The Day of Rising


The possessive noun in the possessive phrase is definite verbal noun stemming from Root: ق و م The basic perception infolded in the Root is of standing, straight position on feet as distinct  from sitting, reclining or lying. In physical terms it is the most stable, established and  cautious state of strength, alertness and equilibrium, which other postures of sitting,  reclining and lying flat lack. The dead are in lying position. On the Day of Resurrection, the Day of revival of life, people will assume standing - vertical position upon getting out of their graves.

This phrase is mentioned 70 times with different inflexions. The ayahs are reproduced below:          


  • Afterwards the ratification of aforesaid covenant, you are such people who kill-ill repute your people, and cause a group weaker living amongst you to exile from their towns-locations by alleging upon them accusations of guilt and transgression.

  • However, if they are brought to you as captives you voluntarily ransom them while their very exile had been made unlawful upon you.

  • Is it for reason that you accept some part of the Book and reject/deny some part of the Book?

  • Therefore, the return-punishment, for anyone who does this act of accepting some and refusing some part of the Book from amongst you, shall be nothing except disgrace-ignominy in the life of this lowly world.

  • Take note that such people will be taken to the grievous chastisement on the Day of Rising.

  • Remain mindful that Allah the Exalted is never unmindful about that what you people do. [2:85]

  • Know that the Jew's elders-clergy proclaimed; "The Christians are not upon a standpoint of anything concrete";

  • And the Christian elders-clergy have counter claimed, "The Jews are not upon a standpoint of anything concrete".

  • They assert this despite the fact that they people read and recite the Book.

  • Likewise their statement, such common people who have no knowledge [of the Book] also said a similar assertion.

  • [Ignore them] For this Allah the Exalted will judge them, on the Day of Rising, regarding what they keep mutually differing/ opposing. [2:113]

  • Note the factual news about those: scholars - religious elite who conceal - withhold telling people that which Allah the Exalted has compositely sent as part of the Book: Grand Qur'aan;

  • And they gain a commercial benefit of trifling import with this recourse;

  • They are who eat taking into their bellies noting but fire. [This is because they will have nothing beneficial in their account ledger-3:77].

  • Moreover, Allah the Exalted will not address them on the Day of Rising;

  • And He the Exalted will neither cause their uplift.

  • Be mindful, a severe-grave punishment is prepared - in wait for them. [2:174]

  • The worldly life has become charming, alluring and absorbing for those who have deliberately refused to accept [as against the permanent life in the Hereafter 14:03;16:107;79:38;87:16]

  • And they keep ridiculing some amongst those who have heartily accepted-believed [they will regret this habit one day-39:56].

  • And those who remained mindful and heedful avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted will be enjoying an elevated position over and above them on the Day of Rising.

  • And mind it [worldly gain is no criteria of distinction] that Allah the Exalted grants worldly sustenance to whomever He wishes without regard to reciprocal measure/account/causality. [ 2:212]

  • [And Allah the Exalted devised a rescue plan] When Allah the Exalted had told him the plan:

  • "O Easa, I am about to get you segregated, and moving you to elevated place for My cause-elevated place, safe abode-Refer 23:50];

  • And will render you disassociated well rid of impure company of those who have refused to accept.

  • And I have declared those as ranked high till the Day of Resurrection who have moved behind you upon those: second group of Bani Iesraa'eel who have refused to accept.

  • Afterwards, on the Day of Rising, the return of you people for accountability is towards Me.

  • Thereupon, I will decide amongst you in the matter you keep differing. [3:55]

  • The authentic news about those people who earn a vile gain/make it a business at the cost of the Contract of Allah the Exalted and their own oaths is that:

  • They are the people for whom nothing of significance shall be available in the Hereafter.

  • And Allah the Exalted will neither address such people nor will pay them attention on the Day of Rising. And nor will He the Exalted cause their uplift/sanctification;

  • Be mindful, a severe punishment is prepared-in wait for them. [3:77]

  • And it is not possible for the Distinctly Elevated Allegiant who is embodiment of mercy for humanity that he might nurture resentment-ill will against anyone.

  • You people note it: if someone retained resentment, Allah the Exalted will bring-resolve it out on the Day of Rising.

  • Afterwards, each of all individuals will be requited that which he had earned in worldly life.

  • And they people will not be subjected to any injustice. [3:161]

  • And the people who are stingy and miser in donating out of that which Allah the Exalted has granted them of His bounty must not consider such attitude as if it is better for them.

  • No, it is wrong perception; the fact of the matter is that this attitude will be for them a cause of trouble and botheration.

  • The wealth they stingy with will be kept tied to their necks like a collar on the Day of Rising.

  • And the domain of the Skies and the Earth is eternally the subject exclusively for Allah the Exalted.

  • Remain mindful that Allah the Exalted is informed-aware of all acts which you people keep doing. [3:180]

  • Every person present on the last Day will be the taster of the natural death.

  • And the recompense of all your earnings-efforts-deeds will be recompensed in full terms only on the Day of Rising.

  • Thereat, whoever is tugged from outskirts of the Hell-Prison and he is entered into the Paradise;  thereat he has achieved accomplishment and success.

  • Take note: the life of this lowly world is worth nothing except as the wherewithal of deceptive and illusory hopes-enjoyment aimed at achieving an objective. [3:185]

  • Our Sustainer Lord! Grant us what You promised us verbally through Your Messengers.

  • And kindly disgrace us not on the Day of Rising.

  • We know it certain that You the Exalted never betray the Promise." [3:194]


  • Realize and recognize it about Allah the Exalted—None at all in miscellany of iela'aha: godheads - deities that are uncritically admired, adorned and worshiped is alive or organizes, administers or sustains others except He the Exalted.

  • It is sworn promise that He the Exalted will certainly gather you people on the Day of Rising. There is absolutely no confusion-uncertainty in realization of it.

  • Heed the pronouncement seriously; Who is there more infallibly truthful than Allah the Exalted; Infallibly truthful in disclosure of breaking news; relay of hitherto unknown information? [4:87]

  • Take note of Allah's advice to the Messenger; Ah! There you are that you contended-contested on their behalf in this worldly life.

  • Thereby the Messenger having been advised not to do so; Who will contest and advocate for them on the Day of Rising; or who will act for them as lawyer-disposer of affair?  [4:109]

  • These Muna'fi'qeen sit back and wait for outcome of your matter wishing a calamity end. Thereupon, if the victory is decided for you as grace from Allah the Exalted: They said: "Were we not siding with you?"

  • And if the non-believers had the luck; they said to them: "Did we purposely not restrain ourselves gaining control upon you and did we not make you impenetrable from the Believers? 

  • Thereby for dispensing justice Allah the Exalted will decide between you people on the Day of Rising.

  • And Allah the Exalted would not let there be a way for the deniers over the believers. [4:141]

  • Know it; there is not a single person of the people of the Book that before his personal death will but certainly believe in it.

  • Know it; He: [Easa alai'his'slaam] will give testimony as witness upon them on the Day of Rising. [as recorded in 5:116-117] [4:159]

  • And We had obtained their Pledge-Covenant from those amongst the people who identify themselves by saying: "We are the Christians".

  • Thereby for reason of wish of retaining separate identity they have forgotten a part about which they were reminded [by Easa alai'his'slaam].

  • Thereat, We have allowed to exist wrangling and grudge-hatred-resentment between them: Jews and Christians until the Day of Rising.

  • And soon Allah the Exalted will tell them what they kept artfully fabricating false conjectural myths to mislead people. [5:14]

  • The fact affirmed about those who had deliberately and persistently denied to accept the Belief and died while were still determined-staunch rejecters-Non Believers [3:91] is this:

  • Hypothetically speaking, had that wealth which is in the Earth; all of it in absolute terms and along with it another alike wealth were at their disposal so that they might redeem their selves in lieu of it from the punishment inflicted on the Day of Rising; it would not have been accepted from them.

  • Beware, a severe punishment is prepared-in wait for them. [5:36]

  • Know it; the Jews said: "Allah's hand is in a tied up state."

  • Their fists have become tied.

  • And they are discarded as condemned and cursed for what they stated.

  • They lied; the fact is that His two hands are fully stretched; He the Exalted openly flows the bounty as He wills.

  • Be aware; it is certain that it Grand Qur'aan; which has since been communicated to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] by your Sustainer Lord, will augment the majority of them in brimming out of bounds and disbelief.

  • And We have allowed to exist wrangling and grudge/hatred/resentment between them until the Day of Rising.

  • Every time they excited-provoked fire for the war, Allah the Exalted extinguished it.

  • And they keep attempting creating disturbance/distortions/imbalances/chaos in the Earth-world.

  • Take note; Allah the Exalted does not approve and appreciate those who are distorter/creators of disorder/imbalances/spread wicked unsound ideas. [5:64]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Whoever and whatever exists in the Skies and the Earth; to and for whom they owe existence and subjection?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] tell them the answer: "Solely for Allah the Exalted.

  • He the Exalted has self prescribed the Mercy obligatory upon His Self. [this is how absolute power is made beautiful, balanced]

  • I swear He the Exalted will undoubtedly gather you people on the Day of Rising; there is absolutely no confusion-uncertainty about this news.

  • Those people who have made their selves to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures], thereby, they do not accept it. [6:12]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them questioning: "Identify the person who has forbidden using beautifiers: pleasing and impressive things which Allah the Exalted has derived for His subjects? And name the person who has prohibited the delightful energizing things available in the sustenance?"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce: "These are meant in the worldly life for those who have heartily believed. However, the beautifiers and delightful energizing sustenance is exclusively for the true believers on the Day of Rising".

  • Like this exposition, Our Majesty illustrates Aa'ya'at: verbal passages of Grand Qur'aan  demarcating, categorizing, delineating and individuating all aspects for the people who are in pursuit of knowledge. [7:32]

  • Know the past history; your Sustainer Lord did proclaim that He the Exalted will certainly thenceforth keep appointing a person upon them, during the period towards the Day of Rising, who will afflict them severe punishment.

  • Indeed your Sustainer Lord is certainly swift in examining matters minutely till conclusion.

  • But the fact remains that He the Exalted is certainly oft-Forgiving and Merciful. [7:167]

  • Know the remote history when your Sustainer Lord did obtain a confirmation from the progeny of successive generations of sons of Adam;

  • And made them to publicly testify upon their inner belief by asking: "Have I not been the only Sustainer Lord of you people?"

  • They replied: "Indeed You the Exalted are our Sustainer Lord. We have since testified it."

  • The purpose of obtaining this confirmation from the people of remote past was lest you people on the Day of Rising take this plea: "We were certainly ignorant and unmindful of this fact of Monotheist belief"; [7:172]

  • And what is the perception and opinion of those who conjecture falsehood attributing to Allah the Exalted regarding the Day of Rising?

  • It is a fact that Allah the Exalted is the possessor of bounty which is showered upon people;

  • But most of the people do not appreciate-recognize-express gratitude. [10:60]

  • Know the history; Our Majesty had certainly settled Bani Iesraa'eel, a settlement fulfilling the promised word; and provided them sustenance comprising pleasant nourishing produce.

  • Thereat, they mutually differed not till such time the Knowledge came to them.

  • [ignore them] Indeed your Sustainer Lord will adjudge between them, on the Day of Rising;

  • Regarding the issue about which they kept differing/opposing. [10:93]

  • Take lesson, they were chased by curse and condemnation in this worldly life and so will be on the Day of Rising.

  • The fact is that civilization Aad refused to believe in their Sustainer Lord..

  • Be warned; Allah the Exalted commanded eradication of civilization Aad, nation of Hued [alai'his'slaam]. [11:60]

  • He will precede marching his nation on the Day of Rising and destined them to Hell-Prison;

  • And wretched/woeful is the destined place where they are led. [11:98]

  • And they were chased by curse and condemnation in this worldly life and so will be on the Day of Rising.

  • Wretched is the "gift" gifted. [11:99]

  • And when it was said for these obsessed with greatness elite, "What is that which your Sustainer Lord has sent?"

