in the presence of the Unseen—not
in the sight

This verbal sentence is the linkage clause for the preceding plural
relative pronoun.
It is a prepositional phrase relating to preceding verb. Preposition:
is [لِلتَّعدِيَةِ]
for making a verb transitive;
its object noun stems from Root::
غ ى ب.
The basic perception infolded in the Root denotes the fact of existence and presence
but not being in
sight/vision for a person at a certain place or point in time. Any thing could be beyond the reach of one's
vision and perception being distant or remote or because of its
minuteness with the result that the same remains hidden or concealed or
absent for him. Thus such thing despite being existing and present is:
for a person, i.e. it is not present but seemingly absent at a certain
point/location or point in time.
It is relative to a
person, location and point in time. A thing might be:
at a certain location and point in time
for one person but at the same location and time it may not be so for
another one. It depends upon one's ability of vision and perception.
It does not mean blind faith. "Blind faith" can never make anyone sincere to
anything. It is self deception. Sincerity is always the end product of
thoughtful processing, critically evaluating and arriving to conviction
of it being infallible fact about an idea.
The minimum level of being a rational person is to
accept the existence and presence of one's creator since he knows he is
not the creator of his own self.
The imperfect third person masculine plural verb; in indicative mood
with [و] infix subject pronoun, referent to
Relative Pronoun, is rendered
transitive by the following preposition بـِ
, stems from Root: ء م ن. The basic perception infolded in the
Root is belief - heartily acceptance and pronouncing the infallible
reality and its contr. is rejection of the truth without rhyme or
reason. These two Roots give the basic classification of humanity into
two larger groups:

He the Exalted is the One Who
has created you
For reason of enjoying
real free will,
a rejecter - disbeliever is there amongst you, and a believer in the Creator, without being in sight,
is there amongst you.
And Allah the Exalted is ever watching
the acts you people perform. [64:02]
This Ayah simplistically explains the
otherwise complex philosophical debate about Principle of Sufficient
Reason and determinism, that free will is factually real. It is man's
real free-will manifestation in not seeking or accepting the explanation for the first cause
of his own state of being in existence. There is no restriction upon him
from not being irrational and acting against the basic instinct of mind
shared by humanity that says everything needs an explanation why it is.
Who can be more irrational,
regardless, unreasonable and heedless than him who rejects the First
Cause, the Creator of his existence and acknowledges Him not.

Our Majesty has created you people.
Thereby, why you people not accept and
publicly endorse - affirm this fact? [56:57]
Thereby, have you seen-examined
which you people keep pouring? [into
receptacle/vagina of respective wives] [56:58]
Are you the people who create
that-sperm? Or Our Majesty are the Creator? [56:59]
Its meanings as stated above are manifestly evident in Grand Qur'aan:


Know it; We had indeed given to
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] and Haroon
The Criterion-delineator of right and wrong,
fact and conjecture;
and a source of enlightenment;
and a reference source:
guide-Manual for those who
sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [21:48]
They: Mutta'qeen are the
people who remain mindful and fearful of Omnipresence of their Sustainer Lord
despite being not in their sight;
While they are
consciously apprehensive about the Appointed Moment. [21:49]
Know about those people who, being
afraid, mindful and cautious of their Sustainer Lord, are humbly loving ones—for fear
of Him stand in awe; [23:57]

And the Paradise is
brought nearer, opposite of something being distant away, for those
who sincerely endeavor to attain
salvation. [50:31]
This is what you people are promised for
everyone who maintains sincere righteous orientation and remains guarding;
It is he who
felt awe of Omnipresence of
the Exalted,
without being in his sight;
And he came with a dedicated heart. [50:33]

Indeed those people
experience awe of Omnipresence of their Sustainer Lord
despite being not in their sight—
Forgiveness and
magnificent reward is guaranteed for them. [67:12] [Read also
Its meanings are that instead of perceiving Allah the Exalted as absent
from the scene only because of not being in sight, such people believe
Him to be present in their company witnessing them. They know they never
have privacy in real terms:

Know it; there is no engagement of you the Messenger
paying attention to an important
nor about that which you relate to people syllable by syllable from the miscellany of Qur'aan;
nor you people perform
an act except that We are constantly observing you when you are engaged in it.
Likewise, none at all weight-mass of sprinkled dot-speck present in the Earth nor
that present in the Sky conceals and will conceal itself to distant
away from your
Sustainer Lord.
Know it that neither genus of particles
relatively diminutive in mass than the speck; nor genus of particles that
are relatively greater
than that, are but inventoried in a book that makes everything
explicit: isolated, individualized and distinct.

