he cannot exercise authority or control, or enjoys prerogative over anything. It signifies a person denoted by English word "Slave-Owned". He has become as Object of Verbal sentence: .
Yet there be a Man in still worse circumstances.
Instructions are given in respect of House-Servants to those who are the Masters-.
The lesson to be remembered is that Women are declared permissible only for: --, with additional condition that it should be as Men who seek women for taking them in protective fold of Matrimonial Bond-النِّكَاحُ rendering them a pearl of household.
But the fact remains that there are Men and Women who are: and . Both are masculine and feminine plural Active Participles. Their parent Root is "س ف ح". Ibn Faris [died 1005] stated: يدلُّ على إِراقة شيء والسِّفاح: صبُّ الماء بلا عَقد نكاح، فهو كالشيء يُسفَح ضَياعا That, it leads to the perception of spilling, shedding, effusion of a thing. It refers to a man or woman who outpours "water"-attains ejaculation-orgasm without having entered in the Matrimonial Bond-نكاح whereby his and her act assumes the character of wasteful effusion. Moreover there are Men and Women who are: and: . The first complement of these Possessive Phrases is Active Participle of Form-VIII denoting vehemence and diligence in performing the act. The Phrase signifies those Men and Women who maintain secretively illicit sexual relationship, acting as concubine. Allah the Exalted has thereby declared the best choice for spouse selection: