ب ح ر
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 42
b) No of constructions: 9
The basic perception infolded in the Root
is to slit, trench, or cleave lengthwise.
Since the beds of river, sea, ocean are naturally trenched on a
large area of land in length and width which become the flowing
route of
reservoirs of waters, therefore, the word
refers and signifies either the Sea, Lake or the River.
The Rivers end up, or we may say the trench
continues to join another trench of bigger size, in Lakes and Seas. From
this, we can see the concept and perception of a global interconnected
trench enabling flow and serving as reservoir of water.
However, the Sea and River have some features that are common for both,
and some peculiar characteristics are such that signify both as distinct
entities. Therefore, we must take care of the characteristics and
relationship with other words, wherever we find mention of:
to arrive at exact conclusion whether it refers to
River or certain Sea over the surface of the Earth/Landforms or a trench
beneath the Earth wherein water reservoirs flow. This is also
necessitated if the word is prefixed with the definite article.
1- Where it refers to Gulf of Suez.

Moreover, recall
the point in time
when Our Majesty rendered the Gulf of Suez [refer
20:80].separated to assist you
people to cross over
[the dry passage, central passage like line in human skull];
Thereby, We
rescued you keeping safe above the surface-reach of water;
[skeleton like dried
passage/emerged fringing reef-see
And We
caused the drowning of the Pharaoh-folk;
[army equipped with arms].
While you people were watching them
drowning [from other
bank of Gulf of Suez after having crossed over the emerged fringing reef
that served as bridge-dried passage]. [2:50]
Perfect; First Person; Plural/Sovereign Singular; [نَا]
Subject pronoun in nominative state; مصدر-فَرْقٌ Verbal noun.
This verb unambiguously identifies its object as the peculiar Sea:
since the act and its effect related with this
Verb cannot be thought or perceived in relation to a River.

Verb: Perfect; First person; Plural/Sovereign
Singular; Masculine; [Form-III]; [نَا]
Suffixed Subject Pronoun; nominative state; مصدر
مُجَاوَزَةٌ Verbal

Know the fact that We
had communicated to
in Egypt] that;
"You travel by
night with My servants.
reaching there [and because of chase by
you strike
emerging a passage
for accompanying people in the
Gulf of Suez.
characteristic feature of this
passage is that it is dried up:
skeleton - Fringing
You will not have
fear of being overtaken,
nor you will have apprehension of other unpleasant eventuality."
Verbal Noun: Indefinite;
accusative. It is the
adjectival description of a passage that was to emerge.
A verbal noun signifies an action or state only.
This direction and information was communicated
when Musa
السلام] was in
Misr-in Arabic Country of Two Lands-known in West as Egypt. The other
update of this Exodus Episode is when they had arrived at Gulf of Suez
and were still on Western bank when they observed at distance the
chasing troops.

Thereby, We
conveyed to
That "Strike the
Gulf of Suez with the
help of your stalk emerging [for them
the dried up passage/Fringing reef-as earlier told
He struck
uplifting the dried up passage; whereby it: the dried-passage itself emerged
becoming visible.
Thereat, each segment
- assemblage
of its parts was like the Big Bone-Skeleton
[Fringing reefs] stationed firmly at its position.
Conjunction particleفَ
[Cause and effect indicative] +
Verb: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine; Active; [Form-VII]; Subject
pronoun hidden referring to Dried Passage; مصدر-إِنْفِلاَقٌ
Verbal noun. Form-VII verbs are reflexive which means that the
subject/performer of the act is also the recipient/object of the verb.
Further this Form is passive in meanings.
This was relating to the instructions when they
were on this side of the Gulf of Suez. What was he to do after crossing
over to other bank leaving the Gulf of Suez?

Thereat he was told, "You [O Musa]
travel by night with my servants.
Indeed you people will be
consciously chased. [44:23]
And [after having
crossed over to the other side of Gulf of Suez on the Dry
Bridge/Passage] you abandon the Gulf of
leaving it in the ridged state.
It is a
fact that they are the troops that will be caused to be
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. It is the circumstantial accusative
in the sentence; ridged state.
Why in these Ayahs - Unitary verbal
passages that are mirroring the events of the Episode of Exodus, the word:
translated by me specifically as Gulf of Suez? The definite nouns of Arabic
relate and identify a specific and recognized object both by the Speaker
and the listener/addressee. For others, Grand Quraan makes such definite
words known by explanations at other places with regard to it. We are
told about the direction they went and were followed during this Exodus:

[on gathering in response to Pharaoh's call],
they: Pharaoh and gathered troops purposely chased them,
they were heading towards East. [26:60]
Active Participle: Indefinite; sound plural;
masculine; accusative. [Form-IV].
It is unfortunate that the majority of Translators
have opted to translate it as the time of Sunrise after the night of
Exodus. However, inaccuracy of this thought
is evident from the facts mentioned immediately before this, that it was
not the Sunrise of the following dawn of the Night of Exodus, but the
route followed in Easterly direction.