Have you not visualized/understood the apparent
fact that indeed Allah knows whoever/whatever is in the Skies and
whoever/whatever is in the Earth;
In the secluded mutual planning consultations
there has never been three persons except He the Exalted being the fourth
with them,
And neither there have been five except He
the Exalted being the
sixth with them,
And nor any smaller number than those nor larger
except that He the Exalted has always been along with them wherever they may
have been.
Afterwards on the Day of Judgment He will inform them about
that which they did.
The fact remains; Allah
the Exalted is eternally the knower of absolute: visible and infolded knowledge of
physical realm: all that exists.
Man is strange in behaviors. On the one
hand he sculpts with his own hands statues, giving them an imaginary
name, and despite knowing they are merely carved stones which neither
speak, nor are of any good or bad to them, but still adore and worships
them considering and declaring them as godhead. On the other hand when
they are called to solely believe in Allah the Exalted; without being in
their sight, Whom they consider and accept as the Creator of the skies
and the Earth, their irrationality becomes compounded and they demand:

And they- members of
ruling elite were not expecting to be held accountable before Our
Majesty said to
"Why is it Angels
have not descended upon us or we see with our eyes our Sustainer Lord".
Certainly they felt obsessed with pride
of grandeur in their Selves and behaved insolently showing extreme
insolence. [25:21]
It is evident from their statement that
they did believe that their Sustainer Lord is other than their godheads
but objected about why they can't see Him with eyes. It is a fake
argument, a technique of psychological manipulators termed
"Feigning confusion" for not accepting infallible
truth which they cannot otherwise rebut:

Moreover, recall
that point in time when you had said: "O
We will not accept your word till
such time that we might see Allah the Exalted, manifestly with naked eye".
Thereupon, the thunder storm
seized you people;
While you were continuously observing it. [2:55]
Every thing in the physical realm and
life has two inseparable aspects, its apparent and hidden aspect. The
limitation of human vision is that the apparent aspect can be seen by it
only when a thing and person has dimensions, otherwise it will not be
visible to him. Allah the Exalted informs about His Highness:

He the Exalted is the Eternal -The
First and The Last.
And He is the Omnipresent, the
One Who exhibits apparently His presence and existence; and simultaneously is the One Who
maintains invisibility.
Be cognizant;
He the
Exalted is
intrinsically and eternally the Knower of
all the physical realm. [57:03]
: Active Participle: Definite; Singular; Masculine;
( مصدرظُهُورٌ Verbal Noun),
denoting he who makes himself manifest and perceptible.
Therefore, he the exalted Personally is never:
the absent, absentee:


subjecting them to accountability on Day of Judgment, Our Majesty
will certainly question those people towards whom the
Messenger were sent;
And We will certainly
enquire from the Messengers about the response they received. [7:06]
Thereat, in response to their
answer, Our Majesty will narrate the history to the Messengers in detail
based on knowledge;
Mind it, We were never absent from the scene like the Messengers
after their natural death. [7:07]
Why the man cannot see the otherwise :
perceptible and believes in him:
in the state of not being in their sight? It is because
of intrinsic limitation of vision faculty:

The visions cannot follow-"telescope" Him
the Exalted; and He overtakes all the visions/conceptions.
Know it; He is eternally
Aware-Knowledgeable au fait of all niceties and
delicacies-subtlety-refinements. [6:103]
Verb: Imperfect; Third Person; Singular; Feminine; Mood:
Indicative; [Form-IV]; Suffixed fronted Object Pronoun: Third Person; Singular;
Masculine, in accusative state ; مصدر-إِدْرَاكٌ
Verbal Noun. It denotes following interruptedly to overtake some object.
Vision through eyes is only a faculty - a facility, but we actually see
and perceive the reality by the "eye of heart" - the locus of
understanding, intellect and wisdom that has no limits and bounds of

Is it for reason that they
not yet traversed in the world - land [seeing
archeological evidence of past history]—
Whereby the hearts
may become such that they could with it reflect to differentiate - draw
Or ears become such
that with them they could truly listen [the
facts of past being narrated to them].
[they do not respond]
The fact is that indeed "the vision: neurological signal stored in memory
after interpretation of the image seen" never gets blind
but the hearts become blind which are in the chests [to recall/retrieve/again see the stored fact]. [22:46]
The entire human
knowledge, intellect owes its formulation to
the fact that everything in physical realm is composed, constituted or
is a coupling of two created things - two elements. Nothing is let to
appear in the physical domain individually as an independent singular
unit in itself. Creator of the physical realm is the Only and Alone
Unity, therefore:

He the Exalted is the Primal
Originator-Creator of the Skies and the Earth;
He has created/declared/appointed
for you people from your own selves as mates/companions.
And amongst the Mammals
He is the One Who spreads you
people in that manner.
There is not at
all a physical object: matter and living for the purpose of describing
And He is the One Who is eternally the
Listener [of what is said, at whatever
frequency] and is of Vision
- everything/act
is in His focus. [42:11]
Since Allah the Exalted is such Living
Unity Who is not absent from anywhere anytime - time-space is merely a
dot but:
His Majesty perceptible in time and space, therefore, the kind of people
who are:
believe in Him the Exalted perceiving Him always present watching them
in a condition that they see Him not. They are not like the majority of
human beings:
Majority of human beings behave and
react differently when they are under the focus of camera's eye than
when they know none is watching them. But they realize not that the:
is ever watching them wherever they might be. On the
other hand:
have ethics, virtue, deontology not as a ritual but as concrete reality,
in reverence and regard of the Omnipresent.
It occurs 12 times in ayahs:

They are the people
who heartily accept and believe in the
presence of the Unseen—not in their
sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted.
And they
steadfastly maintain the Institution
of As-sa'laat: Time
Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah
the Exalted.
Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources
for other's welfare which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval
and attention of Allah the Exalted]

O those/you, who
consciously proclaim to have accepted/become believers, listen!
Allah the Exalted will
certainly put you in a trial in a small
matter of game-resisting the temptation of
hunting such mammal: Your
hands and your spears easily reach it.
The objective of the
trial is that Allah might expose him who fears Him the Exalted
acknowledging non visible presence.
Therefore, whoever
after this information deliberately transgressed: thereat,
a severe-grave punishment is in wait-prepared for
him. [5:94]

[Messenger comes back to
prison with outcome of court proceedings, he explained him]
"This clarification was sought for the purpose that he [Aziz] may
know that indeed I did not betray him in his absence.
And fact
remains that Allah the Exalted does not
guide/let succeed the plan of the trust betrayers. [12:52]

People will keep saying that
they were three in number and fourth companion of them was their dog;
And others will say that they were five in number and sixth companion of
them was their dog, hurling imaginary thoughts;
And yet others will say that they were seven in number and eighth companion
was their dog.
You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]
pronounce, "My Sustainer Lord knows most certainly the number of them;
people do not know about them except a few ones [parents or government/police officials of the
time when the boys initially went missing]
Therefore, you
should not enter
into controversy about them except the evidently visible point [disclosed above]
nor you should enquire about them from any one of them. [18:22]

Gardens of Eden, Paradise;
these are which Ar'Reh'maan
the Exalted
has promised to His allegiants-subjects, it is presently not in
their sight [though it has been made
familiar to them]
The fact about
Him the Exalted is that His Promise has surely to accomplish. [19:61]




And no bearer of burdens shall bear/lift the
burdens of others;
And if heavily laden person calls attention
towards its load no one will uplift any part of it however nearer one he
might be.
You the Messenger
can only revive/admonish
time and space]
who experience awe of Omnipresence of their Sustainer Lord despite being
not in their sight—
And they organized and
the performance of Ass-sa'laat.
And whoever elevated himself [above
conjectures, desires/vested interest]
resultantly he elevated only for his own person
[to attain perpetual success/fruitfulness-87:14]
And be cognizant that the
doctrine: the finality of issues is the exclusive prerogative of Allah the Exalted,
is a fact. [35:18]

You the Messenger
can and will succeed in reviving-admonishing
only that person who
diligently pursued for the Message in the timeline;
felt awe of Omnipresence of
the Exalted,
without being in his sight.
Thereat, you the Messenger
congratulate him with good news and guarantee forgiveness and magnificent

It is he who
felt awe of Omnipresence of
the Exalted,
without being in his sight;
And he came with a dedicated heart. [50:33]

It is a fact that We had certainly
sent Our Messengers
with distinct unprecedented displays—
And We had compositely sent the Book
along with all of them: the Messengers—
And We sent the Criterion - the Weighing Scale
for ad judgment, evaluation and
discerning truth from conjecture and falsehood.
The objective of
communicating the Book was that the people might establish and maintain a
system of equity and justice.
And We have descended the Iron.
Sturdy force-energy and profitableness
for the people is resting within it;
And the purpose of sending the Book
is that Allah the Exalted might expose him who helps Him the Exalted and His Messengers
in absence of they being in their vision.
Indeed Allah the
Exalted is the Mightiest, the
All-Pervasively dominant. [57:25]

Indeed those people
experience awe of Omnipresence of their Sustainer Lord
despite being not in their sight—
Forgiveness and
magnificent reward is guaranteed for them. [67:12] [Read also
Progressive number of grammatical units:
= 13,451 + 12 = 13,463
