—the Sovereign - the
adjudicating Authority on "The Day of Judgment and Requital".
These three words constitute two
successive possessive phrases. Since the last possessive noun is
definite, the first two nouns are also definite by construct.
Grand Qur'aan is par excellence in
self-referencing. This grammatical unit is mentioned once and
what is signified by it is also the solitary event and the
solitary day. It is added to the
sentence as another adjectival for: Allah -
We have submitted before our Sustainer Lord and publicly pronounced
that we admit that there will be the day when every one will be
subjected to accountability and final judgment and divisions will be
executed. Our Sustainer Lord:
Exalted will exclusively be the Adjudicating Authority to finalize
the judicial process that day. Mentioning an infallible fact is
manifesting intellect and wisdom and spreading fragrance in
environment. Subject to accountability and criminally cognizable is
only he who has the realwill and freedom of actions.
It is excerpted from the information
given later:

And He the Exalted is Who
created the Skies and the Earth; conditioning them
infallible governing rules for a determined purpose and time.
And remember the day when He the
Exalted will order, "You
end] manifest yourself." Thereby,
in compliance it will happen.
The word of Him the Exalted is the
manifest reality.
The sovereignty and dominion is
exclusive for Him the Exalted on the Day when
blow will be blown in the trumpet.
He is the Knower of the Invisible and the
Visible domains, continuously and simultaneously;
Know it, He is
the Infinitely Just Supreme Administrator of the created realm;
absolutely aware of all evident and secreted. [6:73]

The Day they will appear in the open;
Nothing of any sort
hides about them
from Allah the Exalted;
The One for Whom is the
Dominion and Dispensation of Justice this Day;
[they will appear in the open]
the only One Absolutely Dominant over all irresistibly. [40:16]
Indeed those people who endeavor, remaining
cautious, heedful, and mindful avoiding unrestrained conduct, are in the gardens while lakes/streams flowing
side by, [54:54]
In the abode of dignity given by the Absolute
Sovereign King. [54:55]

The Dominion is
exclusively for Allah the Exalted that
Day of Requital. He will adjudge between them;
Whereupon those who
accepted - believed and performed moderate righteous deeds:
Are entered in the lush green Gardens
- Paradise
of Delight.
Remain mindful, those who deliberately refused to
accept and
vehemently contradicted publicly with regard to Our Aa'ya'at:
unitary verbal passages of the Book:
Thereby, they are the
people, a humiliating punishment is in wait for them.


Mind it, the Day the Sky along with lower
clouds becomes self-porous, and the Angels are descended
in succession; [25:25]
That Day it will be manifestly evident that the
everlasting Dominion and Sovereignty is exclusive for
Ar'Reh'maan the Exalted.
And that Day
was a difficult and heavy day upon the non-believers.
We are since the start of our speech/reading and pronouncing universal
thought and perception, not bound in time and space, in one breath
reflecting the conviction. After stating that recourse is the
Proper Name:
Allah the Exalted Who is ,
are using nominal sentences which grammatically signify
"Permanence/Eternality" [دوام]
or in philosophical language "Being". Therein, we state the fact that
the Praise, in the true and absolute sense of the word, stands specified
for Allah the Exalted Who is the Sustainer Lord of the Worlds, and
return to His Personal Name and the Trait, which has significance and
relationship with Non-Temporal to Temporal realms.
We, by reverting, are adding an information that like the beginning of
Temporal Realm, on the Day of Resurrection-Judgment,
the Sovereign-the Authority is the Same One: Ar'Reh'maan Who is
Fountain of Infinite Mercy. It reflects
the clarity of our thought and perception, and the comprehension of entire
Temporal Realm. It reflects our intelligent
and wise perception that the creation with a determined
purpose/objective is always time-bound and its End-Moment of determined
duration is predetermined.
The first definite noun by construct
is Active Participle from
م ل ك; it also occurs in accusative case

the Messenger
tell people to pronounce, admitting: "O Allah the Exalted, You
the absolute Sovereign of the entire Kingdom:
You the Exalted bestow
a certain kingdom to someone; he/she whom You decide to favour.
And You the Exalted withdraw a certain kingdom from
someone; he/she against whom You
so decide.
And You the
Exalted render him preponderant,
dominant and powerful about whom You so decide.
Likewise, You the Exalted render him ignominious
about whom You so decide..
The dynamics of
balance-tranquility-absolute goodness is exclusive to the judgment
and authority of You the Exalted.
It is certain
that You
the Exalted
eternally have the command and control over each and all things,
individually and collectively: set them right, fix them in measure
and proportion. [3:26]
We will
study about the Day of the
Judgment and Requital since it also finds mention as a
separate grammatical unit.
This phrase with different case ending occurs:
accusative case
occurs three times in (1)26:82(2)56:56(3)82:15=3;
 In nominative
for four times in (1)37:20(2)51:12(3)82:17(4)82:18=4.
Prefixed with
preposition this phrase occurs
three times in (1)70:26(2)74:46(3)83:11=3
The Constitution of the physical realm
Progressive number of grammatical units:
186 +1= 187
