Main article

: It is a verbal sentence comprising of: Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by نَ; [Form IV]; [و] Subject Pronoun in nominative state;  مصدر-اِيمانٌ Verbal Noun; Root: ء م ن. This verb is termed: الفعل المهموز  a verb that has Hamza in any of the three radicals. When hamza is the first radical it is called: مهموز فائي. The verb is intransitive, to render it transitive the preposition:  بـِ is used for [لِلتَّعدِيَةِ] making a verb transitive;

: This verbal sentence occurs 87 times in the following ayahs which are reproduced for perusal and further study to grasp the concept of: discussed in Main article.

(1)2:03(2)2:04(3)2:06(4)2:88(5)2:100(6)2:121(7)3:114(8)4:38(9)4:46(10)4:51(11) 4:65(12)4:155(13)4:162(14)5:81(15)6:12(16)6:20 (17)6:54(18)6:92(19)6:92(20)6:99(21)6:109(22) 6:113(23)6:125 (24)6:150(25)6:154(26)7:27(27)7:52(28)7:156(29)7:185(30)7:188(31)7:203 (32)8:55 (33)9:29(34)9:44(35)9:45(36)10:33(37)10:96(38)10:101(39)11:17(40)11:17(41)11:121(42)12:37(43) 12:111 (44)13:01(45)15:13 (46)16:22(47)16:60(48)16:64(49)16:72(50)16:79(51)16:104(52)16:105(53) 17:10(54)17:45(55)19:39(56)21:06(57)21:30(58)23:44 (59)23:58(60)23:74(61)24:62(62)26:201(63)  27:04(64)27:86(65)28:03(66)28:52(67)29:24(68)29:47(69)29:51(70)29:67(71)30:37(72)34:08 (73) 36:07(74)36:10(75)39:45(76)39:52(77)40:07(78)40:59(79)41:44(80)42:18(81)43:88(82)45:06(83) 52:33(84)53:27(85)58:22(86)77:50 (87)84:20=87

  • This is the Book, you will find reading it that its contents are absolutely void of peeving substance: suspicious, conjectural, whimsical, conflicting, ambiguous, anomalous, irrational, un-certain, illusory, unsubstantiated, incongruous, biased and opinionated matter.

  • This Book is a Guide-Manual for those who sincerely endeavor to attain salvation. [2:02]

  • They are the people who heartily accept and believe in the presence of the Unseennot in their sight: their Creator: Allah the Exalted.

  • And they steadfastly maintain the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted.

  • Further, they heartily spend some of the worldly resources for other's welfare which Our Majesty have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted] [2:03]

  • Moreover, Mutta'qeena are those who heartily accept-believe in that which was compositely sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. and in that which was compositely sent before you.

  • And they have conviction regarding the Hereafter. [2:04]

  • The aforementioned people are progressing upon the guidance communicated by their Sustainer Lord ["My Aaya'at" in the Qur'aan].

  • And they are the people who are truly the endeavourers for perpetual success -  fruitfulness. [2:05] [Its Replica/Mirror 31:05]


  • General information about those who have disavowed the Creatorveiled the Truth is that:

  • Whether you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have cautioned them of potential consequences or have not cautioned them, the effect upon them would remain alike;

  • They believe not. [for reasons hereinafter given]. [2:06]

  • Moreover, they said [to the Messengers whom they irritated]; "Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".

  • No, the fact of the matter is that Allah the Exalted has discarded them as condemned and cursed for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.

  • Therefore, few are amongst them who believe and will believe. [2:88]

  • [reverting back to their historical conduct] Is it not a fact that every time they had bi-laterally consented a contract, a group influential amongst them had discarded it?

  • Nay, the fact is that most of them do not incline towards accepting and believing. [2:100]

  • Those people whom We have given the Book, recite-study it word by word in the manner as is its right of study that nothing-passions, prejudices, preconceived notions-conceptions, conjectural myths interferes in between the words of the Book and the heart-brain of the reader.

  • They are truly the ones who heartily believe in the Book-Grand Qur'aan.