  • They said, "Tales of ancients." [16:24]

  • [leave them misguiding their own people] So that they may uplift their own burdens in total on the Day of Rising,

  • And also some of the burdens of those whom they mislead without knowledge.

  • Indeed evil are the burdens they bear. [16:25]


  • Afterwards, He the Exalted will make them feel disgraced on the Day of Rising;

  • And will say to those who adopted sculpted idols as partners, "where are My associates, those in which you people used to seclude your identities."

  • Those who were endued with the knowledge said, "Indeed, disgrace and affliction is today due upon the persistent rejecters, [16:27]

  • And you people should not become like that woman who broke-untwisted her spun yarn after having been strengthened, rendering it broken strands;

  • While you people adopt your oaths as tool of deception in society aiming that certain community might become superior community relegating another.

  • By such varying positions Allah the Exalted only subjects you people to a trial for exposure of your true worth.

  • And He will certainly make it evident for you people on the Day of Rising about that in which you people kept differing. [16:92]

  • Indeed they mutually differed in its observance upon whom Sabat: day of restrain from commercial activity was prescribed.

  • And indeed your Sustainer Lord will certainly judge between them, on the Day of Rising;

  • Regarding the issue about which they kept differing/opposing. [16:124]

  • And Our Majesty has rendered every individual person accompanying permanently his augury-destiny within his neck;

  • And We will bring it out in writing-print out for him on the Day of Rising which he would see openly; [and will be asked]; [17:13]

  • "You read your book/record;

  • Today, you suffice for yourself as accountability judge." [17:14]

  • Know it, there is no city but that Our Majesty will annihilate before the blowing of second trumpet on the Day of Rising;

  • Or Our Majesty will punish her with a severe infliction, earlier.

  • This is what has been written, on lines, within the Mother/Principal Book.. [17:58]

  • He said [proudly], "Have You seen! this is the one whom You have exalted and honoured over me?"

  • Of course subject to Your granting me respite towards the Day of Rising;

  • Certainly I will firmly bridle his progeny except a small minority." [17:62]

  • Know it, Subject to Allah the Exalted guides a person [by Grand Qur'aan]; thereby, he is the person who guides himself aright.

  • And whom Allah the Exalted would expose/let remain in neglectful straying then for this reason you will not find for such people protectors/patrons other than Him the Exalted.

  • And Our Majesty will gather them on the Day of Rising; on their faces will be blindness, dumbness and deafness;

  • Their abode is in the Hell-Prison,

  • Every time she subsided, We increased them in temperature. [17:97]


  • These are the people who persistently refused to accept and believe in the Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages of the Book of their Sustainer Lord and negated encountering accountability before Him the Exalted.

  • Thereby, their acts have become voided, weightless froth, destructive.

  • Therefore, Our Majesty will not set up for them weighing scale on the Day of Rising. [18:105]

  • That Hell-Prison is the requital for their act of persistent refusal to accept/believe;

  • And because they adopted jesting style about My Aa'ya'at: Verbal passages and My Messengers. [18:106]

  • And all of them will come to Him the Exalted on the Day of Rising, individually. [19:95]

  • Likewise, Our Majesty is narrating to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] the episodes; in event by event manner, some out of the miscellany of news that have passed.

  • The fact remains, We have given to you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] a Memoir's narrative: Grand Qur'aan; a grace from Our Majesty. [20:99]

  • Whoever, having known and seen, turned away from it: Grand Qur'aan, thereby, he will carry the condemnation - weighed down state on the Day of Rising; [20:100]

  • They will remain in it - weighed down condition permanently;

  • And it is evil - condemnation for them on the Day of Rising, weighed down. [20:101]

  • And whoever had purposely abstained adhering My Admonition - Reference Source - Operative Manual for conduct: Book:

  • Thereby, certainly a straitened living - economy will be arranged for him in Hell-prison.

  • Take note; We will gather him on the Day of Rising; he will be feeling blind. [20:124]

  • And Our Majesty will lay down the Scales of adjudging - evaluation - appreciation - weighing - Equity—the same Weighing Scale: Books of Allah revealed in timeline, for the Day of Rising,

  • Whereby, no person shall be treated unjustly even minutely.

