
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

















[Exact these words in 3:190]

Indeed in the creation of the Skies and the Earth, and in the alteration/revolving of the night and the day,

 and in the boat/ship that sail in the river/sea laden with cargoes beneficial to mankind,

[Rain brings Rizq, sustenance 45:05]

and what Allah sent from the Sky from water thereby He revived/rejuvenated with it the land after its demise/drying up;

[Exactly same information in same words in 31:10; similar in 42:29]

  and scattered all kinds of animals in it;

[Same words in 45:05]

and in the circling of winds;

and organizing of the [middle] clouds in between the Sky and the Earth; [only for this particular cloud the word in between sky and earth is used-Qur'aan was the first ever Book to give Atlas of Clouds]

[Same information in same words at end 13:04;16:12;30:24]o

   are indeed the visible/tangible signs/information for people to recognize/differentiate/ research/reflect. [2:164]


[their wealth and progeny will be of no avail] Their similarity/illustration is that whatever they spend in this worldly life is like

the wind that has in it frost which smote the tillage of that community who did injustice to themselves, for which reason she [frosted wind] destroyed them.

[Same pronouncement in 16:33]

And Allah did no injustice to them but in fact they do injustice to themselves. [3:117]


[Similar information in 25:48]

And He is the One Who sends the particular winds, as advance glad news before His Mercy,

till such time when the winds felt the heavy laden middle cloud light in carrying We drove that/middle cloud for a dead land

then/resultantly We sent down with it water;

then/consequently [rejuvenating the Earth] We brought out with this water all kinds of fruits.

[Read with 50:11,42]o

Like this We bring out the dead so that you people remember [your resurrection after death]. [7:57]


and you people affectionately and wholeheartedly accept the word of Allah and His Messenger,

and you people do not enter into mutual controversies which might cause you liquefaction/weakening [of homogeneity-bond] and it may take away your strength.

And you people be coolly persevarent.

[Exactly same information in same words in 2:153]o

 Certainly Allah is with the patiently consistent ones/coolly perseverant. [8:46]


He is the One Who enables you people to travel in the land and the sea,

until when you people are on the ships and they are sailing with pleasant breeze, [it happened to some] and they were rejoicing with pleasant breeze when reached to ship hurricane cyclone

and the waves came to them from each and every side/point and they apprehended that indeed they have been circularly surrounded by it

[Same information in same words in 29:65;31:32]

they called upon Allah, acting as sincere devotee/allegiant for Him in the physical conduct/code/ procedure

[Same information in 6:63]o

"Indeed if You saved us from it, we will certainly be amongst the obliged and grateful people" [10:22]


And when the caravan departed [from Egypt] at that point in time their father pronounced [to the people around him], "Indeed I certainly find the smell of Yu'suf,


if you people do not consider it as aging talk of me" [12:94]


[understand] The similitude of those who persistently refused to acknowledge their Sustainer Lord;

Their deeds are like that ash for which the wind in a violent windy day became strong/irresistible.

They do not have control of any sort to retain/confine what they had earned [from scattering/flying away by the wind like ash].

[Same pronouncement in same words 22:12; similar in 4:116,136,167;14:03;34:08;42:18;50:27]o

This is what is called the far destructive end of neglectfulness/straying/wandering. [14:18]


And We sent the winds loaded with fecundating material [condensation nuclei-aerosole],

then/for reason/as a sequel [offspring] We sent from the Sky water, thereby/for reason [having stored it] We gave it to you for drink;


and you people are not the one who could stock it/the sent water [being in abundant quantity]. [15:22]


Or have you people felt secured from that He may send you into the sea another time

thereby He may send upon you people a tornado [waterspout] from the particular wind thereby He may drown you people for your ungrateful denials.


Afterwards [on the day of Judgment] you will not find for your selves before us to act as your claimant and helper. [17:69]


[Same pronouncement in 10:24]

And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] quote/emerge/surface for them the equation of the worldly life; it is as/like the water which We sent down from the Sky

[Same information in same words in 10:24]

then with its association He caused/resulted the sprouting of the plants of the Earth;

thereafter the produce of Earth became dried stalk, winds scatter it here and there.


And Allah has always been exercising command and control over each and everything. [18:45]

And for Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] We subjected the particular breeze, grain producer.

It/this grain producing breeze moved under his command towards the Land [Jerusalem] the one in which We had placed blessings.


