[Our Sustainer Lord Ar'Reh'maan]
You the Exalted are the One and Only Whom we
presently and henceforth solely and exclusively owe and
demonstrate allegiance and servitude.
Moreover, You
the Exalted are exclusively the One we keep looking for rendering
the environment supportive and assisting
to elevate ourselves. [01:05]
The ayah comprises of two verbal
sentences in which the object of verb is fronted for honour and
It is compound word: +
Particle of exclusivity
which always occurs along with a pronoun +
Personal Pronoun
Second Person; Masculine; Singular - the addressee Allah - Ar'Reh'maan
the Exalted. It occurred in the Divine Discourse only twice in this
Progressive number of grammatical units:
= 187 + 2 = 189

We owe and demonstrate allegiance and