
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

In Grand Qur'aan other Roots with first two letters  س ب

1) س ب ب

2) س ب ت

3) س ب ح

4) س ب ط

5) س ب غ

6) س ب ق

7) س ب ل



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Root: س ب ع

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 28

b) No of constructions: 13

It occurs in 24 Ayahs in 16 Suras.

bn Faris [died 1005] stated:

(مقاييس اللغة)

السين والباء والعين أصلان مطردان صحيحان: أحدهما في العَدَد، والآخر شيءٌ من الوحوش

That it firstly means the cardinal number (seven and seventy), and secondly it refers to animal of family wild beast.

It has been used in the Grand Qur'aan in both the meanings. Once for the animal of prey:

  • And that mangled by animal of prey save that you timely slaughtered it; [refer 5:03]

In Arabic the cardinal number represents the count of an individual object. It is not merely a digit as is a number in English. Therefore, it also has gender, either masculine or feminine in relation to the counted object. When the counted object is feminine, the cardinal number will be masculine; alternatively if each member of the counted object is masculine, the cardinal number will be feminine.

It is mentioned in possessive and adjectival phrases.

Examples: ---- -- -- --

-- -- ------

Adjectival phrases: -- --

When counted noun is elided in possessive phrase, the cardinal number is given in compensation a tanwin, as in 15:87 and 78:12.



Noun: Definite; masculine; plural; nominative. (1)5:03=1

                                                                                                                   اسم :معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-جمع مذكر



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; Definite; nominative. (1)17:44=1                                                                          اسم عدد:معرفہ باللام مرفوع- مؤنث



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; Definite; genitive.  (1)23:86=1                                                                              اسم عدد:معرفہ  باللام مجرور- مؤنث



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; accusative. (1)2:29(2) 2:261(3)12:43(4)12:43(5)12:47(6)23:17(7)41:12(8)65:12(9)67:03(10)69:07(11)71:15=11 اسم عدد: منصوب



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; nominative. (1) 12:43(2)12:46=2                                                                                                         اسم عدد: مرفوع- مؤنث



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; nominative. (1) 12:48=1                                                                                                                      اسم عدد: مرفوع- مؤنث



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; genitive. (1)12:46 (2)12:46=2                                                                                                        اسم عدد:معرفہ- مجرور- مؤنث



Noun: Masculine to count seven feminine articles/persons; accusative. (1) 15:87(2)78:12=2                                                                                                                اسم عدد: منصوب



Noun of Cardinal number seven: Feminine ascribed to seven masculine articles/persons; genitive. (1)2:196=1                                                              اسم عدد: مجرور- مؤنث



Noun of Cardinal number seven: Feminine ascribed to seven masculine articles/persons; nominative. (1)15:44(2)31:27=2                                                    اسم عدد: مرفوع



Noun of Cardinal number seven: Feminine ascribed to seven masculine articles/persons; nominative. (1)18:22=1                                                                   اسم عدد: مرفوع



Noun of Cardinal number seventy: Nominative (1)69:32=1          اسم عدد: مرفوع



Noun of Cardinal number seventy: genitive/accusative. (1)7:155(2)9:80=2

                                                                                                                                اسم عدد:منصوب/ مجرور


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