And We are always in complete know of each and every thing. [21:81]


remaining incessantly/persistently and perpetually upright and sincere for Allah the opposite of those who associate partners with Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words 4:48,116; similar 5:72]

And whoever ascribes/associates partner/equal with Allah

thereupon he is only like that as if he had fallen from the [heights of the] Sky

whereby the [vulture type] birds swoop for avulsion upon him;


or the wind blows carrying him with it to a far-off place. [22:31]


[Similar information in 7:57]

And He is the One Who sent the particular winds, as advance glad news before His Mercy,


And We sent down from the Sky the purifying/rejuvenating water; [25:48]


[Read with 6:97]

Or who guides/rescues you [in frustratingly distressing situations] in the dark [unmarked] spaces of land and sea.

[Read with 7:57;25:48]

And Who is the One Who sends the particular winds, as advance glad news before His Mercy,

[Same question in same words in 27:60,61,62,63,64]

Is there any iela'aha along with Allah?

[Same pronouncement in  7:190;10:18;16:01,03;23:92;28:68;30:40;39:67]o

[they conjecture] Allah is Exalted from that what they associate with Him. [27:63]


[Read with 25:48]

And it is part of His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs that He sends the winds as advance glad news;

and so that He may let you taste/enjoy from His Mercy,

[Read with 14:32;42:33]

and so that the ships may sail/move in the water reservoir by the commanded affair of Him.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 17:66;35:12]

and so that you people may seek from His bounty.

[Same expectation in same words 2:185;16:14;28:73;35:12;45:12]o
 and so that you people keep expressing gratitude.

[Same pronouncement in 35:09]

Allah is the One Who sends the winds [loaded with impregnating/fecundating material/condensation nuclei-aerosole-15:22] whereupon they incite/form/rapidly give rise to middle cloud;

thereat He spreads that cloud in the Sky as how He wills

[Read with 24:43]

and he makes it/middle cloud fragmented

[Same information same words in 24:43]

thereat you see the rain drop discharging from midst it.


Thereon when He caused rain with it upon whom He willed from His created ones, they at that point in time feel happy. [30:48]

And if We had sent a wind whereupon they watched it/their crops turning yellow they would have certainly after it shadowed expressing ingratitude. [30:51]


O you who declare to have accepted!

[Same injunction to them in same words in 2:231;3:103;5:07,11; for others 5:20;14:06;35:03]

 you people recall the Grace of Allah upon you people

when came to you invisible forces/troops whereupon We sent upon them/enemy winds [which you saw]

[Same information in same words in 9:26]

and troops which you people did not see observably;

[Same pronouncement in same words in 48:24]o

And Allah is eternally watchful, everything that you people do is under His focus; [33:09]


[Read with 21:81;38:36]

And for Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] We made pliable/subjected the particular breeze [the grain producer, since he made it blow towards their land-21:81]; its presence in mornings was evident/was famous and its presence in evenings was evident/famous [amongst agriculturists because of great effect on yield]

And for him we caused a spring of molten copper.

And there were amongst the Jinn species who worked before him with the permission of his Sustainer Lord;


and [to whom it was made clear] whoever from amongst them deviates from Our command We will make him taste from the Torment of Blaze. [34:12]

[Same information in 30:48]

And Allah is the One Who sent the winds [loaded with impregnating/fecundating material/ condensation nuclei-aerosole-15:22] whereupon they incite/form/rapidly give rise to middle cloud;  

[Read with 7:57]

thereat We drove and gathered it towards a dead land whereupon with it We rejuvenated/revived the Earth after its death.

[Read with 30:50]o

 Like this is the Resurrection-evidently spread reappearance. [35:09]


[Read with 77:01]

By those [sent winds] who expand in the manner of a consecutive queue; [37:01]

thereupon they are the brushers with punchy sounds; [37:02]

[Read with 77:05]

thereat they act as reciting, in the manner of message/reminding [37:03] [if one listens the sounds of blowing winds and knows the perception of the Root from where this active feminine participle is formed he will find the precise similarity]

that indeed the Iela'aha of you people is certainly the Only One; [37:04]



he said, "O my Sustainer Lord, forgive for me;

and You grant me such a rule of kingdom that it may not be possible for a single one after me to  acquire it for himself

[Same pronouncement in same words in 3:08]o

 indeed You are The Benefactor/The One Who bestows" [38:35]

[Accepting his prayer] In response We subjected for him the particular breeze [grain producer 21:81]

 it moved/blew under his command [towards their land-21:81]


gently from the direction/place wherever he had found it. [38:36]

And We subjugated for him the Shaiyateen [convicted prisoner criminals from Jinn species] all builders and divers; [38:37]

[Read with 51:41;54:19;69:06]

Consequently/on expiry of respite period granted We sent upon them in the days of winter a chilly furious wind [that blew for seven nights and eight days]

so that We may cause them taste in the worldly life the punishment causing feel of belittlement and remorse;

and certainly the punishment in the Hereafter is much more of belittlement and remorse.

 and they all will not be helped [by anyone who could help]. [41:16]

[Same information in 55:24]

And amongst His demonstrative/cognizable/recognition signs are the ships in the oceans like tall and long mountains. [42:32]

If He so wills He can cause the air to become still whereupon those ships will become motionless upon the surface of it/ocean.