  • And if there were an act worth a grain-seed of a mustard plant, Our Majesty would bring it to limelight.

  • And Our Majesty is the Administrator of Accountability and Justice. [21:47]

  • Twisting - bending on his side - stance—argument—about-facing so that he may make people forgetful and strayed from the Path of Allah the Exalted.

  • Humiliation is decreed for him in the worldly life;

  • And Our Majesty will make him taste the scorching of heat - high temperature on the Day of Rising; [22:09]

  • Know the information about the people identified-recognized-referenced in time and space as those who willingly accepted-believed;

  • And those who reverted to identity of Jews; and the Sa'bi'ouen and those identified as Nisaa'ra; and Al-Majoos; and those who ascribed sculpted idols [after assigning superfluous names] as partners of Allah;

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted will decide—draw bifurcation between them—people of six identities on the Day of Rising.

  • Indeed Allah the Exalted is Ever Witness/Observer/Guard over each and all things. [22:17]

  • Allah the Exalted will adjudge between you people on the Day of Rising in the matter you keep differing. [22:69]

  • Afterwards, lapse of appointed duration with determined terminating moment, indeed you people will be revived to life - resurrected on the Day of Rising. [23:16]

  • The affliction will be intensified for him on the Day of Rising;

  • And he will survive in that humiliated condition permanently; [25:69]

  • And We have declared them as leaders who invite people towards Hell-Fire

  • And on the Day of Rising they will not be helped. [28:41]

  • And We have caused to follow them curse and condemnation in this worldly life;

  • And on the Day of Rising they are amongst the despised. [28:42]

  • Do you in comparative analysis then think a person whom Our Majesty has given a promise of best import, thereby, he will see it fulfilled [Allah's promise is always fulfilled]—

  • Like the one whom We have given the worldly temporary wherewithal; afterwards on the Day of Rising he is amongst the arraigned? [28:61] [Read with 30:16;34:38]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Have you people thought/considered that If Allah were to make over you the Night perpetual  to the Day of Rising—

  • Which iela'aha is there other than Allah the Exalted who could bring to you heat and visible light [electromagnetic radiation],

  • [having told this possibility] Would then you people not listen?" [28:71]


  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] say, "Have you people thought/considered that If Allah were to make over you the Day perpetual  to the Day of Rising—

  • Which iela'aha is there other than Allah the Exalted who could bring you the Night in which you could take rest?

  • [Consider this and] Will you still not see/focus?" [and remain plunged in darkness] [28:72]

  • But it is certain that they will definitely uplift their burdens, and other burdens along with their own burdens;

  • And on the Day of Rising they will certainly and exactly be questioned about that which they people kept conjecturally fabricating at their own accord. [29:13]


  • And [before alienating from them] he/Iebra'heim [alai'his'slaam] said, "You people have made yourself adopt sculpted still statues/idols [as iela'aha] apart from Allah only for mutual association in the life of this world.

  • Thereafter on the Day of Rising some of you people will refute some others

  • And some of you people will curse and condemn some others

  • And for you people the abode is Hell-Prison and for you people there is none from the helpers". [29:25]

  • [ignore them] It is certain that your Sustainer Lord is the One Who will adjudge between them on the Day of Rising—

  • Regarding the issue about which they kept differing/opposing  [32:25]

  • If you people call them they do not listen your calls and if they heard [if you think so] they could not enable themselves to answer/respond for you people [since only those respond who listen]

  • And on the Day of Rising they will deny about your association;

  • And no one can inform you like the All-Aware. [35:14]

  • For reason/therefore [as stated earlier that I am not like those who force things upon others against their will-38:86] you people worship/be allegiant to that which you people desired other than Him"

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Certainly the losers are those  people who have made their selves and their household to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures] on the Day of Rising." [Read with 7:09;23:103]

  • Undoubtedly that is which is truly the Manifest Loss. [39:15]

  • Is it then the one who will grip his face with fear of worst punishment on the Day of Rising—
  • And it is said for those who were evil mongers/distorters/unjust, "You people taste punishment for what you people earned/did". [39:24]

  • Afterwards, on the Day of Rising, you will mutually argue before your Sustainer Lord. [39:31]

  • Beware of the fact that hypothetically speaking;

  • Had all collectively that exists in the Earth and alike of it in addition were the treasures exclusively for those who did wrong their selves, they would certainly have offered it to redeem their selves, in lieu thereof, from the sentence on the Day of Rising.