  • Mind it that whosoever denies to accept the Book-Grand Qur'aan, [this is done only by al-fasiqoona-2:99thereby, they are truly the people who cause loss to their selves. [2:121]

  • They heartily believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • And they enjoin to act according to the accepted social values-norms and forbid to stay away from the conjectural, unexampled, unauthentic and unverifiable myths.

  • And they hasten to outstand in doing the best things of benefit, welfare and tranquility for all.

  • And they are truly the people who are amongst the perfectionists. [3:114]

  • And Allah does not appreciate and approve those who spend their wherewithal only for pomp and show off to people;

  • [this evidently reflects that in fact] and they neither believe in Allah nor in the Last Day.

  • And should Shai'taan be a close comrade of someone-dominating his mind and heart; thereby, he is worst for association. [4:38]

  • Your enemies are some amongst those who have reverted to identity of Jews. Their characteristic is that they knowingly distort the definite expression out of their context giving it a different angle-dimension-perspective [as they did about the command of sacrificing any heifer-2:68-71].

  • And they say: "We have heard it: what you said but we have not accepted it"

  • And they say: "Listen us, in a state other than of a person who is made to listen earlier".

  • And they utter the word "Raa'ina" by twisting-distorting its articulation with their tongues.

  • And they gibe in the prescribed Constitution: Code of Conduct.

  • Take note; Had they remain firm on their statement: "We have listened and have heartily accepted it; and; "kindly listen paying us attention":  it would have been certainly much better for them and a more appropriate and sustainable-appreciable conduct.

  • But Allah the Exalted has discarded them as condemned and cursed because of their deliberate denial to accept.

  • Thereby, barring a few amongst Jews they do not accept/believe. [4:46]

  • Have you not marked the attitude of those who were given an earmarked share of the Mother/Principal Book?

  • They believe in all void-of-substance conjectural myths and in the Defiant refractory;

  • And they say about those who have refused to accept and believe that they are better guided on the path as compared to those who have accepted-believed. [4:51]

  • [they have not come to you] Therefore; to emphasize, your Sustainer Lord swears; they will not believe in the manner acceptable to Allah the Exalted until and unless they might consider and make you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] judge-authority-ruler to decide in matters that have become hardened belief like entrenched tree amongst them.

  • Afterwards; they would not find hesitative embarrassment in their thoughts about what you the Messenger had ruled-decided in accordance with the Grand Qur'aan [2:213;3:23;4:105;5:48-49;6:114].

  • And they will not be considered as believers unless they might pay you obeisance and salutations; respectfully dignifying. [4:65]

  • Thereby, subsequent to their deliberate breach of the solemn pledge-covenant of them;

  • And their deliberate denial of the Aa'ya'at: unprecedented displays and verbal passages of Allah the Exalted;

  • And for their continued effort in character assassination of  the Chosen and exalted Allegiants of Allah the Exalted by contrary to fact slanderous and libelous statements to distance-ill-repute them from people's reverence;

  • And because of their saying: "Our hearts are wrapped with coverings".

  • No, things have gone beyond this; the fact of the matter is that Allah the Exalted has impressed the epilogue-sealed the wraps upon the hearts-intellectual consciousness. This is for reason of their act and persistence in refusal to accept.

  • Thereby, barring a few amongst Jews they do not accept/believe. [4:155]

  • But as for the the people amongst them who have in-depth objective knowledge; and the believers:

  • They consciously and willingly accept-believe in that: Grand Qur'aan, which has been sent to you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. And they believe in that which were revealed by Allah the Exalted in times before you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].

  • And they are steadfastly maintainers of the Institution of As-sa'laat: Time Bound Formal Rite demonstrating Servitude and allegiance;

  • And they are willing payers of Az-zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;

  • And they truly believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • The aforementioned are the people whom We will keep rewarding abundantly and magnificently. [4:162]

  • And had they believed in Allah the Exalted and An-Nabi: the elevated sincere allegiant Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam; he about whom they find written in At-Tor'aat and Al-In'jeel]; and in that which has since been relayed to them: Grand Qur'aan, they would not have adopted them: the non-believers as their intimate patrons/guardians

  • But fact remains; majority of typical psyche amongst them are "fasi'qoona": aberrant: the promise breakers and transgressors who dissolutely move out of the bounds and restraints. [5:81] 

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Whoever and whatever exists in the Skies and the Earth; to and for whom they owe existence and subjection?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them the answer: "Solely for Allah the Exalted.