[Same pronouncement in same words in 14:05;31:31;34:19]

Indeed in it are certainly evident signs for each and every persistent coolly perseverant, ever thankfully obliged. [42:33]

[Same pronouncement in same words 2:164;3:190;10:06]

And in the alteration/revolving of the Night and the Day,

and that Allah has descended from the Sky which is amongst sustenance/food

thereby He rejuvenated with it the Earth after its demise/drying up;

[Same words in 2:164]

and in the circling of winds;

   are the visible/tangible signs/information for people to recognize/reflect. [45:05]

        Consequently when they saw and perceived it as dense cloud that was causing itself move coming towards their valley

they said, "This is a cloud, the one which will bring rain for us"

[They were told] "No, it is that which you people deliberately and reflexively sought to hasten,

it is wind in which there is a grievous punishment; [46:24]

it will destroy everything by the command of its Lord".

And then the result was that it ended with nothing was left to be seen except their houses/buildings.

This is how We punish the guilty people. [46:25]

And swearing is by the scattering winds, in the manner of spreading [the nuclei]; [51:01]

thereby they are the uplifter, individually a weight; [51:02]

thereat the sailing ones, in a smooth manner; [51:03]

eventually/resultantly acting as the distributor of the Command. [51:04]

[Read with 77:07]

Indeed that which you people are being alarmed is certainly a promise truthfully accomplisher; [51:05]

and it is a fact that the Day of Judgment is certainly the happening one. [51:06]

And there is a lesson in the episode of Aad when We sent upon them the devastating wind; [51:41]

it left nothing from anything that came in its way except that it made that like disintegrated ruins. [51:42]

[Read with 41:16;51:41;69:06]

It is a fact that We sent upon them a chilly furious wind in a foggy day of continuing winter season; [54:19]

[Read with 69:07;79:01]

it was plucking people as if they were the stems of uprooted hollow palm-trees. [54:20]

[Read with 41:16;51:41;54:19]

And as for Aad, for reason they were annihilated with a chilling wind of great intensity, [69:06]

[Read with 41:16;51:41]

which He imposed upon them that blewing for seven nights and eight days successively

[Read with 54:20]

whereupon you would have seen the Nation lying therein like as if they were the roots of hollow palm-trees tumbled down. [69:07]

Thereby do you see for them any left over remains? [69:08]


[Read with 37:01]

And swearing is by the sent ones, in the manner of visibly recognized incessant/ continuous/ successive flow; [77:01]

thereat they become circumvolving ones, in the manner of clockwise/anticlockwise rotation; [77:02]

and act as spreaders/dispersers, in the manner of scattering, [77:03]

thereat they act as separators, in the manner of segregating one from another. [77:04]

[Read with 37:03]

thereat they act as causing exposure/lay in front, in the manner of message/reminding/admonition, [77:05]

for feeling regret or taking warning/admonition. [77:06]

[Read with  54:20;69:07 to know their action and effect]

And swearing is by those [fierce winds] which fiercely uproot/pluck/pull things away in the manner of reaching to its extreme extent/depth, [79:01]

and these are movers from place to place in the manner of excited and getting in motion by breaking away from the bonds/ties, [79:02]

and the rushers, in the manner of swimming forward with force/effort; [79:03]

thereat they are racers in the manner of racing to take lead; [79:04]

whereat [reaching to the appointed destination] they are the executors of command [of uprooting/plucking away/annihilation]. [79:05]

And swearing is by those far distanced alienating/racing ones [harmattan winds], moving in the state/manner of heated and sounding. [100:01]

thereat they are the ones who expose from the concealed state in the manner of drawing out something with spoon; [100:02]

whereat they are the ones who cause the change/substitution in the manner/state of obliterating as dawn; [100:03]

resultantly they raise and spread with it/drawn out matter as small moisture place/dust particle, [100:04]

thereat they penetrated it in the centre in the manner of picking/collecting [moisture] [100:05]

Indeed [despite such an elaborate arrangements for him] the Man for his Sustainer Lord is certainly unappreciative, ill-recognizer and thankless. [100:06]

And indeed he is certainly an observer of this [phenomenon of harmattan winds]. [100:07]

And indeed he is for the love of the beneficial things [like rain] certainly very keen. [100:08]