  • And that became self exposed-evident for them, which was communicated from Allah the Exalted but they deliberately and persistently did not reckon it.   it is made apparent/exposed for them [on perusing the written record book] about which they at their own used not to take account. [39:47]

  • And on the Day of Rising you will see those who conjectured false sayings attributing to Allah that their faces have dark/ blackened look.

  • Is it not that in Hell-Prison is the abode of the arrogant/suffering from misconception of greatness. [39:60]

  • Know it; they from amongst the Jews have not esteemed Allah the Exalted as is appropriate for His Magnificence: And they have not regarded Allah as is His right to be regarded.

  • And the Earth entirely will be in His Grip on the Day of Rising;

  • And the Skies will be folded/ pressed back by His Right Hand.

  • Glory is for Him the Exalted, His pleasure is the focus of all effort; and He is Exalted above all what they conjecturally associate with Him. [39:67]

  • Indeed those people who cause profanity about Our Aa'ya'at, they are not hidden from Our Majesty.

  • Is then the one who is made to confront the Hell-Prison better or the one who comes as calm and tranquil secured person on the Day of Rising?

  • You people do whatever you wish and decide to do,

  • [but remember] Certainly He ever keeps watching what acts you people perform. [41:40]

  • And you will see them depressed in humiliation on they being exposed to it/Hell Prison, they will be watching with stealthy glances;

  • And those who had accepted/believed said,

  • "Certainly the losers are those  people who have made their selves and their household to suffer loss [for momentary worldly gains/pleasures] on the Day of Rising." [Read with 7:09;23:103]

  • Unquestionably it is a fact that the wrong does/distorters/unjust people are in the perpetuating/ enduring infliction. [42:45]

  • And We gave them the distancing/distinguishing/distinct Aay'aat from The Command [The Book].
  • For reason they did not differ except after having reached them that which brought them the knowledge because of grouping/classes/vested interests amongst them.
  • [ignore them] Indeed your Sustainer Lord will adjudge between them, on the Day of Rising;
  • Regarding the issue about which they kept differing/opposing.  [45:17]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, "Allah the Exalted creates you people, afterwards the lapse of time of your period of life, He causes you to die.

  • Afterwards, upon blowing of second trumpet, indeed He will gather you people on the Day of Rising. There is absolutely no confusion/uncertainty/duplicity of thought within it.

  • However, the fact remains that most of the people do not accept it/know this fact. [45:26]

  • And who/none is more negligently heedless than the one who calls on some one other than Allah the Exalted who will never be reflexive for him to respond till the Day of Rising;

  • And they are those who are unaware of their calls. [46:05]

  • Have you not visualized/understood the apparent fact that indeed Allah the Exalted knows whoever/whatever is in the Skies and whoever/whatever is in the Earth;

  • In the secluded mutual planning consultations there has never been three persons except He the Exalted being the fourth with them,

  • And neither there have been five except He the Exalted being the sixth with them,

  • And nor any smaller number than those nor larger except that He the Exalted has always been along with them wherever they may have been.

  • Afterwards on the Day of Rising He will inform them about that which they did.

  • The fact remains; Allah the Exalted is eternally the knower of absolute: visible and infolded knowledge of physical realm: all that exists.  [58:07]

  • Your Womb-Relatives nor your progeny may ever cause benefit to you people—

  • On the Day of Rising when He the Exalted will adjudge between you people.

  • And Allah the Exalted is ever watching the acts which you people perform. [60:03]

  • Or for you people there is binding obligation upon Our Majesty to extend unto the Day of Rising—

  • That for you people is indeed that which you decide? [68:39]

  • Nay! I swear by the Day of Rising; [75:01]

  • He asks, "What is the point in time of the Day of Rising?" [75:06]