Thereupon, on reports of their having
left city,
Fir'aoun [Pharaoh]
sent gatherers into the Forts-Army Encampments
[with the message] [26:53]
"Indeed these are a band
separated from main group, small in number.
And indeed they for us are
certainly arousers of rage; [26:55]
And We are certainly a
multitude, well equipped." [26:56]
genitive; denotes the Cities, the
The Exodus took place during the darkened night.
Fir'aoun gets the intelligence reports of
their departure, whereupon he sent gatherers towards various Army
Encampments to bring troops. This shows
how coward was he, that despite knowing about them as unarmed small band
of people he could not pick up the courage to immediately start the
pursuit by taking an Army Unit immediately available in his palace. He sent people to various Encampments. Should we
still remain under the false impression that they followed immediately
on Sunrise after the Night of Exodus despite the information given in
26:53 above?
In the Eastern
side of Misr/Egypt is the Sea, the specific name of which is Gulf of
Suez. They safely crossed over it. Where did they
land after Exodus?

They were reminded:
"O you the posterity of Israel!
Our Majesty delivered—rescued
you in the recent past from your enemy;
And We have appointed for you a period [of asylum]
on the right side of At-Tur [Mount in Sinai];
And We have intermittently sent to you
al-Munna and As-salwa: excellent food. [20:80]

In the entire globe there is no At Tur by the
bank of a Sea except the one on the Eastern shore of Gulf Suez.
Recognized as Sea by the relational

You the Messenger
confront people: "Name Who saves you people in the layers of darkness-clueless
locations-bewilderment of the Desert and the Ocean-Sea?
You call upon Him in humility
and privately-secretively,
In case He rescued us from this
life threatening situation, we will certainly remain obliged and grateful" [6:63]

He the Exalted has arranged for you people the
Stars [Pointers
and North Pole]
So that you people might guide yourselves in finding direction by them in the
layers of darkness-clueless locations-unmarked spaces-bewilderment
of the Desert-Land and the Ocean..
Our Majesty has made
the Aa'ya'at:
passages conveying information, facts and knowledge
about things-concepts as
vividly distinct-demarcated-isolated-alienated-crystal clear
for the people in pursuit of knowing-understanding.
[Read with
Or, who guides/rescues you
in the layers of darkness/clueless
locations-unmarked spaces-bewilderment
of the Desert/Land and the Ocean/Sea.
[Refer 27:63]
Here the definite noun
has occurred describing a situation
where the man traveling in it is caught up in a state of
bewilderment-layers of darkness-clueless not knowing as to how to get a
lead/direction/guidance and help to escape the bewildered state.
Can anyone imagine this state occurring while man
is traveling in River? This happens only in
Ocean/Sea. Who comes to their rescue to
indicate them the direction to get out of bewilderment while they are
lost in darkness traveling in a desert and ocean?
Only the Pointer Stars and Northern Pole Star. This fact is known to
human beings from centuries, and in the above Ayah, the information is
that this was done by Allah, the Exalted.
recognized as Sea/Ocean by the surrounding
metaphors and picturesque depiction of scenes:
One Sub-set of the
Verbal Passages of Grand Qur'aan are
Active participle [Form-VI],
signifying that they keep performing the job of mirroring hidden
facts/scientific realities mentioned in the Qur'aan for the benefit of
humanity through metaphors, as is done by the Scientists.