  • He the Exalted has self prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Self. [this is how absolute power is made beautiful, balanced]

  • I swear He the Exalted will undoubtedly gather you people on the Day of Rising; there is absolutely no confusion-uncertainty about this news.

  • Those people who have made their selves to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures], thereby, they do not accept it. [6:12]

  • Those whom We had earlier given the Book recognize him: the Messenger as they conveniently recognize their sons.

  • Those people who have made their selves to suffer loss, thereby, they believe not. [6:20]

  • And when those people have come to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] who heartily accept-believe in Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of Grand Qur'aan, thereat respond to their paying respects and salutations telling them: "Salvation,-peace and tranquility shall be upon you people.

  • Your Sustainer Lord has, by own will, prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Exalted Self.

  • Indeed any amongst you people who did an act of evil; including illicit sexual intercourse, instinctively: under the spur-sudden surge of dominating incontrollable emotion and passion;

  • Thereafter, having committed the act repentantly he turned back and rectified-perfected his conduct;

  • Thereby, remain assured that He the Exalted is certainly repeatedly mercifully overlooking/forgiving". [6:54]

  • Take note about this book: Grand Qur'aan: Our Majesty has compositely sent it. Its other peculiar characteristic is that it is rendered permanence and perpetuation for ever.

  • Its yet another characteristic is that it is the affirmer-certifier-sanctifier of that which was communicated and revealed in times before it.

  • The intended objective of it is that you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam, with it] might admonish and awaken the inhabitants of the Mother of cities [Mecca-the Sanctified City]; and all those who inhabit around it. [the whole world]

  • Take note; Those who truly believe in the Hereafter; they heartily accept and believe in it: the Grand Qur'aan.

  • And they remain vigilant for regularly performing their As-Salaat: time bound Protocol of Servitude and Allegiance. [6:92] 

  • And He the Exalted is the One Who had dropped water from the Sky;

  • Thereby, Our Majesty had germinated vegetation-herbage of entire plant kingdom using it: water.

  • Next Our Majesty emerges from it green pigment - chlorophyll; its characteristic feature is that We produce-take out of it superposed seed/graineventual reproductive success of the plant.

  • And clusters spikes/spadices of dates are brought out from the spatheleafy sheath bract of date-palm tree,

  • And sprouted gardens of species-family of grapes; and olives; and pomegranates;

  • Apparently they are analogous/have conforming features; but are mutually non-resembling;

  • You people watch-study its fruit when it has bore fruit to its ripening.

  • It is a fact that explicit manifestations are reflective in the plant kingdom for people who wish to perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will.  [6:99]

  • And they vehemently swear oaths in the name of Allah the Exalted that if an unprecedented demonstrative sign-display came to them  they will certainly believe by it.

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "The demonstrative unprecedented displays are manifested only from Allah".

  • And what will give you people the idea-perception that the moment unprecedented sign came to them they will still not incline to believe? [6:109]

  • Take note; this is the reason We have declared the devilish-natured in human and Jinn species as enemy for every Chosen and Elevated sincere Allegiant of Allah the Exalted.

  • Their characteristic feature-method of animosity of these enemies is that some of them relate certain saying adorned with false embellishments, deceitfully-intentionally misleading others.

  • And had it been the resolve of your Sustainer Lord; they could not have innovatively done it.

  • Therefore, for reason of granted liberty of choice to them; You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]  leave them; and that which they imaginatively fabricate. [6:112]

  • And their intention is to incline the minds of those who consciously believe not about the Hereafter towards the fascinating deceptive saying. 

