Grand Qur'aan:
: The Permanent Manual for
aright conduct in Earthly Life
The Man was seen off from the Paradise for his sojourn in the Earth with the promise that the Guidance will keep coming for shaping and training their life to come back to the Paradise; not as guest but having earned and "purchased" it as a permanent abode.
We had said: "You go down out of this place jointly-together.
Take note of sub-classifications; whenever shall come to you people guidance-guide from Me;
Thereat, whoever would have followed in letter and spirit My Guidance;
Thereby, fear will not overshadow-haunt such class of people.
Neither will they have a cause to grieve". [2:38]
He the Exalted said: "You both go down to Earth jointly departing from this place-Paradise.
Some of you people will be acting as enemy for some others.
Thereby, when Guidance-Guide comes to you people from Me;
Thereat, whoever affectionately acted upon My Guidance in letter and spirit in such manner that nothing else influences in between;
Thereby, having acted on My Guidance neither would he go stray-neglectful-unrewarded nor would he face trouble-difficulty-inconvenience". [20:123]
Allah the Exalted informed the man; at the time of his departure to the Earth for sojourning therein for an appointed duration, in simple, straightforward, and vividly understandable words the Eternal Rule for success, salvation and return to Original Abode-Paradise. The Eternal Constitution promulgated was: "Practically follow in letter and spirit "My Guidance" in such manner that nothing else influences in between". Whoever by his own will and affection subjected to this Constitution, he was ensured the success and reward.
The mode of guidance was disclosed; and the consequence of negative response was also announced that it will render a person criminal guilty of treason:
And those people who deliberately refused to accept and publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at: unitary verbal passages of the Book:
They are the people who will be the resident subjects-companions of scorching Hell-Prison.
They will abide therein permanently. [2:39]
And whoever purposely abstained adhering My Admonition-Reference Source-Operative Manual for conduct: Book:
Thereby, certainly a straitened living-economy will be arranged for him in Hell-prison.
Take note; We will gather him on the Day of Resurrection; he will be feeling blind. [20:124]
The promise of communicating guidance was fulfilled in time and space:
A book exists for guidance-conveyance of knowledge-Life Manual for each period of time. [Ref 13:38]
Allah the Exalted obscures about which He so decides. And perpetuates that which He wills.
Take note; the Mother of the Book has been sent from His Grace. [13:39]
The time kept progressing to the final moment when the Earth and its habitants were about to be like a Global village. Therefore, it was the point in time when the entire humanity was given the Final Book, applicable and incumbent upon all irrespective of their locative geography, colour, language, lineage. This Book is to stay permanently; unlike the earlier Revealed Books given individually to the Past People, distinguished and recognized by geography and lineage.
Take note about this book: Grand Qur'aan: Our Majesty has compactly descended it. The other peculiarity assigned to it is its permanence and perpetuation.
Therefore, you people are directed to follow the Grand Qur'aan in letter and spirit in such manner that nothing else influences in between.
Moreover, remain cautious/mindful/vigilant/guarded against what is prohibited avoiding unrestrained conduct in reverence and fear of Allah the Exalted;
So that you may persistently be the recipient of mercy-salvation. [6:155]
[Recurrence: (1)6:92(2)6:155=2]
This Unitary
Verbal Passage begins with
the Recommencing/Conjunction particle. It is a
discourse coordinator that signals the speaker's
identification of an upcoming unit which is coordinate in structure to
prior unit; the information about the past history of contact of
Allah the Exalted with human beings of different time and space by
sending the Messengers and revelation of the Verbal communications-the
Revealed Book amongst different nations.
Demonstrative Pronoun: Singular; masculine,
definite, in nominative state. This is the Subject of Nominal sentence.
It refers to Grand Qur'aan.
This is the Predicate of nominal sentence.
is an indefinite noun which, in isolation, denotes
the perception of some book. This is specified and made definite by
adjectival description
a complete verbal sentence comprising verb,
subject and object. The definite singular
masculine object pronoun refers back to
which thereby corresponds to the number and gender
of the Nominal Subject. It signifies:
"We have caused the descent of this Book", "We
have sent this Book-Grand Qur'aan from an upper location downwards".
This is other adjectival description of this Book, Grand Qur'aan.
It contrasts it with all the Verbal
Communication-the Revealed Book sent in time and space prior to it
that is mentioned in the discourse. This is
Passive Participle of Form-III.
The Passive Participle used as an adjective acts
as a descriptive term. As a predicate-adjective it may serve as a verb
substitute to indicate an on-going, simultaneous, or imminent action or
state, having a meaning close to the verb in imperfect tense.
It should be remembered that except Grand
Qur'aan none of the earlier revealed books were declared as
i.e. made to stay permanently and perpetually. Those earlier books are confirmed
and sanctified by the Qur'aan as to that which were revealed therein.
This Passive Participle emanates from the Root "ب ر ك". Learned Ibn Faris
[died 1005] stated that the
basic perception infolded in it is that of ثَباتُ الشىءِ
i.e. the state of perpetuity, permanence, continuity. Other Lexicons also
narrate that this Root enfolds the basic perception of anything
that became firm, steady, steadfast or fixed; remained, continued or
stayed in a place, constantly or perseveringly.