He the Exalted is the One Who enables you
people to traverse in the Land and the Sea.
For this purpose you
people are at times on board the Ships.
And the Ships sailed
carrying them on board with pleasant breeze, and they rejoiced the
pleasant moments.
Thereat, a wind
overtook the Ship. One
[masculine active participle]
Twister who makes things revolve and spread
is laden within her/Wind.
And the Waves reached
them from all sides.
And they
apprehensively assessed that they have certainly been
surrounded by it from all sides.
They called upon
Allah the Exalted, acting as sincere devotees-allegiant in physical
conduct for Him the Exalted, praying;
"We swear that if You
the Exalted rescued us from this life threatening situation, we will
certainly be obliged and grateful people". [10:22]
This picturesque depiction of an happening leads
us to know certainly that
refers only to ocean/sea.

Take note, when dangerous hardship
touches you in the Ocean all those are forgotten, whom you people
otherwise keep calling in
tranquil circumstances,
He the Exalted, exclusively.
In response to your prayers
and promises, when He the Exalted rescued you people towards the
Coast you knowingly
refrained from being obliged and
The historical
fact is that the Man is
generally ungratefully disobedient. [17:67]

Or have you people felt
secured that He might occasion your going into the sea another time?
Thereat, He the
Exalted might send upon you
people a smasher cascading from the Wind.
Thereby, He the
Exalted might
drown you people for reason of your ungrateful denials.
you might not find a claimant and affectionate follower to plead for you
before Our Majesty. [17:69]
People caught up in a dangerous
hardship/life threatening situation whereupon, to the exclusion of all,
they sought help from Allah, the Exalted, giving promises of becoming
grateful allegiants. However, some afterwards having been rescued adopt
their old tradition. They are reminded and warned that a situation can
occur when again they are in the sea/ocean.
The situation that they might face is the sending
of a tornado/ waterspout from within a peculiar wind is a phenomenon
that occurs only in the Sea/Ocean.

Or the similarity of their acts is like layers of
progressing darkness within a sea. It has a swell-raised level of water at a point.
A Wave rises and
covers the surface of sea.
A wave ascends and
departs from its-wave's upper surface
A dragger drags it
from over its surface.
These are the successive
layers of darkness. Their characteristic feature is that some are
darker than others;
that when
he took out his hand
he was not near to see that
And if Allah the
Exalted makes not Visible Light for some one,
thereat no part of Visible Light is
there for him. [24:40]

Have you not visualized/understood/given a thought
that the ship sails/moves in the Sea with the blessing of Allah, the
Exalted so that He may show to you people some of His visible
tangible signs.
Indeed in it are certainly
evident signs for each and every persistent coolly perseverant, ever
thankfully obliged. [31:31

And the moment
waves wrapped over them like
the overshadowing canopies,
They called upon
Allah the Exalted, acting as sincere devotees-allegiant in
conduct for Him the Exalted.
In response to their prayers,
when He the Exalted rescued them surviving and safe towards the land-shore, thereat some
of them make
themselves moderate.
Take note that none denies deliberately and
publicly about Our Aa'ya'at-Verbally communicated passages except each
and all ungratefully disobedient betrayer.
Such scenes can be witnessed only
in the Seas.
1 |
Noun: Indefinite; plural paucity; feminine; genitive.
:مجرور-مع مكسر مؤنث |
Smaller oceans |
2 |
Definite; broken plural; feminine;
accusative. (1)81:06(2)82:03=2
اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع-جمع مكسر مؤنث |
3 |
Definite; singular; masculine;
accusative. (1)2:50(2)7:138(3)10:90(4) 16:14(5)26:63(6)44:24(7)45:12=7
اسم:معرفہ باللام
مذكر |
4 |
Definite; singular; masculine; genitive.
(1)2:164(2)5:96(3)6:59(4)6:63(5) 6:97(6)7:163(7)10:22(8)14:32(9)17:66(10)17:67(11)17:70(12)18:61(13)18:63(14)18:79(15)20:77(16) 22:65(17)27:63(18)30:41(19)31:31(20)42:32(21)52:06(22)55:24=22
اسم:معرفہ باللام
مذكر |
5 |
Definite; singular; masculine; nominative. (1)18:109(2)18:109(3)31:27=3
اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع-واحد
مذكر |
6 |
Noun: Definite; dual; masculine; nominative.
اسم:معرفہ باللام مرفوع-تثنية
7 |
Noun: Definite; dual; masculine; accusative/genitive.
(1)18:60(2)25:53(3) 27:61(4)55:19=4
اسم:معرفہ باللام
8 |
Indefinite; singular; masculine; genitive.
مذكر |
9 |
Noun: Indefinite; singular; feminine;
مؤنث |

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