  • And that they might be pleased with it, and they might indulge mingling false assertions with truth which they the fabricators of falsities mingle. [6:113]

  • Therefore, should Allah the Exalted decide about someone that He might guide him; He the Exalted would render his chest open-perceptible for the Code of Conduct Islam.

  • And should He the Exalted decide about someone that He might let him lost in heedlessness; He renders his chest feel sinking in squeezing like felt if he is climbing into the Sky.

  • Like this Allah the Exalted renders brain muddling/fidgeting filthy state upon those who purposely do not accept. [6:125]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Come and bring forth your witnesses those who testify that Allah the Exalted has prohibited this such and such"

  • In case they testified, thereat, you should not testify along with them.

  • And you should not follow practicing the conjectures/desires/fascinations of those who have publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at: Unitary verbal passages of Grand Qur'aan;

  • And of those who do not believe in the Hereafter.

  • And they assign-ascribe equals with their Sustainer Lord. [6:150]


  • [Reverting to the historical information about Messengers-6:86] Afterwards, We had given to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] the Book [duly written down on tablets-7:145];

  • It served comprehensively for him who wished to conduct appropriately and rationally.

  • And it was composed wherein every matter-aspect was categorized and individuated.

  • And it was a guide and blessing.

  • Its objective was that they might believe in their presentation for accountability before their Sustainer Lord. [6:154]

  • O You the posterity of Adam! Be mindful, Shai'taan should not liquefy and expose you people;

  • Like he caused exodus of your parents from the Paradise;

  • He intended stripping their dress off their bodies so that he may cause them seeing body of each other.

  • The fact is that he watches you people; he and his tribe, from an angle/dimension/place where the eyes of you people cannot see them.

  • Indeed We have declared satanic minded people as patrons, colleagues, trailblazers for those who do not accept/believe. [7:27]

  • Indeed Our Majesty had brought them: the discarded people in Hell-prison a book. Its characteristic feature was that We had made its contents explicitly demarcated and delineated based upon absolute knowledge:

  • It serves as a guide and blessing for the people who heartily accept it. [7:52]

  • And You the Exalted assign for us good both in this Worldly life and in the Hereafter;

  • We have indeed proceeded towards You the Exalted."

  • Allah the Exalted pronounced: "My punishment, I afflict with it him about whom I so decide;

  • However, My mercy extends overarching everything and matter.

  • Therefore, I will keep assigning-crediting goodness for those people who who sincerely endeavour to protect themselves and  keep paying Az Zaka'at: financial liability for economic uplift of society;

  • And they are who truly believe heartily in Our Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book." [7:156]

  • Have they not yet seen and studied the system of governance-dominion of the Skies and the Earth;

  • And they whom Allah the Exalted has created living out of matter?

  • And have they not yet considered the possibility that concluding moment of their appointed term might have come nearer?

  • Thereby, which public statement formulated in times after this pronouncement will they believe in? [7:185]

  • You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "I do not possess authority and control for material gain for my person; nor for averting adversity except that which Allah the Exalted decided.

  • Understand it by the fact that had I the knowledge of all that exists beyond the grasp of my eyes, certainly I would have gained much from the good and nothing harmful could have touched me.

  • I am but an Awakener/Revivalist/Admonisher/Warner and assurer of glad tidings about the unseen future imminent danger and enjoyable success for the people who believe/accept me and Qur'aan". [7:188]

  • And when You the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] did not come to them with a new Ayah: Unitary Verbal Passage of Qur'aan, they said: "Why have you not yourself gathered - compiled it?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them: "Indeed I practically follow in letter and spirit that (Qur'aan) which is communicated to me by my Sustainer Lord".

  • This (Qur'aan) is evocative luminous enlightenments: Verbal descriptive passages enabling mental imaging are folded therein; it is a communication from your Sustainer Lord.