It reflects permanence and stability
results in keeping expanding, developing and becoming more and more
prominent, obvious and popularly known.
The permanence and perpetuated characteristic of Grand Qur'aan is reiterated for the last time by adding information about the Person to whom this was revealed. This rather puts the authenticating seal upon the reported fact of peculiarity of permanence and perpetuated state of the Book for the entire time-line.
This is the Book; its peculiarity is that Our Majesty has caused its compacted revelation towards you the Messenger Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. The other peculiar characteristic assigned to it is its permanence and perpetuation-to stay for ever.
The purpose of descent of the Book is that the people might coherently pursue-critically examine-link-study its Miscellany of Unitary Verbal Passages mirroring established realities and facts.
Moreover, the objective is that the Men of Wisdom; who look into matters and conduct objectively without overlapping with emotions-prejudices-biases-whims-caprices, may at their own accord save it in memory, frequent it for reference-lesson and relate. [38:29]
By the addition of the Person who is the recipient of the Book: Operative Manual-Procedural Code of Conduct, its universality has also been emphasized since Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is declared and pronounced as the Last and the Unique Universal Messenger of Allah the Exalted for entire time-line and Global Village.
The Omnipresent, Perpetual, the Absolute is He the Exalted Who gradually communicated the Criterion to the Sincere Allegiant of Him the Exalted [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam].
The purpose of communication of the Criterion: Qur'aan is that he may retain the status of a Revivalist-Warner-Awakener for peoples in time and space - the Worlds. [25:01]
People should realize that We have not sent you: Muhammad [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] but to act as the Messenger universally for the Living Humanity.
Your role is that of the Guarantor-Conveyor of glad tidings and Revivalist-Warner-Awakener.
However, the fact remains that many of the people do not accept it-intend to recognize this fact. [34:28]
The fact that the elevated Messenger Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam and the Grand Qur'aan are persistently and perpetually the Revivalist/Awakener/Admonisher for the Humanity in time-line and Global Village has further been stressed and categorically prescribed in these simple terms:
Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam pronounced; "And this Qur'aan has verbally been communicated to me so that I may by it admonish and awaken you: my contemporaries - people in my presence and all those people whomever this Qur'aan is transmitted in time and space."
This is the address of Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam that he is the Warner/Awakener for every person whom this Qur'aan did reach. Qur'aan is to stay permanently and perpetually till the Last Day and thus he, Mohammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam is permanently and perpetually The Warner/Awakener. The Grand Qur'aan is for deliverance to Humanity in time-line and space:
This Grand Qur'aan is a delivered-transmitted conclusive proclamation for the Mankind.
The purpose is that they might get warned-admonished-awakened by it. [Refer 14:52]
Know it; We did not teach poetry to him: the Messenger [Muhammad Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam]. Nor it is befitting that he should desire learn it for himself.
This is not poetry; it is but the Reminder-Admonisher-Revivalist; and it is Qur'aan characteristically explicit: conveyor of information in succinct, individuated, distinct and crystallized manner. [36:69]
The objective is that he the Messenger may alarm him who resembled a truly alive person.
And so that the Word is established for conviction upon those who willfully and persistently refuse to accept. [36:70]
This Qur'aan is a gradual descent originating from Ar'Reh'maan Who is the Fountain of Infinite Mercy. [41:02]
It is a book of characteristic feature that it's Aa'ya'at: Unitary Verbal Passages are organized in distinct enclaves [Surat] - individuated distinguishing and exposing information in a crystallized manner.
A compilation named Qur'aan having characteristic feature of transcription in Arabic language for people characteristically in pursuit of obtaining and learning knowledge: [41:03]
Qualitatively, it is guarantor-conveyor of glad tidings and revivalist-Warner-awakener. [perpetually present in time and space].
Thereat, despite deliverance most of them after having seen the Qur'aan have purposely abstained adhering it. Thereby, they people persistently do not listen. [41:04]
People, who are purposely abstaining adhering to the Grand Qur'aan and thereby are not attentively listening it today, will regret:
Listen it; They further said: "Had we adopted the habit of listening or applying intellect-differentiating faculty we would not have been in the company of residents of scorching temperature of Hell-Prison" [67:10]
Thus they consciously confessed the guilt of their sin; resultantly condemnation is for the residents of the scorching Hell-Prison. [67:11]
If we are not deaf and blind we must have heard the painful regrets of these people; and visualized the extremely sad expressions on their faces while reading these superbly imaging verbal passages. And if we have seen and listened what has happened on the Day of Judgment with these people and the cause confessed, let us become good listeners and apply intellect to differentiate between the words and facts narrated by the Qur'aan and the conjectural stories and myths which are the talk of the town. The only criterion for evaluation and judgment and success in the examination/trial is solely the Book, Aa'ya'at of Allah: the Qur'aan. We have still the time; let us become wise to escape joining their company whom we have just heard.
Main Page/Index
Word by Word
Grammar of Arabic of Grand Qur'aan