
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.





Lane Lexicon


Classical Lexicons
















































































Root: د ح و/ى

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 1


(مقاييس اللغة)

الدال والحاء والواو أصلٌ واحد يدلُّ على بَسْطٍ وتمهيد
ومن الباب أُدْحِيُّ النَّعام: الموضع الذي يُفَرِّخ فيه، أُفْعولٌ مِن دحوت؛ لأنّه يَدْحُوه برِجْله ثم يبيض فيه
وليس للنّعامة عُشٌّ

That it leads to the perception of outstretching and softening the ground as a settlement. And from it is the communal pit-settlement of ostrich, a place wherein it spawns, it is so called since he makes the settlement with his feet and afterwards eggs are laid therein. It does not denote "ostrich nest".

Lane's Lexicon has rendered it like this:

"inf. n. دَحْوٌ, He spread; spread out, or forth; expanded; or extended; ---also, said of an ostrich, he expanded, and made wide, with his foot, or leg, the place where he was about to deposit his eggs:

أُدْحِىٌّ  , [originally أُدْحُوىٌ, of the measure أُفْعُولٌ from دَحَيْتُ, but said in the S to be of that measure from دَحَوْتُ, the dial.var. دَحَيْتُ not being there mentioned,] and إِِدْحِىٌّ and ↓ أُدْحِيَّةٌ and ↓ أُدْحُوَّةٌ , (K,) The place of the laying of eggs, and of the hatching thereof,) of the ostrich, in the sand; because that bird expands it, and makes it wide, with its foot, or leg; for the ostrich has no [nest such as is termed] عُشّ:" unquote

The most prominent relationship with this Root is that of ostrich. It is the world's largest and heaviest surviving bird, and so are their eggs largest in the world 5.9 inches long and 5.1 inches wide and weighing in at around 3-5 pounds each.

Because the ostrich has an elongated neck and large protruding eyes shadowed by long lashes, it has been likened to a camel, the most liked mammal of Arabs. (Its scientific name is Struthio camelus!) Ostriches can also withstand hot temperatures and go for long periods of time without water, usually getting enough moisture from the plants they eat.

They generally live together in small groups led by a dominant male and a dominant female. After copulation, the male creates what is known as a communal pit in the Earth; 12–24 inches deep and almost 10ft wide. The dominant female then lays her eggs first before being followed by others in the group.

It is thus evident that if the subject of verb with suffixed pronoun for the Earth is the male Ostrich, it will exclusively signify the aforementioned act and the affect upon Earth.

Therefore, the irreducible semantic feature of this root is the setting of Earth as a settlement for spawning: to produce offspring in large numbers, and its communal aspect.

Ostrich communal pit for spawning


Semantic Field: AstronomyScientific study of UniverseEarth Root: ء ر ض

Grand Qur'aan has used the following Roots for explaining the distinct-unique features and information about the Earthgeodetics engineering:

ب س ط

 ف ر ش

 د ح و/ى

ذ ل ل

 س ط ح

ط ح و/ى

 ق ر ر

ك ف ت

م د د

م ھ د

 و ض ع

Although there may seemingly be some overlapping aspects while transferring their concepts in English language, but every Root has unique features of its own. Therefore, Root د ح و has unique feature and meanings:

  • Are you more strong and stable with regard to construct- creation or the Sky is more strong and stable? He the Exalted constructed her. [79:27]

  • He raised  "سمك": [say] handle of the Sky and thereat proportioned her [into seven Skies]. [79:28]

  • And made dark her night. And He the Exalted brought out her shine producing heat and light. [79:29]

  • And after this discharge of heat of the Sky He the Exalted rendered her: the Earth like the ostrich pit for spawning. [79:30]

Ostrich communal pit in the land results in multiplication of their number into numerous. Likewise the Earth has communal aspect for humanity and their multiplication in number:

  • And He the Exalted is the One Who has multiplied - made you people numerous in the Earth;

  • And you people will be gathered-resurrected for accountability by Him the Exalted. [23:79]

  • You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] pronounce, He the Exalted is the One Who has multiplied - made you people numerous in the Earth;

  • And you people will be gathered-resurrected for accountability by Him the Exalted." [67:24]

This phenomenon of multiplication will not be possible in off-Earth environment, even if the fiction of permanent human habitation on a planetary body other than the Earth becomes a reality.


Verb: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine; Subject pronoun hidden; Suffixed Object Pronoun: Third person; singular; feminine, accusative state, with prolongation sign; مصدر دَحْوٌ Verbal Noun. (1)79:30=1

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