  • And it is guidance: regulatory information for aright conduct and an act of Mercy-Blessing for the people who accept and believe. [7:203]

  • Indeed, the worst and irksome creatures in the judgment of Allah the Exalted are:

  • They who disavowed:

  • Thereby, they persist in not accepting and believing. [8:55]

  • You people are directed to confront war with those who believe neither in Allah the Exalted nor in the Last Day;

  • And nor they treat that unlawful what Allah the Exalted and His Messenger has declared unlawful;

  • And nor they acknowledge the Prescribed Monotheist Truthful Code of those who were earlier given the Book;

  • Confront war with them until they might pay the protection charge/tribute compliantly upon having been defeated/subdued. [9:29]

  • Know it, they do not seek exemption from you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] that they might not strive with their wealth and physical participation who heartily believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day.

  • And Allah the Exalted is always fully aware of those people who who sincerely endeavour to attain salvation. [9:44]

  • The fact is that only they feign seeking your permission for exemption to proceed for war who in fact believe not in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day (Muna'fi'qeen). And their hearts are self-irked suffering duplicity.

  • The natural consequence is that they, in their self-created state of irksome duplicity of thought, keep vacillating. [9:45]

  • This is how the word of your Sustainer Lord is proved and established upon those who transgressed distancing away from restraints, that they will not accept and believe. [10:33]

  • It is a fact about those upon whom the Word of your Sustainer Lord is established that they will not accept/believe;

  • Despite if every verse and unprecedented display has come and become known to them;

  • Till such time they might see the painful chastisement.  [10:97]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "You people watch giving thought to that which is manifest in the Skies and the Earth.

  • And the visible signs and the awakeners, admonishers avail not benefit to people who deliberately and persistently believe not. [10:101]

  • Is then he who has been pursuing the lucid course revealed in the Book from his Sustainer Lord; [like the one who follows his own lusts and conjectures-47:14]

  • And the Witness-Messenger deputed by Him the Exalted recites it: Grand Qur'aan word by word;

  • And the Book of Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] was delivered in times before it: Grand Qur'aan; that served as a guide and blessing for the posterity of Iesraa'eel [alai'his'slaam].

  • Such people who have been pursuing the lucid course revealed in the Book from their Sustainer Lord believe in it: Grand Qur'aan.

  • And should a person, presently associating with any of the variously identified groups of people, refuses to accept and believe in Grand Qur'aan:  Thereby, scorching hell-prison is the promised abode for him.

  • Therefore, you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] should not render yourself worrywart by reading worrying content from it [you will not be questioned/held responsible for residents of Hell].

  • Indeed Grand Qur'aan is the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse to serve as admonition from the Sustainer Lord of you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • However, the fact remains that most of the people do not accept and believe in it. [11:17]

  • And say for those who do not accept/believe, "Keep acting upon you stand for; we will keep performing deeds we stand for. [11:121]

  • And you people wait, we are indeed waiting for the Day." [since we do not have any confusion in our conviction of its coming soon] [11:122]

  • He replied, "The food/meal which is served to you both will not reach you but I would have meanwhile told/construed you the effect/end result/meanings of that dream before the meal might reach you.

  • This construing of dreams is with the knowledge my Sustainer Lord has imparted to me;

  • I have indeed abandoned the method of people who believe not in Allah the Exalted;

  • And they are in fact the people who reject the Hereafter. [12:37]

  • Certainly a terrorizing and awakening lesson; embedded in the replicated verbal narration of the episodes/incidents of those people, is mirrored for men of understanding who reflect objectively to arrive at the purpose/objective of it.

  • Qur'aan is not such discourse that someone could have compiled-fabricated-authored it.

  • On the contrary, it is but the affirmation-certification of that revelation which was sent before it;

  • And it has the elaboration, organization, differentiation, delineation and contrast of each and every matter.

  • And it is the Guide in time and space because of its permanence, leading on the way to destination and is Mercy/blessing for the believing people. [12:111]

  • Alif; [Letter but not consonant], Laam, Meem and Ra consonants of Arabic alphabet ( أبجدية عربية‎);  conjoined and two have above them ancillary glyph/prolongation sign/mark which extends the sound value of the letter to which it is added.

  • These are Aa'ya'at: symbols, signs, unitary passages of the Mother - Principal Book;

  • Take note about that, Grand Qur'aan, which has been compositely sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] in easy to understand composition by your Sustainer Lord: It is the Infallible Doctrine-Discourse.

