o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
No of occurrences=57 1. (1)01:01;(2)01:03(3)19:45 (4)19:58(5)19:69(6)19:78 (7)19:85(8)19:87(9)19:93 (10)21:36(11)21:42(12)25:63 (13)26:05(14)27:30(15)41:02 (16)43:19(17)43:36(18)43:45 (19)67:03;(20)67:20 (21)78:37=21 2. (1)2:163;(2)19:61;(3)19:75; (4)19:88;(5)19:96;(6)20:05; (7)20:90;(8)20:109;(9)21:26; (10)21:112;(11)25:59; (12)25:60;(13)36:15;(14)36:23; (15)36:52;(16)43:20;(17)55:01; (18)59:22;(19)67:19; (20)67:29;(21)78:38=21 3. 4. 5.
Ar'Reh'maan: Personal Name of Allah
8. Fear is induced by a perceived threat from a specific stimulus-Being or a named object.
Fear is a distressing emotion in response to a specific stimulus. It is a basic survival mechanism causing specific behaviour of escape and avoidance. This is a perceived threat from a specific person, object and/or thought. The Title or Personal Name of a being and object is referred to relate the fear. There are two words used in the Grand Qur'aan relating to perception of fear, apprehensiveness, Therefore, if they slander/irrationally conduct/argue on this issue, thereat you people should not care for them, and instead be careful/mindful of Me. And so that I may conclude My Favour/Grace upon you people, and whereby on completion of My Favour you people may consciously and heartily guide yourselves [by getting complete Grand Qur'aan and completely knowing the practical method, conduct, procedure, way of life leading to destination] [Refer 2:150] then when as soon it was prescribed for them to fight the war one group of them was fearing people like the fear of Allah or even stronger fear than that, [Refer 4:77]
Therefore you people should not care for them, and instead be careful/mindful of Me. [Refer 5:03]
[Similar advice in
2:150] Therefore you people do not fear/be apprehensive of people and be afraid of Me exclusively. [Refer 5:44] Then/for reason [for He being the Mightiest] Allah has more right and exceedingly deserves that you people feel afraid of Him, [9:13]
and he maintained/managed/organized/stood for the performance of Ass-sa'laat, and he paid the Az-zakat [raiser/up lifter of personality] and should never be afraid of anyone except Allah. [9:18] And those are they who approach/join/maintain what Allah has commanded that it should be adhered and they fear their Sustainer Lord and they feel afraid of terrible reckoning/accountability. [13:21] [Same information in same words in
35:18;67:12] [in time and space Mutta'qeena are those people] they remain careful/mindful/afraid of their Sustainer Lord without being in their sight. [21:49] Indeed those people who, being afraid/mindful/cautious of their Sustainer Lord, are humbly loving ones/for fear of Him stand in awe; [23:57] [Same pronouncement in same words in
4:13;33:71;48:17] And whoever willingly/affectionately accepts the words of Allah and His Messenger [contained and recited by him from Grand Qur'aan],
and he fears Allah and is always conscious of Him, [Same information in
9:20;23:111;59:20]o resultantly such are the people who are the perpetually successful ones. [24:52]
And you had the fear in the heart of your heart that [fact of divorcing may not become public] which Allah was going to make public; and you were apprehensive of people [disliking of an undesirable act by Messenger's adopted son], and [in principle] Allah is more deserving that you fear Him. [33:37] who were conveying and passing on the Messages of Allah while fearing Him and used not to fear anyone except Allah. [33:39]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 36:11] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can only revive/admonish [Exactly the same information in same words in
21:49;67:12] those [in time and space] who remain careful/mindful/afraid of their Sustainer Lord without being in their sight;[35:18]
It is true that only those from His slaves are cautious and afraid of Allah who have concrete knowledge [of His visible demonstrative signs evidently scattered everywhere][35:28]
[Same pronouncement in same words in 35:18] You the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] can only revive/admonish
the one who made himself follow the Reminder
[same information in same words in
21:49;35:18;50:33;67:12] and [in time and space] remained careful/mindful/afraid of Ar'Reh'maan without being in his sight. [36:11] from that part of it/Grand Qur'aan the skins of those, who fear and revere their Sustainer Lord, become bristled in fear; [39:23]
who remained careful/mindful/afraid of Ar'Reh'maan without He being in sight; [50:33]
Had We caused this Grand Qur'aan to descend upon a mountain
you would have certainly seen it in a state of trembling and perforating out of the fear of Allah. [59:21]
Indeed those people who remain careful/mindful/afraid of their Sustainer Lord without being in their sight, [67:12] This [success, approval of conduct] is for such person who had fear and placed reliance exclusively upon his Sustainer Lord. [Refer 98:08]
The Qur'aan is a guide and admonisher. It has guided us
through a different semantic field and context that