  • However, the fact remains that most of the people do not accept and believe in it. [13:01]

  • And whenever the Messengers came to them they but purposely adopted with him a non serious jesting attitude keeping themselves playful with.  [15:11]

  • This is because We let this non serious jesting psyche penetrate in the hearts of the criminals; [15:12]

  • While they accept/believe not the Messenger.

  • Indeed traditions/precedents of earlier people of such psyche have passed/occurred. [15:13]

  • Remain mindful that the Iiela'aha: Sovereign Sustainer Lord of you people is characteristically such Sustainer Lord Who maintains Aloneness.

  • Thereby, those who do not believe in the Hereafter, their hearts are reluctant to acknowledge this fact.

  • And they are in fact obsessed by self-pride of grandeur. [16:22]

  •  The evil illustration is appropriate for depicting those who do not believe in the Hereafter.

  • And the sublime exalting attribution is exclusive for Allah the Exalted.

  • Be aware, He the Exalted is Pervasively dominant and the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm, visible and invisible. [16:60]

  • People should realize it, Our Majesty have sent the Book: Grand Qur'aan to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] but for the purpose that you may render explicitly crystal clear for them any point in which they differed;

  • And for the purpose that it serves as the Guide in time and space because of its permanence-leading on the way to destination and is blessing for the believing people. [16:64]

  • Know it, Allah the Exalted has appointed for you people men and women, members of your own species-society, as mate-companion-spouse;

  • And He the Exalted has declared, for you people, kinship for the sons and in-laws of your spouses.

  • And He the Exalted has provided you people sustenance from pleasant nourishing things.

  • Is it then they believe in the false conjectural scum; and are ingrate to the blessing of Allah the Exalted: Grand Qur'aan? [16:72]

  • Have they not yet seen giving a thought towards two winged birds? They are held poised in the midst of the Sky; none but Allah the Exalted holds them.

  • It is a fact that in this phenomenon there are explicit manifestations reflective for people who wish to perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [16:79]

  • Know the fact that Allah the Exalted guides not those who deliberately believe not the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted.

  • Beware, a severe punishment is prepared-in wait for them. [16:104]

  • Only those conjecturally fabricate the falsehood who do not believe in the Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book of Allah the Exalted;

  • And they are the people who are truly the liars. [16:105]

  • Indeed, this Qur'aan guides for the way which is the most sustaining;

  • And it guarantees pleasant news to those believers who perform-conduct righteous deeds mentioned therein;

  • That a great reward is in wait for them. [17:09]

  • And that those who do not accept-believe in the Hereafter;

  • Our Majesty have prepared/kept ready for them a painful torment. [17:10]

  • Know it, when You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] read out the Qur'aan, We did render an invisible partition between you and between them who believe not in the Hereafter; [17:45]

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] admonish them about the Day of Impeachment and Regret when the matter would have been decided/concluded;

  • While today they are unmindful;

  • And they do not accept/believe. [19:39]

  • The people before them of habitats whom We annihilated did not believe; [in the signs sent to them]

  • Is it whispering such thoughts to people for reason that they will believe [if sign brought to them]. [21:06]

  • Is it that those who refused to accept have not yet observed?

  • That the Skies and the Earth were both in a reconciled - united - sewn state. Thereby, Our Majesty caused the parting - clove both asunder.

  • Be informed, Our Majesty have rendered each entity that has qualitative distinction of life as such out of a segment of the water.

  • Will they thereby on knowing these facts not believe? [21:30]

  • Afterwards We sent Our Messengers to flourishing civilizations in succession.

  • Whenever the Messenger of a nation came, they publicly contradicted him;

  • Whereby We made some of them to go behind some others and We rendered them legends.

  • As such, Allah the Exalted had decreed eradication for the nation who persistently accept/believe not. [23:44]

  • And those who accept and believe in the Aa'ya'at: Verbal Passages of the Book of their Sustainer Lord; [23:58]

  • And indeed those who do not accept-believe in the Hereafter:

  • They are certainly the deviators from the High Road. [23:74]


  • [Note it down] The Believers are only those who:

  • Believed in Allah the Exalted and the Messenger of Him - Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • And when they were in his presence in a collective matter they never left until they sought his permission.

  • Indeed they who seek from you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] permission to leave: they are  the people who believe in Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.

  • Therefore, when they seek your [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] permission to leave for some affair of them, in response you give permission to someone of them you willed.

  • And you the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] seek forgiveness for them from Allah the Exalted.

  • It is a fact that Allah the Exalted is repeatedly Forgiving-Overlooking-the fountain of Mercy.  [24:62]

  • This [such simple common sense facts are even ignored by them] is because We let itnon serious jesting psychepenetrate in the hearts of the criminals. [26:200]

  • They will not accept/believe in itGrand Qur'aan till such time they might see the painful chastisement [26:201]

  • Know the fact about those who believe not in the HereafterOur Majesty have rendered alluring for them their volitional acts

  • Whereby they are wandering distractingly. [27:04]

  • Have they not noticed  that Our Majesty have rendered the Night for their rest/stillness in it, and the Day as provider of brightness and vision.

  • Indeed in it are explicit manifestations reflective for people who wish to perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [27:86]

  • We recite unto you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the narrative of the history relating to Mūsā [alai'his'slaam] and Fir'aoun/Pharaoh, truthfully, for the people who believe. [28:03]

  • They; whom We had given the Book: In'jeel before the revelation of this Grand Qur'aan, believe in it. [28:52]

  • [Reverting from parenthetic to Iebra'heim علیہ السلام nation] In response his nation had no explanation/response

  • Except that they said to other people, "Murder him or burn him",

  • Whereupon/having been put in fire Allah rescued him safely from the fire.

  • Indeed in it are explicit manifestations reflective for people who wish to perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [in the magnanimity of Creator, their Sustainer Lord]. [29:24]

  • And for that We have sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book/Qur'aan.

  • In response those whom We had given the Book they accept/believe in it/Grand Qur'aan,

  • And from amongst these [whom Book was not given earlier] are also those who believes in it/Grand Qur'aan

  • While no one deliberately and knowingly publicly refutes acknowledging Our Verbal Communications except the non-believers/those who have deliberately/knowingly refused to accept. [29:47]

  • [they talk about other demonstrative aa'ya'at] Has it not sufficed for them that We have since sent to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the Book which is recited to them, word by word?

  • It is certain that Mercy is embedded in this Book,

  • And it is the frequented source/Reference Book for advice/guidance for true believers [in time and space]. [29:51]

  • [why such apprehensions] Do they not see/give it a thought that We established the Sanctified House/City ensuring peace and tranquility,

  • And the people from the surrounding of them are made to come overwhelmingly.

  • Is it for reason that they believe in the false conjectural scum and they keep refusing to admit the Blessing of Allah [Grand Qur'aan] [29:67]

  • Have they not seen/noticed that Allah expands the sustenance for the one He willed from His created ones and restricts to measure for one He willed,

  • Indeed in it are explicit manifestations reflective for people who wish to perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [in the magnanimity of Creator, their Sustainer Lord]. [30:37]

  • [and they pose a question] "Has he fabricated a lie upon Allah or is he obsessed with delusion?"

  • No, the fact of the matter is that those who do not believe in the Hereafter they are in irksome pain and at far destructive end of neglectfulness/straying/wandering. [34:08]

  • Indeed the word/information given earlier has been proved/established about most of the members of the Nation Bani Iesma'eile, thereby, they are not accepting. [36:07]


  • Take note, whether you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] have cautioned them of potential consequences or have not cautioned them, the effect upon them would remain alike. [36:10]

  • And when Allah the Exalted was described before them: "He is the Absolute-Uniquely singular":

  • The hearts of them reflexively repulsed who believe not in the Hereafter.

  • And when those, whom they hypothetically consider miscellaneous godheads other than Him the Exalted, are mentioned, thereat, they the non-believers in the Hereafter, joyfully celebrate. [39:45]

  • Have they not known that Allah expands the sustenance for the one He willed from His created ones and restricts to measure for one He willed,
  • Indeed in it are explicit manifestations reflective for people who wish to perceive/recognize the Divine Providence and Will. [in the magnanimity of Creator, their Sustainer Lord]. [39:52]

  • Those [Angels] who hold the responsibility for the The Exalted Throne [Al-Arsh] and whoever is in its surroundings they all repetitively mention the Glory with praises of their Sustainer Lord while they consciously and convincingly believe in it;

  • And they sincerely seek forgiveness for those who have accepted/believed;

  • "Our Sustainer Lord, You are beyond the bounds of every thing in Mercy and Knowledge,

  • Therefore, You do forgive for those who have regretted and repented and have followed the Path appointed by You;

  • And You do save them the affliction of Hell-Prison. [40:07]

  • And indeed the [determined terminating] Final Moment is certainly coming.

  • And that regards the Final Moment there is absolutely nothing uncertain and perplexing therein.

  • However, the fact remains that most of the people do not accept and believe in it. [40:59]

  • However, had Our Majesty rendered it: Qur'aan inter-textually in some non-Arab: indistinct language, [contrary to their present assertions of teaching by a Non-Arab-16:103] they would certainly have said to people exclaiming: "Why the Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages of it are not individuated distinguishing and exposing the information in a crystallized manner?

  • Can a Non Arabic: indistinct language and Arabic: distinct-eloquent language be considered at par?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce for humanity: "It is a guide and healer for all those (whether Arab or Non Arab) who have heartily accepted it.

  • And the fact about those who do not heartily accept it is that as if a heavy load is deposited within their ears: acoustic impedance is persisting in their ears.

  • And it (Grand Qur'aan) is in black - obscured state not reflecting light upon them.

  • They are the people as if they are being called to listen and see Grand Qur'aan from a far distant place. [41:44]

  • Only those people seek [mock] to hasten the Determined Moment who do not accept/believe in it
  • And those who have believed feel terror of it since they know it is indeed a fact [proven/unavoidable]
  • The fact is that those who indulge in controversy [are in search/create confusion and illusions regarding point of occurrence] about the Appointed Momentthey are indeed in prolonged heedlessness. [42:18]

  • And [recall Noah ] his saying, "O my Sustainer Lord, indeed these are a people who do not believe/accept." [43:88]

  • These are the Aa'ya'at: Verbal constituent passages of Grand Qur'aan, of Allah the Exalted.

  • We recite them distinctly word by word upon you the Messenger [Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] conveying the infallible fact - for determined purpose of transcription by you to humanity.

  • Thereby these having reached them; which public statement formulated in times after the pronouncement of Allah the Exalted and revelation of His Verbal Passages would they believe in? [45:06]

  • Or do they keep saying: "He has on his own accord written- compiled it: Grand Qur'aan".

  • No, they lie; he has not written it on his own accord, the fact is that they do not accept it. [52:33]

  • Thereby to prove they should come along with a written statement resembling it: Grand Qur'aan if they have been truthful in their statement. [52:34]

  • It is a fact that those who believe not in the Hereafter

  • They indeed name the Angels by assigning them feminine names [53:27]

  • You will never find a people who believe in Allah the Exalted and the Last Day:

  • Loving the one who inclined himself to obstruct and hinder [the Path of] Allah the Exalted and His Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]

  • Notwithstanding that they used to their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred.

  • They are the people in whose hearts He has inscribed the belief

  • And He has strengthened them with "the Essence of Our Will/Decision/Word of Command-Grand Qur'aan" from Him

  • And He will enter them in

  • The Gardens with canals of water flowing side by wherein they shall reside perpetually,

  • Allah the Exalted has appreciated and approved them; and they are admiringly happy with Allah the Exalted.

  • These people are the party of Allah,

  • Beware that indeed the members of the party of Allah are the reapers of fruit of success. [58:22]

  • Thereby, which public statement formulated in times after this pronouncement will they believe? [77:50]

  • Thereby what is the reason for them that they do not incline themselves to believe? [84:20]
